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第一节 介词的用法


介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。在句中不能单独作句字成分。介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语或介词宾语。例如:



1.表示地点位置的介词 1)at ,in, on, to

at (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示―在……附近,旁边‖ in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示―在…范围之内‖。 on 表示毗邻,接壤

to 表示在……范围外,不强调是否接壤 He arrived at the station at ten. He is sitting at the desk.

He arrived in Shanghai yesterday. Jiangsu lies in the east of China. Russia lies on the north of China. Fujian is to the south of Jiangsu Province. 2)above, over, on 在……上

above 指在……上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对;

over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。 on表示某物体上面并与之接触。 The bird is flying above my head. There is a bridge over the river. He put his watch on the desk. 3)below, under 在……下面 under表示在…正下方

below表示在……下,不一定在正下方 There is a cat under the table. Please write your name below the line.

2.表示时间的介词 1)in , on,at 在……时

in表示较长时间,如世纪、朝代、时代、年、季节、月及一般(非特指)的早、中、晚等。 如 in the 20th century, in the 1950s, in 1989, in summer, in January, in the morning, in the night, in one‘s life , in one‘s thirties等。 on表示具体某一天及其早、中、晚。

如on May 1st, on Monday, on New Year‘s Day, on a cold night in January, on a fine morning, on Sunday afternoon等。


如at 3:20, at this time of year, at the beginning of, at the end of …, at the age of …, at Christmas, at night, at noon, at this moment等。

注意:在last, next, this, that, some, every 等词之前一律不用介词。如:We meet every day.

2)in, after 在……之后

―in +段时间‖表示将来的一段时间以后; ―after+段时间‖表示过去的一段时间以后; ―after+将来点时间‖表示将来的某一时刻以后。 My mother will come back in three or four days. He arrived after five months.

She will appear after five o‘clock this afternoon.

3)from, since 自从……

from仅说明什么时候开始,不说明某动作或情况持续多久; since表示某动作或情况持续至说话时刻,通常与完成时连用。 He studied the piano from the age of three. They have lived here since 1978.

4)after, behind 在……之后 after主要用于表示时间; behind主要用于表示位置。 We shall leave after lunch. Lucy is hiding behind an old house.


across, through 通过,穿过

across表示横过,即从物体表面通过,与on有关; through穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关。 She swam across the river. He walked through the forest.

4.表示―在……之间‖的介词: between, among

between指在两个人或两个事物之间; among指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间。

There is a football match between Class One and Class Two on the playground. The teacher is standing among the students.

5.表示其他意义的介词 1)on ,about 关于

on 表示这本书,这篇文章或演说是严肃的,或学术性的,可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读;


There will be a lecture on economics this afternoon. He is writing a book on cooking.

He told me a lot about his life in the summer vocation.

2)by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具 by 以……方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具;

with 表示用 …工具、手段,一般接具体的工具和手段;

in 表示用…方式,用…语言(语调、笔墨、颜色)等; He makes a living by selling newspapers. He broke the window with a stone. The foreigner spoke to us in English.

3)except, besides 除了 except 除……之外,不包括在内; besides 除……之外,包括在内。

Except Mr. Wang, we went to see the film.(王先生没去) Besides Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film.(王先生也去了)


1. Taiwan is ________ the southeast of China.(in, on, to)

2. Go _________ the bridge _________ the river, you‘ll find the shop.(across, through; over, above)

3. I go to school __________7:30 every morning.(in, on, at)

4. He would like to meet her __________8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow morning.(between, among )

5. The Greens have lived in China ________ three years.(in, for, after)

6. We go to school every day ________ Saturday and Sunday.(except, besides) 7. He wrote the letter _________ ink.(by, with ,in)

8. She returned to her country _________five years.(in, after, for) 9. There is a big tree _________ our classroom.(after, behind) 10. I usually go to work _________ bike.(by, on, with)


介词在英语词汇中所占比例很小,但它们的用法却非常灵活,复杂。下列为常用介词及含义: about 关于,附近,大约,周围,随身.

I have bought a book about Shakespearean. 我买了一本有关莎士比亚的书。

There are about fifteen trees in the picture. 图片里大约有十五棵树。

above 在....上,高出,以上,超过,在...上游. The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机在云上飞行。

I think the man is above sixty years old. 我想那人有六十多岁了。

across 横过,对面,交叉,在...的对面. Can you swim across the river? 你能游过河吗?

We live across the street. 我们住在街的对面。 after 在...后面,依照. He went home after school. 他放学后就回家了。 Read after me, please. 请跟我朗读。

against 撞到,靠着,反对,违背, The car hit against the tree. 汽车撞了树。

He is standing against the wall. 他靠墙站着。 along 沿着,顺着.

They are walking along the river. 他们沿着河行走。 among 在...当中.

He is the tallest among them. 他是他们当中个子最高的。 around 在...的周围,在...那一边.

They sat around the table talking the news. 他们绕桌而坐谈论新闻。

There is a drugstore around the corner. 拐角处有一家药店。 as 作为.

He doesn't like people treat him as a child. 他不喜欢人们把他当小孩子对待。

at 在...时刻,在...点钟,在...岁时, 向,在...之中,按...速度,值(卖)...钱, He always gets up at six in the morning. 他时常早上六点钟起床。 He shot at the bird but missed it. 他向鸟射击,但是没射中。

The car goes at eighty miles an hour. 汽车以每小时八十公里的速度行驶。 before 在...的前面(位置),在...之前(时间) He took a picture before the car. 他在汽车前照了张照片。

He can't finish his work before supper. 晚饭前他完不成工作。

behind 在...的后面(位置), 落后于,不如, 迟于,晚于(时间)

Are there any brooms behind the door. 门后有扫帚吗?

All of us are behind him in mathematics. 我们数学都不如他。 below 在...之下,低于,

There are four lights below the ceiling. 天花板下面有四盏灯。

The murderer run away below the police's eyes. 杀人犯从警察眼皮底下跑了。 beside 在...的旁边,在...之外,与...相比. He found the body by the river. 他在河边发现了尸体。

Beside yours, my computer is too slow. 与你的计算机速度相比,我的就慢多了。 besides 除...之外,

We are all here besides Bowe.

除鲍外,我们也都来了。 between 在...两者之间,

The relations between the two countries has improved since then. 两国的关系从那以后得到了改善。 beyond 在...那边,

The shop you are looking for is beyond the street, you can't miss it. 你要找的商店在街的那边,你不会找不到的。 but 除去.

