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1.(2016·江苏高考,21)It is often the case ________ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.

A.why B.what

C.as D.that

D[考查主语从句。句意:通常情况下,对于那些心存希望的人,一切皆有可能。分析句子结构可知,it作形式主语,that引导的从句作真正的主语,故选D项。It is often the case that...可视为固定句式,意为“通常情况下……”。]

2.(2015·江苏高考,25)________ Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but some won't accept it.

A.That B.Why

C.Where D.How

C[考查名词性从句引导词的选择。句意:中国的大诗人李白的出生地众所周知,但有些人还不认可。分析句子结构可知,a great Chinese poet是Li Bai的同位语,where Li Bai...was born是主语从句,表示“李白出生的地方”。]

3.(2014·江苏高考,26)—What a mess!You are always so lazy!

—I'm not to blame,mum.I am ________ you have made me.

A.how B.what

C.that D.who

B[考查名词性从句引导词的选择。句意:“真是一团糟!你总是这么懒惰!”“妈妈,我不应该受到责备。我这个样子都是你一手造就的。”分析句子结构可知,I am后是表语从句,引导词what在从句中作me的补足语,相当于the one/person that,即I am the one/person that you have made me.。类似的例子还有:He is no longer what (=the one/person that)he used to be.。what在此类句子中意为“……的,具有……特征的”,相当于the one that/the person that/the things that/all that。]

4.(2016·北京高考,24)Your support is important to our work.________ you can do helps.

A.However B.Whoever

C.Whatever D.Wherever



5.(2016·北京高考,29)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is ________ one can be entirely free from dust.

A.what B.that

C.whether D.why

B[考查表语从句。句意:雨季最愉快的事情莫过于不受灰尘的袭扰。分析句子结构可知,此处是表语从句,且从句中不缺任何成分,故用that引导,所以选B项。] 6.(2016·天津高考,11)The manager put forward a suggestion ________ we should have an assistant.There is too much work to do.

A.whether B.that

C.which D.what


【导学号:57732006】7.(2015·安徽高考,25)A ship in harbor is safe,but that's not________ships are built for.

A.what B.whom

C.why D.when

A[考查表语从句的引导词。句意:船停在港口是安全的,但那不是造船的本意。从ships are built for来看,表语从句的引导词作for的宾语。why和when是连接副词,不能作宾语,而whom指人,因此选what。]

8.(2015·浙江高考,6)If you swim in a river or lake,be sure to investigate________is below the water surface.Often there are rocks or branches hidden in the water.

A.what B.who

C.that D.whoever














He hasn't decided whether he will go there.

Do you know who has got the first prize?

What we need is more practice.

Whoever has helped to save the drowning boy is worth praising. When he will go abroad hasn't been decided yet.

No one knew why he made such a mistake.



(1)主语从句多放在主句谓语动词前,构成:主语从句+谓语动词+其他That he passed the driving test made us very happy.

Who will take over the company has not been decided yet.






It is certain that you will pass the College Entrance Examination.

It is a pity that I missed the party held last night.

It is reported that the accident was caused by carelessness.

It seems that Alice is not coming to the party.



The beautiful views and the friendly people are what new comers like in San Francisco.


I think it's because you're careless.

He was ill.That's why he was absent.

(3)The reason why从句+be+that从句

The reason why he was absent was that he was ill.


What comforted the young mother was that the baby came to life.

(5)It looks/seems as if/as though从句

It looks as if it is going to rain.




He often thinks of how he can make his class vivid and lively.


I find it important that we should keep calm in danger.


常见的有:like,dislike,hate,love,enjoy,appreciate,see to等。

I hate it when people speak with their mouth full.

I would appreciate it if you could stay for lunch.


I don't think your answers are right.

I don't believe she will attend the meeting.



The fact that she is good at English makes her the right person for the job.

I have a feeling that one day we will succeed.


Word came that our team had won the game.



Whoever did this will sooner or later be caught and will be punished.

I believe whatever he told me.

I believe what he told me.

I don't know however he got the secret.

1.(2016·南京调研)Remember to read about any taboos related to clothing,especially if you plan to visit ________are considered holy.

A.which B.where

C.what D.that

C[句意:记得要去阅读任何有关服装的禁忌,特别是如果你计划去游览那些被认为是神圣的地方。分析句子成分可知,动词visit后面为宾语从句。在宾语从句中,谓语动词are considered前面缺少主语,结合句意可知what符合题意。]

2.(2016·南通、连云港二模)Now all of our concentration is on________it is that the global environment will return to normal.

