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1.England is European country.It is also island country. A.a:an B.an;an C.an;a D.the;an 2. It's really_______ you to drive so fast on such a rainy day. Slow down! A. crazy for

B. crazy of C. wise for D. wise of

3 .---You look sad. What has happened?

---Everyone_______ us to win the match, but we lost. A. expects B. expected C. hopes ---I prefer coffee_______ sugar.

A. to B. for C. with D. on 5. ---Mr. Smith, I don't think we can get there on time by bike. ---You mean it's_______ for us to take a taxi?

A. necessary B. important C. possible D. difficult 6. ---If l work hard at my lessons from now on, can I do well in them? ---Sure._______.

A. All rivers run into sea C. Better late than never

B. Every day is not Sunday D. Practice makes perfect


D. hoped

4. ---I'd like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie?

7.He provides some money ____ the poor girl____ selling vegetables. A.with;in B.with; by C.for;in A. to go; stay

B. going; staying

8. Do you feel like____ to a film or would you like_______ at home?

C. to go; staying D. going; to stay

9. _______ we have done! We feel great as we can do something to help children in need. A. What a meaningful work C. How meaningful job

B. What a meaningful job D. How meaningful work

10.The twins look the same,but are quite different in personality. A.mostly B.exactly C.clearly D.closely 11. Our school is bigger than _______.

A. theirs B. their C. them D. they 12.—Tommy finds Geography and he often gets an “A” in the exams. —Yes,so he can find places while travelling.

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A.easy;easy B.easily;easy C.easy;easily D.easily;easily 13.—Your father’s never been to other countries,has he ? — .He plans to go abroad for a second time.

A.No,he has B.Yes,he hasn’t C.Yes,he has D.No,he hasn’t 14. Most people are _______ building a paper factory near here. They are worried the river will get polluted.

A. against B. with C. for D. beyond 15.—How long ?

—Let me see.We in 2008,that is,for 7 years.

A.have you been married;have married B.have you got married;got married C.have you been married;got married D.did you get married;married 二、完形填空:(每小题1分共10分)

Do you know Nissan introduced the world's first \Actually, it was like a record __1__that would tell you that your door was open,and would continue talking to you ___2__ you closed it.Of course,it never became popular. Only a few people __3_ the car.

Times have changed and the talking car of the near future is quite different. You can talk to it and you'll be able to control you radio _4_ giving your voice orders, get traffic reports and directions, send and receive e-mails. To finish all these actions, you needn't push a button(按钮)at all.

This is good news for those who _5_ more and more time of their lives in their cars.__6_ the new type of cars will be more like offices on wheels with computer inside. Companies hope that time wasted in traffic can be put to better use._7_ workers are able to check their mails, faxes and meeting time on the way to work, they can spend more time at the offices doing more _8_ work.

Microsoft, of course, is hoping to have one of their operating systems(系统)in every car in the world.\650,000,000 cars in the world. And every year about 50,000,000 new cars are produced. If Brass' wish _10_ , cars will become a bigger business for Microsoft than computers. 1. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. cry 2. A. after B. though C. until D. so

3. A. did about B. knew about C. thought about D. worried about

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4. A. by B. on C. with D. to 5. A. take B. pay C. spend D. cost 6. A. First of all B. In fact C. After all D. In general 7. A. If B. Though C. Because D. Unless 8. A. boring B. simple C. important D. relaxing 9. A. wonder B. future C. surprise D. experience 10. A. comes over B. comes up C. comes out D. comes true 三、阅读理解(每小题2分共24分)


