SAT 词汇、阅读分类题型专项练习(附答案)
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1. Unable to cross the bridge because it was in ill-repair, Clarissa _______ a makeshift one from a fallen log. B (A) claimed (B) devised (C) hesitated (D) exulted (E) perished
2. The com farmers are worried about today?s weather forecast since the _______ hailstorm will have a _______ effect on this year?s crop. E (A) minor .. lasting
(B) unpredictable .. negative (C) approaching .. beneficial (D) terrible .. brief (E) imminent.. harmful
3. The poet?s most recent collection has been very well-received; a recent _______ article in The New York Timeswas only the latest in a long line of accolades for the book. B (A) austere (B) laudatory (C) cursory
(D) vituperative (E) accessible
4. Countries in the twenty-first century are not _______, but _______ every war, every treaty, and every trade that takes place anywhere in the world can affect them all. D (A) dependable .. changing (B) enlarging .. expanding (C) inaccessible .. imperfect (D) isolated . . interdependent (E) bellicose .. peaceful
5. The vagabond seemed content with his _______ lifestyle, but he secretly longed for the _______ of a permanent home. C (A) serene .. passivity
(B) transient.. innocuousness (C) peripatetic .. stability (D) commendable .. inertia (E) reprehensible .. audacity
6. Her political slogans were actually forgotten clichés revived and _______ with new meaning. B (A) fathomed (B) imbued (C) distilled (D) instigated (E) foreshadowed
7. The surprisingly precise measurement of the
circumference of the earth made by the early Greeks _______ some of our beliefs about the simplistic nature of ancient mathematics. A (A) belies (B) assuages (C) clarifies (D) redoubles (E) obscures
8. The character Don Quixote is perhaps best known for his _______; he was constantly embarking upon wild and fanciful expeditions. B (A) impiety (B) vagaries (C) gluttony (D) evanescence (E) narcissism
9. Clint Eastwood is considered a _______ filmmaker; his body of work stretches over four decades and covers numerous genres. D (A) gifted (B) visionary (C) natural (D) prolific (E) limited
10. Rachel Carson?s Silent Spring, which graphically exposed the _______ of the indiscriminate use of pesticides, is widely credited with having _______ the modern environmental movement. E
(A) advantages .. inaugurated (B) hazards .. defused (C) benefits .. inspired (D) deaths .. contained (E) dangers .. launched
11. Anoxemia, a condition in which the normally highly oxygenated blood cells undergo an abnormal reduction in
oxygen content, has so few _______ symptoms that the disease is often _______. A
(A) recognizable .. undiagnosed (B) irreversible .. prolonged (C) remarkable .. revealed (D) distinguishable .. fatal (E) treatable .. concealed
12. The process of maturing is defined by psychologists as a person?s growth away from insecurity and dependency toward self-assurance and _______. E (A) callowness (B) ascendancy (C) obstinacy (D) despotism (E) autonomy
13. The advertising agency was known for its skilled use of _______ in the commercials it produced; these emotional
appeals were particularly successful for political candidates. B (A) jargon (B) pathos (C) stoicism (D) bombast (E) acrimony
14. Many young musicians who are praised for their mastery of difficult pieces often play _______, with little understanding of the emotional content of the music they perform. C (A) begrudgingly (B) tirelessly (C) mechanically (D) opportunistically (E) impeccably
15. Although the colonists resented British rule, they _______ it as long as England did not _______ it too strenuously. C
(A) rejected .. define (B) amended .. follow (C) tolerated .. enforce (D) defied . . interpret (E) welcomed .. violate
16. Judith Rich Harris? _______ theory that parents play only a minor role in their children?s social development is one of the most controversial in modem psychology; many scholars remain _______ her findings. D (A) learned .. fearful of
(B) atypical.. intimidated by (C) idiosyncratic .. supportive of (D) provocative .. skeptical of (E) infamous .. confused by
17. Because the author?s unflattering references to her friends were so _______, she was surprised that her _______ were recognized. C
(A) congratulatory .. styles (B) obvious .. anecdotes (C) oblique .. allusions (D) critical.. eulogies (E) apparent.. motives
