
更新时间:2023-09-17 00:10:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


Changeling 《换子疑云》

-Christine: Walter, honey. Time to wake up. honey: 宝贝 wake up: 醒来 Walter,宝贝,该起床了。 -Walter: Just 10 more minutes. 再让我睡10分钟。

-Christine: Oh, I'm sorry, sport. You can sleep in tomorrow. That's what Saturdays are for. 那可不行,小运动家。你可以明天再睡个够,星期六才是用来睡懒觉的。 Up against the wall. Come, come, come. All right. Got it. Got it. Look, look! 靠墙站好,来,来,来。好了,好了,你看看! All right, sit down. Your breakfast is getting cold. 好了,坐下吧,你的早餐要冷掉了。 -Walter: It's cereal. It's supposed to be cold. cereal: 麦片 suppose: 应该


-Christine: Sweetheart, we're here. Okay. Here's your books. Go ahead. sweetheart: 甜心 go ahead: 去吧


-Operator A: Yes, ma'am. If you hold just a moment, I'll get a supervisor for you. supervisor: 主任

好的,女士,请您稍微等一下,我去给你找下主管。 Yes, she's coming right now. Just a second, she'll be with you. second: 一会儿


Just one second, please. You deal with this one. I'm not going near it. deal with: 处理


-Christine: Hello, this is the supervisor. How can I help you? I can see you're on a party line. party line: 电话线


Unfortunately, some people do listen in on party lines. We... Well, what is he doing? Oh, my... unfortunately: 令人遗憾地 listen in: 偷听

很遗憾,的确会有人通过多人电话偷听,我们…他在干什么?哦,我的… -Harris: Everything all right? 一切都还好吧?

-Christine: Yes, sir, it's fine. A lady was having trouble with the connection. Hey, sport. connection: 连接

是的,长官,一切正常,有位女士暂时无法接通。嘿,小运动家。 -Walter: Hey, Mom. 嘿,妈妈。

-Christine: How was school? 你在学校怎么样?

-Walter: Okay. 还行。

-Christine: Yeah? 是吗?

-Walter: We learned about dinosaurs. And I got in a fight with Billy Mankowski. dinosaur: 恐龙 fight: 打架

我们教了恐龙,然后我和Billy Mankowski打了架。 -Christine: What happened? 怎么回事?

-Walter: He hit me. 他打我。

-Christine: Did you hit him back? Good. Rule number one, remember? 你打回去了?干的好。第一条,还记得吗?

Never start a fight, always finish it. Why'd he hit you?

永远不要主动打架,但要做个赢家。他为什么要打你呢? -Walter: Because I hit him. 因为我打了他。

-Christine: You hit him first? Why? 你先打他的?为什么打他?

-Walter: He said my dad ran off because he didn't like me. run off: 离开


-Christine: Honey, your father never met you, so how could he not like you? 宝贝,你爸爸根本没有见过你,那他又怎么会不喜欢你呢? -Walter: Then why did he leave? 可他为什么要走呢?

-Christine: Well, because the day you were born, something else arrived in the mail. 因为在你出生的那天他收到了一个包裹。

And it was in a box a little bit bigger than you. You know what was in it? Something called responsibility.

responsibility: 责任

是个比你稍微大一点的盒子,你知道里面装的是什么吗?是一种叫做责任的东西。 And to some people, responsibility is the scariest thing in the world. scary: 吓人的


-Walter: So, he ran away because he was scared of what was in that box? 所以,他离开是因为盒子里有个最最吓人的东西? -Christine: Uh-huh. 嗯-哼。

-Walter: That's just dumb. dumb: 傻瓜 听起来好傻。

-Christine: That is exactly what I thought. exactly: 恰好地


-Walter: Did I miss Amos 'N Andy? 我是不是错过《Amos和Andy》了?

-Christine: I'm afraid so, sport. Come now, time for bed. 恐怕是的,小运动家,来吧,该睡觉了。

-Walter: Are we still going to the movies tomorrow? 我们明天还去看电影吗?

-Christine: Uh-huh. I hear there's a new Charlie Chaplin picture and a new serial called The Mysterious Airman.

serial: 电视连戏剧 mysterious: 神秘的

嗯哼,我听说有一部Charlie Chaplin的新电影,还有一部新的连续剧,叫做神秘的飞行员。 -Walter: Who's that? 那是谁?

-Christine: I don't know. Nobody does. That's what makes him so mysterious. 不知道,没有人知道,所以他才会那么神秘。 -Walter: Oh. Am I too heavy for you to carry? 哦。是不是我太重,你抱不动了?

-Christine: Oh, no, not for years. Not for years. Hello? 哦,不是,至少这几年还不会,这几年。你好? -Margaret: This is Margaret 我是Margaret。

-Christine: Hi, Margaret. 嗨,Margaret。

-Margaret: So, how are you? 你过的还好吧? -Christine: Fine. 挺好的。

-Margaret: Listen, Jean can't come in today and now we're a little shorthanded. shorthanded: 人手不足的

我想跟你说,Jean今天没法来了,我们这里缺个人。 -Christine: When did she call in sick? 她什么时候打电话来说生病的?

-Margaret: About half hour ago. I'm having a hard time trying to find someone. 大概半个小时前,这时候我实在找不到其他人。

-Christine: Well, what about Myrna? I know she could use the extra hours and... extra: 额外的

Myrna呢?我知道她肯定愿意花个把钟头,而且… -Margaret: She's busy. Can't you come? 她很忙的,你不能来帮忙吗?

