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9B Unit 1 Saving the earth


章节分析(Reading section ) (一)综述



1 对课文进行整体阅读。培养学生略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、

细读(分析篇章结构,概括中心)等的阅读技能。 2 结合课文内容,引导学生谈谈和写作如何做到保护环境,提高保护环境意识。 (二)单元目标 1. 知识与能力:

学习课文中重点单词、词组、句型和语法;了解课文大意。 学会使用 as..as 来比较物品和事情 动词ing的多种使用形式

提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。通过阅读准备(收集与树木作用、污染有关的资料)、略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理相关信息)等方式,培养学生理解能力,信息处理能力,思维能力,继续培养学生阅读能力。 2. 过程与方法

采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过比较、归纳、讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。 3.情感态度与价值观

让学生认识到保护环境的重要性,并决定为环保出一份力,做绿色环保者。 (三)重点和难点

壮语从句so?that 和so that

First Period

Teaching aids: 1. Students‘ Book 2. cassette player

New words and expressions:

1. green consumer 绿色消费者 2. in danger 处于危险中 3. global warming 全球变暖

4. vital 致命的,重要的 5. save the earth 拯救地球 6. first of all 首先

7. threat 危险,危害,威胁 8. environment 环境 9. the Greenhouse Effect 温室效应 10.imagine 想象,设想 11.atmosphere 大气 12.fuel 燃料

13.keep?from 阻止?做某事 14.warmth 温暖,暖和 15.lifeless 无生命的


16.pollute 污染 17.chemical 化学药品

18.in the form of gases 以气态的形式存在 19.keep in 抑制,保留 20.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 21.environmentally friendly 环保的 22.petrol 汽油

23.level 水平,水准 24.drown 淹死 Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation

1. Warming up and introduction of the topic:

Tell students something about the cartoon. The joke is a pun on the two meanings of the word ‘green’. ‘Hi’ has told ‘Lo’ to become green, meaning that he should care for the environment. But ‘Lo’ has misunderstood the advice from his friend, and has painted himself the colour green.

The word ‘green’ has become associated with things which are friendly to the environment. It is now regularly used about products, action groups and policies 2. Ask the students the following questions:

a) T: What is happening to the ozone layer?

S: Huge holes have appeared over the North and South Poles. b) T: What will the bad effects of cutting down trees be?

S: There will be more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. S: There will be fewer animals and plants. S: Many areas will become deserts. S: The earth will become warmer.

c) T: What should we do with our rubbish?

S: Sort it out and recycle glass, plastic, paper and metal.

d) T: If you look after the environment, what colour do we say you are?

S: Green.

3. Look and think:

a) This exercise shows the students how to approach a new text, learning as

much as possible about it before a detailed study.

b) Let the students work in pairs to complete the exercise, and then ask some

pairs to report their answers to the class.

4. Read the new words. Ⅱ While-task procedure

1. Listen to the tape recording of the first passage

2. Listen and repeat it sentence by sentence after the recording. 3. Explain some new words and expressions on the reading. 1) green consumer: 绿色消费者

consumer: (解释)a person who buys or uses something, customer (词性转换)v: consume

(例句)The consumers complained about the poor quality of the

electronic products.

2) situation 情况,状况

(例句)I’m afraid the situation is very serious. 3) in danger: 处于危险中 danger: 危险

(词性转换)adj: dangerous 4) vital: 致命的,重要的


(解释) essential, very important

(词性转换)adv: vitally

(例句)1. It’s vital that we do something to save the earth. 2. Oxygen is vital for life. 5) save the earth: 拯救地球 save: 拯救,搭救

(词性转换)adj: safe n: safety adv: safely 6) first of all: 首先

(例句)First of all, let’s invite Mr Wilson to give us a speech. 7) threat: 危险,危害,威胁


(词性转换)v: threaten威胁, 恐吓

(例句)1. The threat of war has depressed business activity. 2. He took no notice of his father’s threat. 3. What are the threats to the environment?

4. Corruption and crime are serious threats to any society. 8) environment: 环境

(解释)the natural world around us, surrounding

(例句)If we destroy our environment, we will destroy ourselves. 9) the Greenhouse Effect 温室效应 10)imagine: 想象,设想

(解释)make a picture of something in your mind

(词性转换)n: imagination

(例句)1. He imagines that people don’t believe him. 2. I can’t imagine what he looks like. 11)atmosphere: 大气

(解释)the mixture of gases which are around the earth

(例句)1.The rocket went up through the atmosphere and into space. 2. The atmosphere covers the whole earth. 12)act: 生效,发生作用

(解释)do sth. or behave in a certain way

(词性转换)n:action, actor, actress adj: active (例句)Does the drug take long to act? 13)keep?from: 阻止?做某事

(例句)She tried to keep me from seeing the letter. 14)warmth: 温暖,暖和


(词性转换)adj: warm

(例句)She felt the warmth of the sun on her face. 15)lifeless: 无生命的

(解释)without any form of life, dead

(例句)We think that Mars is a lifeless planet.

16)pollute: 污染

(解释)make something dirty, unpleasant or dangerous

(词性转换)n: pollution

You can see the pollution on this beach. (例句)1. Your smoking is polluting the air in this room.

2. The stadium lights polluted the sky around the observatory. 17)chemical: 化学药品

(词性转换)n: chemistry 化学

18)in the form of gases: 以气态的形式存在


19)keep in: 抑制,保留

20)carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳 21)fuel: 燃料 22)petrol: 汽油

23)level: 水平,水准

(例句)1. The garden is arranged on two levels.

2. I finally found my own level in the business world. 24)drown: 淹死

(解释)kill by covering with water

(词性转换)n: drowner

(例句)1. Some plants will drown if you water them too much. 2. Don’t play by the river in case you fall in and drown.

4. Read the reading together. 5. T or F

1) It’s not vital that we do something to save the earth. F 2) The atmosphere is essential to us. T

3) We are polluting our earth with chemicals, so our atmosphere is changing. T 4) The Greenhouse Effect is harmful to the earth. T 6. Ask and answer:

1) What’s around our earth? What is it like?

2) What would happen if there is no atmosphere around the earth? 3) Why is the atmosphere changing ?

4) What should we do to deal with the problem? Ⅲ Post-task activity

1)ask students to say something about the importance of the atmosphere 基本要求 2)say in your own words what the job of the atmosphere is 提高要求

3).Ask some students to describe what greenhouse effect is in their own words. And draw a diagram to help you retell the text if you can .提高要求 Consolidation:

1. Read the reading after the tape recording 基本要求. 2. Recite the new words and expressions 基本要求

3. write an article about what causes the greenhouse effect and what happened to the earth

because of the greenhouse effect 拓展要求 Sum up:


Second Period

Teaching aims:

To review the first passage of the reading

1. To learn the second part of reading and let students master some words and expressions

2. To tell the students about the environment, threats to the environment from pollution and how

we can protect the environment. Teaching aids: 1. Students‘ Book 2. Cassette player

New words and expressions:

1. damage 损害,伤害 2. the ozone layer 臭氧层

3. occur 发生,出现,存在 4. protective 保护的,防护的 5. burn up 烧起来,烧掉


6. CFC 氟里昂

7. a spray can 喷雾器,喷雾罐 8. destruction 破坏,毁坏,毁灭 9. rain forest 热带雨林 10.take in 吸收

11.erosion 腐蚀,侵蚀 12.flooding 洪水泛滥 13.throw away 扔掉

14.massive 大规模的,大量的 15.do with 对付,处理 16.billion 十亿 Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation 1. Have a dictation.

Around the earth ,there is atmosphere, which lets the sunlight in and keeps the warmth from getting out. It is essential for all living things. Without it, the Earth would be as lifeless and cold as the surface of the moon.

The greenhouse effect is happening because people are using many chemicals in the form of gases and they are polluting the atmosphere around our earth. The gases are mainly CO2 carbon dioxide, which are produced by burning fuels. 2. Read the first part of the reading.

3. Ask the students the following questions about the first part of reading.

a) T: Is it vital that we do something to save the earth? S: Yes.

b) T: What is essential to all living things?

S: The atmosphere.

c) T: Why is our atmosphere changing?

S: Because we are polluting it with chemicals. d) T: How are carbon dioxide produced?

S: By burning fuels such as petrol.

e) T: What may the Greenhouse Effect cause?

S: To cause the level of the sea to rise and drown cities and even whole countries.

4. Read the new words. Ⅱ While-task procedure

1.Listen to the tape recording of part two

2.Listen and repeat it sentence by sentence after the recording. 3. Explain some new words and expressions on the reading. 1) damage: 损害,伤害

(解释) harm or hurt, especially to things

(例句)The storm did a lot of damage to the crops. 2) the ozone layer: 臭氧层 layer: 层,涂层

(解释)covering, thickness

(例句)1.When it is cold, you need an extra layer of clothes. 2.This cake has a layer of chocolate in the middle. 3) occur: 发生,出现,存在 (解释)exist, happen

(例句)1. If an earthquake occurs in California, many people may die. 2. The accident occurred at five o’clock. 3. Such plants don’t occur here.


4) protective: 保护的,防护的

(解释) that prevents sb./sth. from being damaged or harmed (词性转换)v: protect n: protection

(例句)She is too protective towards her son. 5) burn up: 烧起来,烧掉

(例句)Without the ozone layer, the sun would burn us up. 6) CFC: 氟里昂

7) a spray can: 喷雾器,喷雾罐 8) destruction: 破坏,毁坏,毁灭

(解释) destroying or being destroyed, damage (词性转换)adj: destructive

(例句)1. The fire caused the destruction of my books.

2. The war brought death and destruction to the death. 9) rain forest: 热带雨林 10) take in: 吸收

(例句)People take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. 11) erosion: 腐蚀,侵蚀

(解释) wearing away, gradual destruction

(例句)Sand is created by the erosion of rocks. 12) flooding: 洪水泛滥 13) throw away: 扔掉

14) massive: 大规模的,大量的

(解释) huge, very big, with a large mass (词性转换)n: mass

(例句)1. I’ve got a massive amount of work to do.

2. We must make massive efforts to improve things. 15) do with: 对付,处理=deal with, handle

(例句)We do not know what to do with the rubbish and it pollutes our land and


16) billion: 十亿 e.g. billions of

4. Read the reading together. 5. T or F

1) The ozone layer forms an essential protective layer around the earth. T 2) Using too many CFCs is not bad for us F

3) The burning and cutting down of trees is making the Greenhouse Effect better.


