
更新时间:2023-11-27 04:25:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


注:奇偶页页眉相同,居中,宋体,五号。阅后删除此文本框。 兰州交通大学毕业设计(论文) 注:“摘要”中间空两个汉字。“目录、结论和致谢”要求相同。阅后删除此文本框。 注:本部分摘要内容由学生和指导教 师按照后面规范确定,这里仅仅是段落格式要求。阅后删除此文本框。 摘 要 基于神经网络的模型参考自适应控制既具有神经网络的自适应和自学习能力,又提高了控制的鲁棒性和实时性,因此得到了广泛应用并取得了不少研究成果。但由于传统神经网络控制器采用BP学习算法,存在着收敛速度慢,易陷入局部极小等问题,影响了该模型的进一步应用。基于此,本文对传统BP学习算法进行改进,并将此应用到模型参考自适应控制神经网络控制器的设计中,和数字锁相环控制组成复合控制,对感应加热电源进行控制,仿真结果表明该算法是十分有效的。主要研究内容如下:

(1) 提出了改进的分层递阶BP(HBP)和改进的双向权值调整两种学习算法。HBP网络结构被划分为多个单独的BP网络,每个BP网络分别用单独的学习速率和误差来训练权值。通过应用HBP算法在非线性系统辨识中进行仿真,证明了该方法的有效性和可行性。改进的双向权值调整学习算法是单隐层神经网络结构,将神经网络权值的调整分成两个阶段:正向阶段调整隐含层到输出层的权值,反向阶段调整输入层到隐含层的权值。这样构建的网络结构简单,弥补了传统BP算法的不足。

(2) 基于改进的HBP算法,提出了应用HBP算法训练RBF网络连接权的改进RBF神经网络,仿真结果表明该算法能有效提高了RBF网络的性能和训练速率。

(3) 通过采用改进双向权值调整学习的BP学习算法完成对被控对象的辨识,改进RBF神经网络训练控制器参数,学习速率自调整的BP算法训练自适应滤波器,提出改进的神经网络模型参考自适应控制器。通过对该系统仿真,结果表明该控制方法是可行的和有效的。

(4) 将改进的神经网络模型参考自适应控制器和数字锁相环控制相结合,提出复合控制器,并对感应加热电源进行控制。当逆变器开关频率与负载固有谐振频率误差值大于或等于偏差设定值时,采用单纯的神经网络模型参考自适应控制进行频率修正;当频率误差值小于偏差设定值时,采用数字锁相环控制,进行频率和相位同时高精度修正。与传统锁相环控制感应加热电源进行对比,复合控制提高了系统的快速性,改进了感应加热电源的性能。


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Neural Networks model reference adaptive control (NNMRAC) not only possesses the neural networks’ merits of adaptive and self learning ability, but also improves the control system’s performance in robust and real-time. NNMRAC has attracted so many researchers’ interest and attention, and lots of research results have been achieved. However, traditional NNMRAC adopts BP learning algorithm, which limits its further extended applications due to slow convergence speed and easily falling into local minimum of BP algorithm. Based on it, the thesis implements improvements on traditional BP learning algorithm, and adopts the improved BP learning algorithm to NNMRAC to construct the combination control on the induction heating power with digital phase-locked loop (DPLL), together. The simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm is quite effective. The main contents are below.

(1) To propose the two improved BP learning algorithm called as the improved hierarchical back propagation (HBP) algorithm and the improved Bi-phases weights adjusting learning algorithm, respectfully. The HBP neural networks can be divided into several individual BP neural networks, the weights in each network are trained by individual error cost and learning rate. Simulations in the nonlinear system identification show the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed HBP algorithm. The improved bi-phases weights adjusting learning algorithm has a single hidden layer structure, and the weights are adjusted in two stages. The weights from hidden layer to output layer are adjusted at forward process, and the weights from input layer to hidden layer are adjusted at backward process. Thus the networks’ structure is simplified and the shortcomings of the traditional BP algorithm are remedied.

(2) To propose an improved RBF neural networks with HBP based. In this algorithm the connection weights of RBF networks are trained by HBP algorithm. The simulation results show that the algorithm improves the performance of the RBF networks and the training rate.

(3) To propose the improved NNMRAC applying the improved Bi-phases weights adjusting learning algorithm to identify the controlled object, and the improved RBF neural networks to train the parameters of controller, and the learning rate self-tuning BP algorithm to learn the adaptive filter. The simulations are carried out to validate the effectiveness and feasibility of the system.

(4) To propose the combination controller based on the former mentioned NNMRAC and DPLL to control the induction heating power control system. When the error of inverter switching frequency and the load inherent resonant frequency is greater than or equal to the bias setting value, NNMRAC control the frequency alone. When the frequency error is less than bias setting value, DPLL controller is implemented to modify the frequency and phase

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with high-precision at the same time. Comparing with the traditional DPLL induction heating power control system, the combination controller improves the system’s response speed and accordingly improves the performance of the induction heating power control system.

Key Words: Model reference adaptive control, Neural networks, Back propagation algorithm, Radial basis function networks, Phase-lock loop


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