-Christine: No. No, no, no. I just... I promised Walter that I'd take him to the movies, is all, and... 不行,不,我不是这个意思,只是…我答应Walter说要带他去看电影的,所以… -Margaret: Well, it's just until 4:00. 没事的,就到4点。

-Christine: All right. Just... Just until 4:00. I'll see you then.

那好吧。但是… 就到4点,我们等下见。 There's a sandwich and milk in the fridge, sandwich: 三明治


and I've asked Mrs. Riley and her daughter to stop in a couple of hours. a couple of: 几个

我已经请Riley太太和她女儿过来照顾你几个小时了。 -Walter: I can take care of myself. take care of: 照顾 我能照顾好自己。

-Christine: I know you can. They're checking on the house, not you. Tomorrow we will go to the movies.

check on: 检查

我知道你可以的,他们是来照看房子,不是照顾你的。明天我们就去看电影。 And then we'll ride Big Red to Santa Monica and take a walk on the pier. Santa Monica: 圣莫妮卡(美国加利福尼亚州西南部城市) pier: 码头 然后我们会坐大红号去圣莫尼卡,在那边的码头散步。

How does that sound? Does that sound good? I'll be home before it gets dark. 你觉得怎么样?听起来会很好玩吧?天黑之前我会回家的。 -Walter: I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm not afraid of anything. 我不怕黑,我什么都不怕。

-Christine: I know. I know. Be good. I love you. be good: 听话


-Operator A: We've got lines jammed from here to Ohio. jam: 堵住 Ohio: 俄亥俄州(美国中东部州) 我们这里到俄亥俄州的线路堵住了。

-Operator B: He says he needs to speak to somebody in charge. in charge: 负责


-Operator C: I need your signature here for a supply requisition. signature: 签名 requisition: 请求


-Operator D: Number, please. Number, please. Go ahead, please. 请问您要接什么号码?您要接什么号码?请继续。 -Christine: All right, get me the Omaha routing station. 好了,给我接奥马哈中继站。

See if we can put our calls through their switchers. Let's get this console running, now. switcher: 调换 console: 控制台

看看我们能不能通过那里中转电话,让我们试试看吧。 -Harris: Christine. Good, I was hoping to catch you. Christine,做得不错,我一直想要找你。

Look, I've been following your work reports, and I just want to let you know that I am very impressed.

impressed: 印象深刻的


When I first suggested hiring female supervisors, my superiors weren't big on the idea. supervisor: 指导者 superior: 上级 big: 极喜爱的

最初我建议使用女性接线员当主管的时候,上头表现地不是很感冒。 But you have held your own as well as any of your male counterparts. counterpart: 地位相同的人

结果你的表现和你的那些男同事一样出色。 -Christine: Thank you, Mr. Harris. 谢谢夸奖,哈里斯先生。

-Harris: Oh, Ben, please. Listen, I... 哦,本,请你不要。听着,我…

Listen, the point is we're looking to take on a manager for our new Beverly Hills office. point: 要点

听着,重点是我们准备给我们新的贝佛利山办公室找个经理。 And if you're interested in the job, I could write a report, or... 如果你有兴趣的话,我可以给你打个报告,或者…

-Christine: That would be wonderful. Thank you so much, sir. wonderful: 极好的

那再好不过了,太谢谢你了,先生。 -Harris: Okay, good, so maybe we could... 没错,很好。那么,也许我们可以…

-Christine: Could we speak about it Monday? 我们可以好好谈一下,星期一。 -Harris: Yeah, absolutely. absolutely: 绝对地 当然可以,没问题。

-Christine: Would that be all right? Thank you so much, sir. Thank you. 星期一真的可以吗?非常感谢,谢谢您,先生。

Please! Please. Walter. Honey? Walter. Walter! Honey? Walter? Honey! Walter! 等一下!别走。Walter 宝贝?Walter. Walter! 宝贝?Walter? 宝贝!Walter! Walter, it's time to come in, honey. Suzie? Have you seen Walter? Walter,回家的时间到了,宝贝。Suzie,你看见Walter没有? -Suzie: No, Mrs. Collins. Sorry. 没有,Collins太太,抱歉。 -Christine: Walter? Walter. Walter? Walter。

-Operator E: Number, please. 请告诉我您要拨打的号码。

-Christine: May I please have the police station? 请给我接警察局?

-Operator E: I'll connect you. connect: 连接


-Police A: Lincoln Heights Division. division: 部门


-Christine: Hello, my name is Christine Collins. I live at 210 North Avenue, 23. avenue: 大街

你好,我叫Christine Collins。我住在北大街210号23楼。 And I'm calling to report a missing child. Missing child. 我要报失踪,失踪儿童。

-Police A: What's your relation to the child, ma'am? relation: 关系

女士,你和孩子的关系是? -Christine: It's my son. 是我的儿子。

-Police A: How long has he been gone? 他不见多长时间了?

-Christine: I'm not sure. I just got home from work. It could be since this morning or it could be just the last hour.

我也不知道,我刚下班回家,可能是今天早上,也有可能就在刚才。 -Police A: Have you checked around the neighborhood? 你在附近找过了吗?

-Christine: Yes, of course I did. 是的,我当然找过了。

-Police A: Well, maybe he's lost track of time. lost track of: 忘记


-Christine: No. No, no. He always stays around the house when it gets dark. 不,不,不会的。天黑了以后他肯定会呆在房子里的, Would you please send someone down here? 你能不能派人来这里?

-Police A: I'm sorry, but our policy is that we don't dispatch units on missing child cases for 24 hours.

policy: 政策 dispatch: 派遣 case: 案件

很抱歉,根据我们的制度只有在孩子失踪超过24小时后我们才会派人进行搜救。 -Christine: What? 什么?

