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Unit 1 Countries
功能:询问和了解他人的国籍及居住地。 教学重点:能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from … ”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s /She’s from …”“Where do you live?”“I live in … ”
教学难点:在实际生活中能灵活运用所学知识并掌握Australia, America, Canada等单词的读音。 【单元教学目标】 1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词: China, from, her, live, please;能听懂、会说、认读单词:famous, America, Australia, France, Britain, India, Ottawa, London, Washiington D.C, 并能结合句型灵活运用。
2.能听懂、会说、认读句型:“Where are you from? ”“I’m from … ”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s/She’s from … ”“Where do you live? ”“I live in … ”
3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍及居住地,并能简单描述居住地情况。 4.初步了解字母j, w, u 在单词中的发音规律。
5.通过各国的标志性建筑及代表性动物,对学生进行适当的文化渗透及情感教育。 【分课时教学设计】
Lesson 1 I’m from Britain.
1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:China,from,Canada,America,Britain. 2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…” 3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍。 二、教学重难点:
重点:能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”. 难点:单词America,Canada,Britain的发音及运用。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up
1. Greetings. Hello,everyone! 2. Free talk.
How are you today?
Did you have a good time for your holidays?
Where did you go?(找几个学生起来说一说假期去了哪些地方,为下面做铺垫。) 这时在大屏幕上显示“Where did you go?I went to… ”引导学生用此句型回答。 Step 2 Presentation
1. T: Look, this is our old friend Li Ming.
T: Now I’m Li Ming.(老师带上头饰)I’m from China.(板书句子“I’m from China.”)China is our country.
Show the word card and read the word together. “China”the letter “i”is pronounced / ai /. “from” the letter“o”is pronounced/?/.
Girls read together. Boys read together.
2. T: OK, class. I’m from China.Where are you from?(板书) Then let Ss use “I’m from China.”to answer.
3. Read the new sentences together.
4. T: In this class, I’ll introduce some new friends to you. Watch the CD-Rom,let’s see “Who comes to China?”
Check the answers: Jim,Mike,Danny,Mary.
5. Let’s listen to the tape again,and find out the answers. (1) If you are Jim ,where are you from? (2) If you are Mike,where are you from? (3) If you are Mary,where are you from?
6. Then check the answers and teach the new words:Canada, America,Britain.
7. Read the new words together. 8. Listen and imitate.
9. Read the text in groups. Step 3 Practice
1.Play a game: Sharp eyes. Show four pictures of Activity 2. T: Where are you from? S: I’m from…
2.Sing a song:《Where are you from》两只老虎的曲调 Where are you from? Where are you from? I’m from China. I’m from China.
Where are you from? Where are you from? I’m from Canada. I’m from Canada.
1) T sings. 2) Ss sing. 3)学生小组内根据歌曲自编。 3. Let’s do.
提前给学生每人发一张代表国家的小卡片。 Make a dialogue in groups. ——Hello!
——Hello! What’s your name? ——I’m …
——Where are you from? ——I’m from … Step 4 Summary
T:What have you learnt in this class?
Then read the new words and sentences together. Step5 Homework
Listen to the tape and repeat it 3 times.
Lesson 2 Where’s she from?
1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:Australia, India, France. 2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s/She’s from…”“Is he/she from?”“Yes, he/she is.”
3.学会运用所学句型询问别人的国籍。 二、教学重难点: 重点:能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s/She’s from…”“Is he/she from?”“Yes, he/she is.”
难点:单词Australia, India, France.的发音及运用。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up
复习上节课所做的Let’s do活动,提前给学生每人发一张代表国家的小卡片。 Make a dialogue in groups. ——Hello!
——Hello! What’s your name? ——I’m …
——Where are you from? ——I’m from … Step2 Presentation
1.学习新句型:She’s/He’s from … 做完上面的对话练习后,屏幕出示上节课已学Let’s talk中的四幅图,同时出示四个国家对应的人物Jim, Li Ming, Mike, Mary. 教师介绍:Now we know Li Ming is from … 引导学生回答China. 教师接着说:Look, this is Jim. And we know he’s fom … 学生顺势回答 Canada, 教师板书句型:He’s from … 并引导学生介绍剩余两张图片,在运用旧知的基础上运用了新句型。
2.进入文本,学习新句型:Where’s he from? 新单词:Australia.