He has nothing but money. 他除钱以外什么都没有。

by 被..., 在...的近旁 , 在...之前, 不迟于, 以...为手段。 The classroom was cleaned by the students. 教室由学生们打扫干净了。 Miss Lucy came to China by air. 露西小姐是乘飞机来中国的。 down 沿着...望下。 She walked down the street. 她沿着街道走。

during 在...期间,在...时候。

During the holiday, we went to the south. 我们假期去了南方。 except 除...之外。

He knows nothing except English. 他除英语以外什么都不知道。 for 为..., 因为..., 至于... 。 He works for this company. 他为这家公司工作。

She came back to the classroom for she had left her books in the classroom. 她返回到教室是因为把书留在了那里。 from 从..., 来自..., 因为...。 Where are you from? 你是哪里人?

He died from an accident. 他死于一场事故。

in 在..., 在...之内,从事于..., 按照..., 穿着...。 He was born in 1992. 他生于1992年。

I could finish the program in two weeks. 我可以用两周时间完成这个项目。 He spend less time in reading. 他读书时间很少。

The man in black jacket is our teacher. 穿黑夹克的那个人是我们的老师。 like 象...,如同...。

The twins are like their father. 双胞胎象他们的父亲。 near 靠近....。

There are some flowers near the house. 房子附近有一些花。 of ...的,属于...。 This is a map of China. 这是一张中国地图。 off 离开...,在...之外。

The young man got off the train quickly. 那个年青人很快下了火车。

I live in a village a little way off the main road. 我住在离大路不远的一个村庄里。 on 在...之上。

My book is on the table. 我的书在桌子上。

out of 从...出来,在...之外。 The dog run out of the house. 狗从房子里跑出来。 outside ... 外边.

They are waiting outside the gate. 他们在门外等着。

over 在...之上,遍于...之上,越过...。 There is a light over the desk. 桌子上方有盏灯。 He is over sixty years old. 他有六十多岁。

past 越过...,过...,超越...。

The students walked past the post office. 学生们走过了邮局。 It is ten past two. 现在是两点十分。

round 围着...,绕过...,在...周围。 We sat round the table. 我们围着桌子坐下。

The earth goes round the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。

since 自... 以后,自...以来。

He has made great progress in English since he came into the college. 从他来到大学后,他的英语有了很大进步。 through 经过...,穿过...。 They went through the forest. 他们穿过了森林。

throughout 遍及...,在各处。

The police searched for the criminal throughout the mountain. 警察搜山寻找犯人。 till 直到...,在...以前。

He didn't come back till eleven o'clock. 他直到十一点钟才回来。 We'll be home till six. 六点以前我们都会在家。 to 到...,向...,趋于。

How long is it from here to the station? 从这儿到车站有多远? under 在...之下,低于。

There are some footballs under the bed. 床底下有几颗足球。

These students are under seventeen years old. 这些学生们不到十七岁。 until 直到,在...以前,

Please wait for us until we come back. 请等着我们回来。

It was not until last week that I handed in mathematics paper. 直到上周,我才交了数学论文。 up 在...上面,在...上。 He went up the stairs. 他上了楼梯。

upon 在...之上,迫近...。

It's not polite to look down upon him. 蔑视他是不礼貌的。 within 在...之内。

You must finish the work within two weeks. 你必须两周内完成这项工作。 without 没有,不,在...之外。 We can't do it better without your help. 没有你的帮助,我们就做不好。 We couldn't live without air and water. 没有空气和水,我们就不可能生存。


(表示方向)经,向 He pointed to the clock. 他指着那个钟。 (表示目标)到…去

Give the book to him. 把这本书给他。

The mayor intended to get to the bottom of the matter. 市长打算将此事寻根究底。 (表示程度)达到

This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. 这将会在一定程度上减轻对火车的压力。 The bus service has been cut to the bone. 公共汽车服务已经削减到了最低限度。 (表示状态)趋于,倾向 She sang the baby to sleep. 她给孩子唱歌唱到孩子睡着。 (表示结果)导致

They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open. 他们担心在剖开时木乃伊会变成碎片。 Bring the soup to the boil. 请把汤煮沸。

Wait until the lights change to green. 等到绿灯亮了再走。 贴着

cheek to cheek 脸贴脸 对着 face to face 面对面

He wouldn't dare say rude things about her to her face. 他不敢当面对她出言不逊。 从…到

count from 10 to 20 从10数到20

She works from two o'clock to ten o'clock. 她从两点钟工作到10点。


I want a present to give to my wife. 我要送我妻子一件礼物。 (表示拥有关系)归于,属于 the key to the lock 这把锁的钥匙 与…相比,比

The score was 9 to 5. 得分是九比五。


There are 100 pence to every pound. 1英镑有100便士。 对…表示敬意 drink to sb.'s health 为某人的健康干杯

(指时间)在…之前;直到…为止 5 to 4 差五分四点

To date we have received more than five hundred applications. 到此时为止,我们已经收到了五百多份申请书。

The committe have never heard the whole story to this day. 至今委员会还从未听到整个事情的始末。 (表示相对的位置)在 to the north of England 在英格兰的北方

The village lies to the east of the woods. 村庄位于树林的东面。 对于;关于

What's your answer to that? 你对那件事的答案是什么? (a number) to (a number)


in 10 to 12 feet of water 水深10到12英尺 It's 100 to 1 he'll lose. 他百分之百会输。 adv 醒过来

He didn't come to for half an hour after he'd hit his head. 他撞伤头后过了半小时才醒过来。 关上,关闭

The wind blew the door to. 风把门给吹关上了。

第二节 被动语态的用法

在英语中,被动语态和主动语态一样简练、有力,并有其特殊的用途,也是人们表达思想、描述事物的需要。本文通过大量例句向您讲解被动语态的使用方法及使用被动语态时的注意事项。 一.何时使用被动语态

英语中,大多数情况下用主动语态比较简练、有力。但是,被动语态也有其特殊的用途,它也是表达思想、描述事物的需要。人们通常在下列情况下使用被动语态:。 1.不知道或不必说出动作的执行者时使用被动语态 例句

How is this word pronounced? 这个单词怎么发音?