-Police A: Look, 99 times out of 100, the kid shows up by morning. show up: 露面


We don't have the resources to go chasing every kid who runs off with his pals. chase: 追赶 run off: 离开 pal: 朋友

我们可没有那么多人手来找每个和朋友跑出去玩的小家伙。 -Christine: No, no, no. No, that's not Walter. He doesn't do that.


-Police A: With all due respect, ma'am, every parent who calls says the same thing.

with all due respect: 恕我直言

请原谅我实话实说,太太,每个家长都是这么跟我说的。 -Christine: Please, please. 求你了,求你了。

-Police A: Look, there's nothing I can do. I'll take your name and your information, 你看,我没有办法帮你,我会记下你的名字和其他信息。

but that's all until the morning, at the earliest. I'm sure he'll show up by then. They always do. 不过最快要到明天早上我们才能派人,我确定他会在那之前回来的,孩子们都这样。 -Police B: Are you Mrs. Collins? 你是Collins太太?

-Gustav: Our thoughts go out again today to Mrs. Christine Collins of Lincoln Heights, 我们今天将为来自林肯高地的Christine Collins太太祈祷,

whose young son, Walter Collins, disappeared nearly two weeks ago. disappear: 失踪

她的孩子Walter Collins在大概两周前失踪了。 Though she is not a member of our congregation, congregation: 团体


we pray for her today as we have every day, since we learned of her plight. plight: 困境


On the radio and in the newspapers we are told that the Los Angeles Police Department department: 局


is doing its very best to reunite mother and child, and I'm sure that that is true. reunite: 使…重聚


But given its status as the most violent, corrupt and incompetent police department this side of the Rocky Mountains.

status: 情况 violent: 暴力的 corrupt: 腐败的 incompetent: 不称职的 Rocky Mountains: 落基山脉(北美的主要山脉,从北墨西哥延伸到北阿拉斯加) 但是作为洛基山脉西边,最暴力、腐败和最不称职的警察分局,

I am not sure it's saying a great deal. Every day, new bodies appear along Mulholland and in the ditches of our cities, ditch: 排水沟


the work of Police Chief James Davis and his aptly named Gun Squad. aptly: 适当地 squad: 小集团

对于警察局长James Davis和他手下的炮团来说,

Every day, the needs of honest citizens are put second to greed and personal gain. honest: 正直的 citizen: 市民 greed: 贪婪 personal: 私人的


Every day, this city sinks deeper into a cesspool of fear, intimidation and corruption.

sink: 下沉 cesspool: 污水池 intimidation: 恐吓 corruption: 腐败


Once the City of Angels, Los Angeles has become a place where our protectors have become our brutalizers.

protector: 保护者 brutalizer: 残暴者

在洛杉矶,曾经的天使之城里我们的保护者,转而成为了施暴者。 Where to be the law is to be above the law. 法律的守护者却悍然践踏法律之上。

-Christine: I understand. Thank you. I will call back in a few weeks. Thank you very much. 我知道了,谢谢你,我过几个星期会再给你电话的,非常谢谢你。 Las Vegas Missing Persons Department? Hello, this is Christine Collins. 拉斯维加斯失踪人口科?你好,我是Christine Collins。

I'm calling to see if you've found any missing or lost children who meet the description that matches Walter Collins.

description: 描述 match: 和…一致

我想问下你那里有没有找到符合Walter Collins外貌特征的失踪儿童。 Oh, all right. Well, please do. Please do call. And I'll call back in a matter...

哦,我知道了,好的,如果有消息的话,请你务必给我电话。如果可以,我会再打电话给… In a week, if that's all right. Thank you very much. Thank you. 再过一周打过来,非常感谢你,谢谢你。

-Man: Hell, I think I left my wallet at home. Can I owe it to you? hell: 该死 owe: 欠


-Harve: No credit. Pay up or I call the cops. I'm sick of bums like you coming around here. no credit: 不赊账 sick of: 厌烦 bum: 无赖


-Man: I'm not trying to stiff you, chief. I just left my wallet at home, that's all. I'll go back and get it. Five, 10 minutes, tops. stiff: 亏待 chief: (口语)老板


-Harve: Got collateral? collateral: 抵押品 你有东西抵押么?

-Man: You can't ask for better collateral than a man's own flesh and blood, right? flesh and blood: 亲骨肉

那么没什么比把我的亲生骨肉抵押在这里更让你放心的了吧? Now, you stay here, son. I'll be right back. 孩子,现在你等在这里,我很快就回来。 -Boy: But... 不过…

-Man: Now, don't give me any trouble. He's a good man to trust us like this. 你别给我惹麻烦,这位先生肯信我们,他是个好人。 Now, you just stay here and I'll go back and get my wallet.

你现在给我乖乖等在这里,我回去拿我的钱包。 -Harve: Ten minutes, then I call the cops. Ah, hell.

