2012南昌市英语第一次中考模拟试题 - 图文

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一. 听力测试(20分)

A) 听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(5分) 1. A . Lucy and I are twin sisters .

B. My brother and I love the city very much . C. We are in the same class.

2. A. What can you see in the picture ? B. Does she look like her father ?

C. How many kites are there in the sky ? 3. A. There is a picture of my friend on the wall. B. Jack is up there in the tree with Bill. C. Let’s go and have a look.

4. A. You can give the dictionary back next Monday. B. I must go to the shop near our school playground. C. I’m afraid I may be a little late for the concert. 5. A. It’s better to do some reading on rainy days.

B. What do you think of the workers in the supermarket? C. We use dollars and cents when talking about the prices.




. 8.



C) 在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。


11. A .They will go boating . B. They will go for a walk . C. They will go fishing. D. They will go to a park. 12. A. To the Weishan Lake. B. To the Yellow River. C. To the North River. D. To Yellow Stone Park. 13. A. At 7:30 in the morning. B. At 6 o’clock in the morning. C. At about 12 o’clock. D. At three o’clock in the afternoon . 14. A. Near their school . B. Near the supermarket. C. On the other side of the street . D. At the end of the Luoyuan Street .

15 .A. Have a picnic . B. Have a swim . C. Do some shopping . D. Go hiking .


16. A .Eighteen. B. Eight . C. Ten . D. Twelve. 17. A. Running . B. Football C. Tennis . D. Volleyball . 18. A. At 1:30 . B. At 2:00 . C. At 2:30 . D. At 4:00 19. A. His ball was too dirty . B. He fell on the ground . C. The water was dirty . D. He didn’t wash his hands . 20. A. To write some words on the blackboard . B. To clean the blackboard with an eraser . C. To show his right hand to the class . D. To show his left hand to him . 二.根据音标选择正确的单词(5分)

( ) 21 .We’re looking for a /'kwa??t / place to go on vacation

A. quite B. quiet C. quick

( ) 22 .Don’t make any / n?iz / here . A. noise B. noisy C. voice

( ) 23. He likes / mju:'zi??nz / who play different kinds of music. A .music B .musician C .musicians ( ) 24 .We are / ter?fa?d / of going out at night . A terrified B .terrify C. terrifying ( ) 25. Don’t make / mis'teiks / next time.

A .mistook B. mistakes C. misses

三.单项选择 (30分) ( ) 26.It’s impolite ______ others .

A . to laugh B. laughing C. to laugh at ( )27.–How does he study _______ a test ? -He studies _______ listening to tapes . A . for , for B . to , by C . for , by ( )28 . Reading books _______ better than watching TV. A . is B . are C . do ( )29 . The ______ news made them _______ .

A.excited , exciting B . exciting ,excited C excited , excited

( )30 . My sister was afraid ______ out at night , because she was afraid ______ dogs . A . of going ,to B . to go , of C .to go , to ( )31 . We should _______a good idea .

A. come up with B. catch up with C. get along well with ( )32 . My son _______ short ,but now he is tall .

A . used to do B . used to be C . used to doing ( )33 . Don’t leave the room ______ the light on . A . with B . about C. for

( )34 .I don t know if it ___tomorrow. If it _____, I will read at home . A rains ;will rain B. will rain ;will rain C. will rain ;rains ( )35 . _______ people lost their homes.

A . Million B . Millions of C . One million of ( )36 . I will get my hair ______ tomorrow . A . cut B . cutted C . will cut

( )37 . Sixteen-year-olds shouldn’t _______ to go an Internet bar . A . be allowed B . are allowed C . allow ( )38. My parents _______ me ______ my study. A .aren’t strict with ,in B . aren’t strict with ,of

C . is strict with , in

( ) 39 .-I failed the math exam again .

- _______ .

A So do I B . So I do C . So did I ( ) 40 . ________ present , our vacations are too short . A . At B . on C . From ( ) 41. To her ______, the dog came back two days ago. A. surprised B. surprising C surprise

( ) 42 .I don’t have a presents .____ everyone else brings a present ? A. what B. what if C. how ( ) 43 .--Do you feel lonely here ?

--No, I don’t . Because I have__________ friends here . A. a lot B. lot of C. plenty of ( ) 44. This book ___________ last month . A. comes out B. is come out C. came out ( ) 45. It gives advice _________ what to write next . A. in B. at C. on

( ) 46. –Listen ! Mary is singing in the next room . --It______ be Mary . She has gone to Beijing . A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t ( ) 47. –Must I take my camera ,Lily ? --No ,you _______. I’ll take one .

