VOA 常用单词1

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VOA 常用单词

race riot 种族骚乱

raid one's hideout 搜查了某人的藏身之处 rail against 责骂...... railroad lines 铁路线

raise concerns 表达了担忧之情 raise livestock 牧养牲畜 raise money for 为...... 进行筹款 raise one's eyebrows 扬起眉毛 rally the market 使市场价格回升 rank number one 位列第一 rank second 位列第二 ratify the pact 批准这一条约 raucous a. 粗声的

reach a cease-fire accord 达成停火协定 reach a cease-fire agreement with 和......达成停火协议

reach a compromise 达成妥协 reach a critical point 到达关键时期

reach agreement on 在......上达成一致意见

reach consensus 达成一致意见 reach its bottom 到达最低点 reach out 伸出援助之手

reach the Number One spot 达到了第一 react with fury over 对......做出愤怒的回应

reap economic benefits from 从...中得到经济效益rebel image 叛逆形象

rebound in confidence 恢复信心 rebuild livelihood 恢复生计

rebuild one's lives 重建生活

receive a standing ovation 受到(听众)起立鼓掌欢迎

receive final approval 得到最后批准 receive subsidies 接受补贴 receive tax refunds 拿到退税款 receptive audience 乐于倾听的听众

recognize... as part of... 承认...是...的一部分

record a follow-up album 录制唱片续辑 record numbers of 破记录的人数 recording career 唱片灌制生涯 recording equipment 录音设备 recover from war 从战争中恢复过来 recreation center 娱乐中心 recruit new adherents 招募新信徒

recruit top management staff 招募高层管理人员

recruiter n. 招募人员 Red Cross 红十字会

red-hot high-tech sector 炽热的高科技部门

reduce dependence on 减少对......的依靠 reduce greenhouse gases 减少温室气体排放

reduce infant and child mortality rates 降低婴、幼儿死亡率

reduce overhead 降低管理费用

reduce tensions and improve relations 缓和紧张局势,改善关系

reduce the scale of the price rise降低涨价幅度

reduce their staffs 裁员

reduce trade barriers 减少贸易壁垒

reduce volatility 减少波动 refer to 所指

refinish them 整修表面

reflect the emotions one feels as a child 反映了某人孩童时代的感情

reflect the works of... 表现了......的作品 reformist n. 改革者

refrain from doing... 克制住了,没有做...... regress intellectually 学业上退步 rehearse v. 排演,排练 reimburse... for 补偿某人......

reinforce local economy 加强地方经济

reinvigorate a sluggish economy 重振萧条的经济

reinvigorate the economic sector 重振经济领域

reiterate one's opposition to 重申了反对......

reject (American) pressure 抵制(美国)压力rejoice over 为......而高兴 release a report 发布了一项报告 release album 发行专辑 release findings 公布调查结果

release perspirationfrom sweat glands 从汗腺排出汗液 relief ship 救援船

relieve migraine symptoms 减轻偏头痛症状

rely on oneself 依靠自己 rely on... as cures 靠......治病 remain adamant 信心坚定

remain engaged in a war仍处于战争状态中 remain pessimistic about仍然对..持悲观态度

remain skeptical (about).仍然对...持怀疑态度

remastered edition 重新灌录的版本 remind ...of 使某人想到...... remnants n. 残余

renew one's commitment to 重申对...的立场

renewable energy sources 可更新的能源 repair mutation 修补突变

repair the war damage 修复战争创伤 repertoire n. 所有需要的组成部分 require a change of leaders 需要更换领导 re-runs of the cartoon show 卡通片的重演

residential compound 有围墙围起来的居民区

riot police 防暴警察

resistance to medicines by disease organisms 由致病微生物引起的耐药性 resort town 休假胜地

respect for human rights 对人权的尊重 respect the sentiments of the host country 尊重东道主国的感情

respond to the changes 随变化而调整 (be)responsible for 对......负责 restaurant industry 餐馆业 restore calm 恢复平静

restore one's confidence 恢复某人的信心 restrict its use to... 局限于用在...... restructuring plan 改组计划 result from... 由......产生 result in 导致,结果是

resume oil exports 恢复石油出口 retail chain 零售连锁店

retail sales 零售业 retailer n. 零售商人 retake control of 重新占领 retaliatory acts 报复行为

return life to normal 恢复正常生活 return to normalcy 恢复常态 revamp the economy 调整经济 revenue n. 国家的收入

reverse its falling fortune 扭转下滑的财运

reverse the economic slowdown制止经济下滑 review all options 仔细审视所有的可能性 revive the economy 复兴经济 revive a tradition 恢复了一个传统 reward attacking style teams 对攻击型的队有

