《英语泛读教程》1 Vocabulary of Unit 4 migratory birds and coffee

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Vocabulary for Extensive Reading 1 by WenjiLee

Vocabulary of Unit 4

1. migratory /mai'greit ri/: used of animals that move seasonally 迁移的, 流浪的 migratory bird: 侯鸟

2. shade-grown: grown in the shade. 树荫下种植 Shade-grown coffee refers to coffee grown under a canopy(树冠) of trees.

3. sanctuary /’sæ kt u ri/: a shelter from danger or hardship 圣殿, 避难所

4. fact sheet: a piece of paper giving all the most important information about something情况说明书

5. species /’spi: i:z/: a group of animals or plants whose members are similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants 物种, 种类

6. habitat /’hæbitæt/: the natural home of a plant or animal 栖息地,住处

7. exceed: to be more than a particular number or amount; go beyond; surpass 超过,越出

8. resident /'rez d nt/: someone who lives or stays in a particular place 居民

9. canopy / 'kæn pi/: the leaves and branches of trees, that make a kind of roof in a forest

10.fertilizer /’f :tilaiz /: (BrE also fertiliser) a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully肥料

11. insecticide: a chemical used for killing insects杀虫剂

12. herbicide: a chemical that is poisonous to plants, used to kill plants that are growing where they are not wanted除草剂

13. fungicide /'f nd isaid/: A chemical substance that destroys or inhibits the growth of fungi / 'f gai / 杀菌剂

14. agronomic: a branch of agriculture dealing with agricultural production and soil management农艺学的, 农事的

15. diversity: the fact of including many different types of people or things; variety; difference, unlikeness多样性

16. convert: to change (something) into another form, substance, state, or product; transform转变(化);

17. compatible /k m'pæt bl/: able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination能共处的, 可并立的, 适合的

18. time-honored: honored because of age or long usage历史悠久China's time-honored Brand中华老字号

19. amphibian /æm’fibi n/: any animal that can live both on land and in water. 两栖动物

20. refuge /'refju:d /: a place of shelter, protection, or safety. 庇护所,避难处

21. benign /bi’nain/: pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence良性的,善良的

22. respectively /ri'spektivli/: separately, individually各自地,各个地,分别地

23. relentless /ri'lentlis/: not stopping or getting less strong: her relentless pursuit of perfection 不间断的,持续的;坚韧的,不懈的

24. acidification / ,sidifi'kei n/: process of making or becoming acid 酸化, 成酸性

25. safeguard /'seif,gɑ:d/: protect, defend, secure, keep safe 保护,维护

26. deliberate /di'lib rit/: to think about something very carefully; intentional 故意的;深思熟虑的

27. make ends meet: barely earn enough money to survive, live on the edge of poverty 收支平衡

28. temperate /'temp rit/: (technical) (of a climate or region) having a mild temperature without extremes of heat or cold 温和的,温带的;自我克制的,不过分的

29. ponder /'p nd /: to consider something deeply and thoroughly; 思索,考虑,沉思

30. catch-all: intended to include all possibilities 包罗万象

31. synthetic /sin'θetik/: Not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived 合成的,人造的;虚假的

32. unwitting / n'witi /: Not intended; unintentional; accidental 无意的 不知不觉的

33. ominous /’ min s/: suggesting that sth bad is going to happen in the future 不祥的

Note: Memorize these words so as to have a better result in our final exam. 1