4) Each of us should become green consumers. T Ⅲ Post-task activity

Ask some students to retell the reading with their own words. Consolidation:

1. Read the reading after the tape recording. 基本要求 2. Recite the new words and expressions. 基本要求

3. Write something about how people are damaging the ozone layer and what people should do

拓展要求 Sum up:




Third Period Teaching aims:

1. To review the reading

2. To understand the sequence of events. 3. To improve the students‘ ability of listening. Teaching aids: 3. Students‘ Book 4. Cassette player Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation 1. Have a dictation. 2. Read the reading.

3. Ask the students the following questions about the second part of reading.

a) T: Is it vital that we do something to save the earth? S: Yes.

b) T: What is essential to all living things?

S: The atmosphere.

c) T: Why is our atmosphere changing?

S: Because we are polluting it with chemicals. d) T: How are carbon dioxide produced?

S: By burning fuels such as petrol.

e) T: What may the Greenhouse Effect cause?

S: To cause the level of the sea to rise and drown cities and even whole countries.

4. Complete Exercise B

To check on comprehension. Ⅱ While-task procedure

1. Complete Exercise C

a) Ask the students to use all the clues they can find to help them complete

these exercises. They should not be allowed to use the dictionaries. b) Complete Exercise C1, tell the students to decide which part of speech

they are looking for the right answer. The paragraphs where the answers can be found in the article are given in brackets.

c) Tell the students to use the words they have found in Exercise C1 to

complete the sentences in Exercise C2 meaningfully.

d) Exercise C3 combines the skills practiced in Exercises C1 and C2. Tell

the students to follow the same procedure and to complete the exercise. The paragraphs where the words can be found in the article are given in brackets.

2. Complete Exercise D

This exercise tests comprehension by seeing if the students can

recognize the information from the article when it is slightly reworded. As the choice of answers is either/or, ask students to justify their answers by referring to the passage.

3. Complete listening.

1) This exercise gives students practice in listening carefully and matching the

information they hear with a set of pictures. In each set, they must put the three pictures in the order in which the events happened.

2) This exercise is useful practice for sharpening students‘ attention and forcing them to

listen carefully. They should listen in particular for time expressions, which will help them in this exercise.



1.Read the reading after the tape recording.基本要求 2.Review the new words and expressions.基本要求

3.Ask students to make a small quiz with the words and phrases in the C Vocabulary Sum up:


Fourth Period Teaching aims:

1. To review the reading

2. To learn the sentence why and because, (not) as? as 3. To compare things with like, the same as, different from Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation

1. Have a dictation. 2. Read the reading Ⅱ While-task procedure 1. A why and because

1)The uses of why include:

a) To ask for reasons

e.g. Why are you late for school today?

b) Why + infinitive : to suggest that an action is pointless

e.g. Why waste your time on that?

c) Why not and why don‘t you: to make suggestions

e.g. Why not go and see him?

Why don‘t you buy a new one?

d) Why didn‘t you : to suggest criticism or complaint

e.g. Why didn‘t you come earlier?

e) Why can be used after the reason.

e.g. The reason why he came was that he was lonely.

2)Read the example with the class and then ask them to complete Exercise A1

3)After the oral practice of Exercise A1. Exercise A2 can be done as a written exercise. 2. B Using (not) as ? as to compare things

1) Read through the example and instructions with the class. Then tell the students to prepare

the answers to Exercise B1, which they can give you orally a few minutes later.

2) Tell the students to refer to the chart on page 7 to find the necessary information to complete

the statement in Exercise B2.

3. C Comparing things with like, the same as, different from

1) Read the examples and the introduction in the Student‘s Book with the class. 2) Like is a prep. and must be followed by a noun, pronoun or gerund. 3) Pay attention to the difference between the prep. like and the verb like.

4) Go through Exercise C1 with the students, stressing that the words are used to compare or

contrast two things. Let the students write out their answers. 5) Using the same and difference:

a) Read the text carefully with the students and explain the use of the same and different. b) Students should work in pairs. They should take it in turns to ask and answer questions.

The person asking the question should name something in the pictures and ask if it is the same in both. Students can follow the model dialogues provided.

6) Using the same as with nouns and phrases

a) Read the text with the class, and then let the students continue in pairs to complete

Exercise C3.

b) Exercise C4 asks the students to choose between the same, the same as and different as

well as using the information from Exercise C3.



1.Read the reading after the tape recording.基本要求 2.Review the new words and expressions. 基本要求 3.Finish WorkBook. P1-4基本要求

4.Ask some students to make a small quiz with the phrase‖as…as‖拓展要求 Sum up:




Fifth Period

Teaching aims:

1. To express preferences and reasons

2. To conduct a survey and report the results Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation 1.Have a dictation.

2.Review the use of ‖as…as‖ Ⅱ While-task procedure A Talk time

1. Tell the students to express statements of general preference with I prefer, but that this may be considered slightly rude as it is very direct.

2. The use of the modal would makes the statement more polite. e.g. Shall we have chicken? Well, I‘d prefer duck.

3. Rather can be used in a similar way to prefer to, although it never occurs without would. Rather must be followed by another verb, unlike prefer.

e.g. Shall we have chicken? Well, I‘d rather have duck.

4. Read the text and the dialogue with the class and then answer the questions in Exercise A1 with them.

5. Ask the students to complete A2 in pairs. Ⅲ Post-task activity B Speak up

1. For exercise B1, divide the class into groups of about 5 or 6 students, and let one student conduct the whole survey.

2. One student can ask about each item.

3. For exercise B2, some of the students doing the survey can stand up and report their results to the class. The weaker students can communicate their results to the class according to the model example.

4. Ask a student to write the information on the board, and aggregate the information from all of the groups.


1. Recite the new words and expressions. 基本要求 2. Finish Work Book .p5-7基本要求

3. write some sentences using the adverbial clauses 拓展要求 Sum up:

本课时是单元内的Language部分,利用课件引领学生学会使用 as..as 来比较物品和事情,告诉学生英语把此叫做同级比较,否定的同级比较可以和比较级之间进行替换;除此之外动词ing的多种使用形式也是本单元邀帮助学生归纳整理的重要内容。


Sixth Period

Teaching aims:

1. To answer a questionnaire Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation 1.Have a dictation.

2.Review the use of ―as..as‖ adverbial clauses Ⅱ While-task procedure Listening

1. Look at the pictures and think about the order of them Note: the clock ,

2. Listen and number the pictures in the order that the events happened 3. check the answers Ⅲ Post-task activity

Listen again and try to retell the stories one by one Consolidation:

1. Recite the new words and expressions.基本要求 2.Write one story in the listening 拓展要求 Sum up:


Seventh Period Teaching aims:

1. To write a letter about environmental problems

2. To practice the important skill of writing letters to officials. Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure: ⅠPre-task preparation .Have a dictation.

Ⅱ While-task procedure Writing

1. Divide the class into groups. You may wish to trying arranging the groups according to where

the students live, so that they can discuss things which they all know about.

2. To do Exercise A1, the groups will have to think carefully about one particular area. The notes

on the four types of pollution should help students.

3. When each group has chosen three problems, as started in Exercise A2, they should make

brief notes about them. Then they should read through Exercise A2 and plan their letters. They can discuss this in their groups.

4. Students should work alone to write their letters, following the plan given in Exercise A2. Ⅲ Post-task activity

Ask the students to discuss the following topics: 1. acid rain 2. biodegradable 3. renewable Consolidation:

1.Recite the new words and expressions.基本要求

2.Write an article about the environment 拓展/基础 (根据字数) Sum up:



Eighth Period

Teaching aims:

To improve the students‘ ability of reading. Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation 1. Have a dictation. 2. Learn some words. 1) smog 烟雾

2)mask 面具

3)breathing problem 呼吸问题 4) remind 提醒 5) effect 影响

Ⅱ While-task procedure

1. read the text of ― millions of trees on fire ―

2. Listen to the recording again and try to read after it 3. Ask students to skim the text.

4. Ask students to complete these exercises individually. 5. Check the answers. Post –task Progress file 1 Consolidation:

1.Recite the text and translate.基本要求

2.write a short article about the text 拓展要求

Unit 2 Life in the future


章节分析(Reading section ) (一)综述

本单元是关于未来生活的三个方面 假期 房子 车辆。主要体现了科技的进步,更加环保,生活更轻松 健康。学生通过阅读和分析,培养学生对未来的想象力,让他们有更大的想象力和创新力。 本课的任务有两个:

3 对课文进行整体阅读。培养学生略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、


4 结合课文内容,引导学生谈谈和写作未来生活的特点,着重“住与行”。 (二)单元目标 1. 知识与能力:

学习课文中重点单词、词组、句型和语法;了解课文大意。 学会使用过去进行时 来描述过去的某个时刻正在做的事情。 提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。通过阅读准备(收集未来生活中海底旅馆,未来房子的特点,未来车辆的资料)、略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理相关信息)等方式,培养学生理解能力,信息处理能力,思维能力,继续培养学生阅读能力。 2. 过程与方法

采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过比较、归纳、讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。 3.情感态度与价值观


让学生对未来的生活开展想象力,从而提高学生的想象力和创新能力。 (三)重点

New words and expressions: 1. recommend 推荐 2. hot tip 好建议

3. completely =spotlessly 彻底地 4. shopping mall 大型购物中心 5. designer 设计师 6. satisfied 满意的 7. cabinet 储藏柜 8. hydrogen 氢气 9. satellite 卫星 10. navigation 导航

11. windscreen 挡风玻璃 12. ahead of 在。。。前面 13. feel good 感觉愉快 14. get a view of 观看 15. guilty 内疚的

(四)难点 过去进行时

First Period

Teaching aids: 3. Students‘ Book 4. cassette player Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation

4. Warming up and introduction of the topic:

Tell students something about the cartoon. The joke is a talk about what things are like in an underwater hotel.

5. Ask the students the following questions:

a) T: How do you feel if you live in a underwater hotel? b) T: What will a future underwater hotel be like?

S: big amazing ,interesting

c) What can children in that kind of hotel?

S: play games ,fish, swim

6. What do you know about..:

a) This exercise introduces the topic of the text and lets S think about the life

in the future

b) Make sure the Ss understand the unique characters about the hotel, the car

and the house

4. Read the new words. Ⅱ While-task procedure

4. Listen to the tape recording of the first passage about the Magic Hotel 5. Listen and repeat it sentence by sentence after the recording. 6. Explain some new words and expressions on the reading. 1) hot tip

hot: (解释)=very popular and welcoming

(例句)The iphone is very hot these days. 2) underwater adj. 水下的


(例句)We can have a holiday in the underwater hotel. 3)completely: 彻底地 adv./ 词性转换: complete adj: d

(例句)The fire is completely under control. 4)satisfied: 满意的 ---- be satisfied with


(词性转换)v: satisfy

(例句)1.Someone is just never getting satisfied with himself.. 5) protect 保护

(词性转换)n. protection 4. Read the reading together. 5. T or F

1)The underwater hotel in Garden City is completely underwater. F 2) There is a computer games hall in the Magic Hotel. T

3) Children like to play with dinosaurs in the animation center. T 4) Fish are protected in the future. T 6. Ask and answer:

1) What’s the difference between the underwater hotel in Garden City and the Magic Hotel ?