From: Wendy and Jack Brown Date: September 22, 2015 To: 8th and 9th graders at R.L.S. Junior School Subject: Bonjour! Bonjour! (That means hello in French.) We hope you all had a great summer. Ours was a lot of fun. We have seen so many new things and met so many wonderful people. The French gave us a warm welcome and helped us get used to living here soon. We have so many things to share with all of you. We are going to send you more emails, but here are the best parts of our holiday in France so far. We had a fantastic time seeing the Tour de France this summer. It is the most famous bicycle race in the world. The riders travel more than two thousand miles in about a month! We got a quick look at the riders as they sped past! After the race, our family rented bikes, and rode along part of the route that the cyclists used. A few of you asked whether the French really eat snails(蜗牛). The answer is yes. We went out to dinner the other day, and our parents ordered some. We each tried one and it didn’t taste too bad. The snails, called escargots, are served with lots of butter. They feel a little rubbery when you bite into them, but they don’t really have much taste. Mum’s favourite food here is the French pastries. Dad loves the red wine. Our favourite is the fresh bread from the shop down the street. We went to visit the Eiffel Tower a few weeks ago. We went all the way to the top. It was a sunny day, so we could see for miles and miles into the distance. Dad doesn’t like heights, so he stayed at the bottom of the tower and took pictures from the ground. We miss all of you a lot. Write back to us and let us know what is new at home. Au revoir! (Can you guess what that means in French?) Wendy and Jack Brown 1.Jack’s favourite food in France is .

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A. tasty snails B. French pastries C. fresh bread D. red wine 2.Wendy and Jack wrote this email to . A. tell a story about riding bicycles in France B. tell a story about their experiences in France C. advise the readers to try escargots in France D. advise the readers to visit France in summer

You may find a lot of energy drinks in a shop. People say these drinks can make people feel more energetic and think more clearly. These drinks have names like Red Bull, Monster, Ripped Force, Speed Force, Speed Stack and 5-Hour Energy. Young people like them very much.

Scientists found three main things in the energy drinks. First, there are hundreds of brands (品牌) of energy drinks in most large countries. Second, the drinks are not clearly written(被写) with enough information. And third, the caffeine (咖啡因) in the energy drinks is different greatly. Some have as little as fifty milligrams (毫克), others as much as five hundred. Too much caffeine is bad for our body.

Some people put wine into energy drinks while drinking. They think they can drink more wine in that way and it is not bad for their body. But studies find that the wine still works. So the makers should write down clear information, such as how much caffeine it has and so on. For example, some makers of energy drinks give us advice. A popular energy drink asks women who are having a baby, nursing a baby or children under the age of 12 not to drink.

The study about energy drinks is still going on. They are now looking for the young people who have had a bad feeling after drinking them.

3. The three things in the energy drinks are the following EXCEPT ___. A. hundreds of brands

C. different caffeine

B. without enough information

D. something bad for the body

4. From the passage we know that if we drink energy drinks we should__.

A. drink only some famous brands B.read the information about them carefully C. drink much caffeine it has D. find the date it makes


National parks are large of areas of public land. They give a safe home for local plants and

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animals. They help keep the air and water clean. They also give us the best trips. Today ,there are nearly 7,000 national parks around the world . Forbes has listed 12 of the most beautiful ones in the world that will surprise you with their amazing landscape, geographic wonders and colorful plants and animals.

The Grand Canyon National Park of the US is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. It is best known for its size and depth. It is 446 kilometers long, up to 29 kilometers wide, and 1. 6 kilometers deep. The immensity of the canyon makes people think big. Every year, about 5million people visit here. Taking a tour in the South Rim offers visitors the park’s full views, while the North Rim shows beautiful wild flowers.

If you love animals, you’ll like the Serrengeti Natinoal Park in Tanzania. The “Big Five” live here. They are the lion. African elephant , African leopard ,black rhinoce and African buffalo . The name “Big Five ”came from the five animals that were the hardest to catch . Now they are what people most want to see in the wild. If you visit the park ,you should never miss the migration of over 1. 5million wildebeests and 250,000 zebras every year. This is the most famous site of the park .

5. Which is NOT right about national parks according to Paragraph 1? A.A national park is public land that covers a large area. B.Wild plants and animals are protected in national parks. C.Forbes has listed twelve of the world’s largest national parks. D.National parks are attractive because of their natural beauty. 6. ______kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage.