A. to take B. mustn’t C. needn’t ( ) 48 . I went to a place _______ Dalian A. call B. called c. is called

( ) 49 . I prefer running to _________ basketball every morning . A. playing B. play C. playing the ( ) 50 . I love people__________ are friendly to others . A. which B. whose C. who ( ) 51. I want to ______my health .

A. take care B. take care of C. look at ( ) 52 . – Do you enjoy traveling by air ? --No , it’s __________ expensive .

A. too much B. much too C. more much ( ) 53 . She can hardly speak a word , ________ ? A. doesn’t she B. can she C. can’t she ( ) 54. The work is so difficult that I don’t know ___________ it . A . what to do B . how to do C .what can do ( )55 . If I _________ you , I_______ them the story .

A. was , tell B .were , will tell C . were , would tell


Zhao Ruirui , a ___56___ volleyball player , was 1.97 meters in __57___ .She was the tallest player in the Woman’s Volleyball World Cup . What’s more , she was also the Cup’s ___58___ player ! She attacked (进攻)quickly , scored ___59___ points, and was a great striker.

―Though she’s young , __60____ she’s already an excellent attacker ‖ ,says Chen Zhonghe , the team’s coach(教练) .

Being tall sometimes makes her life __61____ .The __62____ girl finds it hard to buy trousers long enough . Still , she would never want to be shorter . ―It’s a pity that I can’t grow any _63_____ ,‖ She says ,‖ If I ___64__ even taller , I would be a better player .‖ If there were two players like her in the team , no team _65____ beat us .

( ) 56. A .women B. woman C .women’s D. womens’ ( ) 57 . A .high B. tall C. height D. weight ( ) 58 . A .best B. the best C. a best D. an best ( ) 59 . A. a lot B. lots of C. lots D. a lots of ( ) 60 . A. but B. and C.\\ D. also ( ) 61 . A. easy B. difficult C. hardly D. easily ( ) 62 . A. 22-year old B.22 years old

C. 22-year-old D.22-year-olds

( ) 63 . A. tall B. tallest C. taller D. the tallest ( ) 64 . A. am B. were C. are D. was ( ) 65 . A. will B. may C. would D. could 五.阅读理解 ( 15 分 )


Father’s Day

Everyone celebrates Father’s Day a bit differently , but if you are looking for something a bit different ,here are some things or ways you might consider .

Flowers---Yes! If you know your dad has a special , then a bunch ( 一束 )of flowers would be nice .If you are unsure what type of flowers , then a rose ( 玫瑰 )will let him know your care .

Handmade Card \\Picture --- It doesn’t matter if you’re 28 or 48 , a handmade card or note from the heart speaks more of your feelings than the things you buy from the store .

Home Cooking --- Give mom the day off as well and invite them both over for a good home cooked meal .But remember today is not the day to test out that new recipe .Play it safe ( 慎重行事 )and stick to ( 贴近 )dad’s taste .

Dinner --- If you’re not the home cooking type , then nothing is better than being treated ( 招待 )to a tasty meal at a nice restaurant surrounded ( 围绕 )by the ones you love . It doesn’t have to be anywhere fancy (考究的) ,depending on your dad ;it could be the neighborhood dinner .

66. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage .

A . Flowers B . A watch C . A handmade note D. A handmade card

67. According to the passage ,we can infer (推测 ) ________ might often cook at home .

A .son B .mom C .dad D .daughter 68 .What does the writer advise you to do on Father’s Day ?

A .You must take your father to a fancy restaurant B .You should test out a new recipe . C .You have to buy a tie for your father .

D .You can buy your father a single rose to show your care . 69. Which statement is NOT true ?

A. If you are 38 , you can’t make a card for your father .

B.A handmade card expresses more your feelings than the things from the store . C. It’s a good idea to invite both of your parents for a home cooked meal . D. You should cook the food your father likes best . 70.If you are not home cooking type ,you may _________ .

A . buy some food from a restaurant B .ask your mother to cook . C .treat your father at a restaurant . D .learn from a cook .


If you live in the United States , the law ( 法律 ) says you can’t have a full—time job until you are 16 years old . At 14 or 15 ,you can work part—time after school or on weekends ,and during summer you can work 40 hours each week .Does all that mean that if you are under 14 ,you can’t earn ( 赚 ) your own money ? Of course not ! Kids who are between the ages of 10 and 13 can ear money by doing lots of things . Valerie , 11 , told us that she made money by cleaning up other people’s yards . Lena ,13 ,makes money by knitting ( 织 )dog sweaters and selling them to her neighbors , and Rissa said she had started taking art classes and showing her work to people .People have asked her to draw pictures for them and they pay her for them . Jasmine , 13, writes articles for different magazines !

