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2014年初中毕业生学业考试 英语试卷及答案

第一部分 听力测试(共30分)

一、听对话选图(每小题1分,共5分) 二、对话理解(每小题1. 5分,共15分) 听第一段对话,回答第6-8小题。 6.What is Mike doing? A.He’s smoking in the room. B.He is reading in the sun. C.He’s listening to the radio.

7.Why does Maria’s father like smoking? A.Because he thinks smoking can help him relax. B.Because he thinks smoking can stop him from coughing. C.Because he thinks smoking can make him fight against illness. 8.What does Maria ask her father to do? A.To reduce smoking as much as possible. B.To give up smoking as soon as possible. C.To brush his teeth as many times as possible. 听第二段对话,回答第9-11小题。 9.What’s the young man’s trouble? A.He can’t fall asleep at night. B.He doesn’t get enough exercise.

C.He coughs much at night.

10.How long has the young man been ill? A.One day. B.Two days. C.Three days.

11.What did the doctor tell the young man to do? A.To visit the doctor often. B.To go to bed at the same time. C.To drink more tea every day. 听第三段对话,回答第12-15小题。 12.What are they talking about? A.Their favorite cities. B.The summer holidays.

C.The weather in different cities. 13.Where is Mary going?

A.To her hometown. B.To Hainan. C.To Beijing.

14.How is Mary going there? A.By bus. B.By train. C.By plane. 15.Who will John go to Hainan with?

A.His parents. B.His classmates. C.His friends. 三、短文理解 (每小题2分,共10分) 16.What can’t dogs do better than man? A.See. B.Hear. C.Smell. 17.How long may a dog live for?

A.About 13 or 14 years. B.About thirty years. C.About forty years. 18.When was a dog first sent up in a man-made satellite by Russian scientists? A.In 1955. B.In 1957. C.In 1975.

19.Where did a dog called Lossre become a star? A.In American sports. B.In an American book. C.In an American movie.

20.Why have dogs been man’s friends for thousands of years according to the passage?

A.Because dogs are brave to watch the door for their master. B.Because dogs have helped people in many ways.

C.Because dogs have provided delicious meat for many people. 第二部分 笔试部分(共90分) 四、单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)

21.—What are you going to do this weekend?

— I together with my classmates_______going to climb Mount Qian. A.isB.amC.areD.were

22.—What do you think of her teaching English? —Great! No one teaches _______ in our school. A.goodB.worseC.better D.best

23.—Morning, class. Is ________ here today? —No, sir. Tom is absent. He is ill at home. A.anybodyB.everybody C.nobody D.somebody

24.—Have you seen the documentary named A Bite of China (《 舌尖上的中国》)?

—Yeah! It’s the most funny one ______I have ever seen. A.thatB.whatC.whichD.where 25.—Do you know Diaoyu Island?

—Sure. It ________ China since ancient times. A.belongs to B.belonged to

C.has belonged to D.is belonging to 26.—______ sweet music!

—And I really like the Voice of China TV programs. A.WhatB.What a C.How D.How a

27.—What’s the most important morning news on CCTV today?

—The Chinese government warned Japan _____ do harm to China’s territorial sovereignty (领土主权) again and again.

A.to notB.didn’tC.not toD.do not

28.— As we know it’s difficult to live in a foreign country. — _______if you can’t understand the language there. A.ExactlyB.Naturally C.UsuallyD.Especially

29.—Peng Liyuan is _______Chinese people as a beautiful and popular singer. —And now she is also the First Lady in China. A.known asB.proud of C.famous forD.well-known to 30.—Food safety is very important.

—So some rules _____ to stop people from polluting food. A.must make B.must be made

D.Because his father asked him to think about his future by himself. 55.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The writer made the decision that he should work hard. B.It took the writer several years to make the decision.

C.After hearing his mother’s words, the writer had tears in his eyes. D.At the turning point of his life, the writer wanted to have a conversation with his mother.


17-year-old Tibetan boy climbs 40 meters up a tall tree only to get some honey as an ingredient for a traditional local drink. The money he makes from selling the honey will be used to pay for his younger brother’s tuition fee(学费).