2) What can people do in the animation center? 3) What will people do to fish in the future ? Ⅲ Post-task activity

1)ask students to say something about the magic hotel 基本要求

2).Ask some students to describe the Magic Hotel in their own words. And to list the key points is helpful .提高要求 Consolidation:

4. Read the reading after the tape recording 基本要求.

5. Recite the new words and expressions and the text 基本要求 6. write an article about your idea about the future hotel 拓展要求 Sum up:

本单元是关于未来生活的三个方面假期、房子 、车辆。主要体现了科技的进步,更加环保,生活更轻松 健康。学生通过阅读和分析,培养学生对未来的想象力,让他们有更大的想象力和创新力。 本课时进行课文的略读教学,通过Pre-reading的教学内容指导学生对课文内容进行一个初步的了解。

Second Period

Teaching aims:

To review the first passage of the reading

3. To learn the second part of reading and let students master some words and expressions

4. To tell the students about the environment, threats to the environment from pollution and how

we can protect the environment. Teaching aids: 5. Students‘ Book 6. Cassette player Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation

4. Have a discussion about your idea about the future house 5. Read the first part of the reading.

6. Ask the students the following questions about the first part of reading.

T: Why can the house save heat?


S: Under the glass.

a) T: What are the walls made of ?

S: Glass.

b) T: Can you change the size of the room? How ?

S: Yes, we can move the glass.

c) T: What is the computer in the cabinet linked to? And the computer in the


S: The doctor’s computer. The computer in the supermarket. d) T: How can you order the food you like?

S: By ….

e) T: What is the difference between the old house and the future house? (以


拓展问题 what do you think the house in the future can do ? 7. Read the new words Ⅱ While-task procedure

1.Listen to the tape recording of part two

2.Listen and repeat it sentence by sentence after the recording. 3. Explain some new words and expressions on the reading.

1. layer 层

2. be made of 由…组成 3. be linked to 与…链接 4. order 订购 5. smart 聪明的 6. live comfortably

7. recommend sth to somebody 4. Read the reading together. 5. T or F

1) The house in the future is environmentally friendly. T 2) We can not decide the size of the house. F

3)We can get what we want by using the computer at home.. T 4) Life in the old house was not as hard as that in the future. F Ⅲ Post-task activity

Ask some students to retell the future house in their own words. Consolidation:

4. Read the reading after the tape recording. 基本要求 5. Recite the new words and expressions. 基本要求

6. write something about how the life in the future will be 拓展要求 Sum up:



Third Period Teaching aims:

1. To review the reading

2. To understand the sequence of events. 3. To improve the students‘ ability of listening. Teaching aids: 7. Students‘ Book


8. Cassette player Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation 4. Have a dictation. 5. Read the reading.

6. Fill in a table about the car CJ3

7. Ask the students the following questions about the second part of reading. 1) T: What drives the engine of CJ3 ? S: Electricity. 2) T: What can we do with hydrogen to make electricity? S: Mix it with oxygen.

3) T: How can you get information about weather or book a table when you are driving?

S: By the computer on the car with the Internet link 4) What was an old car doing to the environment ? 4. Complete Exercise D

To check on comprehension. Ⅱ While-task procedure

2. Complete Exercise C Vocabulary

a) Ask the students to use all the clues they can find to help them complete

these exercises. They should not be allowed to use the dictionaries. b) Complete Exercise C1, tell the students to decide which part of speech

they are looking for the right answer. The paragraphs where the answers can be found in the article are given in brackets.

c) Tell the students to use the words they have found in Exercise C1 to

complete the sentences in Exercise C2 meaningfully.

d) Exercise C3 combines the skills practiced in Exercises C1 and C2. Tell

the students to follow the same procedure and to complete the exercise. The paragraphs where the words can be found in the article are given in brackets.

2. Complete Exercise D

This exercise tests comprehension by seeing if the students can

recognize the information from the article when it is slightly reworded. As the choice of answers is either/or, ask students to justify their answers by referring to the passage.

3. Complete listening.

1) This exercise gives students practice in listening carefully and matching the

information they hear with a set of pictures. In each set, they must put the three pictures in the order in which the events happened.

2) This exercise is useful practice for sharpening students‘ attention and forcing them to

listen carefully. They should listen in particular for time expressions, which will help them in this exercise.


1.Read the reading after the tape recording.基本要求 2.Review the new words and expressions.基本要求

3.Ask students to make a small quiz with the words and phrases in the C Vocabulary拓展要求 Sum up:


Fourth Period Teaching aims:


1. To review the reading

2. To learn the sentence using the pass continuous tense 3. To describe what someone was doing at that moment Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation

8. Have a dictation. 9. Read the reading Ⅱ While-task procedure

1. Finish the Exercise A with at ….yesterday…/last…/…ago 1)The uses of was/were doing :

2)Read the example with the class and then ask them to complete Exercise A1

3)After the oral practice of Exercise A1. Exercise A2 can be done as a written exercise. 2. B Using ―While ―to describe two continuing actions in the past

1) Read through the example and instructions with the class. Then tell the students to prepare

the answers to Exercise B1, which they can give you orally a few minutes later.

2) Tell the students to refer to the chart on page 25 to find the necessary information to

complete the statement in Exercise B2 with as and while 3. C Contrasting continuous and shorter actions in the past

1) Read the examples and the introduction in the Student‘s Book with the class. 2) Explain the difference between ―when‖ and ―while‖sentence

3) Go through Exercise C1 with the students, Let the students practice and present. 4) Finish C2 with ―while‖ and then “then”

a) Read the text carefully with the students and explain the use of while

b) Students should work in pairs. They should take it in turns to read their sentences The

person asking the question can use something in the pictures to make some sentences ..


1.Read the reading after the tape recording.基本要求 2.Review the new words and expressions. 基本要求 3.Finish WorkBook. 基本要求

4.Ask some students to make a small quiz with the phrase‖过去进行时‖拓展要求 Sum up:

本课时引导学生学会使用过去进行时 来描述过去的某个时刻正在做的事情。这个内容是中考考纲内考核的内容。

Fifth Period

Teaching aims:

1. To express disagreement 2. To show one‘s idea politely

3. To describe one thing in your house Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation 1.Have a dictation.

2.Review the use of continuous past tense Ⅱ While-task procedure A Talk time

1. Tell the students to express their idea and viewpoint on somethingr, but that this may be considered slightly rude as it is very direct.

2. The use of the modal would makes the statement more polite. e.g. I‘m sorry, but I don‘t really agree…/but I don‘t think so.

3. Rather can be used in a similar way to disagree although it never occurs without would. Rather


must be followed by another phrase

e.g. Perhaps you‘re/You may be right/That is an interesting idea, but I think…

4. Read the sentence with the class and then use the sentence structure to express disagreement 5. Ask some Ss to say aloud Ⅲ Post-task activity B Speak up

1. For exercise B1, divide the class into groups of about 5 or 6 students, and let one student conduct the whole process

2. First everyone must answer the questions by themselves 3. One student can say at least one thing about the item 4. Ask Ss to write their presentation ,some present orally 5. Ask others to take notes about others‘ items Consolidation:

4. Recite the new words and expressions. 基本要求

5. write some sentences to describe one thing in your house( coat, kitchen…)拓展要求 Sum up:


Sixth Period

Teaching aims:

1. To learn to take notes of the important information Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation 1.Have a dictation.

Ⅱ While-task procedure Listening

1.Listen to the talk carefully and complete the notes 2. Listen again and check by themselves 3. check the answers with the class Ⅲ Post-task activity

Discuss which hotel is the best one Consolidation:

2. Recite the new words and expressions.基本要求

2.Write one article about one hotel in the listening 拓展要求 Sum up:


Seventh Period

Teaching aims:

3. To write a letter to the people in the future 4. To practice the use of simple future tense Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure: ⅠPre-task preparation .Have a dictation.

Ⅱ While-task procedure Writing

1.Divide the class into groups. You may wish to trying arranging the groups according to where


the students live, so that they can discuss things which they all know about.

2.To discuss and decide three most important things in your life and put them in the time box

3. When each group has chosen three things, started in Exercise B they should make brief notes about them. Then they should describe the things to others. They can discuss this in their groups. 4. Students should work alone to write their letters, following the information in Exercise B Ⅲ Post-task activity

Ask the students to discuss the following topics: 1. What the future will be like? (In details) Consolidation:

1.Recite the new words and expressions.基本要求

2.Write an article to describe the future life 基本要求/拓展要求(根据字数) Sum up:

本单元是关于未来生活的三个方面 假期 房子 车辆。主要体现了科技的进步,更加环保,生活更轻松 健康。学生通过阅读和分析,培养学生对未来的想象力,让他们有更大的想象力和创新力。 本课的任务有两个:结合课文内容,引导学生谈谈和写作未来生活的特点,着重“住与行”。

Eighth Period

Teaching aims:

To improve the students‘ ability of reading. Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation 1. Have a dictation. 2. Learn some words. 1) horrible = terrible

2)attractive 有吸引力的 词性转换 :attract/attraction 3)for sale 待售

4) disagree with 不同意 5) manner=way 方式方法

6) native 本地的 native speaker 本土语系的人 7 function 功能

Ⅱ While-task procedure

3. read the text of ― the Great Wave of 2040 ―

4. Listen to the recording again and try to read after it 3. Ask students to skim the text.

4. Ask students to complete the exercise A B C individually. 5. Check the answers. Post-task Progress file 2 Consolidation:

1.Recite the text and translate.基本要求

2.write a short article about the text 拓展要求

Unit 3 Going places –On holiday


章节分析(Reading section ) (一)综述



学习了过去完成时。 本课的任务有两个:

5 对课文进行整体阅读。培养学生略读(获取地点和具体大意)、扫读(整理


6 结合课文内容,引导学生谈谈对上海旅游景点的看法和特点,注重过去和现

在的比较。 (二)单元目标 1. 知识与能力:


学会使用过去完成时 )①表示发生在过去的动作对过去晚些时候造成的影响或结果②过去某一动作一直持续到过去晚些时候将来可能还要延续。 提高学生的对描述场景文字的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。通过阅读准备(预测上海景点,初步描述)、略读(了解游览的过程)、扫读(整理上海旅游景点的信息)等方式,培养学生理解能力,信息处理能力,思维能力,继续培养学生阅读能力。 2. 过程与方法