Earning is learning .By working to earn your own money , you are learning the skills you will need to succeed in life . These skills can include things like getting along with others ,using technology ( 技术 ) and using your time . Some people think that asking for money is a lot easier than earning it ; however ,when you make your own money ,you don’t have to depend on someone else . The five dollars that you earn will probably make you feel a lot better in your hand than the twenty dollars you ask for .

71.Kids can have full—time jobs at the age of __________ in the USA .

A .17 B . 14 C.13 D .10

72. If you are 15 years old ,you can’t work ___________ . A .after school B . on weekend C .during summer D .on weekdays 73.Rissa makes money by __________ . A . cleaning up other people’s yards . B .drawing pictures for others .

C .writing articles for different magazines .

D .knitting dog sweaters and selling them for her neighbors . 74. According to the passage , which of the following is not true ? A. You are learning how to succeed by working in your teens . B .Kids are encouraged to live independently in the USA .

C .Earning one’s money is better than asking for money from others D .Kids don’t need to get along with others when making money . 75. From the passage we know that _________ .

A .parents won’t let their children earn their own money B .it’s hard of kids under 14 years old to earn money in the USA C .kids can learn skills if they try to earn money on their own D .if kids try to earn money ,they won’t have enough time to study


Jeans Two Americans ,Jacob Divis and Levi Strauss , made the first jeans in 1923 . Divis told Levi that he had a special way to make strong clothing for workmen .The first jeans were blue .In 1935 jeans became fashionable ( 时髦的 ) for women after they saw them in Vogue ,a magazine .In the 1990s ,Calvin Klein earned $12.5 million a week from jeans .

Television A Scotsman ,John Logie Baird,sent the first television picture on October 25 , 1905 . The first thing on television was a boy who worked in the office next to Baird’s workroom in London . In 1929 , Baird sent pictures from London to Glasgow . In 1940 he sent pictures to New York , and also produced the first color TV pictures .

Aspirin ( 阿斯匹林) Felix Hofman ,a 29-year-old chemist who worked for the German company Bayer , invented the drug aspirin in March 1879 . He gave the first aspirin to his father for his arthritis ( 关节炎 ) . By 1940 it was the best-selling painkiller (止痛药) in the world , and in 1969 the Apollo astronauts took it to the moon .The Spain philosopher(哲学家) Jose Ortegay Gasset called the 20th century ― The Age of Aspirin “. 76. At first ,jeans were made for ___________ .

A .farmers B .workmen C .women D .young men 77. Jeans are trousers which are __________ .

A . strong B .blue C . fashionable D .all of the above 78. The first television picture was sent in ___________ .

A . 1929 B . 1940 C .1950 D .1905

79. Hofman gave the first aspirin to __________ . A .his mother B .his father C .the Apollo astronauts D .a philosopher

80. What does the underlined word ― best-selling ― mean in Chinese ? A.最后的 B. 最畅销的 C. 最新的 D.特价的 六.补全对话。 (5分)

Mary: Sally! You are going to watch a volleyball match tomorrow afternoon, aren’t you? Sally: Yes. (81)________

Mary: Of course, I do. (82)_________ Sally: Oh! I have two tickets here. (83)_______

Mary: That’s great. (84)______.But where is the match going to be? Sally: At the Capital Stadium.(85)______. We’d better take a bus there. Mary: OK. See you. Sally: See you.

81. A. You want to go , don’t you? B. I want to go. C. They want to go. D. She wants to go. 82. A. but I got only one ticket. B. but the ticket is cheap. C. but I haven’t got the ticket. D. but she hasn’t got the ticket. 83. A. I can’t give you the ticket. B. You can have the two tickets. C. I can let you have one. D. I have no more tickets.

84. A. You have to stay at home. B. Thank you very much. C. You are welcome. D. I can stay at home. 85. A. We can ride a bike to go there. B. It’s quite far from here.

C. It’s only about ten minutes’ walk. D. Where is it?



My grandfather has lived Red Star Town all his life .He met my

grandmother there and they got married . Red Star Town was called Taiping Village before. When the Red Star Town underground station was built , the government started to pull down the wooden houses in this area. Since June 2000 ,Taping Village has become a history .