教师接着出示P6页第一幅图,介绍:Look! They’re our new friends. And that’s Sam. Can you guess “Where’s he from?”屏幕出示句子“Where’s he from?”,引导学生运用句型“He’s from … ”进行猜测。随后教师说:Now let’s check who’s right. 引导学生看课文动画并得到正确答案“He’s from Australia. ”学习新单词Australia.
操练:— Where’s he from?
— He’s from Australia.
3.再次学习文本,连线,巩固新句型同时,学习新单词:India, Britain.
What about our other friends? 相继出示两位女生图片,并问:Where’s she from? 看动画连线,运用新句型同时学习新单词:India, Britain.
4.浏览文本,回答第三幅图问题,学习新句型“Is he from …?”“Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.”同时学习新单词France.
屏幕出示第三幅男孩图片,教师问:Is he from China? 学生自然会回答:No, he isn’t. 教师接着问: Is he from America? 学生回答不一,教师引导学生自己从文中找到答案,学生就找到了:No, he isn’t. He’s from France. 教师对会读的同学给予表扬,同时出示词卡France, 并教读。
5.Listen and imitate.
6.Read the text by themselves. 7.Act.
Step 3 Practice 1. Let’s talk.
— Where’s he/she from? — He’s from … 2.Let’s do.
教师安排四人小组提前准备已学国家的单词卡片,放到小盒内,一生抽取一张。 S2:Where are you from? S1: I’m from …
S2:Where’s he/she from? S3,S4…:Is he/she from … S2: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. Step 4 Summary
T:What have we learnt in this class?
Then read the new words and sentences together. Step5 Homework
1.Listen to the tape and imitate it 3 times.
Lesson 3 I live in Beijing.
Unit 1 Lesson 3 I live in Beijing. 教学目标: (一)知识目标
1. 能听懂会说并认读单词live, Ottawa, London, famous, Washington D.C. 2. 能听懂理解会读课文对话。 3.能正确抄写活动三的句子。 (二)能力目标
能用Where are you from? I’m from Canada. Where do you live? I live in Ottawa.这类语句向别人询问来自哪里及居住的地方,并作出相应的回答。 (三)情感目标
让学生在认识多个国家的风景后更加热爱我们祖国的大好河山。 教学重点:
1. 单词live, Ottawa, London, famous, Washington D.C.的认读。
2.句型Where are you from? I’m from Canada. Where do you live? I live in Ottawa.的理解和运用。 教学难点:
1. 单词Ottawa, live, Washington D.C.的读法。
2. 句子的抄写中开头大写,末尾标点及城市单词的开头大写。 教学过程: Step 1 Greetings 1. Sing a song. 2. Free talk.
T: 上节课我们遇见了一些新朋友。当我们相知道别人来自哪个国家要怎么问?让学生齐答:Where are you from?再让学生逐个互相提问Where are you from?学生回答:I’m from China.提问几个之后,师说:We all from China. But we met some new friends last class. Where’s she/ he from? Let’s watch TV.
3. 课件展示人物头像、风景图片及国旗,师问:Where’s she/he from? 生齐答:She/He’s from……接下来的图片可以让男生问女生答,再交换。 Step 2 Presentation
1. 看课件回答完后,T:We have so many new friends. And we are old friends. I think we can visit each other. I live in Tiyuchang. Where do you live?教师把问句板书在黑板四线格内并领读句子,并用单词卡教学单词live.强调字母i的发音,不要发成双元音/ei/。再用Chant学说句子:Live, live, where do you live? 学会后师再回答一遍:I live in Tiyuchang. Where do you live?引导学生回答:I live in……多找几个学生起来交流自己的家庭住址。教师把I live in句型板书在四线格内。 2. 教师指着复习环节课件出现的最后一幅图片说:We all know Jim is from Canada. Then where does he live? Now let’s watch TV.
(1)看第一遍课文动画,回答:Where do you live, Jim? 看完找生回答:I live in Ottawa. 师把Jim头像贴在黑板上并板书Ottawa在黑板上I live in句型里并领读问答问,用单词卡学说Ottawa,强调两个字母a都发短音,并强调城市国家单词的首字母必须要大写。并让男生女生互问互答。可以增加Chant来巩固练习:Live, live, where do you live? Ottawa, Ottawa, I live in Ottawa.学会后师指着课件上Ottawa的风景图片介绍:It’s the capital of Canada. It’s beautiful. But it’s very cold.通过简单的介绍,既让学生了解城市的标志性建筑物,又让学生学会评价这个城市。
(2)看第二遍课文动画,回答Where do you live, Mary?找生起来回答,教师把London板书在黑板Ottawa下面,贴上Mary的头像并让学生齐读。教师领读单词London, 找生起来读。可以让学生参照Ottawa的chant来自己编chant练习I
live in London. 师简单介绍:London is the capital of Britain. It’s very famous.此时拿出单词卡教读famous,可采用分音节读,并强调字母a发/ei/。 And this is Big Ben. It’s very old and it’s very tall.
