刘意青《简明英国文学史》笔记和课后习题详解-第7部分 世纪末和

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20.1 复习笔记

Ⅰ. Background Knowledge(背景知识)

The Russian Revolution of 1917 further unsettled the European political scene. However, the 1920s and 1930s offered an exceptionally good chance for communism and socialism to recruit their believers. Economic depression affected almost all social classes, leaving the rich less comfortable and the poor even more desperate.


Ⅱ. The Modernist Novel and Novelists(现代主义小说和小说家)

1. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) (弗吉利亚伍尔夫(1882-1941))

(1) His Life and Literary Career(生平及创作生涯)

Born in 1882, Virginia Woolf was the third child of Leslie Stephen, one of the prestigious Victorian men of letters. From 1915 to 1941, Woolf brought out all her major novels. In 1941, after the completion of her last novel, she committed suicide.


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(2) Major Works(主要作品)

Mrs. Dalloway


To the Lighthouse


The Common Reader


A Room of One’s Own


(3) Appreciation of Works(作品赏析)

◆Mrs. Dalloway(《达洛维夫人》)

The whole book covers the time span of a single day, when Mrs. Dalloway’s roaming consciousness is amplified disproportionately against the routines of her daily life. Given the free flow of consciousness, one can hardly give a coherent account of the plot.


For the most part, the text is pided between Mrs. Dalloway’s interior monologues and Smith’s troubled ramblings. By recording the myriad impressions her ordinary characters receive on an ordinary day, Woolf captures the evanescent reality of human consciousness, which is, for her, a reality that truly matters.

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◆To the Lighthouse(《到灯塔去》)

It is a short novel that displays the maturity of her narrative techniques, Woolf has the actual happenings of several years condensed into two lines and brackets them off from the main body of the text.


2. D. H. Lawrence(戴维赫伯特劳伦斯)

(1)His Life(生平)

Born into a miner’s family, David Herbert Lawrence had an early experience very similar to that of Paul’s in Sons and Lovers, his first major novelistic success. The constant bickering between his parents and the close bond with his mother resulted in his estrangement from his father and t he miner’s life.


(2)Major Works(主要作品)

Sons and Lovers


The Rainbow


Lady Chatterley’s Lover

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3. James Joyce(詹姆斯乔伊斯)

(1)His Life(生平)

As a Dubliner, James Augustine Aloysius Joyce had mixed feelings towards the religious and nationalist issues of his native country. Educated at Jesuit schools and then University College, Dublin, Joyce displayed a strong interest in languages.


(2)Major Works(主要作品)





Finnegans Wake


Ⅲ. Modernist Poetry(现代主义诗歌)

1. Ezra Pound(埃兹拉庞德)

Pound is one of the most famous poets in the modernist period. He advocated using no superfluous word, no adjective, which does not reveal something. Don’t use such an expression as “dim lands of peace”. Cantos is his masterpiece.

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2. T. S. Eliot(艾略特)

(1) Major Works(主要作品)

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock


The Waste Land


Four Quartets


(2) Appreciation of Works(作品赏析)

◆The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock(《阿尔弗雷德·普罗弗洛克的情歌》)

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” portrays a modern world of spiritual sloth and inertia, where man is hopelessly trapped in his own mediocrity and lack of action. The imaginary Prufrock, a typical modern anti-hero, roams the evening street and frequents upper- class salons without the courage and strength to “force the moment to its crisis” and accomplish the single act that can give meaning to his hollow existence.


◆The Waste Land(《荒原》)

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The Waste Land, with the support and advice of Ezra Pound. It is this poem that helps define the reality of the West between the two world wars, and shapes the consciousness of a generation of poets. Comparing Western civilisation to a barren land blighted by drought, the poem undergoes a revitalising ritual to restore water and fertility to the land.


The Waste Land puts into spotlight the spiritual desert of contemporary Europe. April, usually the season of hope and life, is regarded as “the cruelest season”, because it arouses dull roots with spring rain from their warm sleep under “forgetful snow”.


◆Four Quartets(《四个四重奏》)

In Four Quartets, Eliot explores religious questions and their vital relevance to the modern “waste land” situation in a quieter and more controlled language.


3. William Butler Yeats(叶芝)

(1)His Life(生平)

Born in Dublin, Yeats spent most of his life away from Ireland, and shared with

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