Scientists say that work is done whenever a force moves. 科学家们说,力移动时就做了功。 After war,everything had been destroyed. 战争结束后,一切都被毁坏了。 A greater number of magic English books will be published next year. 明年将有更多的魔法英语书出版。 2.强调动作的承受者时使用被动语态 例句

If you break the school rules,you will be punished. 如果你违反校规,你将受到惩罚。 A new Hope School will be opened in our village. 我们家乡将开办一所新的希望学校。 She is liked by everybody. 大家都喜欢她。

Xiao Li was elected monitor of the class. 小李被选为班长。 3.当动作的执行者不是人而是无生命的事物时使用被动语态 例句

The bridge was washed away by the flood. 桥被洪水冲走了。

We were shocked by the news of his death. 我们听到他的死讯极为震惊。

Many accidents were caused by careless driving. 许多事故都是开车不小心造成的。 4.修辞的需要,使用被动语态可以使句子更加简练、匀称 例句

He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. 他出现在舞台上,受到了观众的热烈鼓掌。

The old professor gave a lecture on American history and was well received. 这位老教授作了一个有关美国历史的讲座,受到大家的热烈欢迎。

I was shown round the school campus by Sean,who had entered the school just a year before. 肖恩带我参观了校园,他去年刚进这所学校。

5.为了表示委婉或礼貌,避免提及动作执行者或说话者自己时使用被动语态 例句

You‘ve been told many times not to make the same mistake.你已被多次告知不要犯同样的错误。 Everybody is expected to obey the following rules. 希望大家遵守以下规定。 The control room may not be entered without permission. 非经许可,勿人控制室。 6.科技文献中为了客观地描述事情及其过程时应使用被动语态 例句

The film is coated with light-sensitive chemicals, which are changed by the different shades and colours of light. 胶卷上涂了一层感光的化学物质,这些物质因光的不同色度与颜色而改变。 7.在新闻报道中使用被动语态可以体现新闻的客观性 例句

The west-east gas pipeline project was kicked off on July 4, a big event in the nation‘s west development campaign. 西气东输工程7月4日全线开工,这是国家西部大开发战略的一件大事。 8.有些动词习惯上常用被动语态 例句

He was born in this city. 他出生在这个城市。

The school is situated in the suburbs. 这所学校位于郊外。 常用于被动语态的动词有

born(出生)、 situate(坐落于)、 build(建造)、break(打破)、publish(出版)等。 二.使用被动语态时的主意事项 1.―get+过去分词‖结构也可以表被动 例句

The boy got hurt on his way to school. 这个男孩在上学的路上受伤了。 These cleaners got paid by the month. 清洁工人按月拿工资。

He got caught in the heavy rain on his way home. 在回家的路上他被困在大雨中了。 类似短语

get burnt(着火)、get killed(被杀)、get hurt(受伤)、get lost(迷路)

get dressed(穿衣服)、get changed(变化)、get married(结婚)、get washed(洗)等。

2.有部分动词接双宾语,那么变为被动语态时也有两种形式。 例句

主动语态:I passed him a new book.我地给他一本书

被动语态:A new book was passed to him(by me). 或 He was passed a new book(by me). 可接双宾语的动词有

give(给)、hand(传给)、show(展示)、teach(教)、send(派遣)、pass(传递)等。 3.有些―动词+介词/副词‖构成的固定动词短语,变为被动语态时要注意其完整性,不可分开。 例句

主动语态:We should take good care of the old and the children. 我们应该照顾好老人和小孩。 被动语态:The old and the children should be taken good care of.

4.有些由―动词+名词+介词‖构成的短语动词,其结构较松散,变成被动语态时也可以将名词和其后的介词拆开。 例句

主动语态:They make good use of the library. 他们充分利用图书馆。 被动语态:Good use is made of the library. 这个图书馆的利用率很高。

5.英语中,有些动词接不带to的不定式做宾补,但是当它们变为被动语态时,要把to加上去。 例句

主动语态:The boss made them work twelve hours every day. 老板让他们每天工作十二小时。 被动语态:They were made to work twelve hours every day. 可接不带to的不定式做宾补的动词有

let(让)、have(使)、see(看)、notice(注意)、watch(观看)、listen to(听) hear(听)、observe(观察)、feel(感觉)等。

第三节 宾语从句的用法

宾语从句是主从复合句中最常见的从句之一。 它作及物动词、介词或者某些形容词的宾语。由于宾语从句涉及到引导词、语序、时态等多方面的内容,所以宾语从句的用法一直是学习的重点难点。本文对宾语从句的用法进行了详尽讲解并附有例句,望对中学生朋友有所帮助。 一.宾语从句的定义




连词:that (that 常可省略),whether, if 代词:who, whose, what ,which 副词:when ,where, how, why 等。



say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等。

例句:The boy believes that he will travel through space to other planets.

注意事项:当主句谓语动词是 think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。

例句:I don‘t think it is right for him to treat you like that. 在以下情况中that不能省略

1. 当句中的动词后接多于两个由that引导的宾语从句时,第一个that可省,但后面的that


例句:He said (that) you were too young to understand the matter and that he was asked not to tell you.

2. 当主句的谓语动词与that宾语从句之间有插入语时,that一般不可省。

例句:Just then I noticed, for the first time, that our master was wearing his fine green coat and his black silk cap.

3. 当that从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时,that不可省。

例句:I can‘t tell him that his mother died.

注意事项:许多带复合宾语的句子,that引导的宾语从句经常移到句子后部,而用it作形式宾语。 例句:I find it necessary that we should do the homework on time. (二)由whether,if 引导的宾语从句


例句:I wonder whether(if) they will come to our party. 只能用whether,不能用if引导的宾语从句

1. 在带to的不定式前

例句:We decided whether to walk there. 2. 在介词的后面

例句:I‘m thinking of whether we should go to see the film. 3. 在动词后面的宾语从句时

例句:We discussed whether we had a sports meeting next week 4. 直接与or not连用时

例句:I can‘t say whether or not thet can come on time.


1. if引导条件状语从句,意为―如果‖

例句:The students will go on a picnic if it is sunny. 2. if引导否定概念的宾语从句时

例句:He asked if I didn‘t come to school yesterday. 3. 引导状语从句even if(即使)和as if(好象)时

例句:He talks as if he has known all about it.


这样的宾语从句实际上是由特殊疑问句变化而来的,宾语从句要用陈述句语序。用于这种结构的动词常常是:see, say, tell, ask, answer, know, decide, show, find out, imagine, suggest, doubt, wonder, discover, understand, inform, advise等。

英语中的连接代词有:who,whom,whose,which,what,在句中担任主语、宾语、定语或者表语。 例句:Can you tell me whom you are waiting for?

英语中的连接副词有:when,where,why,how,在句中担任状语的成分。 例句:None of us knows where these new parts can be bought. 三.宾语从句的语序


1. I don‘t know what they are looking for. 2. Could you tell me when the train will leave? 3. Can you imagine what kind of man he is?


1. 主句是一般现在时,从句根据实际情况使用任何时态。

例句:The headmaster hopes everything goes well. 2. 主句是过去时态,从句须用过去时态的某种形式。

例句:She was sorry that she hadn‘t finished her work on time.

