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20181.黄浦区 年高三一模作文汇编

2017年已接近尾声,还记得年初你为自己定下的小目标吗?不知你是否实现了你的小目标?发一个微信朋友圈来回顾一下吧(文中请不要出现真实的校名人名)。你的朋友圈文字内容需包括: 1. 你的2017年度小目标;

2. 你为实现年度小目标所作的努力;

3. 你实现(或没有实现)年度小目标的经验总结。 范文:

My new year’s resolution for 2017 was that I should be able to communicate with foreign people in English. To achieve this goal, I had asked my English teacher for help. According to her suggestions, I made up a plan.

Firstly, I started with simply reading English articles and found many pronunciation errors in my reading after listening to the video tape of its recording. Then, I tried to learn phonetics and practice one syllable after another again and again. I started with a single word, then a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph and finally the whole passage. After 3-month practice, I was able to read an article fluently without making any mistakes in pronunciation. I felt happy. Next, I practiced my listening. By listening to a passage four times, I required myself to take it down without spelling errors or any information blank. Last but not least, I installed an app called Shanbei Oral English on my phone to practice both my listening and speaking. It’s like having conversations with a robot. I had to understand what it said to me and answer its questions accordingly. After practicing for almost 8 months, I had my first talking session with an American teacher in our school. I was proud of myself.

What I have learnt from this experience is something as a saying goes: no pain no gain. Though the process of learning could be dull and tiring, it’s worth all the efforts after I achieved my goal. Even if I didn’t, it’s still a valuable part of my life.

阅卷作文 8+8+4=20

The wonderful year of 2017 is drawing to an end. I remember that I set an annual goal to keep fit at the beginning of 2017, since staying healthy is crucial to ensuring my study, thus better prepare myself for Gaokao.

To achieve my goal of keeping fit, here are some efforts I’ve taken throughout the year. On the very first day of 2017, I downloaded a fitness app called Keep. Following the fitness instructions the app offered, I exercised every other night before I go to bed. Also, I did some research into the daily nutrition I need in order to stay healthy both physically and mentally, after which I devised a moderate dieting plan. Apart from the above, I’ve invited family members and friends to join me so that we can encourage each other and exchange fitness experience.

So far, the record shown on my fitness app shows that I’ve done well this year, reaching a record high of 200 training times in total. Although at times I felt like giving up because of too much study pressure and limited time, I’m glad I have stuck to my plan. It seems to me that anything is possible if I throw in all of my energy and passion, and most of all, perseverance. Some rules apply to study. So I hope I will keep such passion and strength to do my best in the coming 2018. (237 words) 点评:

1. 文本结构段落清晰,符合作文题目要求。

1) 第一段明确告知自己的年度小目标是什么;

2) 第二段有总起句,段落中有清晰的标记词 (如also, apart from) 告知读者自己所做的努力,且努力


3) 第三段对经验的总结可以再和第二段的三个努力匹配些,a. 借助科技的力量(app);b. 借助科学的

力量(did research into the daily nutrition); c. 组团抗击惰性。



Greeting from the end of 2017! It’s now the time to conclude our yearly goals again. On the new year’s eve, I set up two goals for the year: to getter better grades and to lose weight and I’m proud to announce that I’ve accomplished the first one.

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To realize the goals, much effort has been put in throughout the year. First of all, I changed my attitudes towards various subjects. I’ve spent more time on them, as you might already know, and try to find my own strength and weaknesses and strived hard to overcome my weak points. In addition, I’ve found my own pace of studying, which I regard as the most precious reward of this year’s effort. Secondly, I began to take a more active part in sports this year. I took every opportunity I have to exercise, and take sports lessons at a gym near my apartment. Though I haven’t lose much weight, I feel myself much healthier than ever before.

To conclude how I’ve made these progress, here comes my years motto: no pains, no gains. No matter how hard it might be, stick to the goal and never quit, and never dream of shortcuts to success. So if you want to achieve something, just try hard, no matter what the result might be, you’re surely going to benefit from the process. Good luck everyone, and I wish you a happy, successful new year in 2018! (241 words) 点评:

1, 有读者意识,明确知晓是在朋友圈发的年度总结,所以开头结尾很应景。 2, 段落结构总体比较清晰,符合作文题目要求。

1) 第一段告知了自己的两个年度目标。

2) 第二段中有总体句、标记词(如:first of all, in addition),方便读者阅读。但总体表达都比较含


3) 第三段的经验总结与之前努力的匹配度不高。如果要写no pains, no gains,那么第二段里应该有

具体的自己在遭遇瓶颈或者难以坚持的时候是如何咬牙坚持下来的。 4) Good luck建议可以另起一段。 3, 文本字数偏长。


At the beginning of this year, I have made up my mind to achieve a goal. That was I hoped that I could lose my weight. With the passing by, I have achieved my goal. The following are some of my conclusion of this objective.

