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2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号、考试科目写在答题卡上。 3.考生须按规定要求正确涂卡,否则后果自负。






C.goodbye D.year C.pleasant D.idea C.any

D.do D.assure 2.speak A.great 3.many 4.love 5.except B.repeat A.apple A.go


B.month C.dog


A.excel C.examine D.express 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出划线部分发音与其他读音不同的选项。 6.A.question 7.A.guide


B.arrive C.accommodation D.attention


D.give 8.A.dialogue 9.A.hear 10.A.chalk

B.manage B.earth

C.arrange C.early

D.luggage D.earn D.church B.cheer C.machine


二、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出空白处的最佳选项。

11.—The picture is,I have to say,not a bit beautiful. —Why?It’sthan the pictures I have ever seen. A.far more beautiful B.much less beautiful C.no more beautiful D.any less beautiful

12.In the nearby park,you can often see many people dance outside together if itin the evening.


B.doesn’t rain C.will rain D.won’t rain

13. by the Young Pioneers,the old man walked out of the hall. A.Follow

B.Following C.Followed D.Follow in

14.Children like tolittle toyspieces of color paper. A.be made;out of B.make;out of C.be made;into D.make;through

15.Soin the darkness that he didn’t dare to move an inch. A.he was frightened B.was he frightened C.frightened he was D.frightened was he


16.”I’m a singer” isan interesting TV showmany people like watching it. A.so;that

B.such;that C.so;as D.such;as

17.I can’t helphousework at home these days because i am busy for the entrance examination. A.doing;preparing B.with doing;to prepare C.done;to prepare D.to do;preparing

18.The British and Dutchthe same race. A.belongs to B.belong to C.is belonged to D.are belonged to

19.The childrenwalk theretake a bus. A.rather;than

B.would;rather than C.should;rather than D.had;rather than

20.It is in 1960Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma. A.when B.that C.which D.in which

21. bad weather we are having! We’ve never hadrainy days. A.What a;such B.How;so




22.China is larger thancountry in Asia and it is the third country in the world.

A.any ;large

B.any other;largest C.Other;larger

D.Another;larger than

23.The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be the present one.

A.as three times big as B.three times as big as C.as big as three times D.as big three times as

24.Itake a bus homedrive a car during the rush hours. A.would rather;than B.would like;to C.would rather;to D.would like;than

25. yesterday afternoonI saw him helping an old lady in the street. A.This was;that B.It was;that C.It was;when D.That was;that

26.His accomplishments seem more wonderful when we realize he had veryschooling. A.little B.few C.a little D.a few

27.,Darwin was a lazy young man,and slow learner at school. A.Ironic as may it seem


B.As it may seem ironic C.As ironic it may seem D.Ironic as it may seem

28.After the new technique was introduced,the factory produce tractors in 2008 as the year before.

A.as twice many B.as many twice C.twice as many D.twice many as

29.Alicefor half a month.She’ll be back in six months. A.left B.leave C.has left

D.has been away 30.—My computer is.

—Don’t worry.I’ll call the technician. A.good B.bad C.broken D.down

31.How would you like to pay,credit orcash? A.by;by B.in;in C.by;in D.in;by

32. me go.It’s very important for me. A.Do let B.Let do C.Doing let D.To do let


33.This room isthat one.It’s big enough to holdpeople. A.twice as big as;two thousands B.Twice bigger than;two thousands C.Twice as big as;two thousand D.Bigger twice than;two thousand 34.—good music program it is! —Yes,I also like it very much. A.What a B.What C.How a D.How

35.All the fans screamed when Kim Soo Hyun,the most popular Korean actor,was seenat the airport.

A.to come up B.came up C.come up D.coming up

36.—Dad,must I practice the violin today? —No,you.Youdo it tomorrow. A.mustn’t;may B.needn’t;may C.shouldn’t;can D.needn’t;mustn’t

37.—Don’t forgetthe classroom tomorrow afternoon. —Thanks.I won’t. A.to keep clean B.cleaning C.clean up D.to clean up

38.Mary wanted to go to the partyher parents told her not to.



B.because C.or D.so

39.—How was your trip to Beijing? —We really enjoyed. A.us B.our C.ours D.ourselves

40.—Would you like to go and see a film? —Sure,the TV programs are too.And we are too A.surprising ;bore B.interesting ;boring C.Exciting;to be bored D.Boring;bored

三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出空白处的最佳选项。

I was so excited after I had found the holiday in the guidebook.It said,”Enjoy a week of sightseeing in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities 26 staying at one of its best hotels.”Now I wasn’t so sure.I had waited fifteen minutes at reception when I 27 and now the shower in my room wasn’t working.I 28 hotel reception. “Hello.This is Room308.There isn’t any 29 in my bathroom.” “Are you sure?” “Of course I’m sure.”

“I’ll 30 our hotel engineer at once.”