3. 当宾语从句表示的是一个客观真理或者事实时,即使主句是过去时,从句也用一般现在时


例句:The teacher told his class that light travels faster than sound.


1. 宾语从句可以作及物动词、介词及形容词的宾语。 2. 宾语从句的语序一律用陈述句语序。

3. 连接词that引导宾语从句在句中无词义,不充当句子成份,多数情况下可以省略。 4. whether 和 if 都可引导宾语从句,但 whether后可紧跟or not;whether从句可作介词的



第四节 反意疑问句的用法


反意疑问句(The Disjunctive Questions )又称附加疑问句,是疑问句的一种,它对陈述部分的事实提出相反的疑问,形式上是个省略句,附在陈述部分之后,并用逗号与陈述部分隔开(主语一般用相应的代词;有时这种问句并没有反意疑问句的意味,而是提出一个事实上听话人承认的问题。所以,人们统称为附加疑问句(Tag Questions )。

附加疑问句主要是由―陈述句 + 附加疑问‖构成,附加疑问部分的动词一般要与陈述部分的动词相对应,附加疑问部分的主语要与陈述部分的主语相对应,如果陈述部分的主语是名词词组,则附加疑问部分用相应的代词表示。 二.附加疑问句的类型

附加疑问句的类型为:陈述句 + 反意附加疑问。该类型又可以分为以下两种情况阐述: ① 当陈述句为肯定式时,附加疑问句用否定形式,即肯定的陈述句+否定的附加疑问句。 例句:

It's very hot today, isn't it ? Yes, it is . 今天天气很热,是不是? 是的,很热。 That clock is slow ,isn't it? Yes, it is. 这钟是缓慢的,不是吗?是的,它是。 You want to get your TV set back , don't you ? Yes , I do. 你想您的电视机回来,不是吗?是的,我是这样想的。

② 当陈述句用否定式时,附加疑问句用肯定形式,即否定的陈述句+肯定的附加疑问句。 例句:

It isn't very hot today, is it ? 今天不是很热,是吗? That clock isn't slow ,is it ? 这钟不是缓慢的, 是吗?

注意这一类型的附加疑问句的回答,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的,就要用yes,事实是否定的,就要用no,这与汉语不一样,应特别注意。 例句:

She isn't a teacher , is she? 她不是教师,是吗? Yes , she is. 不,她是。 No, she isn't .是的 , 她不是。 三.附加疑问句的构成

1.当陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone ,someone, no one, nobody, somebody 等指人的合成词时,附加疑问部分的主语在正式语体中通常用he,在非正式文体中则往往用they。 例句

Nobody likes to lose money , does he? 没有人愿意赔钱,那么他呢?

Everyone enjoyed the party, didn't they /he ? 每个人都很喜欢这个舞会,他们不是吗?

2.当陈述部分的主语是everything ,anything, something, nothing 等指物的合成词时,附加疑问部分的主语只能用 it。 例句

Nothing is difficult , is it ? 没什么难的事情,不是吗?

Everything seems all right , doesn't it ? 所有的事情都好了,不是吗? 3.当陈述部分是there 引起的句时,附加疑问部分的主语也用there。 例句

There is a boat on the river, isn't there? 河上有一只船, 不是吗?

There stands a house and a lot of trees , doesn't there? 那有一座房子还有一些树,不是吗? 4.当陈述部分含有seldom , hardly, scarely, no, not,never, rarely,few, little, nothing, nobody , nowhere 等否定词或半否定词,附加疑问部分采用肯定形式。 例句

Nobody phoned while I was out ,did they ? 当我在外面的时候没有人来电话,是吗? Few people know him ,do they ? 几乎没有人认识他,是吗? He has never been to Beijing ,has he? 他从来没有去过北京,是吗?

5.当陈述部分含有un- ,in- ,im-, il-, ir-, dis-等否定前缀或less等否定后缀构成的派生词时,附加疑问则用否定形式。 例句

It's unfair, isn't it ? 那不公平,不是吗?

She dislikes it , doesn't she? 她不喜欢它,不是吗?

6.当陈述部分含有no one , nobody , none ,nothing ,neither等作动词的宾语时,附加疑问部分采用肯定形式。 例句

He has nothing to say ,does(n't) he? 他没什么可说的,是吗?

You got nothing from him, did(n't) you? 你从他那什么都没得到,是吗? 四.18种特殊的反意疑问句语法总结

1. 祈使句:祈使句后一般加上will you 或won't you 构成反意疑问句,用will you 多表示―请

求‖,用won't you多表示提醒对方注意。

2. 感叹句:感叹句后加反意疑问句时,其反意疑问句需用be 的一般现在时态的否定形式。 3. 当陈述部分谓语动词是need , dare, used to 且这些词被用作实义动词时,其反意疑问句

需用do 的适当形式。

4. 陈述部分主、谓语是I am … 时,反意疑问句用aren‘t I 或ain‘t I, 而不是am not I (可用

am I not )。

5. 陈述部分的主语是everything ,nothing,anything 或something时,反意疑问句的主语应用

代词it 。

6. 陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone ,nobody,

no one, none, neither时,其反意疑问句的主语需用复数代词they 。

7. 陈述部分的主语是指示代词this 或that 时,反意疑问句的主语用it , 当陈述部分的主语

是指示代词these 或those时,其反意疑问句的主语用they 。

8. 陈述部分的主语是不定代词one 时,反意疑问句的主语可以用one,也可以用you (美式英

语用he )。

9. 当陈述部分含有以下这些含有否定意义的词时:few, little, seldom, hardly, never, not , no,

no one , nobody ,nothing ,none, nether等,其反意疑问句需用肯定结构。

10. 当陈述部分所含的否定词是通过加前缀或后缀构成的,其后的反意疑问句依然有否定结构。 11. 含有否定含意的词在陈述部分做动词的宾语时,其反意疑问句用肯定结构,也可用否定结


12. 当陈述部分主语是从句、不定式(短语)、动词-ing 形式时,反意疑问句的主语应该用it。 13. 当陈述部分含I think (believe ,suppose…)that…结构时,其反意疑问句须与从句的主、谓


14. have(has) 不是表示―有‖的意思,并在句中做谓语时,其反意疑问句的助动词要用do, does,


15. 陈述部分有have to 时,其反意疑问句要用助动词的否定形式。 16. 陈述部分是there be 句型时,其反意疑问句中要用there . 17. 陈述部分有had better 时,其反意疑问句要用hadn‘t.