This is only a scene from the first episode(集) of CCTV’s new documentary, A Bite of China 2, which appeared on April 18, 2014. But they are enough reasons for viewers to spend an hour every Friday until June 6 enjoying in front of their television sets. Viewers have had to wait a long time since A Bite of China first came out in 2012.

Back then, the seven-episode documentary was considered the best one ever produced by CCTV, with its good effects and rich food culture. A famous foreigner praised it, saying “it’s the best TV show I’ve ever seen about food. I’m sure it’s the best one ever made. ”

The new season includes eight episodes, covering 300 types of food. According to CCTV, every minute of the show was edited(编辑) out of 150 minutes of footage(影像镜头). Finding their subjects was often the hardest part of the film team’s job. It took them six months to film a beekeeping couple, which included a journey of more than 2,000 kilometers.

Food is a personal thing, in that no dish suits all tastes. However, the program has still managed to move all sorts of viewers.

“Compared with A Bite of China, the new season has a more human touch, which makes viewers cover some tears while their mouths are watering,” said Sina Entertainment.

As always, the people are the most interesting part. A Bite of China 2 shows a greater dream—through homemade food, it tells the joys and sorrows of common Chinese in changing times, according to director Chen Xiaoqing of the documentary series.

“I was moved by the people in each simple story,” said Li Weifang, 17, of Beijing No 3 High School. “Their work helps enrich(丰富) China’s food culture. ”

In fact, that is exactly what the new season hopes to deliver. Through the program, “the listeners will see the characteristics of the Chinese people: save and tenacity(坚韧),” Chen told Xinhua.

56.When did A Bite of China 2 appear on CCTV? A.From 2012. B.From April 18, 2014. C.Until June 8, 2014.

D.Every Friday through the coming year.

57.How is A Bite of China 2 different from its first season? A.It took a longer time to film it. B.It introduces more food types. C.It has more human stories about food. D.It attracts more viewers around the world.

58.What was the most difficult part of filming the documentary? A.Finding the right subjects. B.Creating the good effects. C.Filming in hard environments. D.Editing so much footage.

59.What does the underlined word “sorrows” mean in Chinese? A.故事 B.伤害 C.快乐 D.悲伤 60.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.A Bite of China tells China’s food culture.

B.A Bite of China tells the joys and sorrows of Chinese in changing times. C.The new season includes seven episodes, covering 300 types of food. D.Sometimes we could watch A Bite of China for an hour on Friday on CCTV. C

Start the day in the English way

What do you like to have when you wake up? Do you like to have a ① / '?a?? /, a cup of tea or a piece of fruit?

How about eggs, pork, sausages, beans in tomato sauce, bread and mushrooms, all cooked in an oily frying pan?

This is, according to tales, the traditional British breakfast, otherwise(否则) known as the “Full English” or “Fry Up”. It’s meaty, fatty, salty and unhealthy, and it’s served all day, every day.

We British proudly tell the story of how, when most people worked as farmers, they needed a “real” breakfast—a “British breakfast” to get them started for a long day’s work.

Nowadays, we often continue, ②the “Full English” is eaten daily by truck drivers and builders, who also work long hours and don’t have regular meals.

But does every British person really chew(咀嚼)through this daily mountain? A recent survey of those builders I mentioned before—showed that less than 1 percent had a regular “Fry Up” and most actually preferred salad or sushi. ③In fact, studies show that about two-thirds of British people don’t eat breakfast at all.

But then, how often do you eat Beijing Roast Duck, go to Chinese opera or do a Sichuanese mask-changing dance?

We love to talk about how much we love our traditions—even if we only actually ④ / 'k?r? / them out when guests are around. In fact, many British people don’t actually know how to make a British breakfast–which is why cafes are so good at serving them to tourists.

I did know one person who ate a British breakfast every morning, though–my grandfather.

⑤他不是英国人。He was from the Netherlands.

Maybe he wanted to surprise the crowd with his own strange tradition–being the only person eating a British breakfast, and the only non-British person in the room.