18. The Inquisition branded Galileo?s works as _______ since they went against the teachings of medieval religious institutions. C (A) dogmatic (B) credible (C) heretical (D) esoteric (E) ideological
19. Accustomed to the desert conditions of Arizona, Anna did not expect to be so _______ after a day of sightseeing under the Egyptian sun. B (A) sonorous (B) enervated (C) abashed (D) venerated (E) placated
20. The baseball coaches were stunned by the ________ of skills shown by the prospect; he repeatedly missed ground balls 25. The newly published research study on the effects of sleep disorders is so ________ that it leaves no aspect of the and overthrew the first baseman by several feet. B (A) assortment (B) absence (C) visibility
(D) effortlessness (E) expertise
21. However ________ were Marvin Gaye?s beginnings as a member of his father?s church choir, he became a famous and ________ performer. A (A) modest.. esteemed (B) popular .. unqualified (C) inspiring .. notorious (D) humble .. spiritual (E) powerful.. wealthy
22. Juliana?s ________ in solving logic puzzles made her a ________ at the state-wide contest. E (A) dispassion .. competitor (B) disappointment.. challenger (C) skill.. personality
(D) handicap .. contributor (E) alacrity .. contender
23. The professor, in effect, discouraged ________ behavior when he announced that his grading system would the students in the course in competition with each for the highest grades. E (A) academic (B) selfish (C) rhetorical (D) mischievous (E) congenial
24. The graduate students in the global studies course
surprised at their professor?s ________ take on the material, in that he only addressed issues associated the United States. C (A) international (B) sonorous (C) myopic (D) nonchalant (E) diffident
issue unexamined. A
(A) comprehensive (B) rewarding (C) insignificant (D) problematic (E) imprecise
26. The actress ________ her parents when she failed to ________ their contributions to her career during her award acceptance speech. C
(A) honored .. recognize (B) cheated .. accept (C) chagrined .. acknowledge (D) avoided .. understand (E) grieved .. dismiss
27. Though frequently read in college literature courses, the writer?s novels are generally thought of as ; ________ critics feel they do not display any true originality. C
(A) unique (B) insightful (C) trite (D) elusive (E) arid
28. Until he studied Picasso?s works and realized how the painter?s ________ revealed an emotional reality that bespoke pure ________, the art critic had believed that a traditional rendering of reality was the hallmark of greatness. B (A) realism .. genius
(B) ingenuity .. brilliance (C) pedantry .. recognition (D) novelty .. popularity (E) fancy .. opulence
29. The audience members at the illusionist?s latest show were ________; they could not believe the spectacle they had just witnessed. A (A) incredulous (B) irresolute (C) diverted (D) persistent (E) pernicious
30. Though the article was meant to be an ________ analysis of the President?s life and politics, some actually interpreted it as a ________ criticism of his term in office. E (A) intrusive . . satirical
(B) incendiary .. provocative (C) indifferent.. disinterested (D) impartial.. prosaic (E) objective .. partisan
31. Warned by teachers that further disturbances would result in his dismissal from school, Kevin struggled daily to avoid altercations and keep his ________ nature in check. B (A) duplicitous (B) irascible (C) serene (D) scrupulous (E) smarmy
32. During the war, coffee beans were scarce due to
restrictions on international shipping; many people had to drink 37. The oracle at Delphi purposely made ________
prophecies so that they could be interpreted in more than one way. A
(A) equivocal (B) vacuous (C) mirthful (D) omnipotent (E) meager
38. The lake was found to be so ________ that state environment officials were forced to investigate and
an ________ brew, made of roasted dandelion roots or chicory. D
(A) intermediate (B) insufficient (C) aesthetic (D) ersatz (E) enervating
33. The baseball coaches chose Mack over the other talented players for the final spot on the team due to his ________: he can play every position. C
(A) passion (B) physique (C) versatility (D) endurance (E) credibility
34. The hurricane was a ________ event, leaving in its wake millions of dollars in damage. A