18. 当陈述部分含有情态动词must时,我们最好分析一下must的含义。如果must作―一定;


第五节 必须一看浪漫的英语电影

?Casablanca‘ – 1942,《卡萨布兰卡》二战早期时,一个叫Rick的美国人在巴黎遇到了一位之前抛弃了她的旧情人。他们计划一起逃离...他们会成功吗?

?Gone with the Wind ‘– 1939,《飘》战争时期一位老于世故的女人和一个男人动荡的爱情故事及围绕在他们周围的混乱

?Titanic‘– 1997,《泰坦尼克》这是一段富家女和穷小子在一艘名为Titanic的船上发生的浪漫爱情故事

?Ghost‘– 1990,一部证明了爱情是饱受痛苦的、甚至在死后都是要承受折磨的影片

'Roman Holiday' – 1953,《罗马假日》一位公主逃离了掌控后在罗马与一位美国人相爱了。 ?An Affair to Remember‘– 1957,两个相爱的人不顾已经与别人订婚的事实,决定六个月内在帝国大厦相会—他们能坚守承诺吗?

?Love Story‘– 1970,尽管有着截然不同的背景,学生Oliver和Jennifer相爱了。他们能逃脱家庭的束缚吗?

?Sleepless in Seattle‘– 1993,《西雅图不眠夜》母亲去世后,Jonah打电话到一个电台节目中为他的父亲找女朋友。

Must-See Romantic English-Language Movies

'Casablanca' – 1942,Set in the early days of World War II, Rick, an American expatriate meet an old lover who‘d dumped him in Paris. They plan to run away together… will they succeed?

'Gone with the Wind' – 1939,A manipulative woman and a man carry on a turbulent love affair while war and chaos surround them.

'Titanic' – 1997,This is the romantic tale of a rich girl and a poor boy who meet on the ill-fated ship –Titanic.

'Ghost' – 1990,This movie is proof that love endures, even after death!

'Roman Holiday' – 1953,A princess escapes her handlers and falls in with an American while in Rome.

'An Affair to Remember' – 1957,Despite being engaged to other people, two lovers agree to meet in six months at the Empire State Building – will they live up to their promise?

'Love Story' – 1970,Students Oliver and Jennifer fall in love despite their very different backgrounds. Will they survive their families?

'Sleepless in Seattle' – 1993,Despite missing his mother, after her death, Jonah calls in to a radio talk show hoping to find a girlfriend for his father.

第六节 你需要的英语就像一个私人助理


―Good morning, Mr. Smith’s office, Fiona speaking. How may I help you?‖(早上好,这里是Smith先生的办公室,我是Fiona。请问有什么可以帮到您吗?)

―I’m sorry but Mr. Smith is out of the office this week. Could you send me some more information about your products and company by fax or email please? The fax number is 123456789 and the email address is fiona.best@abc.com.‖(很抱歉Smith先生这个星期不在办公室,请问您能否用传真或邮箱把关于您公司产品的具体信息发送过来吗?这里的传真号码是123456789,邮箱地址是address is fiona.best@abc.com)


―Good morning, Mr. Toshiko. My name is Fiona Best and I’m Mr. Smith’s personal assistant. Would you follow me please and I’ll take you to the conference room ready for your meeting?‖ (Toshiko先生,早上好,我是Fiona Best,Smith先生的私人助理。麻烦您跟我到会议室参加您的会议好吗?)

―Could I get you something to drink – tea, coffee, water or a soft drink? Did you find our offices easily?‖(请问您喝点什么?茶?咖啡?水?还是碳酸饮料呢?) 安排及维护日常事务及预约:

―I’m sorry but Mr. Smith isn’t free on Friday 8th January 2010. Would Monday 11th January or Tuesday 12th January be convenient for you?‖(很抱歉Smith先生2010年1月8日周五没有空,请问您11日周一或者12日周二方便吗?)

―Yes, that’s fine. I’ve noted your appointment for 9:30a.m.on Tuesday 12th January here at our offices.‖ (好的。我已经记下了您的预约时间,1月12日周二早上9:30在我们办公室等。) English You Need as a Personal Assistant

Screening telephone calls, enquiries and requests, and handling them when appropriate: ―Good morning, Mr. Smith’s office, Fiona speaking. How may I help you?\

―I’m sorry but Mr. Smith is out of the office this week. Could you send me some more information about your products and company by fax or email please? The fax number is 123456789 and the email address is fiona.best@abc.com.‖

Meeting and greeting visitors at all levels of seniority:

―Good morning, Mr. Toshiko. My name is Fiona Best and I’m Mr. Smith’s personal assistant. Would you follow me please and I’ll take you to the conference room ready for your meeting?‖ ―Could I get you something to drink – tea, coffee, water or a soft drink? Did you find our offices easily?‖

Organizing and maintaining diaries and making appointments:

―I’m sorry but Mr. Smith isn’t free on Friday 8th January 2010. Would Monday 11th January or Tuesday 12th January be convenient for you?‖

―Yes, that’s fine. I’ve noted your appointment for 9:30a.m.on Tuesday 12th January here at our offices.‖

第七节 你在商务旅行时需要用到的英语


―I need a suit in a hurry! Do you know where I can get one?‖我需要一根领带,快点!你知道我在哪里可以买到吗?

―Where can I get my shoes polished?‖哪里有修鞋?

―I need a pair of heels in a hurry, where can I get a pair?‖我需要一双高跟鞋,快点!哪里可以买到? ―Do you know where I could buy a tie?你知道哪里可以买到领带吗?

―I have an event in the evening, is there a good hairdresser you‘d recommend?‖我晚上有活动,你有什么好的发型师推荐吗?

―Could you recommend a good manicurist?‖你能推荐一个好的美甲师吗? 技术

―Do you have wifi?‖你们有无线网络吗?

―We need help with connecting to the internet, could you send someone to help?‖我们需要连接到因特网,你能派一些人来帮忙吗?

―Will any of your conference rooms be available for a meeting tomorrow?‖明天下午要开会,会议室有空吗?

―Will it be possible to set up a projector?‖可以架一个投影仪吗?

―I broke my laptop, do you know if I can rent one?‖我的笔记本电脑坏了,我是否可以借到一台呢? 其他

―Where is your business center?‖你们的商务中心在哪里?

―Could you arrange for a taxi to take us to the airport on Friday at 5pm?‖你们周五下午5点可以安排一辆出租车送我们去机场吗?

―I‘ll only be here for 2 days. What do you recommend we see in Paris?‖我只在这里呆2天。你有什么推荐我在巴黎可以看的吗?

―May I have a receipt for that please?‖我能要一张发票吗?

―Could you arrange for a taxi to take us to ABC Building every morning?‖你们能每天早晨安排一辆出租车送我们去ABC大厦吗?