(3)看第三遍课文动画,回答Where do you live Mike?看完找生回答:I live in Washington D.C. 师板书Washington D.C.在London下面并贴上Mike头像,让学生一齐读句子。教师分音节教读Wa—shing—ton—D.C.让学生仔细观察教师的口型模仿跟读。最后教师指着课件上Washington D.C.的风景图进行介绍: Washington D.C. is the capital of America. And this is the White House. It’s famous and beautiful.
(4)T: Now where do you live Li Ming? 生齐答:I live in Beijing.然后课件出示四个城市图片及城市名称,让学生一起读一下,巩固城市的读法。 (5) Listen, point and say. Step 3 Let’s talk
课件出示活动二Let’s talk的第一幅图片,师问:Where are you from, Jim? 生齐答:I’m from Britain. 师再问:Where do you live? 生齐答:I live in London. It’s beautiful.小组讨论剩下的三幅图片,然后找小组起来展示。 Step 4 拓展运用
1. Guessing game. Where do you live?课件设计:每张设计一个人物头像及两处风景图,多让学生自由猜,最后教师点击课件出示答案,答对者奖励小贴画。 (意图:通过学生喜欢的动画人物及著名政治人物来进行猜一猜的游戏,既可以巩固本课新句型,又让学生增长了很多知识。)
2. 小组活动,用Where do you live? I live in……完成调查表,再找小组成员起来展示。 Name From Address Step 5 Let’s copy.
看书上的活动三,让学生齐读三个句子,教师要强调句子的开头一写要大写,末尾要有标点,并用红笔把句首开头、国家和城市的开头、标点描一遍。最后让学生在书上抄写三个句子。 Step 6 Summary
找生起来总结自己本节课都学会了什么,并让生齐读板书。 Step 7 Homework 1. 听音,读熟本课对话
2. Let’s copy the sentences two times. Step 8 板书
Unit 1 Lesson 3 I live in Beijing. Where do you live
I live in Ottawa. (贴Jim头像) London.(贴Mary头像) Washington D.C.(贴Mike头像)
Lesson4 Again, please.
1.复习前三课所学单词及句型,在情境中进行运用。 2.能运用所学句型简单描述自己国籍及居住地等情况。 3.初步了解字母j,w,u在单词中的发音规律。 4.了解更多各国着装方面的文化。 二、教学重难点:
难点:能运用所学句型简单描述自己国籍及居住地等情况。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up
教师为各组学生事先准备好单词卡(可以组成一问一答的句子),教师发口令,小组快速组句,看哪个小组组得最快并且能够快速读出来。句子结构是:Where are you from? I’m from… Where is he/she from? He’s/She’s from … Where do you live? I live in … Step2 Presentation
1.出示Let’s talk 部分四个人物及四个国家名称:China, Britain, America, India.让学生观看文本动画,连线。
2. Listen and imitate.
3.Read the text by themselves. 4.Act.
Step 3 Practice 1.Let’s do.
自读文本部分,教师提供人物头饰及胸牌,学生自选头饰及相应的胸牌,对同桌介绍:Hello,my name’s Mary. I’m ten. I’m from Britain. I live in London. London is famous. I like it.
2.完成Fun time 部分。
教师先出示Fun time 部分的国家单词,采用“快速闪现单词卡”方式复习一下国家名称。
教师根据Fun time 部分的图片,讲解游戏规则,请一名学生做示范:先选择喜欢的图片藏好,然后模仿图片中动物的动作,全班同学快速抢猜并说出:You’re from … 表演的学生判断:Yes或No.
3.学习Let’s read 部分。教师播放录音并领读,请学生感知语音,引导学生发现字母j, w, u的发音规律。再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读,启发学生找出字母j, w, u发音相同的其他学过的单词,并朗读。 Step 4 Summary
T:What have we learnt in this class?
Then read the new words and sentences together. Step5 Homework
1.Listen to the tape and imitate it 3 times.
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