A.which B.what

C.where D.when


3.(2016·扬州一模)A recent survey shows that the question________New Year's Eve should be included in the three-day New Year's holiday sparked heated discussion among Internet users.

A.that B.whether

C.how D.where



4.(2016·南京三模)How did it come about______a quiet person should appear so wild today?

A.whether B.that

C.if D.what

B[考查名词性从句。句意:一个沉默寡言的人今天竟然如此野蛮,这是怎么回事啊?it为形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语,从句结构和意义完整。故选B项。] 5.(2016·泰州二模)—How do you find the new cellphone?

—Oh,quite good.A new function has been developed on this new type________it can show you vividly what is around the person you are talking to.

A.how B.which

C.what D.that

D[考查同位语从句。句意:——你觉得这款新手机怎么样?——哦,很好。在这款新手机上开发了一个新功能,能把正在跟你通话的人周边的环境生动地展现给你。从句意思、结构完整,应用that引导同位语从句来补充说明a new function的具体内容。故选D项。] 6.(2016·常州二模)The single most shattering statistic about life in America in the late 1990s was ________tobacco killed more people than the combined total of those who died from AIDS,car accidents,alcohol,murder,suicide,illegal drugs and fire.

A.what B.when

C.that D.where

C[考查名词性从句。句意:在20世纪90年代后期,在美国有一项关于生命的最令人震惊的统计是死于烟草的人数超过了死于艾滋病、车祸、酗酒、谋杀、自杀、非法毒品和火灾的总人数。was后是表语从句,从句是一个完整的句子,因此直接用that来引导。故选C 项。]

【导学号:57732007】7.(2016·苏、锡、常、镇二模)She is________is known as a nosy person—she is always dying to know what's going on in others' lives.

A.what B.who

C.whom D.that

A[考查表语从句。句意:她是为人们所知的那种爱管闲事的人——她总是渴望知道其他人的生活中正在发生什么。________ is known as a nosy person为表语从句,从句中缺少主语,排除C项;that在名词性从句中没有意义,也没有句法功能,只能起引导作用,

排除D项;此处谈论的是她的个性、性格,而不是指她是谁,排除B项。故选A项。] 8.(2016·苏、锡、常、镇一模)Having a good command of the language of the country where you are going to study is necessary,because language skills affect________you perform academically.

A.how B.that

C.what D.when

A[考查宾语从句。句意:精通你将去的那个国家的语言是必要的,因为语言技能会对你在学术上如何表现产生影响。affect后为宾语从句,从句缺少方式状语。故选A项。] 9.(2016·盐城第一学期期中考试)A competent teacher is perfectly aware that it's not what is poured into a student that counts,but________ is planted.

A.what B.that

C.why D.how

A[句意:一位称职的老师十分清楚,重要的不是要向学生灌输知识,而是要让知识在学生的脑子里扎根。分析句子成分可知,本题考查主语从句。谓语is planted前面缺少主语,故what符合题意。]

10.(2016·镇江第一学期期中考试)Many developers use Google Maps to show app users their locations and________close they are to their friends and restaurants.

A.what B.when

C.how D.where


11.(2016·苏北四市摸底)—It's difficult for corrupt officials to hide abroad nowadays.

—That's it!The Chinese government will do ________ it takes to get them back.

A.whatever B.whoever

C.whichever D.wherever

A[答句句意:是这样的!中国政府将采取一切措施让他们回来。whatever引导宾语从句,作will do的宾语,whatever在从句中作takes的宾语,即在it takes...to do sth.这个固定句式中作宾语。]

12.(2016·南京、盐城一模)After investigation,the police found out one clue ________ voices were heard calling for help from some very distant place that day.

A.where B.when

C.that D.whose

C[句意:调查后,警察发现了一个线索:那天有人听到了从某个非常遥远的地方传来的求救声。分析句子成分可知,one clue的后面为同位语从句。从句中不缺少任何成分,结合句意可知that符合题意。]

13.(2016·南通第一次调研)Many netizens are impressed with the excuse given by a teacher for quitting her job ________ she owes the world a visit.

A.because B.that

C.where D.why


14.(2016·苏州第一学期期末考试)As Charles Darwin wrote in The Descent of Man,“The highest possible stage in moral culture is ________ we recognize that we ought to control our minds.”

A.that B.how

C.where D.when


15.Massive open online courses provide a wonderful model of ________ we call high-tech learning,which helps students have access to web-based resources.

A.which B.why

C.what D.how