―Could you help reserve a table for 4, for tonight at ABC restaurant?‖你们能帮我在ABC大厦餐厅预订一张今晚4人位的桌吗?

Can you think of situations where you were lost for words and had to gesture in frustration? 你有没有想过这样的情境,当你不知道要用什么词汇而不得不在沮丧中使用手势来表达你的意思? English You Need on a Business Trip


―I need a suit in a hurry! Do you know where I can get one?‖

―Where can I get my shoes polished?‖

―I need a pair of heels in a hurry, where can I get a pair?‖

―Do you know where I could buy a tie?

―I have an event in the evening, is there a good hairdresser you‘d recommend?‖

―Could you recommend a good manicurist?‖

Technology ―Do you have wifi?‖

―We need help with connecting to the internet, could you send someone to help?‖

―Will any of your conference rooms be available for a meeting tomorrow?‖

―Will it be possible to set up a projector?‖ ―I broke my laptop, do you know if I can rent one?‖


―Where is your business center?‖

―Could you arrange for a taxi to take us to the airport on Friday at 5pm?‖ ―I‘ll only be here for 2 days. What do you recommend we see in Paris?‖

―May I have a receipt for that please?‖

―Could you arrange for a taxi to take us to ABC Building every morning?‖ ―Could you help reserve a table for 4, for tonight at ABC restaurant?‖

Can you think of situations where you were lost for words and had to gesture in frustration?

第八节 谈判英语 — 表露不满

―Work with me‖和我一起工作

Jake说:―It‘s this or nothing.‖要么这个,要么没有。 代替走开,你可以说…

Ian说:―Work with me here. I‘m sure we can come to an agreement.‖和我在这儿工作。我肯定我们会达成一致的。


―Tough on us‖对我们来说比较困难

Jake说:―You‘ll also need to hand over control of the department‖你也需要交出部门的控制权 代替受挫,你可以说…

Ian说: ―That would be tough on us, how about…‖那对我们来说比较困难,要不…


―I’m a little disappointed…‖我有点失望…

Jake说: ―I‘m afraid we can‘t give you more for that price‖我害怕对那个价格我们不能给你更多了。 代替结束谈判,你可以说…

Ian说: ―I‘m a little disappointed. Is that all you can offer?‖我有点失望。真是你能给我的全部吗? 这会让Jake想给Ian更好的报价!

―I understand…‖我明白…

Ian说: ―I understand where you‘re coming from, however…‖我明白你来自哪里,然而…


―I’m willing to compromise‖我愿意让步

Ian说: ―I‘m willing to compromise, but you‘ll have to do better than that.‖我愿意让步,但是你必须做的更好。


你曾经有过一个特别令人受挫的谈判吗?当你不满意事情进行的方式时你会怎么办? Negotiating in English – Showing Discontent

―Work with me‖ Jake: ―It‘s this or nothing.‖

Instead of walking away, you can say…

Ian: ―Work with me here. I‘m sure we can come to an agreement.‖

This will bring your counterpart closer to you instead of his stance as an adversary.

―Tough on us‖

Jake: ―You‘ll also need to hand over control of the department‖

Instead of getting frustrated, you can say… Ian: ―That would be tough on us, how about…‖

Ian is forcing Jake to empathize with him and offering him a compromise.

―I’m a little disappointed…‖

Jake: ―I‘m afraid we can‘t give you more for that price‖

Instead of ending negotiations, you can say… Ian: ―I‘m a little disappointed. Is that all you can offer?‖ This will make Jake want to give Ian a better offer!

―I understand…‖

Ian: ―I understand where you‘re coming from, however…‖

Empathize with your counterpart to show your willingness to see things from his perspective, but

make him see your point of view as well.

―I’m willing to compromise‖

Ian: ―I‘m willing to compromise, but you‘ll have to do better than that.‖

Show your willingness to work with your counterpart so he‘ll feel invested in a reasonable outcome for

both sides.

Have you been in a particularly frustrating negotiation? What do you do when you‘re unhappy with the

way things are going?

第八节 英文情话亦绵绵

1. Love makes the world go round. 一些人认为有钱能使鬼推磨。但对于那些真正的浪漫主义者来说,爱才是生命中最重要的东西。

2. Your better half. 这是指你的男友或女友。你还可以称你的恋人为'my other half' - 但你的better half听起来要比your other half舒服的多!

3. The light of my life. light of your life是那个让你欢笑,感觉非常甜蜜的人 !你还可以称你的爱人为, \

4. She drives me crazy!不,这可不代表她要把你逼疯了! 如果有人drives you crazy,他们正是那些让你心跳加速的人。例如,\

5. Falling in love. 坠入爱河可比仅仅去爱一个人更意义深远。爱一个人是非常美妙的,但要坠入爱河更多的意味着你的生活中已经再也离不开此人了!记得一定不要太早对你的女朋友/男朋友说 \ 。最好是先等到你真正弄清自己感情再说也不迟。

6. Perfect match.你找到自己的绝配了吗?你的perfect match正是-那个在各方面都和你非常相衬的人。我们有时还用'soul mate'来表达。

7. Seeing, Dating, Going steady.第一次和一个人约会时,你一定不想弄得很严肃的样子。 你可能会说'I'm seeing someone'。过了一阵子,你开始dating 此人。最终,你和这个人go steady。意思是你们俩正式成为了男女朋友。

8. You are too good to be true! 如果你觉得一个人对你而言好的简直不真实了,你就可以这么说。你还可以说you are like a dream come true。

9. Significant Other. 这是用第三人称的方式称呼你的恋人或爱人。因此你可以说Can I bring my Significant Other to the party?,而不是这么说Honey, you are my Significant Other。

10. Love at first sight. 这是指两人第一相遇就一见钟情。 如果你也坚信其可能性,那你也一定是个不折不扣的浪漫主义者了! Are you in love with English?

1. Love makes the world go round. Some people think that money makes the world go round. But for true romantics, love is the most important thing in life.

2. Your better half. This refers to your girlfriend or boyfriend. You can also call your partner 'my other half' - but your better half is better than your other half!

3. The light of my life. The light of your life is the person who makes you smile, and feel great! You could also say to your loved one, \

4. She drives me crazy! No, it doesn't mean she makes you insane! If somebody drives you crazy, they make your heart beat faster. For example, \her out?\

5. Falling in love. To fall in love means a whole lot more than to love. To love someone is great,but to fall in love means you just can't live without someone! Remember - don't tell your girlfriend/boyfriend \ too soon. It's better to wait until you really know.

6. Perfect match. Have you found your perfect match? Your perfect match is exactly that – the person that matches you perfectly in every way. We also use the expression 'soul mate'.

