
更新时间:2023-10-15 06:55:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




1. Abandon

We have to abandon(= give up) the plan due to the bad weather. She drowned herself in grief. = She abandoned herself to grief. 2. Abrupt: sudden and unexpected

The accident brought his career to an abrupt (sudden)end. 3. Abundant:existing in large quantities; more than enough

He has abundant (very much) experience in volunteering and knows what to expect in his new job.

4. Accelerate

With society accelerating (speeding up) its pace, learning is playing a more and more important role in people’s keeping up with it.

5. Accessible

The wide use of the internet makes vast information accessible (easy to get) to the public.

Libraries are made accessible (easy to get into) to most students, which provides them a chance to read more books.

6. Account

He was too shocked to give an account of/ account for (explain) what had happened. Carrie decided to do a little research on her own account(by herself). Please don't change your plans on my account(because of me). 7. accumulate I have accumulated (got more and more) a great amount of experience in receiving(接待) foreign guests.

8. Accustomed

We were accustomed to (were used to) working together in groups and gradually developed a sense of teamwork.

9. Adolescent

Angry adolescents (teenagers/middle school students) are more likely to have conflicts. So to forgive and forget is important.

10. Affection

I have a deep affection for (love and care for)all my teachers and feel grateful for all their devotion.

11. Annual

The annual college entrance examination is around the corner, putting every students under great pressure.

12. Apparent

It is apparent (obvious) from scientific studies that the drug has some side effects.

13. Appreciation

I’m writing specially to show/express our appreciation of all your hard work. It helps children to develop an appreciation of traditional art and literature.

14. Approximately

What is the approximate number of students in each class?

The plane will be landing in approximately (around/about) 20 minutes.

15. Assistance

One of her fellow students came to her assistance (=helped her) .

Without your assistance(help), I wouldn’t have made it to rank No.1 in the competition.

16. Atmosphere

The atmosphere at school was rather tense with the exam on its way. So it’s time to help students channel their pressure in some activities like sports.

17. Available

Abundant information is readily available (=very easy to get) on the internet.

18. Awesome

Your progress is awesome(very great)!

19. Barrier

Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier (difficulty) to women succeeding at work. The language barrier will make you feel isolated as you cannot communicate with others in England.

20. Breakthrough

Scientists have made a major breakthrough (progress) in the treatment of cancer.

21. Brilliant

Li Hua is a brilliant (clever) young boy with rich experience in teaching assistance.

22. Catastrophe

With hazy weather hitting china for many times, the country is facing a vital environmental catastrophe (disaster) as a result of pollution.

If the contract is cancelled, it'll be a catastrophe for everyone concerned.

23. Cautious

Be cautious when crossing the street. Running the red light is risky.

24. Circumstance

I can't imagine a circumstance (situation) in which I would be willing to cheat. Under no circumstances are you to leave in the middle of an examination.

25. Coincidence

By coincidence (by chance), we applied for the same university and ended up as classmates. That’s the start of our friendship.

26. Component

Exercise is one of the key components (parts) of a healthy lifestyle.

27. Competence

Through part time jobs, students will gain competence(ability) in a wide range of skills.

Doctors have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional competence.

28. Comprehension

They don't have the least comprehension of (don’t understand at all )what I'm trying to do.

Why you let her talk you into doing such a foolish thing is beyond my comprehension (=impossible for me to understand) .

29. Condemn

Such behavior as running the red light shall be seriously condemned.

30. Consequence

Parents influences have far-reaching consequences for kids who model after them.

She was over the age limit and, in consequence (as a result), her application was rejected.

31. Contrast

While there are similarities in the two cultures, there are also great contrasts (differences). The stock lost 60 cents a share, in contrast to last year, when it gained 21 cents.

32. Contrary

It wasn't a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake. Contrary to popular belief, teenagers can be generate, gentle and helpful. 33. Definitely

The lake is definitely worth a visit. 34. Deliberately

She's been deliberately(=on purpose) ignoring him all day.

35. Destination

We are scheduled to arrive at our destination by 2 am so please take along something for lunch on the bus.

36. Dilemma

I seem to be caught in a dilemma where I have to either give up collecting stamps or go against my parents’ will.

37. Distinguish

The main distinguishing feature/ characteristic of me is the ability to deal with emergencies. 38. Emphasis

The course places emphasis on practical work. There has been a shift of emphasis from students’ grades to their actual abilities. 39. Extraordinary

It’s extraordinary that he should devote all his time caring for the old.

40. Fragile

The economy remains extremely fragile.

41. Fundamental

We have to tackle the fundamental cause of the problem. Hard work is fundamental to success.

42. Guarantee

One hour’s exercise a day guarantees you a healthy body. This latest incident is guaranteed to make the situation worse.

43. Hesitate

Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any more information. She agreed without the slightest hesitation.

44. Optimistic

Stay optimistic and things will change for the better.

45. Pedestrian

Some accidents are caused by pedestrians ignoring the red light.

Pedestrian accidents are down by 5% after the new rules were released.

46. Pavement

The pedestrians shall wait on the pavements until the traffic lights turn green.

47. Permanent

The accident has not done any permanent damage. She had decided to settle permanently in China.

48. Phenomenon

Homelessness is not a new phenomenon, which requires nationwide attention and effort to be solved.

49. Privilege

I hope to have the privilege of working with them again. Education should be a universal right and not a privilege.

He had no special privileges and was treated just like every other students.

50. Procedure

What's the procedure for applying for a visa?

To apply for financial aid, you have to follow the following procedures.

51. Previous

No previous experience is necessary for this job.

52. Prohibit

Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the hall.

They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates.

53. Sacrifice

Mothers bring their children up single-handedly, often at great personal sacrifice.

Some students even sacrifice the 10-minuts breaks between classes to prepare for the final exam.

54. Schedule

Working to a very tight schedule, students tend to find them exhausted at noon. So a nap after lunch is necessary to help get them refreshed.

We are scheduled to depart at 8, so please be punctual so that we can arrive at our destination on time.

55. Statistics

Statistics show that far more people are able to ride a bicycle than those who can drive a car. The statistic comes from a study recently conducted by the British government.

56. Subscribe

Some parents no longer subscribe to the view that teenagers are mostly rebellious.

57. Substitute

You can board with a local family. And it’s good to have a substitute family to take care of you when studying abroad all alone.

Vitamin pills are no substitute for a healthy diet.

58. Temporary

In my summer vacation, I mean to take up a temporary work to earn some pocket money. We are sorry that this service is temporarily unavailable as the internet is closed today.

59. Tolerate

Such behavior as drunk driving shall not be tolerated.

60. Withdraw

A knee injury forced me to withdraw from the competition. I'd like to withdraw £500 from my current account.