采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过比较、归纳、讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。 3.情感态度与价值观

让学生了解上海的著名旅游景点,从而提高学生的家乡上海的兴趣和了解,陶冶学生的审美情操。 (三)重点

New words and expressions: 16. Population 人口 17. Such 这样的 18. Set out 出发 19. While 一会儿

20. For a while 一会儿 21. A couple of 几个 22. Europe 欧洲

23. Amazing 令人惊讶的 24. Artist 艺术家 25. Pay a visit to 参观 26. Introduce 介绍 27. Aim 目的 28. Industry 工业

29. Available 可获得的

30. (四)难点 过去完成时

First Period

Knowledge objectives:

1. understand the description of a certain place of interest 2. understand the use of past perfect tense in a certain context Ability objectives:

1. develop their skills with the focus on skimming and getting main ideas

2. describe things happened in the past using simple past tense and past perfect tense Emotional objectives:

1. develop their love for their hometown


Teaching Aids: multimedia, worksheet, textbooks Teaching aids: 5. Students‘ Book 6. cassette player Teaching procedure: Steps contents Teachers‘ activities 1. Warm-up and A slide show lead-in Students‘ activities purposes To arouse the students‘ interest in class Show a series of Watch slide about the interesting places in Shanghai Ask the students to list the places appeared in the slide show Tell what the To elicit the top places of interest of the article are in the slide show To arouse the students‘ original knowledge of the places in Shanghai To develop the students‘ ability of describing a place and prediction To help the students get a general impression of the article To help the students get main ideas about the article To guide students understand first part the to the 2. Pre-reading Match Ask the students Match the places to match the with the places with the descriptions descriptions Ask the students to talk about the places ( with the descriptions given or in their own words) Try to describe the places ( with the descriptions given or in their own words) Read the article quickly and divide it into different parts Brainstorm 3.While-reading Read for the first Ask the students time to skim the article and decide how many parts it can be divided into Ask the students to write the numbers of the places in the circle on a map Read for details Ask the students to read the first part of the article and tell whether the statements are true or false Fill in the circles according to the order in which the author visited the places Read the first part and judge whether the statements are true or false Scanning Ask the students Read and do the To develop the to read the exercise students ability 20

second part as quickly as they can and fill in the table about the places in Shanghai 4. Post-reading Do a jigsaw Divide the activity students in groups and ask each group to describe a certain picture with the key words given of scanning and help them memorize and understand the detailed information Discuss the To use the pictures about knowledge of the the places in the article to article describe a certain place Ask the students Discuss and To develop the to describe some describe some ability of other places other places describing places Assignment 1. Oral work: Read the article twice with the tape recording 2. Written work: Write an essay about a visit in Shanghai To help the students consolidate what the students have learned in class Teaching procedure: ⅠPre-task preparation

7. Warming up and introduction of the topic:

Tell students something about the cartoon. The joke is a talk about going on holiday 8. Ask the students the following questions:

a) T: If you pay a visit to Shanghai, what will you visit ? b) T: What is people‘s Square / Shanghai Museum ….like?

S: big amazing ,interesting

c) What can you see in these places ?

S: see old people doing exercise/some exhibits/the tall building

9. What do you know about these places ?

a) This exercise lets the students come to think about the attractions in Shanghai b) Make sure the students know something about these places before reading 10. Read the new words.

11. predict what will be read about these places and finish exercise on P38 B match the places

with the possible descriptions Ⅱ While-task procedure

7. Read the whole passage and decide how many parts it can be divided into 8. Listen to the tape recording of the first part and repeat after the tape 9. Tell whether the statements are true or false

10. Listen to the tape of the second part and repeat .

11. Fill in the table with the information from the passage. 1) architecture

architecture: (解释)=the style of building

(例句)The architecture along the Bund in Shanghai is some of the most amazing in the world.

2) such adj. 如此of the type already mentioned


(例句) He said he didn’t have time or made some such excuse. 3)exhausting : 令人疲劳的 adj 词性转换: tiring adj:

(例句)Steve and Marianne have just had an exhausting game of tennis. 4)marvellous: 精彩的 ---- amazing

(例句)Ted and Alice had a marvellous holiday in Australia. 5) recreation娱乐

(例句) For recreation, I like to play football and go swimming. 6) roller skate 滑板 7) sword 剑

8)while 一会儿 a period of time 例句:I’ll be back in a little while.

9)for a while =lasting for a short time 例句:Would you please wait for me for a while? 10)couple 一对 a small number of (people or things) 例句: We went there a couple of years ago.

11)style 风格 例句: The main building of the bank is a fine example of Gothic style. 12)nickname 绰号 例句: New York has an interesting nickname, the Big Apple. 13)commercial 商业的

例句: Lujiazui is a busy financial and commercial district in Shanghai.

14)waterfront 水岸 例句:A waterfront flat always costs a lot in our city. 15) jade 玉

例句: My grandmother gave my mother a jade necklace when she married my father. 16) trade 贸易 例句:Trade between the two countries has increased. 17)amazed=surprised 例句:We were amazed by his generosity.

18)be amazed at =be surprised at 例句:I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature. 19) artist 艺术家 例句:Whoever made this cake is a real artist.

20) pavilion 馆 例句:It is very pleasant sitting in the pavilion and looking across the lake. 21) zigzag 转折 例句: To get up a steep hill, a road is often zigzag to make the journey easier. 22) pay a visit =visit 例句: How I wish to pay a visit to London! 4. Read the reading together. 5. T or F

___ 1 Wendy went to Shanghai by air on 18 February.

___ 2 Wendy and her parents felt very tired after they arrived in Shanghai. ___ 3 Wendy ate a lot for breakfast on 18 February.

___ 4 Their first stop in Shanghai was Nanjing Road which they travelled to by taxi. ___ 5 Wendy didn‘t like the weather in Beijing.

___ 6 Wendy thought it was warmer in Shanghai than in Beijing. 6. Ask and answer:

1 How did Wendy and her parents travel to Shanghai? 2 What were some teenagers doing in People‘s Square? 3 What is the nickname of the Bund?

4 Which building is said to look like a kind of valuable jewel? 5 Why didn‘t Wendy and her parents walk back to their hotel? 6 Why were Wendy and her parents so tired?

7. Read the third paragraph of the letter and complete the exercises.

1 Find the sentence which describes the family‘s feeling about People‘s Square. 2 List the four reasons why they enjoyed the atmosphere at People‘s Square.

3 Find the sentence which shows that Wendy‘s family enjoyed their visit in Shanghai Museum. 8. Read paragraphs 4 and 5. Then complete the table below. Famous building Importance of places 9. Read paragraph 6 and complete the table with information about the famous places in Chenghuang Miao area. Places specialities 22

10. Read the last paragraph. First, tick the information you get from it. Then find the answers to the questions.

? How they felt after the first day‘s trip ? How they went back to the hotel ? When they went back to the hotel ? What she enclosed in the letter ? How she liked about Shanghai ? Why she loved Shanghai ? Where her hotel was

Ⅲ Post-task activity

1)ask students to say something about attractions in Shanghai 基本要求

2)Suppose you are Wendy. Now you are back to your home town. You are giving a lecture to your classmates about your visit in Shanghai. Discuss in groups and prepare a lecture. Then tell your classmates about Shanghai. 提高要求 Consolidation:

7. Read the reading after the tape recording基本要求 8. Workbook Page 20-and 27 基本要求.

9. Recite the new words and expressions and the text 基本要求 10. write an article about your idea about the future hotel 拓展要求

Second Period

Teaching aims:

1. To review the reading

2. To understand the things happened before a time in the past 3. To improve the students‘ ability of listening. Teaching aids: 9. Students‘ Book 10. Cassette player Teaching procedure:

ⅠPre-task preparation (explain the past perfect tense) 8. Use a timeline to explain the past perfect tense

We use the past perfect tense to talk about things that happened before a certain time in the past. When we use the past perfect tense, we are imagining ourselves as situated at point A, telling what happened before that point.

9. The past perfect tense is usually used together with an adverbial starting with by. 10. We form the past perfect tense with had + the past participle of the verb. Ⅱ While-task procedure

3. Actions before a time in the past Complete Exercise Grammar on Page 42-43

a) Use information from the table to complete the conversation. The first one has been

done for you.

b) Complete this sentence by writing about four things you had done before you went

to bed last night.

c) Change the point of reference in the above sentence. Write similar sentences with

four things which you had done before the following given points of reference. by the end of last term by the age of thirteen

before I arrived home the day before yesterday by lunchtime

2. Earlier and later actions in the past

a) Explain how to express earlier and later actions ( When we talk about two actions in the past, we use the past perfect tense for the earlier action, and the simple past tense for the later action. )


b) Exercise B1 on page 43 . Use information from the table in A1 to add sentences about earlier actions. Use just or already.

c) Exercise B2 on page 44 Read the conversation between two tourists and underline the verbs for earlier actions in the responses. Then emphasize what happened first by using the verbs in the past perfect tense.

3. Complete listening.

1) This exercise gives students practice in listening carefully and matching the

information they hear with a set of pictures. In each set, they must put the three pictures in the order in which the events happened.

2) This exercise is useful practice for sharpening students‘ attention and forcing them to

listen carefully. They should listen in particular for time expressions, which will help them in this exercise.


1.Workbook Pages 21 to 25 基本要求 Sum up:


Third Period Teaching aims:

1. To improve listening ability

2. To learn the places of interest in Shanghai Teaching aids:

Students‘ Book multimedia Teaching procedure: ⅠBefore listening

10. Interview about Shanghai

The Shanghai Tourist Agency often interviews tourists coming to Shanghai to find out what they like and dislike about staying here. 11. Learn how to take notes

You will hear four tourists coming to Shanghai talking about their views about Shanghai. Before you do the exercise, read the following instructions carefully. Ⅱ While-task procedure 1. Listen

1) Listen to these answers from four tourists, and complete the notes below. The first section has been done for you.

2)Check the answers orally Ⅲ Post-task

1. Work in groups of five. One of you is the interviewer and the other four are tourists. Role-play the interviews among your five according to the notes you have taken. Talk time: make a phone call for information

1. Ken is in a British city and needs some information about it for his project. He is making a phone call to the information centre in his hotel. Read the conversation and practise it in pairs. a) Now, answer these questions about the conversation.

b) Work in pairs to make two telephone conversations similar to the one in A1. Speak up: describe a place

a) Work in pairs to talk about an interesting place in Shanghai or any city you have been to. Use

the outline and sentence patterns below to help you.

Sentence structure :

I would like to tell you about a place called ... ... is a marvellous place.

It is not expensive to get there/get in. Take the underground to ..., and then ...