给你10分钟,不然我就打电话给警察。啊,该死。 -Myrtle: Number, please. 请您告诉我要接通的号码。 -Harve: Hello, Myrtle? 哈啰,Myrtle? -Myrtle: Hello? 哈啰。

-Harve: Yeah, this is Harve, down at the diner. diner: 小饭店

你好,我是哈尔夫,饭店的那个。 -Myrtle: Oh, hi, Harve. 哦,嗨,哈尔夫。

-Harve: Would you get me Sheriff Larsen? sheriff: (美国)地方司法官 能帮我找下治安官Larsen吗? -Myrtle: Sure thing. 没问题。

-Operator F: You have a nice day, too. 你今天过得很不错吧。

-Operator G: Christine, I'm having trouble with the connection here. I can't seem to get through. get through: 接通

Christine,我这里接不通,我怎么也没法接通。 I think so. Yeah, I think that's better. 我想是这样,嗯,我想这样会好些。

-Operator H: You have a person to person call, Fairfax 2231. Long distance. Sorry, can you repeat?

person to person: 私人间的 repeat: 重复

你有个私人电话,费尔法克斯2331。是个长途电话,对不起,请您再说一遍? I'll connect you right away, ma'am. right away: 马上

马上给您接过去,女士。 -Jones: Thanks. Mrs. Collins? 谢谢。Collins太太? -Christine: Yes. 我是。

-Jones: I'm Captain J.J. Jones, Lincoln Park Juvenile Division. captain: 上尉 juvenile: 青少年的

我是J.J. Jones上尉,林肯公园少年案件组的。

My office supervises all runaway and missing child cases, including your son's, and... supervise: 管理 runaway: 逃跑者


He's alive, Mrs. Collins. He was picked up two days ago by local police in DeKalb, Illinois.

pick up: 找到 local: 当地的

他还活着,Collins太太。两天前他被伊利诺斯州德卡博当地的警察发现了。 He's safe and unhurt. 他很安全,没有受伤。

He was in the company of some drifter. We have an APB out for him, but he's safe.

in the company of: 与…在一起 drifter: 流浪汉 APB: all-points bulletin 全美法务机构联网发布通告的系统

他跟一群流浪汉混迹在一起,我们在查全境通告时发现了他,不过他现在很安全。 -Christine: Thank you so much. 非常感谢你。

-Operator A: Oh, Christine... 哦,Christine...

-Christine: That is so great. Thank you. There's so much press. press: 新闻记者


-Jones: Yours is a story with a happy ending, Mrs. Collins. People love happy endings. happy ending: 美满的结局

因为你的故事有个好的结局,Collins太太。大家都喜欢看到圆满结局。 We better get a move on, the train's pulling in. Back, boys. Back. Thanks. 我们最好走快点,火车已经进站了。后退,伙计们,后退。谢谢。 Thanks, boys, thanks! I'll have a statement for you in a few minutes, statement: 声明


but the important thing right now is to reunite this little lady with her son, so if you'll excuse us. reunite: 使…重聚

不过现在最重要的事情,是让这位夫人和她的儿子团聚,所以请你们给我们留些时间。 -Police B: Stay right there. Come on, don't rush. Easy, easy. rush: 闯


-Jones: Mrs. Collins, I'd like to introduce you to James E. Davis, Chief of Police. chief: 长官

Collins太太,请允许我向你介绍James E. Davis,警察局长。 -Christine: Very nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

-James: We don't get a lot of positive attention from the boys in the press these days, positive: 正面的 attention: 注意

最近这段时间里,我们可从来没从媒体那些家伙那儿获得过正面评价, so it's good to be here with a positive story, don't you think?

所以能有个圆满的结局对我们彼此来说,都是再好不过了,你说是吧? -Christine: Yes, sir. 是的,长官。

-James: I take it you've been treated well by my boys in the department? 我手底下的人对你的态度还好吧?

-Christine: I couldn't file a report for 24 hours, and I thought that maybe that was a...

correct: 改正

我希望你们能帮助我解决这个误会,好让我能在儿子出什么意外前找到他,求你了。 I won't take up any more of your time. I'm sorry I got upset. I'm sorry, very sorry. upset: 心烦意乱

我不想再浪费你的时间了,我很失望。对不起,很对不起。 -Sara: Yes, Captain? 长官,什么事?

-Jones: Sara, get Dr. Tarr on the phone. Sara,你去找下塔尔医生。 -Sara: Yes, sir. 好的,长官。 -Tarr: Mrs. Collins? Collins太太? -Christine: Yes? 是我。

-Tarr: Dr. Earl W. Tarr. Captain Jones sent me. 我是Dr. Earl W. Tarr,是Jones上尉派我来的。

I consult with him from time to time on juvenile cases. May I come in? consult: 向…咨询 juvenile: 青少年的


-Christine: Yes, thank you for coming. I was beginning to think he didn't believe me. 请进,谢谢你能过来,我还以为他根本不相信我说的话。

-Tarr: Well, I'm here now, and we'll put all that to rights. Where's the boy? 你看,我不是来了吗,我们会解决一切问题的,那个孩子在哪里? Ah! There he is. A handsome young man. He has your eyes, doesn't he? handsome: 英俊的


And a little bit of the nose. Very fit, in spite of all his travails. A very resilient boy you've got here, Mrs. Collins.

in spite of: 不管 travail: 分娩的阵痛 resilient: 迅速恢复精神的

鼻子也挺像,很健壮,生他的时候很辛苦吧。你有个很健康的孩子啊,Collins太太。 -Christine: I thought you were here to help me. 我以为你是过来帮我找孩子的。

-Tarr: Well, I am. Captain Jones said that the boy had been through some severe physical changes severe: 严重的 physical: 身体的


and asked me to drop in on him to reassure you in your time of motherly concern. drop in on: 顺便来访 reassure: 打消…的疑虑 motherly: 母亲的 concern: 关心 所以要我来看看他,确保你尽到了做母亲的责任。

-Christine: My motherly concern is not for him because he's not my son. 他不是我的儿子,我没有照顾他的义务。

-Tarr: Now, statements like that will hardly help the boy's self-esteem, Now will they? statement: 所说的话 hardly: 几乎不 self-esteem: 自尊 你现在的话很容易伤害到孩子的自尊,对吗?