A.Five B.Six C.Seven D.Eight 7. The best title for the passage may be “_______”. A.Taking a tour in the Grand Canyon B.Travelling to the Serengeti National Park C.Seven National Wonders of the World D.Stepping into the wonders of the wildlife

8. If the writer continues the article, he would most likely write about _______. A.ways to keep the air and water clean B.more national parks in the world C.his wonderful trip to the Grand Canyone D.famous historic wonders in Africa

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What do you do in a situation like this? You’re calling dinner with friends at a nice restaurant. You’re having a great time when a phone rings at the table next to you. A man takes out his phone and starts talking loudly about problems he’s having with his girlfriend. He talks for almost ten minutes! This happens all the time-on buses, in restaurants, everywhere!

Many people find cell phones useful in their daily lives. But we’ve all sat next to someone talking too loudly on a cell phone. You may want to tell the loudmouth to end the conversation, but let the management take care of those noisy customers. You can only control your own behavior. Here are a few rules:

Off means off! Follow the rules of restaurants and other public places. If a sign says “turn off cell phones”, don’t use your phone. If you are allowed, speak softly and for a short time and try to move away form other people.

Lights off, phone off! Never make calls in a theater or at the movies.

Pay attention! Talking on a cell phone while driving is dangerous. And watch where you’re going when you’re walking down the streets and talking on the phone.

As more people use cell phones, things are only going to get worse. So, the next time you’re getting ready to make a call, stop and consider the people around you. 9. The man talking on the cell phone loudly in the restaurant will ________. A. talk for half an hour B. pay more for his meal

C. make other customers angry D. be driven out by the boss 10. Some people use cell phones in a rude way because____________. A. they don’t consider the people around them B. some public places allow them to do so C. they are proud of having cell phones

D. cell phones are common and available everywhere

11. According to the passage, we shouldn’t make calls ___________. A. in restaurants B. on buses C. at the movies D. on the street 12. From the passage we can infer(推断)that __________. A. cell phones have become the most useful tool in our life B. public manners play an important role in our life

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C. cell phones lead to people’s bad relationship D. people ought to turn cell phones off in a public places




一、单项填空(每小题1分共15分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 二、完形填空:(每小题1分共10分) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 9 10 三、阅读理解(每小题2分共24分) 10 11 12 四、词汇检测(每小题1分共10分)

1.When I looked up,I saw a huge army of bees (飞) towards me. 2.I need to work really hard to_______ (实现)my dream.

3.I have to say this is not an easy_______ (任务). You have to try your best to finish it. 4. ----Who_______ (组织) yesterday's charity show? It was great.

----Tom did.

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5.Now my parents both live in the (北方) part of Suzhou. 6.It is amazing that a cow has four (胃). 7.The animal hid itself by (挖) a hole in the ground. 8.一Why was Andy so angry with his Mum?

一Because she bought gifts for all her family except him. 9.—What is the of “tall”? —It’s “short”.

10.-Who do you think need our help most?

-______ people.They can't see anything and 1ife must be hard for them. 五、句子翻译(每小题3分共15分)







Saying no starts small

'All right then-just one more piece…' Words every girl has said when they are faced with the delicious cheesecake. Of course, many of us know we may eat the whole thing in the end.

It isn't just girls. Most of us find it hard to say 'no' to something attractive, However, scientists now say that willpower(意志力) is very important to success and a happy life.

Scientists in different countries have been studying the effects of willpower on people's lives for a long time. The results are similar, according to an article on February 7 in the Guardian, a famous British newspaper.

In one experiment, scientists told young children that they could either have a marshmallow(圆形软糖) now, or two marshmallows in 15 minutes. Waiting obviously

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needed more willpower. Scientists then continued studying the children as they grew up. They wanted to see if some children always had stronger willpower. They also wanted to see how having stronger willpower affected their lives.

Years later, scientists found that the children who had waited for two marshmallows were all healthier, happier and richer adults. Oppositely, the children who had shown weaker willpower at that young age were more likely to be in low-paid jobs, to be overweight, to have social problems.

But there is hope, Roy F Baumeister, an American social psychology(心理学) professor(教授) told the Guardian. Baumeister says we can train our willpower just like we train our muscles. Even a little practice can strengthen our overall self-control if we do it regularly.

