新航标英语Unit 2

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新航标职业英语 综合英语1Vocational English

Skill FocusPractical Learning

顾问 总主审:刘黛琳 外籍主审:Laura Blacks(英) Dan Jenkins(美) 总 主 编:蒋秉章 本册主编:许振雅 刘军 凌伟卿 编 者:刘 军 王 前 封 萍 徐 辉 韩智渊 光盘制作:博速软件

Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational Focus Getting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical Learning Language Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational Focus Getting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical Learning Language Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

World Expo (世博会)

The Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations(万国博览会)



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational Focus Getting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical Learning Language Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

The World Expo (世博会)The World Expo is a large-scale global exhibition. The hosting of the World Expo must be applied for by a

country and approved by the International World ExpoCommittee (国际世博委员会). The World Expo aims to promote the exchange of ideas and the development of the world economy, culture, science and technology, to allow exhibitors to publicize and display their achievements, and to improve international relationships.



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational Focus Getting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical Learning Language Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

The Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations(万国博览会)The exhibition, firstly held in 1851, was also called the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Continents and is sometimes referred to as the Crystal Palace Exhibition (水晶宫展览会) in reference to the temporary structure in which it was held. It was an international exhibition that took place in Hyde Park (海德 公园), London, England, from May 1 to October 15, 1851. It was the first in a series of world exhibitions of culture and industry that were to become popular in the 19th century.



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 ExpositionPart 1

A Match each item in Part 1 with an appropriate explanation in Part 2. Part 2

1.( ) The theme of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China 2. ( ) The emblem of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China 3. ( ) The China Pavilion at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China 4. ( ) The logo of the International Exhibition Bureau (BIE) 5. ( ) Haibao—the mascot of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China


Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical Lear

ningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 ExpositionB Work in pairs. Match the following list of international

fairs to their Chinese meanings.1. ( ) The Frankfurt Book Fair a. 东京国际动漫展

2.3. 4. 5.

( ) China Import and Export Fair( ) The Hong Kong International Jewelry Show ( ) The British International Motor Show ( ) The Tokyo International Animation Fair

b.c. d. e.


中国进出口商品交易会 英国国际汽车展



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

The World Expo





Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

Exercise ARead the text and answer the following questions.

1. What do we want to find out about a World Expo? We want to find out where the World Expo started and what is special about it. 2. What is the aim of a World Expo? It aims to promote international exchange in the areas of culture, science, technology and commerce.



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

Exercise ARead the text and answer the following questions. 3. How many years have there been since the first World Expo was held in London? It has been more than 150 years since the first one. 4. How do people usually obtain new information according to Paragraph 4? They usually obtain new information from television and the Internet. 5. According to the passage, what is most special about a World Expo nowadays? The most special thing about the World Expo is that it can make everyone feel a part of the entire world.



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

Exercise BFill in the blanks to complete the main ideas of the text.

brief The article introduces the history goals __________and ______of a World Expo and shows us that a World Expo is still changing withordinary the times and it attracts people _____________ to experience it.



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

Exercise CAfter reading through Text A, if you are asked to describe a World Expo, which of the following adjectives would you use? Check (√) one word from each pair. ( ) small-scale ( √) global ( ) low-minded

√) large-scale (( ) regional ( √) high-minded

( √) commercial( √) encouraging

( ) non-commercial( ) out of date ( ) boring

√) entertaining (



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 ExpositionParagraph 1

The World Expo

It was the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing that created an interest in the history of the Olympic Games. When we read about an important meeting at the United Nations in New York, we want to know more about the UN organization. Likewise, the success of the译 2010 Shanghai Expo has started us thinking 文 about what a World Expo, or Exposition, is. We want to find out where the idea started and what is special about it.



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 ExpositionParagraph 2

The World Expo

World Expos are large-scale and global exhibitions. They aim to promote international exchange in the areas of culture, science, technology, and commerce. They present exciting new ideas. They show us the latest inventions, and they find new ways to provide information and encouragement.



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 ExpositionParagraph 3

The World Expo

The first time people experienced such an attraction was at the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations in London in 1851. Its goals were high-minded as well as commercial. Since then, World Expos have changed with the times, but they have always served as important platforms to display innovative ideas. So they are always related to their own time in history.14


Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational FocusGetting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 ExpositionParagraph 4

The World Expo

World Expos can be regarded as special in a number of ways. Firstly, the amusement zones and pavilions of World Expos have changed as new ways to entertain people have developed. Secondly, World Expos are unique as they are open to ordinary people, not just to those who are famous. Anyone can visit the Expo sites and experience them for themselves. A World Expo is still not out of date as some people say. There are always new things to see and discuss. People do not need to wait until they can watch them on television or read about them on the Internet. That is the most special thing about it. It can make everyone really feel a part of the entire world! 15


Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational Focus Getting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition





Language Focus



Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational Focus Getting Ready


Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

A Choose the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences.1. globe, global, globallya. The _______ global climate conference is going to be held here this December. b. There is plenty of water on the surface of the ________. globe

2. culture, cultural, culturallya. They enjoy ________activities like going to the theatre cultural and the opera. b. Paris is a city for people who are interested in _______. culture

3. relate, relative, relation

a. I can’t ______what he does with what he says. relate b. They have business relations ________with our firm.




Vocational English

Text B Background

Vocational Focus Getting Ready

Skill Focus Text A

Practical LearningLanguage Focus

新 航 标 职 业 英 语

Unit 2 Exposition

A Choose the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences.4. amused, amusing, amusementamused at his funny clothes. a. I am very ________ amusing b. I don’t find his jokes very __________.

5. attract, attractive, attractiona. Venice is one of the greatest tourist attractions _________ of the world. attracted visitors both from b. The Shanghai World Expo _________ home and abroad.