(A) calamitous (B) banal (C) minuscule (D) precipitous (E) heralded
35. Weakened by his bout with pneumonia, Gary found himself virtually incapacitated, ________ to ________ the energy necessary to run a marathon. B (A) ardent.. salvage (B) unable .. muster
(C) disinclined .. squander (D) eager .. exert
(E) hesitant.. enervate
36. Despite her ________ schedule, Karen amazed everyone with her seemingly unlimited ________. C (A) episodic .. vitality (B) hectic .. acuity
(C) strenuous .. alacrity (D) busy .. sanctity (E) precise .. energy
temporarily ________ all recreational swimming and boating. D
(A) placid .. prohibit (B) polluted .. urge (C) brimming .. evade (D) noxious .. proscribe (E) shallow .. promote
39. Great personal danger is one of the few things that will force a lion to relinquish its prey; carnivores will a ________ meal only at the point where self-preservation outweighs hunger. C
(A) consume (B) camouflage (C) forgo (D) inspect (E) balance
40. The miser was so afraid of losing money that he was willing to pass up a ________ opportunity rather than ________ what he already possessed. B (A) profitable .. earn (B) lucrative .. risk (C) hazardous .. secure (D) shrewd .. waste (E) fortunate .. discredit
41. One can argue that the scientific process is a constant, because despite numerous ________ in the instruments used, the steps that scientists follow have been ________ for centuries. D
(A) losses .. converted
(B) refinements .. atypical (C) drawbacks .. intact (D) advances .. unaltered
(E) improvements .. unreliable
42. Health experts have found that the use of antibiotics, while beneficial when used with ________, may actually be ________ in the long term. B (A) constraint.. advantageous (B) moderation .. detrimental (C) dispatch .. beneficial (D) excess .. pernicious (E) exactness .. excruciating
43. Some early American pioneers were so ________ to be beholden to others that they refused any favors or offers of help. 48. Schubert exclaimed with ________ when he realized that the one ________ error he made in calculation had accidentally given him the solution he had been seeking for years. B
(A) dismay .. appalling (B) elation .. significant (C) dread .. involuntary (D) jubilation .. intentional (E) exultation .. audible
49. The project manager ________ his presentation with an E
(A) fervent (B) brazen (C) resolved (D) prudent (E) loath
44. His parents fostered in him such a sense of self-worth that when he became a prisoner of war, the ________ treatment by his captors failed to make him feel ________. D (A) genteel.. humiliated (B) morose .. bewildered (C) corrupt.. praiseworthy (D) demeaning . . inferior (E) reverential.. venerated
45. Viki?s tendency to aggressively exaggerate her case was not to her advantage; her ________ manner often angered her superiors. A
(A) overblown (B) callow (C) inane (D) refined (E) belligerent
46. When the president?s misdeed was finally uncovered, the press called for his indictment, but he insisted that his action was merely a ________ which he need not have disclosed. C (A) windfall (B) plot (C) lapse (D) malfeasance (E) calamity
47. After the governor announced that she would refrain from smear tactics in the campaign, many expressed hope that this action would restore ________ to public discourse. A (A) civility (B) abstraction (C) monotony (D) partiality (E) tension
excessively optimistic outlook and flowery language in an effort to win the director?s approval. B
(A) appeased (B) embellished (C) conceived (D) disdained (E) derived
50. At the science fair, Joanna was stunned when what she thought was ________ entry received ________ score from the judges. C
(A) an outstanding . . a differential (B) a blemished .. a contemptible (C) a mediocre .. a superlative (D) an extremist.. an atrocious (E) a laudable .. a gratifying
51. The prisoner?s looming execution date gave defense attorneys added ________ to analyze new DNA evidence that might exonerate their client. E
(A) discretion (B) certitude (C) acuity (D) enmity (E) impetus
52. Once relegated to only a few outlets such as television and radio, advertising now confronts us everywhere; it has become ________ presence in our lives. D
(A) an offensive (B) an insensible (C) an urbane (D) a ubiquitous (E) an ineffective
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