I‘m sure you would enjoy a trip to ... Consolidation:

1.Read the reading after the tape recording.基本要求 2.Workbook 9B, page 26. 基本要求

3.Talk about more places in another city拓展要求 Sum up:


Fourth Period

Teaching aims:

1. To express a request for help

2. To show certain level of politeness Teaching aids:

Students‘ Book multimedia Teaching procedure: ⅠPre-task preparation

1.Explain what a request letter is

A letter for request is often used to ask someone or an organization for help politely. It is a formal letter. Before you want to do something or trouble someone, you‘d better write a letter for request. 2. Read the letter carefully.

3. Read the letter again and answer the following questions.

4. Read the letter again and then say what each of the five paragraphs in the letter does by completing the statements below.

? Paragraph 1: to tell what the topic of the letter is ? Paragraph 2: to give some details of the topic ? Paragraph 3: to give details of the request

? Paragraph 4: to suggest when the information can be collected ? Paragraph 5: to express the writer‘s thanks Ⅱ While-task procedure

1. Read Wang Zhihong‘s letter again. Find the following information.

2. Work alone. Write a letter asking for help.(Remember to write an outline before you write the


Ⅲ Post-task activity

1. Read the outline and the sentence patterns in Speak up on page 46 again. Write about an interesting place you have been to. Consolidation:

1.Recite your own article and edit it. 基本要求 3. Workbook 9B, page 28.基本要求 Sum up:

本课时是语言知识过去完成时的教学。教会学生学会使用过去完成时 )①表示发生在


Fifth Period

Teaching aims:

1. To learn to take notes of the important information

2. to learn to improve the skills of reading focus on skimming Teaching aids:


Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure: ⅠBefore you read

1. You are going to read about some visits by Chinese students to other countries. Before you read, look at the following letters and photos from abroad. Which countries are the writers staying in? 2. Read the two articles on page 48 about trips abroad, and then complete the table below with short answers. Ⅱ While you read

1. Read and Find these words in the articles, and then use them to complete the sentences below. 2. Read the articles again. Decide whether the following statements are T (true) or F (false). 3. Give short answers to these questions. Ⅲ After you read

1. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions in your group.

? Would you like to travel or study abroad for a short period of time? Give your reasons. ? What can we probably learn from such educational visits to other countries? ? What else can we do during such visits? Consolidation:

3. Learn the new words and expressions.基本要求

2.Use the words and phrases to make sentences 拓展要求 Sum up:


Sixth Period

Teaching aims:

5. To consolidate what have been learned in this chapter 6. To practice the use of past perfect tense Teaching aids: Students‘ Book

Teaching procedure: Ⅰvocabulary

Match the two halves of these sentences. Ⅱ Grammar

Complete the following sentences using the past perfect tense of the verbs in the box. Ⅲ Post-task activity

Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Remember to put the verbs in the past perfect tense.


1.Finish the workbook.基本要求

2.Write an article to describe one place 基本要求/拓展要求(根据字数)

Unit Four All about films and TV

章节分析(Reading section ) (一)综述

本单元是谈论去好莱坞电影公园。阅读材料的主要内容是采访2个学生,他们去好莱坞的2个有趣的景点游玩和亲身体验拍摄电影过程。通过采访中使用的间接引语,使学生了解这一语言现象的构成。 本课的任务有两个:

7 对课文进行整体阅读。培养学生略读(获取文章大意和整体结构)、扫读(整



8 结合课文内容,引导学生谈谈对某部电影的看法,描写自己的观点。 (二)单元目标 1. 知识与能力:


学会使用间接引语 )①表示发生在过去的动作对过去晚些时候造成的影响或结果②过去某一动作一直持续到过去晚些时候将来可能还要延续。

提高学生的对描述场景的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。通过阅读准备(学习电影拍摄场景词语,预测场景初步描述方法)、略读(了解去电影公园游玩的三过程)、扫读(整理电影公园2个场景的信息)等方式,培养学生理解能力,信息处理能力,思维能力,继续培养学生阅读能力。 2. 过程与方法

采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过比较、归纳、讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。 3.情感态度与价值观

让学生了解电影公园,培养学生对电影文化的兴趣,陶冶学生的审美情操。 (三)重点

New words and expressions: 31. set 布置 摄影场 32. movie 电影

33. have the time of one‘s life =enjoy oneself 34. jump out of one‘s skin=be /feel frightened 35. special effect 特效

36. cut a long story short 长话短说 37. green with envy 羡慕 妒忌 38. actress 女演员

39. a piece of cake= very easy 40. dictionary 字典

41. nervous 紧张的 胆怯的



Period One

School: Hetian Middle School Teacher:__________ Date: March,2011

Title: Unit 4 All about films and TV

Teaching Materials: Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 9B (P53) Period: the second period

Teaching aids: multi-media, textbooks, students‘ worksheets, board, etc Teaching Objectives:

1. Knowledge and Ability Objectives:

1) help the students get as much information as possible about their trip to the Movie Park through reading

2)conduct the students to practice different reading skills

3) help the students know about the Movie Park in Hollywood 4) guide the students to describe a certain place 2. Emotional Objectives:

1) help the students know something about the ?Hollywood‘ culture


2) develop the students‘ teamwork spirit Teaching Procedure Steps Pre-task preparation contents 1. Warm-up Teacher‘s activities Present the students with the interesting cartoon Students‘ activities Read the interesting cartoon talk Purposes To focus the students‘ attention and arouse their interest To elicit the topic of the class To help the students get the general impression of the article 2. Ask and Answer While-task procedure 1. Ask the students Answer the about their habits of teacher‘s question watching TV Ask the students to Read the answer Reading B title ,subtitle and by looking at the pictures and answer title ,subtitle and the the questions pictures and the first and last paragraphs Ask the students to read the article quickly and ask them to divide it into certain parts Ask the students to tell whether the statements are true or false 3.fill in the table Ask the students to read the article again and fill in the table about the details in the article 4. Act and describe Show three pictures about the three different scenes and ask the students to act as Julia or Roddy and describe the scenes 5. Act it out Have the students do pair work and make short dialogues Post- task activities complete an interview report to summarize the article Ask the students to read the whole article again and complete the passage according to the article 2.Skimming Read the whole To help the students article and divide it understand the main into different parts structure of the article Read and Answer the teacher‘s question Read and fill in the table To let the students get general ideas of the contents To help the students memorize and understand the detailed information about the article . To help the students memorize the detailed information and understand it and prepare the students for rewriting the article To develop the students‘ ability of using Wh- questions Act as the main characters in the article and describe the scenes with the help of the pictures and the given information Make short dialogues with given information Read and complete the article Assignment Oral work: Read after the tape twice Written work: 1. Write as many reporter‘s questions as possible 2. Write a news report about the two characters‘ trip To have a check for the students‘ understanding of the article and guide the students to summarize the article To help the students consolidate what they have learned in class


Second period:

Teaching aim:

1. To improve reading and listening ability

2. To develop interest about films and TV programmes After-reading

1. Read the introduction and the first paragraph of the newspaper article on page 55. Complete

the table below.

2. Find a sentence which shows that Julia and Roddy enjoyed their trip in Hollywood very much

in these two paragraphs.

3. The two pictures show the two attractions at the Movie Park. What are they? 4. Read paragraphs 2 and 3. Match the descriptions with the two pictures. 5. Read the last two paragraphs. Tick the correct information.

6. Find the words in italics in the article and write their meanings in the blanks. Consolidation:Workbook 9B, pages 29, 30, 36 and 37. Sum up:




1. Before listening Ask :

1. What are your favourite television programmes? Name some programmes that you usually watch.

2. Do you know these types of programmes?

3. Match the types of programmes above with the following pictures.

4. Read the following instructions about identifying the types of television programmes before you do the exercise. 2. While listening

Now, listen to the recording and write the numbers 1–6 in the correct circles. After that, listen to the recording again and write two key words for each programme. The first one has been done for you.

3. After listening

Introduce one of your favourite television programmes to your classmates. Do not tell them the name of the programme and ask them to guess. Then ask them to tell what type the programme belongs to. Consolidation:

1 Read the article twice 基本要求

2 Workbook 9B, pages 35 and 36. 基本要求 Sum up:



Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1. To learn the use of reported speech

2. to learn to avoid being too proud after being famous Reporting statements

1. Explain what a reporting verb is

We can report what someone has said by using a reporting verb in the past tense. We usually put the other verbs in the statements in the past tense too. 2. List some reporting verbs

We can use many verbs for reporting things. Here are some common reporting verbs. complain explain mention reply add admit report whisper shout say 3. Change direct speech into reported speech

a) change tenses when using reported speech like this. b) change pronouns when using reported speech like this.

c) change adverbials of time when using reported speech like this.

d) change the adverbs or adverbials of place like here, at this place into there, at that place

when using reported speech.

4. Do Exercise A2 and check the answers

5. learn to report instructions, requests and promises in a different way.

We use reporting verbs and other verbs in the to form. We use not to for negative statements.

We use tell, order and instruct to report instructions. We use ask to report requests. We use promise to report promises.

6. Do Exercise B1 and check the answers

7. Do Exercise B2 to consolidate what have been learned

8. Learn to report questions by using asked followed by if or whether. a) Rewrite these direct questions as reported questions. b) Rewrite these direct questions as reported questions.

c) Change his sentences into reported speech, using asked and if/whether, or a wh- word. The

first one has been done for you.

Consolidations: 1. Workbook 9B, pages 30 to 35.基本要求

2. Write an record of a short interview between a movie star and a reporter Sum up:

本课时是直接引语和间接引语的归纳教学,教会学生学会使用间接引语 。

Four Period

Teaching Aims:

1. To learn to write an film review

2. to raise students‘ interest about English films Procedure

Before you write

1. Explain what a film review is


2. Read the plan for writing a film review. Paragraph

a) Introduction

What kind of film is it? What is the main idea of the story? b) The setting

Where does the story happen? When does it happen? c) The characters and actors

Who are the characters/actors? d) The plot

What is the story about? e) Your opinions

What do you think of the film? What do you like or dislike about the film? (the plot, the acting, the special effects, etc.) f) Your conclusion

Did you enjoy the film? Would you recommend it? Who would like the film? Give it a score out of ten.

3. Read the useful sentences for writing a film review. Underline the important words to help you remember. While you write

1. This is a review of the film, Shanghai Noon. The paragraphs are in the wrong order. Put them in the correct order by writing 1 – 6 in the boxes. 2. Read the film review and answer the questions.

a) What kind of film is it? b) Where is it set? c) When is it set?

d) Who are the main actors? e) Who are the main characters? f) What is the story mainly about?

g) Does the writer like the story or not? Why or why not? h) What score does the writer give to the film?

