
更新时间:2023-11-13 21:43:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



国际借贷:balance of international indebtedness[in’detidnis] 国际投资状况:international investment position 国际收支平衡表:balance of payment statements 借方:debit 贷方:credit

经常帐户:current accout 货物:goods

离岸价格:free on board FOB 服务:services 收入:income

资本帐户:capital account 金融帐户:financial account

官方储备:official reserves[ri’ze:v]

收入性不平衡:income disequilibrium [.dIsIkwI`lIbrIEm] 货币性不平衡:monetary disequilibrium 结构性不平衡:structural disequilibrium 偶发性不平衡:accidental disequilibrium 冲击性失衡:shock disequilibrium 持久性失衡:permanent disequilibrium 暂时性失衡:temporary disequilibrium 融资措施:financial

外部融资:external finance 内部融资:internal finance 调整政策:adjustment

国际储备:international reserves

国际清偿能力:international liquidity

特别提款权:SDRs - specail drawing rights 储备缓解:reserves ease

货币互换协定:swap agreement

货币公开贬值:devaluation [,di:vAlju’eiFEn 清洁浮动:clean float 自由浮动:free float 肮脏浮动:dirty float 管理浮动:managed float 蛇形浮动(联合浮动):snake float 外汇风险:foreign exchange risk 获利:gain 损失:loss

外汇敞口:foreign exchange exposure 间接受险部分:indirect exposure 交易风险:transaction exposure 会计风险:accounting exposure 经济风险:economic exposure

转换风险:translation risk 订单:order

清算风险:settlement risk 敞口头寸:exposure position 一般参加者:ordinary participant 市场活跃者:jobber


即期外汇头寸限额:spot foreign exchange position limit 同业拆放头寸限额:money market position limit 掉期外汇交易限额:swap position limit 外汇买卖限额:gapping limit 敞口头寸:open position limit 及时抵补:covered

货币买入过多:long position 货币卖出过多:short position 止蚀点限额:cut-loss limit 拖延收付法:lagging 提前收付法:leading 平衡法:matching 组对法:paiting

多种货币组合法:portfolio approach or nesting 保值措施:cover the risk 保值条款:proviso clause

综合货币单位:composite currency unit 折扣:discount

完全平衡:perfect matching 即期合同法:sport contract 远期合同法:forward contract 借款法:borrowing 投资法:investing 在办汇日:spot date

同业拆借利率:Londo interbank offered rate LIBOR 国库券:treasury bill

大额可转让定期存单:negotialble certificate of deposits CDs 商业票据:commercial bill

银行承兑票据:bank acceptance bill 票据贴现市场:discount market 外汇市场:foreign exchange market

外汇银行:appinted foreign exchange bank or authorized bank 中央银行:central bank

外汇经纪人:foreign exchange broker 贴现商号:discount company

欧洲货市场:Euro-currency market 主导中心:primary centers

簿记中心:booking centers 集资中心:funding centers 代收中心:collection centers

票据发行便利:note issuance facility NIF 利率交换:interest rate swap 货币互换:currency swap

远期利率协定:forward rate agreement FRA