An hour later,the engineer came to look at the 31 .He hit the pipes a few times and looked 32 .”Sorry,but I cannot fix it today.Maybe,tomorrow.”Then he 33 his hand.I couldn’t believe it!He wanted a tip for doing 34 !I was very angry.But suddenly,I had a better


idea. 35 ,I gave the engineer a few coins.He hadn’t fixed my shower but he had taught me something 36 staying in his country.Two minutes later I was at the reception desk.I explained the 37 to the receptionist and he replied,”Sorry.This is a 38 situation,but what can we do?”I knew exactly 39 to do.I gave the hotel manager a very large tip.Fifteen minutes later I 40 into Room 405.It was twice the size of room 308,it had a wonderful view of the city,a comfortable bed and,most importantly,there was water in the bathroom.

26.A. since

B. while

C. after

D. before

27.A. arrived 28.A. asked

B. passed

C. woke

D. stopped

D. told D. soap D. watch

D. fridge

B. ordered

C. called

29.A. toothpaste B. water 30.A. send 31.A. door 32.A. proud

C. shampoo

C. trouble C. shower C. angry

B. catch B. TV

B. worried D. excited

33.A. put up 34.A. nothing 35.A. Seriously 36.A. at

B. cleaned up C. looked after D. held out B. anything

C. something D. everything C. Quickly

C. of

D. Luckily

D. about D. mistake

B. Especially

B. with

37.A. problem 38.A. helpful 39.A. how 40.A. broke

B. idea C. way

B. perfect

C. terrible

D. busy

D. where

B. what B.looked

C. why

C. rushed D. moved

四、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的最佳选项。


Green is an important color in nature.It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees.It is the color of most growing plants,too.

Sometimes,the word green means young,fresh and growing.Sometimes,it describes something that is not yet finished or plants that are not ripe.


For example,a greenhorn is someone who has no experience,who is new to a situation.In the fifteenth century,a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns had not yet developed.A century or so later,a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in war.By the eighteenth century,a greenhorn had the meaning it has today—a person who is new in a job.

About one hundred years ago,greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west.Old-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of the big cities in the east.The greenhorn didn’t have the skills that he would need to live in the hard,rough country.

Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb.The expression comes from the early nineteen hundreds.

A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well.You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.

The Green Revolution is the name which was given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains.The new plants produced much larger crops.The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.

56.According to the passage,a greenhorn meansnow. A.a young cow or ox whose horns have not yet developed B.a soldier who has not had any experience in war C.a person who is new in a job

D.a man who doesn’t have the skills to live in the country

57.The meaning of the underlined word “ripe”in the second paragraph is. A.unfinished B.mature

C.immature D.experienced

58.Which of the following about the Green Revolution is NOT right? A.If there weren’t the Green Revolution,we would have no rice to eat. B.The expression “the Green Revolution” appeared several years ago.

C.Because of the Green Revolution,we have more kinds of rice and other grains. D.Agricultural scientists with green thumbs started the Green Revolution.


59.We can know from the passage that. A.all growing plants is green

B.green is the most important color in nature

C.a person with a green thumb can make plants grow well

D.the expression “a green thumb” has a history of two hundred years 60.The main idea of the passage is. A.a greenhorn B.a green thumb C.the Green Revolution

D.the word “green” and its story


Do you want to live a happier,less stressful life?Try laughing for no reason at all.That’s how millions of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world and many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy.

The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai,India,in 1995 by Dr.Madan Kataria.”Young children laugh about 300 times a day.Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day,”says Dr.Kataria.”Everyone is naturally good at laughing—it’s the common language.We want people to feel happy with their lives.”There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 in the world.

Many doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health.According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California,with laughing there is less stress in the body.Laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%.

So what happens at a Laughter Club?I went along to my nearest club in South London to find out.I was quite nervous at the beginning of the class,to be honest,I wasn’t interested in laughing with a group of strangers,and I was worried about looking silly.Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say “ho ho ho,ha ha ha”while looking at each other.However,our bodies can’t tell the difference between real laughter and unreal laughter,so they still produce the same healthy effects.

Surprisingly,it works!After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real and some people just couldn’t stop!At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and


comfortable I felt.So if you’re under stress,then start laughing.You might be very pleased with the results.

61.The first Laughter Club was started in. A.India B.America C.Britain D.China

62.How many Laughter Clubs are there in the world today? A.Over 300. B.More than 500. C.Over 800.

D.More than 1,300.

63.How did the writer feel at the beginning of the class? A.Surprised. B.Pleased. C.Nervous. D.Tired.

64.When did the people in the club begin to laugh for real? A.After ten minutes. B.After ten hours. C.After ten seconds. D.After ten days.

65.The article mainly tells us.

A.young children laugh much more often than adults in a day B.laughing is one of the best ways to stay healthy

C.many doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health D.real laughter and unreal laughter are both good for health


Shopping on the Internet is becoming more and more popular.Why do people use the Internet to shop?Some people say it is more convenient.They don’t have to leave their homes to


order something;they can shop for anything they want at any time;they can find better prices on the Internet.