To reach my objective, I worked out a series of plans. To begin with, I designed a healthy diet menu, which excluded unhealthy foods that I was fond of before. That’s the basic of losing weight. Secondly, I went to park or sporting places regularly to do various sports. As we all know, the more exercise you do, the more heats you will consume. Last but not least, I took an active part in every kinds of school activity which can not only help me lose weight but also enrich my life.

From this experience, I conclude that once you have a goal, you should stick to every hardship so that you may reach the mountain top. The process may be full of difficulties and you are likely want to give up. Go ahead, and then you will find there is nothing can hit down you. (191 words) 点评:

1, 段落结构比较清晰,符合作文题目要求。

2, 第二段中的标记词(to begin with, secondly, last but not least)不恰当。第三个努力的行为(I took an

active part in every kinds of school activity which can not only help me lose weight but also enrich my life.)的内容不恰当,部分与主题无关(如:enrich my life)。

3, 第三段的总结too general,基本与第二段的努力行为没有关系。根据第二段的内容,经验应该是:管


4, 字数偏多,建议160左右。


At the end of 2017, I can’t help thinking the aim what I have set about making a great profess in math before the 2017 come.

Math is a terrible for me to study well. To study math well, as I firmly believe, only by practicing more, can I gain a good mark. In order to realize this aim, I get up earlier everyday so that I can have more time to do the math exercise. I ask teacher many questions about the math. My mother always encourage me to study math when it comes to the problem of math. I always feel nervous, because I think it is very difficult for me to study math well. But being encouraged by the parents and teacher I have confidence. Finally, I realized it.

I want to share my experience to the students which have the same problem as me. Practice makes perfect. If we want gain a good mark we should practice more. (162 words)

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1, 涵盖了作文题目要求的三个部分。

2, 第二段的内容需要重新梳理,做了三个努力:a.每天早起做数学题目;b. 有问题勤问老师;c.心理焦

虑时向妈妈倾诉(要说我做了什么,而不是文中My mother always encourage me to study math when it comes to the problem of math.)。

3, 由此,第三段的经验总结是:a. practice makes perfect;b. 多向他人求助


The year of 2017 will be over. I always think it is a year with my ambition. I still rember the day which is the first of 2017. On that day I praied I could get higher scores in the test. I made my plan to get close to the top of the rank.

For the sake of good marks, what I must have is a serious attitude. It was the most important things for me to insist the plan. I decided to read books of English. It was the most difficult subject for me. I recited the words and vocabulary day by day. And the reading is an another problem. Because of the lack of vocabulary I couldn't understand the passage clearly. I started reading the English lessons in every morning. That’s good day for me that I could never forget.

Although I still not get my plan, I still want to get higher score in next exam. It was my ambition, I believe I can do it next year. Even though the life is tough to me. (179 words)


1, 结构性缺失,没有“经验总结”。

2, 第二段的内容需要重新梳理。a. 每天背多少单词;b. 每天早晨读多少时间英语;c. 每周(或每两周或


2.普陀区 学校图书馆优美的学习环境和丰富的文献资源为学生们综合素质的提升提供了良好的平台。为了进一步提高图书馆的服务水平,图书馆现向学生们征集建议。假如你是李华,写信给图书馆负责人对图书馆的

现状进行分析,并就此提出一些实用性的改进建议。 Dear Sir,

In response to your collecting suggestions to further improve our school library’s service quality, I am writing to put forward my humble advice, hoping to be of some value.

Our school library, with beautiful environment and a wide range of books and reference materials, serves as a golden platform to promote students’ overall ability. However, there are still some problems remaining unsolved. The available seats are always tight, some vacant ones are occupied by students with their personal stuff and to make things even worse, some of them do not appear in the library at all. Besides, sometimes it is noisy because the discussion area is not separated, which makes students while learning hard to concentrate. Also, the network in our lab doesn’t work well that it’s not easy to have access to it when we are collecting information online.