Captain Jones said something about a change in height? height: 身高


-Christine: Yes. Come. Against the wall. He's three inches shorter. 是的。过来,靠墙站好。他足足比我儿子矮了3英寸。

-Tarr: Ah, well... Hardly a mystery, Mrs. Collins. We've known for some time that trauma can affect the growth of children.

mystery: 难以理解的事 trauma: 精神创伤 affect: 影响 growth: 成长


Given the stress of the past five months, his spine may have actually shrunk. stress: 紧张 spine: 脊柱 actually: 实际上 shrink: 收缩

过去5个月里他经受的紧张压力,可能让他的脊椎出现了收缩。 It's uncommon, but it's within the realm of possibility. uncommon: 罕有的 realm: 领域 possibility: 可能性 非常罕见,但并非毫无可能。 -Christine: And circumcision? circumcision: (医学)包皮环切 那割包皮的事呢?

-Tarr: Very likely his abductor thought it appropriate. After all, circumcision is hygienically sound. likely: 可能的 abductor: 诱拐者 appropriate: 适当的 hygienically: 保健地 很有可能是诱拐他的人做的,从生理卫生的角度来看,割掉包皮值得提倡。 Must have been quite traumatic at the time. No wonder he's submerged the memory. traumatic: 创伤的 no wonder: 难怪 submerge: 使陷入

当时给他造成的刺激一定很大,所以他选择忘掉那段记忆。 -Christine: I... 我…

-Tarr: You see, there's a perfectly sound medical explanation for all of this. medical: 医学的

你看,你所提出的疑点都有完美的医学解释。 But it's right for you to raise the questions. raise: 提出(问题等)


You need to be apprised of all changes the lad went through during his absence. apprise: 通知 lad: 少年 go through: 经历 absence: 不在

你必须理解,在他失踪的那段时间里,这个孩子可能出现各种变化。 -Christine: Wouldn't I know whether or not he's my son? I'm the mother. 我难道还会不知道他是不是我儿子吗?我是母亲。 -Tarr: Which means you're in no position to be objective. position: 情况 objective: 客观的


You are looking through the prism of extreme emotion at a boy who has changed from what you remember.

prism: 棱镜 extreme: 极度的 emotion: 情绪


He isn't the same boy that left here. Just as a boy that goes off to war and then returns is not the same anymore.

他和离开这里时的孩子不一样了,就好像参军回来的孩子和以前大不相同。 And a mother's heart, driven by intuition and emotion, sees these changes and rebels, intuition: 直觉 rebel: 反叛的

而母亲的判断往往依靠的是直觉和情绪,在发现这些改变后起了抵触心理, insists that this isn't your son. Doesn't change the facts. insist: 坚持


I'm willing to put my theory to the test of objectivity, Mrs. Collins. Are you? willing: 愿意 theory: 理论 objectivity: 客观性

请让我用更客观的方法来证明我的理论,Collins太太,你来吗? -Christine: It is absolutely outrageous!

absolutely: 绝对地 outrageous: 令人不能忍受的 这实在是太过分了!

-Jones: Calm yourself, calm yourself and just listen to me. calm: 冷静


-Christine: No, no, no. No, you listen to me, please. 不,不是,请你听我说。

This so called doctor paraded me around my own neighborhood, so called: 所谓的 parade: 在…来回走动 neighborhood: 邻居 这个所谓的医生把我带到我的邻居面前转悠,

like some kind of a derelict mother who didn't even know her own son. derelict: 不负责任的

说得好像我是个失职到连自己的儿子都认不出来的妈妈。 -Jones: And what was his findings? finding: 发现


-Christine: He found what he expected to find, what you obviously told him he would find. obviously: 显然地


-Jones: Mrs. Collins. But that's not... That's nothing to be embarrassed about. embarrass: 使难堪

Collins太太,这不是…没有什么好懊恼伤心的。 -Christine: That I was embarrassed is not the issue. issue: 争论点


The point is that you are wasting time when you should be looking for my son. 重点是你在浪费时间,你真正应该做的是去找我的儿子。 -Jones: But the report is final, Mrs. Collins. final: 结论性的


-Christine: Well, then I want to receive the report, so I can refute it, before it goes to anyone else. receive: 收到 refute: 反驳

是吗,那我希望能收到报告,在这份报告交给任何人之前,我要拒绝接受这份报告。 -Jones: Fine. 随便你。

-Christine: Yes. Good day. 谢谢,再见。

-Walter: I'm finished. Could I go to my room now? 没有我的事了,我能不能回自己房间? -Christine: Yes. 去吧。

-Walter: Good night, Mommy. 晚安,妈妈。

-Christine: Stop saying that! Stop saying that! I'm not your mother! I want my son back. 不准你再这样叫!不准你叫!我不是你的妈妈!我只要把我的儿子找回来

You're not him. You're not my son! I want my son back. I want my son back! Damn you! 你不是他,你不是我的儿子!我要我的儿子回来!我要我的儿子回来!你真该死! I want my son back! I was wrong to yell at you. yell at: 对…吼叫


You're just a child and I don't think you know what you're doing, and the hurt you're causing. 你只是个孩子,我想你也不知道自己正在做什么,还有你的到来给我带来的伤害。 But I need you to understand that my son is my life. He's all I have.

但是你必须知道一件事,我的儿子就是我的生命,他就是我的一切。 And no matter what the police think, and no matter what the world thinks, 不管警察是怎么想的,我也不管世界上所有人怎么想, you and I, we both know the truth, don't we? truth: 真相


We both know that you're not Walter. You just have to tell them that you're not my son, so they can find my son.