3. Think of a film that you have seen recently. Then write notes about the film. Use the plan on page 65 to help you.

4. Next, use your notes to write a draft. Write about 100 words. Then read your draft. Check it for spelling or grammar mistakes. Make corrections, if necessary. After you write

Prepare a neat final copy. Add some visual designs, or paste pictures from the film (from magazines or advertisements) onto your reviews. Make a class book. Consolidation:Workbook 9B, page 38.

Fifth Period

Teaching Aims:

1. to learn the story of Wall-E and practice some reading skills.


2. to raise students‘ interest of cartoon films Before reading

1. Before you read the passage on the next page, discuss the following questions in groups of four. You may use the films in the box to help you. a) Do you often go to the cinema?

b) What kind of films are you interested in? c) What is your favourite film?

d) Which film stars do you like most?

e) What films are being shown this week? Are you going to see them? 2. Look at the picture below. Think about the following questions.

3. Read the title, the first and last paragraphs of the article on page 67. Then complete the following exercise. While reading

1. Find the words and phrase in Column A in the passage on page 67 and match them with the meanings in Column B.

2. Complete the sentences with the words or phrase from A. Change the forms if necessary. 3. Answer the following questions. a) What kind of film is WALL-E? b) When is the film set?

c) Why do humans build WALL-E?

d) Why does WALL-E have to work every day even after all humans leave the Earth? e) Why does WALL-E follow EVE onto the spaceship? f) What makes the film enjoyable and moving?

g) What else makes WALL-E the hit family film of the year? 4. What do the italicized words in the sentences refer to? 5. Complete the summary of the film review. After reading

1. What do you think of the film WALL-E? Write a film review about it. If possible, you can watch the film again. Consolidation:

1. go over the new words and recite 基本要求

2. write an film review about the article Wall-E 基本要求

Sixth period

Teaching Aims

1. To practice speaking about how to discuss questions 2. To consolidate what have been learned in this unit Speaking

Talk time: group discussion problems

1. Learn some common questions in group discussions and some suggestions for solving them. 2. Work in groups of four. Role-play the discussion below about a television programme. Pay

attention to the sentences used in solving the problems in discussion mentioned above.


3. In your group, choose a television programme that you want to talk about and conduct a

discussion as in A1. Speak up:

1. Work in groups of four. Choose a group leader. Read the questions below and discuss the answers.

2. Choose a secretary and ask him/her to report your group‘s results to the class. 3. Add more questions to expand your questionnaire. Progress files:

1. Vocabulary Complete the film review below using the words in the box. 2. Grammar Correct the mistake in each sentence.

Complete the sentences with reported speech. Consolidation: 1. Finish the rest of the unit in Workbook 基本要求 2. write more questions about a film review

Unit 5 Tom Sawyer Paints The Fence


一、 章节分析(Reading section) (一)综述



1. 知识目标:学习课文中重点词汇、词组、句型和语法。

2. 能力目标:学习如何在阅读英语小说中获取信息,提高学生的阅读能力。 3. 情感目标:激发学生了解不同国家文化的热情,开拓国际视野,。 (三)教学方法

采用任务教学法组织教学,让学生在听说读写的活动中学会对文章的整体阅读和理解。 (四)重点和难点 1. 词汇学习:


beg, depress, dip, encourage, gain, ignore, joy, make fun of, properly, section, go on, paint, fence, chance, while, free,move, think of, think about



Sawyer, sideway, yard, bucket, unpainted, a bit more, Polly, end up doing,

Rogers, marble 2. 句型学习:

Soon the boys who were free would come along.

Ben Rogers was the first boy that came along the road.

Tom thought of all the games which he had planned for the day. 教学设计(Teaching Designs) 教学内容 教学实施建议 首先,结合Student Book Page46 Exercise A通过展示各 种玩具的图片,让学生们猜测一下哪些玩具出现在美国Pre-reading 17世纪中叶,如果学生有收集的爱好还可以让他们谈谈感受。 最后,教师将话题转到本课的主人翁Tom Sawyer身上,为进入课文教学做好铺垫。 ①让学生在迅速浏览文章的标题,副标题及文章的插图Student Book 后找到以下信息:(链接6) ②让学生略读全文,完成Student Book Page 46 Exercise Page 49 Exercise B。在这个任务中,要求学生在较短的时间内通过快速D ?Read 阅读准确地捕捉信息,并做出归纳。 and ③听磁带读课文,分别以Choice, Find the phrases in the think‘ story and say what the words refer to的形式检验学生对参考: 整篇文章的理解。(A. 在题目的选择上要注意突出对核心词汇的检验,用不同的练习形式帮助学生理解词汇,并使得学生在完成练习中不知不觉地掌握词汇。B. 此环节也有助于对学生听说读写综合能力的训练。)具体的处理方法参见(链接7) ④重点词汇及句型讲解。(链接8) ① 介绍一些Mark Twain的经典名著给学生。 (链接9) ② 建议学生在课后去更多的了解马克·吐温和他的小Post-reading 说。 http://www.en8848.com.cn/yingyu/20/t-7020.html http://bbs.en8848.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=7020 【链接6】


教学资源参考 While-reading 课件ppt

This story comes from a book. What is the name of the book? What is the name of the author? How long and high was the fence?

How many apples did Tom get that day? What was the name of his aunt? 【链接7】

Choose the best answer to each of these questions.

1. The word sidewalk is an American English word. In British English, we usually use the word _______________

A. pavement B. road

2. We can tell from the second paragraph that Tom did not like _______________ A. hard work B. painted pictures 3. The boys who were free means boys who ________________ A. were not in prison at that time B. did not have to do any work 4. Tom‘s wonderful idea was to _______________

A. work as quickly as possible B. trick other boys into doing the work. 5. Tom had ?worry on his face‘ because _______________

A. he was trying to fool Ben B. he did not want Ben to paint badly 6. We can tell from the last paragraph that Tom ______________

A. told Aunt Polly that other boys helped him B. did not always tell the truth Find these phrases in the story and say what the words in italics refer to 1. … he stood back and looked at it. 2. This isn‘t work.

3. Tom thought about it, but… 4. I‘ll give you all of it. 【链接8】

Tom Sawyer Paints * The Fence汤姆·索亚粉刷篱笆

Joyce wanted to encourage* students to read more famous books. So, in her newspaper, she printed* this funny story from a book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.


乔伊丝想要鼓励学生阅读更多的名著。所以,她在报纸上印了一个有趣的故事,这个故事来自马克·吐温的小说汤姆·索亚历险记 paint 上油漆 fence 围墙,栅栏 encourage… to 鼓励…做某事 print 印刷

Saturday morning came, and everything was bright* and fresh*. Every boy in town was happy, except* Tom Sawyer. Tom stood on the sidewalk with a bucket of white paint and a brush with a long handle in his hands. He looked at the fence *that his aunt had told him to paint and felt very depressed.

周六早晨,一切都是那么明亮和新鲜。镇上的每个男孩都很开心,只有汤姆不是。汤姆站在路边,手里拿着一桶白漆和一把长柄刷。他看着姑妈让他刷的那堵围墙,心情很忧郁。 bright 明亮 fresh 新鲜 except 除。。。之外

fence + that + 从句 这是一句定语从句,that指代前面的fence

It was thirty yards* long and three yards high! He dipped* his brush in the paint and painted a corner of the fence. Then he stood back and looked at it. The section* *that was painted was so small, and the unpainted* section was so big! He sat down under a tree to have a rest.

这堵围墙长30码3码高!他把刷子在油漆里浸了浸,刷了围墙的一角。然后他后退几步看看。已粉刷的部分太小了,而没有粉刷的部分是那么大!他坐在树底下休息 yard 码 dip 浸 section 部分 unpainted没有粉刷的

section that+从句 这是一个定语从句,that指代前面的section

He began to think of all the games *which he had planned for the day. Soon the boys *who were free would come along and make fun of* him. But just then, he had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and went back to work. Ben Rogers came along the road, singing happily and carrying an apple. He stopped and looked at Tom. Tom went on* painting and ignored* Ben. 他开始想起他预先定下的一天玩的计划。很快空闲的男孩们会走过来嘲笑他。正在这时,他忽然想起了一个了不起的主意。他拿起刷子又回去工作。班·罗杰斯沿着马路走过来,开心地唱着歌,手里拿着一个苹果。他停下来看看汤姆。汤姆继续刷不理班 think of 想起想到 make fun of 取笑 went on doing 继续做某事 ignore 不顾不理

all the games which +从句 这是定语从句which指代前面的games the boys who + 从句 这是定语从句who指代前面的boys

?I‘m going swimming,‘ said Ben. ?Do you want to go swimming ,Tom? But I guess* you can‘t. You have to stay and work, don‘t you? ‘Tom went on painting. ?Work?‘ he said. ?This isn‘t work. I‘m enjoying myself. Does a boy get a chance* to paint a fence like* this everyday?‘


guess 猜测 chance 机会 like像

Ben thought about* this, Tom went on painting, carefully. Sometimes he stopped, stood back to look at the fence, and then added a bit more* paint in just the right place. Ben was watching Tom‘s every move*. He was getting more and more interested. After a while*, he said, ?Tom, will you let me do some painting?‘



think about 考虑 a bit more 多一点 move 动作 while 一会儿

Tom thought about it, and said, ?No, Ben, I can‘t. You see, Aunt Polly* wants it to be done properly*. I‘m the only one *who can do it right.‘ ?Oh, please, Tom,‘ begged* Ben. ?I can do it. I‘ll be really careful. Just let me try. I‘ll give you half of my apple. I‘ll give you all of it!‘ ?Well, all right, Ben.‘ said Tom. ?But you must be careful.‘

汤姆想了一下说?不,班,我不能。你知道,波丽姨妈要刷得很好。我是那个唯一能做好的人。‘?哦,求求你,汤姆,‘班乞求道?我能做,我肯定相当仔细。就让我试试吧。我给你半个苹果。我把一个都给你!‘?嗯,好吧,班。‘汤姆说?但是你必须十分仔细。 properly 适当地,合适地 beg 乞求

the only one who +从句 这是定语从句who指代前面的the only one

He gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart *. He sat down again under the tree, and started to eat apple that* Ben had given him. All day, boys came to make fun*, but they ended up staying to paint. When Ben got tired, Billy Fisher was waiting. He gave Tom a kite for a chance to paint. Then Johnny Miller offered him twelve marbles, and so on*.