7. Seeing, Dating, Going steady. When you first start going out with someone, you don't want to seem too serious. You might say 'I'm seeing someone'. After a while, you begin dating them. Finally, you go steady with them. This means that you are officially boyfriend and girlfriend.

8. You are too good to be true! You say this to someone if you think they are so amazing they can't be real. You could also say you are like a dream come true.

9. Significant other. This is a modern way to refer to your partner or lover in the third person. So you could say Can I bring my significant other to the party?, but not Honey, you are my significant other.

10. Love at first sight. This is when two people fall in love immediately, the first time they see each

other. If you believe this, then you're a true romantic!

第九节 英语中著名的爱的箴言

―‘Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all‖ – Alfred, Lord Tennyson―只求曾经拥有,不求天长地久‖— Alfred, Lord Tennyson

―There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.‖ – Friedrich Nietzsche―爱情总是有些疯狂的。但是总会有疯狂的理由‖— Friedrich Nietzsche

―Love, free as air at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies.‖ – Alexander Pope―爱一旦看到人类的束缚,就会变成自由的空气,展开轻盈的翅膀,一会儿就飞走了‖— Alexander Pope

―Love asks me no questions, and gives me endless support‖ – William Shakespeare―爱无须向我提问,却给我无尽的支持‖— William Shakespeare

―To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, is the next best thing‖ – William

Thackeray―爱了并且成功了是件好事情,爱了却失败了,那下一个将是最好的‖— William Thackeray

―If you would be loved, love and be lovable.‖ – Benjamin Franklin―要想被人爱,就要去爱别人,并让自己可爱‖— Benjamin Franklin

―We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.‖ – Anonymous―我们开始相爱不是因为找到了一个完美的人,而是因为学会了完美的看待一个不完美的人‖— Anonymous

―The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.‖ – G.K. Chesterton―唯有明白失去的可贵,才知道任何珍惜‖— G.K. Chesterton

―The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.‖ - Victor Hugo―生命的最大幸福是知道我们被爱着‖— Victor Hugo

―Love doesn‘t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile‖ – Franklin P. Jones―爱情不会让世界旋转。爱情是使旅行变得值得‖— Franklin P. Jones

―The course of true love never did run smooth‖ – William Shakespeare―真爱的路途充满坎坷‖— William Shakespeare

―The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.‖ – Helen Keller ―世界上最美好的事物是不能够被看到或触摸到的,他们必须用心去感受。‖— Helen Keller

Famous Love Quotes in English

―‘Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all‖ – Alfred, Lord Tennyson

―There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.‖ – Friedrich Nietzsche

―Love, free as air at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies.‖ – Alexander Pope

―Love asks me no questions, and gives me endless support‖ – William Shakespeare

―To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, is the next best thing‖ – William Thackeray ―If you would be loved, love and be lovable.‖ – Benjamin Franklin

―We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.‖ – Anonymous

―The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.‖ – G.K. Chesterton ―The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.‖ - Victor Hugo

―Love doesn‘t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile‖ – Franklin P. Jones

―The course of true love never did run smooth‖ – William Shakespeare

―The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt

with the heart.‖ – Helen Keller

第十节 用于化解工作中矛盾的英语

English for Resolving Conflict at Work


―Let's try and keep this professional, shall we?‖我们试试保持这份专业态度,好吗?

―There's no need for personal attacks, we all want this to work.‖人身攻击是没有必要的,


―It'd be great if we can all try and be professional about this – let‘s focus on the issue at


―Name-calling is unnecessary. Let‘s just move on.‖骂人是没必要的,我们继续吧。


Cooling arguments and easing tension

―I don't care for unprofessional bickering, let‘s just focus on what needs to be done here.‖


―We‘re colleagues and things will go smoother if we work together.‖我们是同事,如果我


―This isn‘t getting us anywhere. Let‘s take a break and come back tomorrow fresh.‖这样


―This isn‘t constructive at all. Shall we take a look at what we can do instead of what we can?t?‖这一点也没有建设性的,我们来看看我们能做些什么吧,而不是不能做什么。

Have you experienced such situations? How did you deal with them? 你以前经历过这样


第十一节 用于谈论电视节目的英语

用于谈论电视节目的英语English for Talking about What's on TV

当我们和朋友谈论电视节目的时候,我们可以使用例如―My favourite program of all is...‖ (我最喜欢的电视节目是...)这样的短语表达。 ―I love watching...‖ 我喜欢看... ―I adore watching...‖我喜欢看... ―I hate watching...‖ 我讨厌看...

―I can‘t bear watching...‖我无法忍受看...

―That program keeps me on the edge of my seat‖那个节目让我看得很专心。 ―I can‘t bear to miss an episode of...‖ 我不能忍受错过一个片段... ―The special effects are...‖ 特技效果真是...

―I missed last night‘s episode. Can you tell me what happened?‖ 我错过了昨天晚上的片段,你能告诉我发生了什么吗?


―What did you think about..?‖你觉得...怎么样?

―Could you believe what happened last night in..?‖ 你相信昨天晚上发生的吗? ―Did you understand the ending of..?‖你理解了最后的结局吗? ―What was going on in..?‖发生什么了?


There are lots of adjectives we can use to describe TV programs and what we think about them ―Scary‖ 可怕的 ―Interesting‖ 有趣的 ―Fascinating‖ 迷人的 ―Great fun‖很有趣 ―Funny‖ 滑稽的 ―Absorbing‖吸引人的 ―Exciting‖ 刺激的 ―Depressing‖令人失望的 ―Sad‖ 难过的 ―Uplifting‖令人激动的

―Boring‖ 无聊的 ―Realistic‖ 真实的 ―Amazing‖ 令人惊讶的 ―Unrealistic‖ 不切实际的 ―Soppy‖ 多愁善感的 ―Enthralling‖迷人的 ―Addictive‖沉迷的 ―Stimulating‖刺激的


想想你看过的那些电视节目。你会使用以下哪种描述呢? ―I think soaps are boring.‖我觉得肥皂剧很无聊。

―In my opinion, news and weather programs are usually depressing.‖ 我认为,新闻和天气节目通常都很令人失望。

―Most sports programs send me to sleep, but I quite enjoy watching tennis and snooker.‖大多数的体育节目让我觉得很催眠,但是我十分喜欢看网球和斯诺克比赛。

―I love comedies – I always feel optimistic and happier after having a good laugh.‖ 我喜欢喜剧 -开怀大笑之后,我总是觉得很快乐。

―I love watching most types of films – even tear-jerkers.‖ 我喜欢看很多类型的电影-甚至是催人泪下的电影。

―I find wildlife documentaries totally absorbing and thought-provoking. ‖我觉得野生记录片非常吸引人,发人深思。

你看什么类型的电视节目呢?为什么呢?试着把这些很好的形容词在你的回答里表达出来吧。 What type of TV programs do you watch and why? Try to use some good adjectives and descriptions

in your answers.