我们都清楚你不是Walter,你只要告诉他们说你不是我的儿子,然后他们就会找到我儿子了。 Please. We can talk tomorrow. Hello? 求求你,我们明天再说吧。哈啰? -Gustav: Is this Mrs. Christine Collins? 是Christine Collins太太吗? -Christine: Yes. 我是。

-Gustav: My name is Gustav Briegleb. I'm the pastor over at St. Paul's Presbyterian. pastor: 牧师

我的名字叫做Gustav Briegleb,我是圣保罗教会的牧师。 -Christine: Oh, yes, I've heard your broadcasts. I'm... Thank you. broadcast: 广播


-Gustav: Have you read the Times this morning?

Times: 【泰晤士报】[a daily national newspaper published in the United Kingdom — from Wikipedia]

你读过今天的泰晤士报了没? -Christine: No. 没有。

-Gustav: Well, maybe you should give it a gander and then come over here to the parish parish: 教区

也许你应该先去读一下,然后过来教堂这里吃早餐, for breakfast, in, say, an hour. I think we should meet. 大约一个小时之后,我们会再见的。 -Christine: Hello? Mysterious case of... mysterious: 神秘的 哈啰?神秘案件…

Acting on the request of the Los Angeles Police Department, act on: 按…行动 request: 要求 应洛杉矶警局的要求,

Dr. Earl W. Tarr, child specialist, examined Walter Collins to determine the cause of his loss of weight,

specialist: 专科医生 examine: 检查 determine:查明 cause: 原因 weight: 体重

儿童专家Dr. Earl W. Tarr医生为Walter Collins作了检查,以了解造成他变矮的原因。

Paleness, confusion, and rundown condition noticed since the return of the boy to his mother last Monday. \

paleness: 苍白 confusion: 惶惑 condition: 状况


-Gustav: Lovely bit of phrasing, isn't it? Noticed since the return of the boy to his mother. lovely: 优美的 phrasing: 措辞

用词很优美,不是吗?他提到自从孩子回到他母亲身边后。 Now, not only does that clearly state you're the boy's mother, 现在不只是证明了你就是这男孩的妈妈,

but one could infer from it that you're somehow responsible for these changes. responsible: 有责任的


And that the police department is concerned for the boy's welfare while he's in your charge. concern: 关心 welfare: 福利 in charge: 在…的看管下 而且警察局开始关注在你的监护下孩子的生活状况。 You should try the eggs. They're very nice. 尝尝煎蛋,做的非常好。

-Christine: 'I examined the boy quite thoroughly,' Dr. Tarr said, thoroughly: 彻底地


'And it's clear that he has something to tell. I'm sure that in time... \很明显这孩子有些话要跟我说,我很确定不久之后…

-Tarr: ...time he will give his boyish story of the entire affair, but not until he has faith in his

I stopped counting after a while. 我后来就没有数了

Gordon said maybe one or two may have escaped. escape: 逃跑

Gordon说大概有一二个逃跑了。 But... 但是……

-Detective: No. 不可能。

Nobody can just up and kill 20 kids, okay? 不可能有人杀了20个孩子,好吗? -Sanford Clark: We did. 我们真的做了。 We did.

是我们杀的。 -Detective: How? 怎么杀的?

-Sanford Clark: Most times we'd just have one or two. 大多数时候我们就杀一两个, Sometimes as many as three. 有时候会是三个。

I always knew when we were getting ready to leave. 我们准备离开农场的时候我就得。 Clean up the car. clean up: 打扫 把车擦干净,

Make sure the tires were good. tire: 轮胎

确认轮胎都有气。 Check the engine. engine: 引擎 检查引擎,

'Cause he was afraid that the car would break down afraid: 担心的 break down: 汽车抛锚 因为他担心车子会抛锚。 and we'd get caught. get caught: 被逮捕 然后我们会被逮住。 -Gordon: My loving baby. 我可怜的孩子。

-Sanford Clark: We'd always go a different direction every time. direction: 方向

每一次我们都会挑不一样的方向走。 Never hit the same part of town twice.

hit: 撞倒

从来不在镇子的同一个地方停留两次。 Sometimes we'd just drive around for hours, 很多次我们就这么一直开啊开, till we found somebody. 直到我们发现了孩子。 -Gordon: Well, there you are! 你在这里!

We've been looking for you like mad. mad: 疯狂的

我们找你都快找疯了? -Kid: You have? 你是谁?

-Gordon: Sure thing. 当然。

Listen, your folks, they've been in an accident. folk: 家属 accident: 以外 听着,你的家人出事了。

And they sent us to come find you. Now, they're hurt real bad. 他们伤的很严重,派我们来找你。

The police took them to the hospital, but they didn't have time to come find you, 警察已经把他们送去医院了,所以没有空来找你。 so we said that we would do it. 我跟他们说我可以去找你。 Now, come on. 快点,马上走。

All right. Get in here. Hurry. 好了,快点进来。

Listen, we gotta get you to that hospital so you can see your folks. folk: 亲属


-Sanford Clark: See, a lot of kids won't get in a car alone with a stranger, 你瞧,一般小孩子不会和一个陌生人上车。 but when he's got a kid there... 但如果还有一个小孩在, -Gordon: There's a good boy. 还有一个小孩。

Scoot over. Scoot over, San.

scoot over: 让开 scoot: 迅速跑开 让开点,让开点,San。

-Sanford Clark: ...that made it easier. 事情就好办多了。

-Gordon: I want you to hold on tight. hold on: 抓住 tight: 紧紧地


-Sanford Clark: They'd look at me and say... 他们会看着我,然后想,

-Gordon: We've got a long way to go. 我们要走很长的路。

-Sanford Clark: \safe: 安全的


-Gordon: And we are gonna fly. 我们会开得很快。

-Sanford Clark: \guess: 猜测


Every time they got in the truck, truck: 大卡车

每次看着他们爬进卡车里, I just wanted to die. 我只想死。

As soon as we got back to the ranch, they went in the coop. as soon as: 一旦 ranch: 牧场 coop: 小屋

等我们回到农场以后,就把他们关进仓库里。 -Gordon: You boys hungry? 你们饿不饿? Huh? 啊?