利rewarding things 非常值得做的事情

re-wire it 重新装设电线

rid ...of this menace 为......清除这一威胁 ride out 安全渡过

right-wing political party 右翼政治团体

rise out of abject poverty 摆脱一贫如洗的状态

rise to the highest rate 上升到最高比例 rising debt 债务上升

risk an unwanted pregnancy 有意外怀孕的风险

ritual a. 仪式上

road improvement 改进道路 roadside ambushes 路边埋伏 roam the body 在人体内游荡 rob... from... 从......剥夺...... robust growth 强劲增长

rock band 摇滚乐团

rock legend 摇滚乐的传奇人物 role model 行为榜样 roll in 滚滚而来 roll into 开进 roller coaster 过山车 rolling hills 起伏的群山 romantic tunes 浪漫的曲调 rookie n. 新手

ruin one's chance at a career 毁了某人的事业

rule out the possible use of..排除使用...的可


rules and regulations 规章制度 rummage around... 四处搜寻 run companies 开公司 run deep (根)扎得深

run for a Senate seat 竞选参议员席位 run over a landmine 轧到了地雷 run social programs 经办社会项目 run the market operation 管理市场业务 run their course 自然地发展 run through... 萦绕于...... rush to do... 急忙去干...... sabbaticals n. 公假

sabotage a truce 破坏停战协定 sacred cows 神圣不可侵犯的东西 safe haven 安全港,避风港

safeguard bank deposits 确保银行存款 sagging n. 下垂

sales medium 销售渠道 sales tax 营业税 salivating a. 流口水的

salvage the international peace plan 挽救国际和平计划 samples of stuff 选材 sanctuary n. 避难所 save money 省钱

savory-smelling chicken breasts 闻起来就让人流口水的鸡胸 scale back on 缩小...... scattered incidents 分散的事件 scheduling difficulty 安排上的困难 scoop up bargains 拣些便宜货

score top hits 夺得了支最流行乐曲中的个 scrap the Treaty 废弃这一条约 search engine 搜索引擎 search for meaning 寻找意义 search for the gunmen 搜寻枪手 secret society 秘密社团 security agency 安全机构 security concerns 安全考虑 security forces 保安部队 sediment n. 沉积物 seedy




prostitutes 妓女出没的肮脏街区

seek consensus on 寻求在...上达成一致意见 seek re-election 寻求再次当选 seek to 寻求

seizure of their(bank) accounts 查封他们


self-defense Forces 自卫队

sell...online 通过网络卖......,网上卖...... semiconductor n. 半导体

serious deficiencies in drugs 药品的严重问题

seriously strain diplomatic relations with... 严重损害了和......的外交关系

set (an oil pipeline) on fire 点燃了(一根输油管道)

set a deadline for 为......确定了最后期限 set aside (time, money)to do... 留出(时间,钱)干......

set oneself a goal 给自己树立了目标 set the stage for 为......创造条件 set up a company 组建了一个公司 set up a separate organization 建立一个单独的机构

set up research facilities 建立科研设施 settle (a bilateral) dispute 解决(双边)争端 seven-year-olds 七岁的儿童

sever the link between...and... 割断......和......之间的联系

severance package 解雇金条款 severe birth defects 严重的先天性缺陷 sewer system (马路)排水系统 sex education 性教育 sexal abstinence 性欲节制 sexual activity 性行为 sexual violence 性暴力

sexually-aggressive boys 性攻击性强的男孩子们 shake ...out of its doldrums 使....摆脱衰败的局面

shape the period 决定了这一时期的发展方向 share facilities 共享设备

share its expertise in... 分享在......领域里的技术特长

share one's faith 有共同的信仰 share value 股票价值 shareholder n. 股东 shed itself of 去除了...... ship ...out of ... 把......运出 shipping canal 运河

shootout with police 和警察的枪战 shop for antiques 购买古董 short-term interest rates 短期利率

shout racial slur 高喊诽谤别的种族的污言秽语

shout slogans 高喊口号

show little conviction in 对......不大信服 show of solidarity 团结的表示 show off its collection 展示它的收藏 show some signs of stabilization 显露出稳定的迹象

show support for 对......表示支持 show up 出现,露面 shrinking earnings 盈利下降 sicken a mouse 使老鼠发病 sift through 仔细查看...... sign an agreement 签署协议

sign one's autograph for 为......亲笔签名

sign the bill into law 签署一个议案,使之成为法律

signature tune (节目开始时的)信号乐曲 sing lead 领唱

singing phenomenon 歌唱奇才 singing style 歌唱风格

single n.(一面只录一支流行乐曲的)单曲唱片

single-parent family 单亲家庭 sink to fifth place 下降到第五位

sit down at the negotiating table 坐在谈判桌旁(谈判)

sit on a cushion 坐在垫子上

socially conscious program 具有社会意识的节目

societal changes 社会变迁

soften forehead wrinkles 减少额头的皱纹 solo album 独唱专辑 solo artist 独唱艺人

solve a puzzle 解决一个难题 sooner or later adv. 迟早

sound economic management 良好的经济管理

sound off 充分而直率地发表意见(美国口

语)Sound System 音响系统

sovereign territory 神圣领土 space station 太空站

span one's entire career 跨越......的整个职业生涯

spark a debate 引起一场争论 spark an arms race 引发军备竞赛 spark off the rally 引起回升

sparsely populated areas 人口稀少的区域 speak one's mind 说出心里想说的话 speak out about 宣讲...... specialize in 专门经营