For the above situation, I suggest an exclusive room should be appointed as a meeting room where students are allowed to discuss. Moreover, rules should be made about the usage of the seats that if one person leaves his seat over 20 minutes, the seat can be available to others. And if possible, put some fund to update our existing network. I would be so glad if my advice is adopted. I appreciate your devotion to the construction of our library and may our library be better and better.

Sincerely yours

Li Hua

3.徐汇区 俗话说“万事开头难”(All things are difficult before they are easy.)。你是否同意这一说

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法?请用英语写一篇短文,内容包括: 1. 你对这句俗语的理解;

2. 结合生活中一个具体事例加以说明。 注意:请勿透露本人真实姓名和学校名称。



As an old saying goes, “All things are difficult before they are easy.” The widespread notion reveals the truth that we are likely to encounter setbacks when we start to do something but if we face them with perseverance and determination, we will find the rest of the work easier.

Personally, I am strongly in favour of the proverb and my own experience can well serve as case in point.When I was a Senior One student, I made up my mind to set up a science fiction community in our school.I thought it would be a piece of cake, but the first few weeks following my decision turned out tough. To my disappointment, few students showed interest in the community. Filled with the bitterness of failure, I was almost going to give up but the bottom of my heart urged me to keep calm and go on.After weeks of struggle and every possible means tried, I managed to find several members and once we started to hold activities, more students became interested and joined our community.

What can be learnt from my experience is that perseverance carries true weight in our pursuit of success. Life is never like those fairy tales and we in reality all tend to meet frustrations and setbacks in our lives. Tricky as the situation might seem in the beginning,we must always bear in mind that “Every cloud has a silver lining” and our efforts won’t go in vain. Nevertheless, if we give up halfway, chances are that we’ll never see the easiness following the difficulties and he who is easily beaten to the ground by hardship is certain to end up achieve nothing.

To sum up, the saying “All things are difficult before they are easy” us a perfect reminder that things all seem tough at the beginning. Faced with difficulties, we should cheer up and work with perseverance. Thus, success is bound to be within arm’s reach. (9+ 9 + 2) (334 words)


It is said that: all things are difficult before they’re easy”, I couldn’t agree with it more. Life is no plain sailing, nothing can be achieved with ease unless you have the quality of devotion and perseverance.

Once I went fishing with my father. Initially, I was very excited and full of confidence, figuring ‘Fishing, how hard can it be? You just sit there and wait for the fish to bite. It’s a piece of cake.’ However, as you can guess, I had sat there for almost one hour, yet I got nothing. Soon I was distraught and impatient. Just when I was about to quit, my father turned around and said, “Be focused and wait.” Having nothing else to do, I did what he said. I calmed myself down and re-concentrated on the pole. Two hours later, I gained my reward.

The experience has indeed taught me something. That is all things are difficult before they’re easy. As long as you devote yourself and hang on, you’ll succeed.


The old saying goes like “all things are difficult before they are easy,” which suggests that the hardest time one needs go through is the beginning of a task.

As for me, I simply hold the opposite opinion. Personally. I believe that it’s always easy to make a resolution but hard to carry it out strictly. Because of the common passion at the beginning, efforts are willingly made. Nevertheless, it is perseverance that is needed to complete it.

The topic naturally reminds me of the days when I struggled for physical examination, in which I need to get a high score to be addicted to my dreaming high school. I make up my mind firmly three months before the exam that I would go jogging every night and kept on doing so for one month. When the initial passion faded and the tiredness stroke me every evening. I was so eager to take a breath from the exhausted training and almost gave up the plan. It was the strong-will power that kept me going on.

This unforgettable experience taught me the importance of perseverance, which confirms me that things are especially difficult in the middle stage.


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As the famous saying goes “All things are different before they are easy.” From my perspective, the proverb means that we’re all inexperienced and might meet numerous frustrations before handling the task well. There is no exception that we have to go through a certain period to familiarize ourselves with the practice, during which the perspective is most required.

Take myself as an example, once I was assigned to deliver a speech on my English learning method. Never had I got such experience before, I was totally overwhelmed by the task. Despite the shyness and lack in confidence, I know it clear that the capability of expressing oneself to the public is of great importance in future work. Therefore, I started to practice trying to keep off nervousness. I looked out for videos on TED to music, the gesture of speakers and spoke aloud before my parents. Thanks to these hardships,I managed to give a satisfying speech.