Watch the door, Sanford! 看好门,Sanford! Hey! Watch the door! 嘿!看着门! What's the matter? 怎么了?

I'm not gonna hurt you.

gonna: =going to,将要 hurt: 伤害 我不会伤害你的。

Are you worried that I'm gonna hurt you? 你是不是担心我会伤害你们? I'm not gonna hurt you. 我不会弄伤你们的。 Huh? Come here. 来,过来。

-Kids: No! No! No! No! 不要,不要。

-Gordon: Please! I would never hurt you. 过来,我不会伤害你们的。

-Sanford Clark: Some days he'd do them right off. 有些时候他会立即杀人。 Other days he'd wait, 有时候他会等几天, pick up a few more, pick up: 挑选 再去多抓几个,

until he had about four or five of them. 等到有4、5个的时候才动手。 -Gordon: Yeah. 对。

No! No! No! No what?

不要,不要,不要!不要什么? No what, huh? 不要什么?啊?

Come on. Come on. Come on! 过来!过来!过来!

Sanford, keep your eye on that door! keep one’s eye on: 盯紧 Sanford,给我盯好门外! -Kids: No! Please, no! No! No! 不要,求求你,不要!不要! No! No! No! No! Please! No! No!

不,不要!不要过来!求求你,不要!不要! -Sanford Clark: He'd... He'd sometimes leave 有时候,他……他会留下,

just one or two of them alive, barely, anyway. barely: 勉强

一两个人,勉强还有口气。 He'd say,

然后他会跟我说 Finish them, San. finish: 结束


Finish them or... Finish them or I'll finish you. \你去把他们干掉,或者……或者让我把你干掉。 And I did.

于是我照做了。 And I killed them. kill: 杀害 我杀了他们。 And I did. 是我干的。 I killed them.


Oh, God, I killed them! 上帝啊,我杀死了他们! Oh, God! Oh! 哦,上帝啊! -Detective: Hey. 嘿。

-Sanford Clark: What? 什么?

-Detective: Look at me. 看着我。 These kids. 这些孩子,

You think if you saw them again, you think you might be able to recognize them? recognize: 识别

如果再让你看到他们的样子,你能不能认出来? -Sanford Clark: I don't know. 我不知道。 Maybe. 可能吧。

-Detective: Hey, I haven't updated these in a while, but still. update: 更新

嘿,我有好些时间没有更新过这个了 Just...


It should be. Just go through these, okay? go through: 完成


If you see any you recognize, just put them down on the table here. recognize: 认出

如果发现你认得出的,直接把照片拿出来,摆到这边的桌上。 -Sanford Clark: I'm sorry! 对不起!

-Detective: Oh, my God. 哦,我的上帝。

-Sanford Clark: I didn't mean to... He made me. make: 安排

我不想的……是他逼我的。 -Detective: Oh, shit. 哦,他妈的。

This one. Look at me. 这一个,看着我。 You're sure? 你确定么?

intention: 打算

我没有想要让任何人尴尬。 -Jones: Oh, no, of course not. 哦,当然不是,你当然不想。

You just told the papers we couldn't tell one boy from another as a compliment. compliment: 称赞

作为对我们的回报,你告诉报纸说我们连几个孩子都分不清? For the months we spent working on your case. 为了你这个案子我们忙了好几个月。

You trying to make fools out of us? Is that it? You enjoy this? 你是把我们都当白痴吗?是不是?你很开心吗? -Christine: Of course not. I want you to find my son. 我没有,我希望你们能找到我的儿子。

-Jones: You know what your problem is, Mrs. Collins? 你知道你的问题在哪里吗?Collins太太?

You're trying to shirk your responsibilities as a mother. shirk: 逃避 responsibility: 责任

你只是想逃避一个母亲应尽的责任。 -Christine: What? 你说什么?

-Jones: You enjoyed being a free woman, didn't you? 你不想要个拖油瓶,对不对?

You enjoyed not having to worry about a young son. 你只是不想要有孩子拖累吧。

You could go where you wanted, do whatever you wanted, and see anyone you wanted. 那样你就可以去自己想去的地方,做自己想做的事情,还有见任何你想见的人。

But then we found your son, and we brought him back. And now he's an inconvenience to you. inconvenience: 困扰


And that's why you cooked up this scheme, to throw him to the state and get the state to raise him for you.

cook up: 谋划 scheme: 阴谋 state: 州 raise: 抚养

所以你才炮制了这个谎言,好把这个孩子丢给州政府,让政府来帮你抚养他长大。 Isn't that true? 是不是这样?

-Christine: That is not true! 才不是这样!

-Jones: No? Well, even the boy says he's your son. Why would he say that? 不是?就连那个孩子自己都说是你的儿子。他为什么会那么说? How would he know to do that? 他怎么会无缘无故那么说?