If you want to buy something on the Internet,you need a credit card.You have to type your credit card number and information on the website and send them to the store over the Internet.You have to be sure that the store will not use your information in the worry way.You don’t want someone to get your credit card number,so be careful with it,because people sometimes steal credit card numbers from stores.

TV Internet is also a good place to go window-shopping. Window-shopping is when you look at the things for sale in a store,but don’t plan to buy anything.In window-shopping you can see what kinds of things you are able to get and how much they cost.Some stores like Ross Stores have a website for information about their stores,but not for shopping.Some stores have a website for information about their stores,and you can shop on line there,such as Office Depot,Payless Shoe Source,Safeway.Some stores like Amazon.com are only for on line shopping.

66.Some people use the Internet to shop because. A.they can sleep all day long B.they want to leave their homes C.they want to play with their friends D.they can get things with less money

67.The meaning of the underlined word “convenient”in this passage is ““. A.fashionable B.nearer C.handy D.available

68.If you want to shop on the Internet,you need. A.an ID card B.a credit card C.an IC card D.a room card

69.What does “window-shopping”mean in Chinese? A.卖窗户



C.逛街(只看不买) D.橱窗店

70.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.You can shop on line at www.officedepot.com. B.You can not shop on line at www.rossstores.com. C.You can only do window-shopping at www.amazon.com.

D.You can do window-shopping and shop on line at www.safeway.com.


Coober Pedy is a town in South Australia.It has a population of about 3,500 people.Coober Pedy is a hot place.In summer,the temperature can reach more than 40℃ for several days in a row.Because Coober Pedy is such a hot place,most people who live there live underground.

Living underground may seem like a strange way to live,but it works well for the people of Coober Pedy because it is so hot there.In Coober Pedy,there are underground houses,hotels and shops.There is even an underground church,art gallery and museums.The name Coober Pedy is believed to come from the Aboriginal words “kupa”and “piti”,which together mean “white man in the hole”.

Most underground homes are built in old mines.people get natural light through holes cut into the earth.The holes have glass panes put over them that let the sunlight in but keep dirt and other materials out.

The people of Coober Pedy also get their water from underground.Their water comes to them through a pipeline from an underground water source about 25 kilometers from the town.

71.In Coober Pedy,you can find all EXCEPT. A.underground church B.underground art gallery C.underground hotels

D.underground swimming pool

72.What does the underlined word “it”in the 2nd paragraph probably mean? A.A high temperature. B.Living underground


C.Being hot for several days. D.A small population.

73.The name Coober Pedy probably means. A.South Australia B.a very hot place C.white man in the holes D.living underground

74.How do people living underground get natural light? A.Through holes cut into the earth. B.Through a pipeline. C.Through windows. D.Through keyholes.

75.Where do people in Coober Pedy get water? A.From the rainwater. B.From the lake nearby.

C.From an underground water source. D.From the sea near the coast.



1.用蓝黑色钢笔或圆珠笔将答案直接写在试卷上。 2.答卷前先填写密封线内的项目和座位号。




此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),在该行右边横线上写出要加的词。 此行错一个词:在错误的词下画出一横线,在右边横线上写出改正后的词。


Every morning Steve went to work by train.As he


has a long trip,he always buys newspaper.It helps


make the time passing more quickly.One Tuesday


morning,he turned over the sports page.He wanted


to see the report about an important football match


the night before.The report was such interesting that he


forgot to get off at his station.He did not know it unless


he saw the sea.He got off at the next station,and had to wait


a long time for a train to go back.It was no doubt that he arrived


late at the office.His boss was angry when Steve told him why he was late.”Work is very more important than football!”He shouted.




Mr Allen Smith and his wife will invite Mr and Mrs Tim Green to a dinner party in the Banquet Hall of the Friendship Hotel at 7:00p.m.,on Friday,June 13,2014.Ask them to wear evening dress.A reply is requested.

86. (Inviter’s name) Request the pleasure of the company of Mr and Mrs Tim Green At87.(Occasion) 15 In their honor At88.(Place)

B.请以“My dream”为题写一篇短文,词数60~80词。以“I want to be a/an...”开头,内容必须包括提示中的三项要求,请不要使用真实姓名及所在学校名称。(10分)


①What do you want to be? ②Why do you want to be a/an...? ③How can you make it come true?



一、语音(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1—5 DBCBA

6—10 ADAAC

二、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 11—15 ABCBD 21—25 CBBAB 31—35 CACAA

16—20 BABBB 26—30 ADCDD 36—40 BDADD

三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 41—45 BACBA 51—56 DACBD

四、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 56—60 CBACD 66—70DCBCC

61—65 ADCAB 71—75DBCAC

46—50 CBDAC

五、短文改错(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 76.went→goes

77.newspaper前加a 79.over→to

81.such→so 83.√ 85.去掉very

78.passing→pass 80.see→read 82.unless→until 84.It→There 六、书面表达 A.

86.Mr.and Mrs Allen Smith 87.dinner party

88.Banquet Hall,Friendship Hotel 89.7:00 p.m.

90.Friday June13,2014 B.(略)