第十二节 优雅就餐英语须知

1. 在说英语的国家,cutlery是指刀,叉和勺子(也就是进餐时用的器具)。人们经常会搞不清到底该用哪种餐具来吃哪道菜。基本的规则是从外到里(从离盘子最远的地方开始)。

2.在进餐时,如果你需要接电话或是离开餐桌去洗手间,你可以简单地说一声\for a moment.\你可以将你的电话设置成静音模式,如果能关机的话会更为礼貌。


4.即使你已经吃了很多,主人可能还是要你再吃一点。如果你真的已经吃饱了,你可以说:\you, but I really couldn't eat another bite\(谢谢,但是我真得吃不下了)或者是\(我太饱了),这是'very full'的非正式说法。

5.如果你想表明你已经吃饱了,你可以把你的刀叉并拢(一起放在你的盘子上)。你可以说:\a delicious meal! Thank you so much.\,以此表达你的谢意。在所有人都吃完后,你才可以离开餐桌。

6. 探过身子伸到桌子的另一边够东西是非常不礼貌的。如果你需要盐,或是你想吃某道菜,而你又够不到,你就可以说\(\请把……递给我,好吗?)


How to mind your manners at an English-speaking dinner

1. In an English-speaking country, cutlery refers to knives, forks and spoons (eating utensils). Everyone gets confused from time to time about which utensil to use. The basic rule is to start from the outside and work inwards (towards your plate).

2. During the meal, if you need to leave the table to go to the bathroom, simply say \excuse me for a moment.\leave your cell phone on silent mode, it is more polite to turn it off.

3. Slurping (making a 'slurp' sound with your mouth) is something you should avoid at all costs! Be especially careful not to slurp when you are having soup or noodles!

4. Even if you have eaten a lot, your host will often try to encourage you to eat more. If you've really had enough, say \informal way of saying 'very full'.

5. Indicate you have finished eating by 'closing' your knife and fork, (putting them together on your plate). You can say \Wait for everyone to finish before leaving the table.

6. It is considered rude to reach across the table. If you need the salt, or would like a dish that is not in your immediate area, you can say \

7. Finally, don't worry about every little detail. Nowadays, etiquette is more about displaying

graciousness and poise. And when in doubt, just look to your neighbor for clues!

第十三节 在商业场合下的闲聊英语

大致介绍和进行小对话的高级建议和礼仪: 当你遇到人时总是很友好并且有礼貌。 用友好的方式开始介绍自己。

考虑一下最开始说话的人和打开话题的人。 用连续的问句对你参加的活动进行评论。例如:

?There is a good turn-out this evening. Have you been to any other Chamber of Commerce events?‘今天晚上有一个很好的活动。你曾经去过其他商业活动的会议厅吗?

对你吃的食物进行评论或者询问爱好和兴趣。例如: ?I think I have seen you at the golf club. Do you play regularly?‘我想我在高尔夫俱乐部见过你。你经常打吗?


一旦你开始对话,记住要倾听对方并且用他们的评论去引导到更进一步的绘画主题。 和别人建立一种关系 — 集中你自己的经历,并结合其他人的反应。 记住这些重要点:

将你的故事和经历保持在几分钟。 把会话转移到其他人身上。例如: ?What do you think?‘你在想什么? ?How about you?‘你呢?

尝试让你的会话伙伴用自然混合物和大量问题与答案进行一半的交谈。 如果你的对话转移到其他话题上 — 让它去吧。 需要记住的正式介绍中的重要词组:

?Good morning/afternoon/evening.' 早上好/下午好/晚上好。 ?How do you do?‘你好!

?I‘d like to introduce myself.‘我来介绍一下自己。 ?My name is Fiona XXXX.‘我的名字是Fiona XXXX。 ?I‘m Fiona XXXX.‘我是Fiona XXXX。 ?I‘m a personnel manager.‘我是人事部经理。 ?I work in sales.‘我在销售部上班。


?What line of work are you in?‘你是在哪个部门工作的? ?What do you do?‘你是做什么的?

?How long have you worked there?‘你在那儿工作多久了?

?Can/could I give you my business card?‘我可以将我的名片给你吗? ?Could I have your business card, please?‘我可以要你一张名片吗? English for Mingling at a Business Event

Top tips and etiquette for general introductions and making small talk: Always be friendly and polite when you meet people. Start by introducing yourself in a friendly way. Think about conversation starters and ice breakers.

Comment on the event you are attending, with a follow-up question. For example:

?There is a good turn-out this evening. Have you been to any other Chamber of Commerce events?‘

Comment on the food you are both eating or ask about hobbies and interests. For example: ?I think I have seen you at the golf club. Do you play regularly?‘

Remember to smile!

Once you have started a conversation, remember to listen to them and use their comments and input as ways to lead onto further conversation topics.

Forge a connection with the person – focus on taking your own experiences and weave them in with the other person‘s responses.

Remember these key points:

Keep your stories and experiences to a few minutes. Turn the conversation back to the other person. For example: ?What do you think?‘ ?How about you?‘

Try to let your conversation partner do half of the talking, with a natural mixture and flow of questions and answers.

If your conversation moves onto other topics – let it.

Key phrases to remember for formal introductions: ?Good morning/afternoon/evening.' ?How do you do?‘

?I‘d like to introduce myself.‘ ?My name is Fiona XXXX.‘ ?I‘m Fiona XXXX.‘ ?I‘m a personnel manager.‘ ?I work in sales.‘

Useful work-related questions and exchanging business cards: ?What line of work are you in?‘ ?What do you do?‘

?How long have you worked there?‘ ?Can/could I give you my business card?‘ ?Could I have your business card, please?‘

第十四节 怎样用英语找洗手间


?Could you tell me where the bathroom is please‘ ?Where are the toilets please?‘ ?Where are the ladies‘/gents‘ please?‘ ?Are there are any public toilets nearby please?‘


?Excuse me but where is the loo?‘ ?I‘m just going for a patter on the porcelain‘ ?I‘m just off to point Percy at the porcelain‘ 在美国人们相对比较腼腆的提问

?Could you tell me where the restroom is please?‘ ?Where is the ladies‘/men‘s room please?‘

你也可能会听到他们使用俚语,就像是 br> ?Where is the john?‘ ?I‘m going to the head‘ ?I need to take a leak‘