-Christine: I don't know. I just know he's lying. 我不知道,我只知道他在撒谎。

-Jones: Oh, maybe so. Maybe he is a liar. But that's how he's been trained, isn't it?

maybe: 大概 liar: 骗子 train: 训练

哦,大概是吧,也许他在撒谎,他从小就是这么被教的吧,对不对? -Captain Jones: Lying was born in both of you. born: 天生的


You're a liar and a troublemaker and, if you ask me, liar: 说谎的人 troublemaker: 制造麻烦的人

要我说,你就是个骗子,只会给我们制造麻烦, you got no business walking the streets of Los Angeles. business: 事务

在洛杉矶街上巡逻的可不是你。 -Christine: Now wait a minute. 等等。

-Captain Jones: Because either you know you're lying, lie: 撒谎


or you're not capable of knowing if you're lying or telling the truth. capable of: 能够

或者就是你神智不清,不知道自己是撒谎还是在说真话。 So, which is it?


You a derelict mother? Or just plain nuts?

derelict: 玩忽职守的 plain: 平常的 nuts: [俚语]发疯的 你是个失职的母亲?还是脑子有毛病?

because from where I sit, those are the only options. option: 选择


-Christine: I'm not gonna sit here and take this. gonna: =going to,将要 take: 忍受 我没那么多时间来听你的废话。

-Captain Jones: You want experts? You want doctors? I have a few of my own. expert: 专家

你要专家?还是要医生?我这里都有不少。 Matron. Matron。

Mrs. Collins, you still insist that the boy out there is not your son? insist: 坚持

Collins太太,你还要坚持说那边的男孩不是你儿子吗? -Christine: Yes, I do. 是的,他不是我儿子。

-Matron: Please, don't struggle. struggle: 挣扎 不要再嘴硬了。 -Christine: What? No!


-Matron: You'll only hurt yourself. 你这样做只会伤害到自己。 -Christine: What are you doing? 你要做什么?

- Matron: Hold still. 站好。

-Christine: You can't just do this. No, you can't. 你不能这么做,不行,你不能这样。

-Captain Jones: You are to convey the prisoner, convey: 移送 prisoner: 囚犯 你将会被移送到,

to the Los Angeles County General Hospital Psychopathic Ward. general: 综合的 psychopathic: 精神病的 ward: 病房 Los Angeles综合医院的精神病院去。 -Christine: What? 你说什么?

-Captain Jones: You are to make the following entry. entry: 入院


Defendant states she's been deceived by police and others, defendant: 被告 state: 宣称 deceive: 欺骗 被告声称他被警察和其他人蒙骗, and that we have given her a boy and tried


to make her think it is her son when she says it is not. 并且强迫她承认这是她自己的孩子。 Take her away. 把她带走。

-Christine: No. No, no. 不,不,不。 Please. Please. 求你,求求你。

-Matron: Come on, Mrs. Collins. 走吧,Collins太太。 -Christine: No. No. 不,不。

-Man1: This way. 这边。

-Captain Jones: Mrs. Collins has been known to us since about March 10th, 1928 我们于1928年3月10日见到Collins太太,

when she reported her nine-year-old son, Walter, missing. report: 报告


The boy was gone until August 1928. Okay. August: 八月


Since his return, she has complained that he is still missing, complain: 抱怨

在孩子回家之后,她继续声称自己的儿子仍然失踪, and has made repeated requests that he be found. repeat: 反复 request: 要求 一再要求继续寻找他的儿子。

She suffers from paranoia, delusions of persecution and dislocation from reality.

suffer from: 遭受 paranoia: 妄想症 delusion of persecution: 害妄想 delusion: 妄想 persecution: 迫害 dislocation: 混乱

鉴于她存在妄想,受迫性幻觉和现实认知错位等症状, She may be a threat to herself or others. threat: 威胁


We recommend that she be conveyed to the psychopathic ward. recommend: 建议 convey: 转移 psychopathic: 精神病的 我们建议将她移送至精神病院, until her senses can be restored. sense: 感觉 restore: 恢复 直到她恢复神智为止

-Matron: Got another code 12. code: 代码 又是12号。

-Chief Nurse: Name? 姓名?

-Matron: Collins. Christine. Collins,Christine。

-Christine: No, no, no, listen, this is a mistake. mistake: 错误

不,不,听我说,这是个错误。 -Orderly: Certifying officer? certify: 证明 officer: 官员 签发人是?

-Matron: Captain J.J. Jones, Lincoln Heights Division. captain: 上尉

Lincoln Heights Division分局,J.J. Jones上尉。

-Christine: No, no, please! Please! The police are trying to punish me... punish: 惩罚


-Chief Nurse: If you keep it up, I'm gonna have to put you in a straitjacket. keep up: 坚持 gonna: =going to,将要 straitjacket 约束衣 如果你再吵吵闹闹,我就给你穿约束衣?

Do you want that? 要穿吗?

-Christine: No, ma'am. 不,长官。

-Chief Nurse: Then behave yourself. Code 12. behave oneself: 规矩 behave: 行为 code: 代码 那就给我老实点,12号。 -Patient1: I'm not mad! mad: 发疯的 我没有发疯! -Christine: Please. 求求你。 Oh, God. 哦,上帝! All right. 好了。 No! 不! Stop! 住手!

-Examination nurse: Spread your legs. examination: 检查 spread: 分开 分开你的双腿。 -Christine: What? 干什么?

-Examination nurse: Wider. 分开点。 -Christine: Oh. 哦。

-Patient1: I'm not sick! 我没有病!

-Patient2: Touch me! Touch me! touch: 触摸 摸我!摸我!

-Examination nurse: Inside. This is your room. 进去,这里就是你的房间。

The doctor has left for the day. He will see you in the morning. 医生今天出去了,他明天早上会来看你。

-Christine: Can I... I need to speak to somebody in authority. authority: 当局

我可不……可不可以跟负责的人谈一下? -Examination nurse: Sorry. 抱歉。

-Patient3: My room! No. No, no, no, this is my room.