My grandfather missed many things about Taiping Village . ( 1 ) He used to be a doctor and everyone in the village knew him well . Now he is old and he can only sell medicine to people in the hospital . In the past , there were many stone and wooden house around here . Also, there were big trees in the village . ( 2 ) 现在到处是高楼 。The streets are wild and clean .There are all kinds of shops and you can buy anything you want easily .

My grandfather is glad that life has improved so much , but he really misses everything in the past and feels lonely . Many of his friends moved away because the government let them live in new towns . Although the village has disappeared(消失), ( 3 ) is , in , it , heart , still , his , beautiful . A) 根据短文内容,回答下面问题。

86. How










Town ?___________________________________________. 87. When did Taiping Village become Red Star Town ? In _________________________________________.

B) 根据短文内容,翻译下列句子 。


————————————————————————。 89.将短文(2)的句子翻译成英语。

————————————————————————. C)将短文(3)处的单词连成一个完整的句子。 90. it is ____________________________________ . 八.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。(10分) ( A ) to dinner unhappy even what Last Friday afternoon Jack and Mike had a Chinese class. When the teacher was reading the text ___91___ the class , he found Jack drawing a picture on a piece of paper . So he stopped to

ask, ―Jack, what do you usually do after ___92__ ?‖ Without thinking ,Jack answered , ―Go to sleep‖ .The teacher was ___93___ but could say nothing .Just then he found Mike talking with anther boy .He was getting __94__ angrier now .So he asked, ―What about you , Mike?‖ Because he was talking , he didn’t know __95___ the question was. He answered in a loud voice. ― So do I.‖

91.______ 92.______ 93. _____94. ______95. _______ ( B )


hear borrow fall do read John likes reading very much . His father has a library and the boy reads most of the books in it . So he often ___96____ books from the school library . He reads books when he is free and does nothing but reading at home on weekends . Once he even read a novel in class because it was very interesting .Of course he couldn’t __97____ what the teacher said . So he ___98___ behind . The headmaster had a talk with him and told him not ___99_____ novels in class . At last , he realized that he was wrong and said ― I’m sorry , I won’t __100_____ it again .‖ And now he reads books after he finishes doing all his homework .

96. _______97. ________ 98. _______99. ________ 100. _______ 九.句型转换。(5分)

101. He used to study by working with friends. (划线提问) _______ ______ he ________ to study? 102. Many people can speak English now. (被动语态) English can ______ _______ by many people. 103. I would rather stay at home than go out. (同义句) I _______ staying at home _______ going out. 104. That car must be his. (同义句) That car _______ ________ him.

105. I don't like the food. The food is bad for us.(合成一句) I don't kike the food _______ is bad for us. 十.完成句子。(5分)

106. 这幅画使我想起了我的童年。

The picture _______ me ______ my hometown. 107. 我不能忍受太吵的音乐。

I _______ _______ music that is too loud.

108. 他的爱好有时妨碍他的学习。

His hobby sometimes _______ ______ the way of his study. 109. Jim因为生病退学了。

Jim left school ________ ______ his illness. 110. 我们应该集中精力学习。

We should _______ ______ our study 十一.书面表达。(10分)

假如你叫John,是个中学生,非常喜欢音乐,经常收听音乐节目。请你用英语给节目主持人Mr li写封信,谈谈你的感受。包括以下写作内容,可适当发挥。


1. like the program very much; make……happy

2. be busy with study, be tired; turn on the radio ;relax oneself 3. like listening to English songs; learn lots of new words in them. 4. like ―Dance, Dance, Dance‖ best; want to get the lyrics

Dear Mr. Li ,

I’m a middle school student , ____________________ _____ ______________________________________________________


Yours sincerely John



二.单项选择:21-25: BACAB;

三. 26-30: CCABB; 31-35:ABACB; 36-40: AAACA

41-45: CBCCA; 46-50: ACBAC;51-55:BBBBC 四.完形填空:56-60:BCABC; 61-65: BCCBC 五.阅读理解: 66-70: BBDAC 71-75:ADBDC 76-80: BDDBB 六.补全对话:81-85:ACCDB

七.86:Since he was born . 87:In June 2000 . 88:他曾经是一位医生,村里的每个人都对他很熟悉 。 89:Now high building are here and there . 90: it is still beautiful in his heart .

八.91.to 92.dinner 93. unhappy 94. even 95. what

96. borrows 97. hear 98.fell 99.to read 100.do 九.句型转换

1. How did use 2. be spoken 3. preferred to 4. belongs to 5. that 十.完成句子

1. reminds of 2.can’t stand 3. gets in 4. because of 5. concentrate on