汤姆把刷子让给班,一脸不情愿的样子,心里却正求之不得。他又坐在树荫下,开始吃班给他的苹果。一整天,男孩们都过来取笑他,但结果却留下来刷墙。当班累了,比利正等着。他给了汤姆一个风筝来换取刷墙的机会。然后,约翰·米勒给了他12颗弹珠,等等。 with worry on his face but joy in his heart一脸不情愿的样子,心里却正求之不得 worry 担心 joy=happiness 开心 apple that +从句 这是定语从句that指代前面的apple. make fun: laugh at 取笑,嘲笑 end up doing=stop doing 停止做某事 and so on 等等

By late afternoon Tom had gained* all sorts* of toys, and the fence had gained three coats of paint. Later Aunt Polly came to look at Tom‘s work. She was so pleased when she saw the painted fence that* she gave Tom a large cake!

到傍晚时汤姆已获得所有种类的玩具,而围墙也被刷了三遍。后来波丽姨妈来检查汤姆的工作。当她看到粉刷后的围墙,她太满意了以至于给了汤姆一个大蛋糕。 gain=get得到sort=kind种类 so…that…如此。。。以至于 Language structure Adjective clauses 定语从句

我们用定语从句来给出一些关于人或物的信息。关于人的定语从句用who或that引导,关于物的定语从句用which或that引导。定语从句必须紧跟在修饰的人或物之后。 Soon the boys who were free would come along.

Ben Rogers was the first boy that came along the road.

Tom thought of all the games which he had planned for the day. He started to eat the apple that Ben had given him.



A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (《亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人》) A Tramp Abroad (《国外漫游》) Life on the Mississippi (《密西西比河上》) Mark Twain's Speeches (《演讲集》) The $30,000 Bequest (《三万元的遗产》) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (《汤姆·索耶历险记》) Tom Sawyer Abroad (《汤姆·索耶在国外》)

Tom Sawyer Detective (《汤姆·索耶探案》) The Innocents Abroad (《傻子出国记》) The Prince and the Pauper (《王子与贫儿》) The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson (《傻瓜威尔逊的悲剧》) What is Man (《什么是人》)

Unit 5 Tom Sawyer Paints The Fence Language

一、 章节分析: (一)综述

本章节主要语法了解由who,that,which引导的定语从句,让学生了解其概念和组成,能在文章中理解其含义。 (二)目标

掌握由who,which,that引导的定语从句概念和组成。知道其用法,并能理解定语从句在文章中的含义。 (三)教学方法

问题导入,dialogue (四)重点和难点

由who,that,which引导的定语从句的构成 教学设计(Teaching Designs)

教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考 OXFORD ENGLSIH 课本 While-task procedure: 1.介绍定语从句(链接11) 2.帮助学生理解定语从句 38

Pre-task activity: 问同学们一些关于课文的问题(链接10) 网站资源和《怎样学

3.介绍关系代词的概念和用法(链接12) 5.做一些练习巩固定语从句 (链接14) 好牛津英考: 课件ppt 4.介绍在哪些情况下只用关系代词that(链接13) 语9B》,参链接10 1. What kind of fence did Tom Sawyer look at?

2. Which section was very small?

3. Then what did he begin to think of ?

4. Who would come and make fun of him soom? 链接11

1.The boy is Tom

The boy who is handsome is Tom The boy who is tall is Tom. The boy who is tall is Tom. The boy who is clever is Tom The boy who is naughty is Tom. 2. The boy is Tom. The boy is smiling. The boy who is smiling is Tom. The boy is Tom. The boy has a round face. The boy who has a round face is Tom. The boy is Tom. He sits in front of me. The man who sits in front of me is Tom.

The woman got the job. The woman can speak Russian. The woman who can speak Russian got the job. The teacher will give us a talk. The teacher is famous. The teacher who is famous will give us a talk. 3. The man is kind. Everyone likes him. The man (who) everyone likes is kind. The woman got the job. We saw her on the street. The woman (whom) we saw on the street got the job. The teacher will give us a talk. We met the teacher yesterday. The teacher (whom) we met yesterday will give us a talk. 链接12

1. who指人,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略) The man who I talked with is our teacher. A person who steals things is called a thief.

2. whom指人,作宾语 (作宾语可省略, 如介词提前则不能省) The man (whom/who) I nodded to is Mr. Li. The man to whom I nodded is Professor Li.

3. which 指物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略, 如介词提前则不能省) These are the trees which were planted last year. This recorder (which) he is using is made in Japan. 4. that 指人/物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)


A plane is a machine that can fly. He is the man (that) I told you about. 链接14


Choose the best answer

1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _______?

A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.That is the day ______I'll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when

4.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which

5.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 6.This is one of the best films _______.

A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 7.I'm interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which

8.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what

9.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together. A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when 10.That is not the way ______I do it.

A./ B.which C.for which D.with which

11. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes. A. / B. why C. when D. whose

12. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increasing. A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are

13. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Browns. A. followed B. following C. to follow D. that followed 14. Is _______ some German friends visited last week?

A. this school B. this the school C. this school one D. this school where

Sum up:


Unit 5 Tom Sawyer Paints The Fence

Listening and Speaking


一、 章节分析 (一) 综述

本部分是培养学生的语言运用能力,通过听、说方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。听力部分是介绍了马克·吐温的生平;说的部分是练习了三个音标的发音,以及对阅读故事书的讨论。 (二) 目标 Listening:

1.训练学生“记笔记”的模式,抓住关键词,用准确的单词完成练习。 2.通过听说结合,提高学生的听力效果。 (三)重点和难点

Listening:培养学生在听力中抓关键词汇 通过小组讨论,使学生解决阅读时的一些问题 教学设计(Teaching Designs) 教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源 参考 1. 首先通过复习reading词汇,引出音标[t]、[d]、《牛津英语[e]。(见链接15) 教学参考》 2. 利用课本P54 Talk time中的练习,训练三个音标《怎样学好Pre-task 的正确发音。(可跟读磁带,学生个别朗读,或小牛津英语》 组绕口令竞赛等) 3. 在听之前,创设情景,诱发兴趣,增强听的动力;扫清在听力材料中出现的词汇,提高听的效果。(见链接16) 1. 先浏览一下课本P50,第一遍听,做一些简单的 是非题。(见链接17) While-task 2. 第二遍听,填写课本P50相关内容。 3. 第三遍听,教师讲解部分难点,并核对答案。 4. 根据听力笔记,完成一张表格。(见链接18) 41

1. 根据表格,尽量用自己的话,口头介绍马克·吐 温的生平。 2. 做一个有关阅读故事书的调查。(见链接19) Post-task 3. 进行一个头脑风暴,交流阅读故事书时碰到的问题。(见链接20) 4. 小组讨论,商讨一些解决方法。(见链接21) [链接16]

1) Arouse Ss to talk about something that they‘ve known about Mark Twain(可在前一课时作业布置时,要求学生去查找一些有关马克·吐温的资料) 2) Help Ss get familiar with some new words and phrases:

Samuel Clemens, Missouri, the Mississippi River, American Civil War support, achieve one‘s ambition, miner, mark(n.), depth, tour(v.), be considered

1) www.geocities.com/swaisman/ (有关马克·吐温更多的资料) 2) www.online-literature.com/ (可查找更多的外国作家) 3) www.bibliomania.com/0/ (可阅读很多的英语故事)


1. 可作为听力―记笔记‖的练习:(各位老师可根据自己需求设计)

Madame Curie is a French professor of physics. She was born in Poland in 1867. When she was young, she became interested in physics. At that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland, so she was determined to go to Paris University and study there. When she was studying in Paris, she lived a very poor life. However, she worked very hard and succeeded in taking a first-class degree in physics two years after arriving in Paris. In 1895, she married Pierre Curie, a very bright scientist, and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter. They discovered two kinds of radioactive matters-Polunium and Radium. In 1904 she and her husband received the Nobel Prize for Physics. In 1906 Pierre died. Marie was deeply shocked by Pierre‘s death but determined to go on working. She received a second Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1911. So she became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes.

2. 根据短文内容填空:

Apothecary(药剂师)— Li Shizhen

Li Shizhen was born in 1518. His father was a poor doctor. Li Shizhen often saw that people fell ill. He decided to study medicine so that he could help people.

Li Shizhen read many books about medicine. He found many of the old medical books to be full of mistakes. So his wish was to write a new one.

He did his best to study medical science. He studied not only the herbs(药草) in his own



garden, but also the wild ones. He set out many times on long journeys to collect herbs and talk with old peasants(农民). He learned a lot from the working people.

After many years of hard work and study, Li Shizhen finished his great works Ben Cao Gang Mu (本草纲目). At that time he was sixty. His book is now one of the greatest contributions(贡献) of the Chinese people to the medical science of the world.

1) Li Shizhen‘s father was ________________.

2) Li Shizhen wanted to write a new medicine book because ______________. 3) He wanted to ___________, so he studied medical science. 4) He finished his Ben Cao Gang Mu in ___________.

5) From the story, we learned that Li Shizhen was _______________. ( Answers: 1) a poor doctor

2) he found many old medical books were full of mistakes 3) help sick people 4) 1578

5) hardworking / kind / great …)

3. 完型选择:

One day Mark Twain 1 to give a lecture in a small town. He met a young man he knew. The young man told Mark Twain that he had an uncle 2 never laughed or smiled. The young man said that nobody and nothing could possibly make his uncle smile or laugh.

―Please 3 your uncle to my lecture tonight,‖ said Mark Twain. ―I‘m sure I can make That evening the young man and his uncle sat 4 the first row. Mark Twain spoke him laugh.‖

directly to the old man. He told some rather funny stories, 5 make everyone in the hall laugh. But the old man never 6 smiled. Mark Twain told 7 stories he knew. But the old man‘s face was still a blank. At last, Mark Twain stopped. He felt very tired and disappointed.