61.将文中③处的画线句子翻译成中文。 62.将文中⑤处的画线句子翻译成英语。


① ④

64.将文中②处的画线句子进行句型转换,一空一词。 Truck drivers and builders the “Full English” . 65. 回答问题:What is the article mainly about? A.Changes in UK people’s breakfast habits.

B.The revival (复兴) of the traditional British breakfast.

C.Why people have stopped having the traditional British breakfast. D.How young people today treat the traditional British breakfast 七、短文填空(共12个空,做对一个得1分,共10分)

Wang Yaping is a Chinese spacewoman. She has made history when she was thirty-three years old—she has been China’s f (66) teacher in space.

Wang t (67) Chinese primary and middle school students on Earth physics phenomena(现象)in space. She prepared w (68) for the lecture and expressed full confidence about the lesson.

Meeting the media, she said, “We are all s (69) facing the space. We are l (70)forward to encouraging our young friends to learn and research the mystical and beautiful space. ”

Wang was born in J (71) 1980. She is f (72) east China’s Shandong Province. She was a pilot in the People’s Liberation Army Air Force with experience of 1,600 h (73) of flying.

Except the space lecture, Wang w (74) responsible(负责的) for monitoring(监测) the conditions of spacecraft, space experiments and operation of equipment, among others.

Wang has served the People’s Liberation Army s (75) August 1997. In May 2010, Wang b (76) a member of the second batch of Chinese astronauts. Wang was chosen to be the member of the Shenzhou-10 space group in April 2013. She was China’s second woman astronaut w (77) was sent into space after Liu Yang who flew with the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft.

How great Wang Yaping is!


Wang Wei: Hello! This is Wang Wei speaking. (78) ?

Michael: Hi, Wang Wei. This is Michael speaking. Are you free today? Wang Wei: Yes. Michael, I’m writing a passage and I want to make a survey about plants and animals. (79) ?

Michael: I like plants better. I think roses are the nicest of all the flowers. Wang Wei: But they can’t play with you. Michael: What about you, Wang Wei?

Wang Wei: (80) . I think animals are friendlier. Michael: (81) ?

Wang Wei: Because animals are our friends. They make us happy. Michael: Do you keep a pet?

Wang Wei: Sure. I keep a pet bird. It is beautiful. It can sing to me every day.

Michael: Wonderful! We should all like plants and animals.

Wang Wei: They are both important to us. We share the same world with them. 九、书面表达 (共12分)


最近,某中学生英文报开设了“After-class Activities”的栏目。请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。


注意:1.词数80以上; 2.文中不得提及具体人名、校名及地名; 3.稿件的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。

提示词:take part in sports interesting favourite After-class Activities

Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in junior schools.

一、听对话选图: 1-5 CABAA

二、对话理解: 6-10 BABAC 11-15 BBCBA

三、短文理解: 16-20 AABCB

四、单项填空: 21-25 BCBAC 26-30 ACDDB 31-35 DCBDB 五、完形填空 36-40 CACDA 41-45 BABCB 46-50 ADCBD 六、阅读理解 51-55 DACBA 56-60 BCADC

61.事实上研究表明,三分之二的英国人根本不吃早餐。(意思相近的中文表达也算对) 62.He wasn’t British. 或 He wasn’t from England/the UK. 或 He didn’t come from England/the UK. 63.①shower; ④carry 64.eat; daily. 65.A

七、短文填空 66.first 67.taught 68.well 69.students 70.looking 71.January/June/July 72.from 73.hours 74.was 75.since 76.became 77.who


78. May/Could I speak to Michael? /Is that Michael? 79. Which do you like better/prefer, plants or animals? 80. I like animals better. /I prefer animals.

81. Why do you think so?/Why do you like them/animals? 九、书面表达 After-class Activities

Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in junior schools. In our school there are various kinds of activities, for example, arts and sports. We enjoy them very much. Playing football and reading are my favorites which do me lots of good. Besides building my body and improving my skills, they also free me from the heavy work of study.

Here I have some suggestions. To students, we’d better choose the activities which interest us and suit us; Schools should organize more activities for students and leave more time for activities by giving us less homework.

Dear friends, please actively take part in after-activities, which will not only make your school life colorful, but also improve your learning. (110 words) (范文词数仅供参考)