You could start by making yourself stand up straight, speaking in complete sentences, or using a computer mouse with the other hand. Scientists have found that people who manage to change little habits often perform much better in laboratory willpower tests.

Like muscles, willpower can 'get tired'. Don't try to do too many things at the same time, or when you don't have enough energy, for example when you are ill. If you already feel tired, you can try to recharge(恢复) your willpower with a good night's sleep and by eating well.


1 Where is the Guardian from?(1分)

2 What were the children who chose to wait more likely to be?(2分)

3 Which will you choose, a marshmallow now or two marshmallows in 15 minutes? Why?(3分)


如今,在我们身边有很多父母在外打工的留守儿童(left-behind children)。他们面临很多的家庭以及学习问题,急需社会的关爱,请你写一封倡议信,呼吁大家关注留守儿童。

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提示:1.留守儿童正面临很多难题,留守儿童很容易感到孤独; 2.留守儿童与他人交朋友有困难;

3.我们应该计划志愿者项目帮助他们,捐钱捐物,更关心他们; 4.留守儿童的父母应……

I'm a middle school student. We know now there are many left-behind children whose parents work away from their hometown.


It’s really important to do something for left behind children if we want to build a better society.

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一、单项填空(每小题1分共15分) 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 D 9 B 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 C 14 A 15 C 二、完形填空:(每小题1分共10分) 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 D 三、阅读理解(每小题2分共24分)

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1 C 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 C 6 C 7 D 8 B 9 C 10 11 12 A C B 四、词汇检测(每小题1分共10分)

1.When I looked up,I saw a huge army of bees flying (飞) towards me. 2.I need to work really hard to __realize___ (实现)my dream.

3.I have to say this is not an easy __task_ (任务). You have to try your best to finish it. 4. ---Who _organized__ (组织) yesterday's charity show? It was great.

---Tom did.

5.Now my parents both live in the northern (北方) part of Suzhou. 6.It is amazing that a cow has four stomachs (胃). 7.The animal hid itself by digging (挖) a hole in the ground. 8.一Why was Andy so angry with his Mum?

一Because she bought gifts for all her family members except him. 9.—What is the opposite of “tall”? —It’s “short”.

10.-Who do you think need our help most?

-_Blind_ people.They can't see anything and 1ife must be hard for them. 五、句子翻译(每小题3分共15分)

1.我们班是由十九位女生和二十五位男生组成的。 1 Our class is made up of nineteen girls and twenty-five boys. 2.有些孩子就是不知道怎样记生词。

2 Some children just don’t know how to remember new words. 3.他昨天借了我的自行车,但还没还我

3 He borrowed my bicycle yesterday, but hasn’t returned it to me yet. 4.她的教学风格和多数教师类似。

4 Her teaching style is similar to that of most teachers. 5.昨晚他直到熄灯了才睡。

5 He didn’t go to bed until the light was turned off.

六、阅读回答问题(第1小题1分,第2小题2分,第3小题3分,共6分) Questions:

1 Where is the Guardian from?(1分) It is from England/Britain/the UK.

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2 What were the children who chose to wait more likely to be?(2分) They were more likely to be healthier, happier and richer (adults).

3 Which will you choose, a marshmallow now or two marshmallows in 15 minutes? Why?(3分)

Any answer reasonable is OK. 七、书面表达(共20分)

如今,在我们身边有很多父母在外打工的留守儿童(left-behind children)。他们面临很多的家庭以及学习问题,急需社会的关爱,请你写一封倡议信,呼吁大家关注留守儿童。

提示:1.留守儿童正面临很多难题,留守儿童很容易感到孤独; 2.留守儿童与他人交朋友有困难;

3.我们应该计划志愿者项目帮助他们,捐钱捐物,更关心他们; 4.留守儿童的父母应……

I'm a middle school student. We know now there are many left-behind children whose parents work away from their hometown.

These children are facing many problems now. It is easy for them to feel lonely and they also have some trouble making friends with others sometimes. I think we should plan a volunteer project to help them. And we can donate our money and clothes to them. We should care more about them. And the parents should return to their children as often as possible. It’s really important to do something for left behind children if we want to build a better society.

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