8 later, Mark Twain told a friend of his about 9 had happened. ―Oh,‖ said his friend, ―I know that old man. He has been 10 for years.‖

B. invited B. whom B. on B. those

C. was invited C. whose C. fetch C. with C. which

D. is invited D. who

1. A. invite 2. A. which 3. A. take 4. A. in 6. A. even

B. carry D. bring D. at

D. these

5. A. with which 7. A. the funniest 8. A. These days 9. A. how

B. ever C. still

D. yet

D. most funny

D. Those days D. that D. dead

B. funniest C. the most funny

C. Other days C. what

B. Some days B. which

10. A. foolish B. deaf ( Keys: CDDACAABCB )

C. blind

Unit 5 Tom Sawyer Paints The Fence



一、 章节分析 (一) 综述

本单元的―writing‖部分是关于如何描述汤姆·索亚另外一个恶作剧的过程。首先,学生需要明白恶作剧的涵义和不良结果;其次,学生通过看图片,复习直接引语和快速应答复习间接引语;再次,在教师提问的引导下,学生分组对三张图片进行全面完整地讨论,为下一步描述故事做好准备;然后,学生独立完成自己的作文;最后,学生两人一组互相校对和纠正对方的作文;然后,教师也可以对学生的一篇作品进行点评。 (二) 目标 1. 知识目标:

1)学习直接间接引语常用变化 2)懂得如何描述过去的事情 2. 能力目标:

1)学会通过记录笔记做作文前准备工作 2)学习描述事情的写作方法 3. 情感目标:

1)激励学生互相关心,避免恶作剧 2)培养学生沟通合作精神 (三) 重点和难点

为了获取准确足够的信息,学会在听其他同学回答时做好记录。 灵活应用直接间接引语。 教学设计(Teaching Designs) 教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考 44

说明:准备关于恶作剧的小短文作为补充材料,使学生了解《牛津英到恶作剧的涵义和不良意义。[链接22] Pre-task 1) Introduce and explain the task to the students. 2) Quick responses by looking at the pictures (direct speech) 3) Quick responses by answering teachers‘ questions (indirect speech) 1) Ask students to work in pairs or in group of three to talk about the story and study the questions with the pictures provided [链接23] 2) Check the answers orally. And try taking down the notes about the answers. Optional steps for backwards students. [链接24] While-task 3) Read the notes to the partner .Check if there is any wrong information .Then make necessary corrections. 4) Write an article with the information they‘ve got on their own. Students can use their notes. 5) Read your article in the group of four. Try to find grammatical mistakes and correct it. 6) Choose the best one from each group and read it to the whole class. 1) Skim students‘ articles and pick one and explained some common mistakes and how to correct them. Post-task 2) Introduce another passage about helping people [链接25]and leave the homework ( Writing a story about helping others) 语教学参考》 Unit 5 Tom Sawyer Paints The Fence

More practice

一、 章节分析


More practice是在Reading、Listening和Speaking部分的基础上对学生进行


阅读技能的训练,拓展词汇,并进行口语的综合操练。本Chapter的more practice节选自TOM SAWYER的历险,主要讲述了TOM和BECKY的一个脱险的小故事。故事内容扣人心弦,语言很符合初三的学生,使学生对于英美文学产生一定的兴趣,为今后的英语学习也打下了一定的基础。作为初中英语学习的课文,相当合适。

整个More practice部分共分为4个部分:

A部分为阅读技能训练——寻找细节(Looking for details),学生从所阅读的教材中寻找相应的内容回答问题。



D部分为查询有关马克·吐温的其他作品。是进一步拓展学生知识面,普及英美文学的内容。可以使得学生对于这一类美国文学作品有更深的认识,也满足对英语有相当大兴趣的同学。对于这些同学日后的学习也起到了推进的作用。 (二)阅读目标

1. 知识目标:

(1) 掌握―词汇学习‖部分所列的重点单词与词组,并掌握其用法 (2) 理解―句型学习‖部分所列的难句的含义 2. 能力目标:

(1) 培养学生阅读技能——根据文章的内容回答问题 (2) 提高学生整体阅读的能力

(3) 培养学生运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力 (4) 学会使用英语发表自己的主观意见 3. 情感目标:

通过作品,了解美国文学的一些知识。 (三)教学方法

阅读指导;写作指导;学生现场写作或当场演讲 (四)重点和难点

1. 词汇学习:extract n 摘要不能,节选

winding adj 弯曲的,曲折的 shape v 形成,成型 downwards adv 向下 light up 点燃

wind v 蜿蜒,迂回 stalactite n 钟乳石 bat n 蝙蝠

candlelight n 烛火,烛光 hurry v 急送

flame n 火焰,光辉 strike v 撞击,打击


run into 撞上,陷入 2. 句型学习:

Tom and Becky walked down a winding passage, holding their candles high. They saw names and dates written on the wall with candle smoke by visitors to the cave before. TOM和BECKY高高举起蜡烛走下一条蜿蜒的通道。他们看见墙壁上有很多以前的到访者用烟熏留下的名字。(现在分词和过去分词作定语)

Soon they came to a place where a little stream of water was running. 不久,他们来到一条小溪在流动的地方(where 引导的定语从句) 教学设计(Teaching Designs) 教学资教学内容 教学实施建议 源参考 1. 给出一张Tom Sawyer的图片,要求学生介绍他,介图片及绍的内容可以根据课文中的内容,也可用自己的语文字部Pre-reading 言来描述。 分参链2. 介绍完成后,要求学生用一些形容词来描述他,把接26 学生所说的内容写在黑板上或者打在投影上。 3. 介绍作者马克·吐温 链接27 1. 播放课文第一段,要求学生合上书本,并完成听写 练习,听完后,要求学生复述内容。并解释第一段 内容,吸引学生继续学习下面的内容。 链接282. 要求学生对文章进行初读,并从文章中找出生词,阅读理进行上下文猜测练习。 While-reading 解答案 3. 相互交流,确定学生能对生词的理解没有任何疑问。 4. 要求学生再读课文,学生完成A部分的练习。 5. 核对A部分的答案。 6. 教师提出B部分的问题并让学生进行讨论(3-4人), 随后以小组的形式上台进行交流。 7. 完成C部分。此部分要求学生事先进行一定的预习, 随后让学生以小组的形式上台介绍马克·吐温。 1. 完成D部分的练习。(教师可将其作为今天的回家 Post-reading 作业让学生进行查询。) 2. 完成阅读练习。 链接29提供了3篇阅读理解的练习,供老师选用。 47


I. Reading comprehension.(阅读理解)


Early men did not have clocks. They told time by the sun and the shadows of trees. Then, they placed sticks in the ground instead of trees. They made marks in the ground, and the shadow from the sticks told the time of day. Later, men began to use sundials. But sundials were good only on sunny days, not on cloudy days.

Men had many ideas for telling time. One idea was to use rope made from plants. Knots were put in the rope at centre places. The distance between knots was a certain amount of tome. Candles with marks to show a length of time were used much like a rope with knots. The candle burned and melted from mark to mark. Usually the mark showed half an hour or an hour.

People began marking clocks over 500years ago. The first clocks had only one hand—the hour hand. The minute hand appeared at a later time. The first clocks were big and heavy. Some rich people had servants to carry their clocks. Time passed and clocks became smaller. Clockmakers were able to make smaller parts for clocks and the size were reduced.

Bells became a part of some large clocks in cities and towns. They were for people unable to see the clock. Some clocks were put in large towers. Many of these clocks still exist today in Europe. Some of them are 400-500 years old. Big Ben in London is a very famous tower clock. The first alarm clocks were used by nonks to wake them for prayers. Today many clocks even alarm clocks are electric

1. People could use sundials to tell time every day. 2. A rope without knots may not tell time.

3. People could use clocks to tell time 400 years ago

4. The first clocks were so heavy that only the servants used them 5. Clocks used to have only one hand. 6. The first alarm clocks were eletric


People all know that December 25th is Christmas Day for Americans and other westerners. Yet not all the people know Boxing Day.

Boxing Day is a holiday observed on December 26, or the first weekday after Christmas. And it is a festival only for those service persons such as postman, newspaper boys, milkmen, etc. On that day, families traditionally give Christmas boxes to those service workers . It is a custom, but nobody is certain how it was originated.

A popular legend tells the story. There was once a rich lady called Chatter in England. One morning many years ago, it snowed very heavily. Chatter was waiting anxiously for a very important letter from her boyfriend. Then a post boy came and gave her the letter. She was so pleased that she gave him a box with presents. Later on, more and more people followed her example. As time went by ,giving boxes with presents to service persons became a custom in Great Britain. Later the custom spread to the British Common wealth and America. In the United States, some people give their employees money instead of boxes nowadays. Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择正确答案。) ( ) 1. Boxing Day is observed

A) on December 25.


B) on December 26.

C) on the first weekday after Christmas.

D) on December 26 or on the first weekday after Christmas.

( ) 2. ―The first weekday‖ refers to


SCHOOL REPORT Name: Nigel Scott Term ending: 6th May St. Mary‘s College, Smithfield Grade: 7

A) Monday.

B) Sunday.


C) Saturday. D)

( ) 3. on Boxing Day

A) Those service persons would give boxes to each other. C) The employers receive boxes from service workers. D) Service workers receive boxes from the employers. A) America B) Australia C) England

D) British Commonwealth A) with nothing in it C) Which is beautiful.

B) made of wood. D) Of presents

B) Service workers would give boxes to the people they serve.

( ) 4. According to a popular legend story, Boxing Day was originated from

( ) 5. On Boxing Day, a service worker receives a box

Term marks (maximum marks 100): English History Geography Conduct: Absences: Remarks:

81 76 68 fair

Mathematics Science French

61 62 67 7

Position in class:

16 No. in class: 34 Nigel has the ability to do a lot better. More progress is expected next term. M. L. Martin

Principal V. f .Francine Class teacher School reopens: 11 September Answer the following questions.(根据上面的成绩报告单,回答下列问题。) 1. What subject does Nigel do best?



2. When does Nigel‘s term reopen?

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

3. How many of Nigel‘s classmates do better than him in his class? 4. Does the class teacher think Nigel has done his best in the past term? 5. How do you think of Nigel‘s study at school? Key:A.FTTFTF

B.DBDCD C. 1. English. 2. On September 11. 3. 6.

4. No, he doesn‘t.

5. Just so so./Not good (All reasonable answers are acceptable.

Sum up:

本单元的―writing‖部分是关于如何描述汤姆·索亚另外一个恶作剧的过程。首先,学生需要明白恶作剧的涵义和不良结果;其次,学生通过看图片,复习直接引语和快速应答复习间接引语;再次,在教师提问的引导下,学生分组对三张图片进行全面完整地讨论,为下一步描述故事做好准备;然后,学生独立完成自己的作文;最后,学生两人一组互相校对和纠正对方的作文;然后,教师也可以对学生的一篇作品进行点评。More practice拓展阅读教学的内容分为4个部分:A部分为阅读技能训练——寻找细节(Looking for details),学生从所阅读的教材中寻找相应的内容回答问题。B部分为主观讨论。这一部分是问学生对于TOM的看法,喜欢与否。并写出自己的理由。这既能作为写作练习,也可以作为口语练习。也可以让学生进行小组讨论。归根到底,便是要学生灵活的运用课文中所学会的单词,句型,加上自己的主观看法,形成一篇作文。这对于学生运用语言是一个很好的操练。C部分文化背景。要求学生查询有关作者马克·吐温的背景知识。这对于拓展学生的知识面很有好处,这也是实际生活中应用英语的表现之一。D部分为查询有关马克·吐温的其他作品。是进一步拓展学生知识面,普及英美文学的内容。可以使得学生对于这一类美国文学作品有更深的认识,也满足对英语有相当大兴趣的同学。对于这些同学日后的学习也起到了推进的作用。