One must be equipped with endurance and faithfulness during the course of exploration. Few of us are born to be genius.

4.杨浦区 马拉松(marathon)比赛需要志愿者发放矿泉水,学校校庆需要招募引导员。请你从中选取一个感兴趣的志愿者岗位,写信给负责老师完成报名,并在信中具体谈谈你的理由。 范文1 Dear sir,

Hearing that the marathon match and school celebration need a lot of volunteers and guides, I think I am qualified for the position of guides and it will be my great honor to do the job, so I write to you to enter for the guide.

First, I have a great sense of direction, which enables me to lead actors and actress to arrive at their positions without difficulties. It’s very essential when the back of stage is crowded with people and different kinds of decorations and all the performers are hurrying to dress them up and get their needed things ready.

Second, I have the experience of being a guide before and I knew how to deal with unexpected accidents and mistakes. Such experience is helpful to calm myself down to arrange things in order. Besides, I am familiar with my schoolmates an d have great abilities to communicate with them, which makes it possible for me to find the right person and talk to them to relieve their nerve for the performance.

According to all the abilities above, I think I’m suitable for the position and I really hope that you can give me a chance to use my power to add a touch to our School Celebration. Thank you for reading my letter.

Yours sincerely

Li Ping

范文2 Dear Sir,

I’ve learnt that our school is recruiting guides for the celebration of school anniversary and I’m writing to give a self-recommendation.

First of all, an acute sense of direction and my familiarity with all the locations on campus put me an advantage. Considering that some of our alumnus may take a long and tiresome journey to attend our celebration, I am sure that my air of delight will sweep them off tiredness in no time . Besides, informing them of the change in recent years and sharing anecdotes about the school can remind them of their precious memories here so that they will no longer be shrouded in a sense of unfamiliarity. Furthermore, it is my outstanding communication skills and ability to articulate that distinguish me. I wouldn’t forget to leave them private space for nostalgia after fulfilling my obligations.

I would be greatly obliged if you would allow me this golden opportunity to enhance my social skills and to contribute to the as a volunteer.

Yours sincerely

Li Ping

范文3 Dear Sir,

I am writing to apply for the volunteer who gives mineral water to marathon runners. Why i think am qualified for this position can be concluded in the following three aspects.

First and foremost, i am an experienced choice both in marathon and in the work of volunteering. Although i

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As is depicted in the picture, with a strong and distorted comparison psychology, 2 students are showing off their parents' wealth and statues to enhance and exhibit his worth. Compared with a girl sitting on her father's humble bike, they seem to go towards parents' privilege competition instead of erecting decent life values and outlook.

In modern times, \and frequent reports online have always reminded us that this phenomenon is all around us. They believe the children of rich families, known as the \rich generation,\can always get decent jobs and social status ahead of the poor. And children from poor families think traits like hard-work, creativity and sound academic achievements can never beat having a “good father”. However, “Fight father game\teaching us to be dependent on ourselves to create a colorful feature. Emphasis should be put on one's capacity rather than background, and adults have the responsibility to help teenagers build up the correct values and views on life. So as for students like us, we should have a good attitude towards family background. Facing with millionaires, keep eyesight horizontal; facing with poverty, keep heads up and never give up. Besides, we should make full preparation, though a solid foundation of wealth will help us overcome difficulties, it is not for person who has no preparation. So an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has cultivated by hand.

10.闵行区 假设你是学生李华,你校正在下学期开设的选修课程征求学生意见,请你向学校课程部老师写一封 email, 提出你的课程建议。你的email 中必须包括: 1. 课程名称 2. 课程的主要内容

3. 设置该课程的理由

Dear teacher,

It’s really a surprise to learn that our school is seeking suggestions from us students about the course to be developed next semester. The proposals I put forward are as follows:

As far as I’m concerned, most classmates really expect to have a course named Selected Reading from British and American Newspaper.The content of this course can be separated into three parts: current affairs, exotic culture and practical techniques in daily life. There are four reasons accounting for my preference.

Firstly, we will be informed of the latest affairs that is happening in the world very well, through which we can keep pace with the changing times. Secondly, we will learn a variety of culture and customs, which can help to broaden our horizons and enrich our knowledge. Thirdly, we will learn to work out the practical problems in daily life on our own, becoming independent of our parents. In addition, we can enlarge our vocabulary and improve our capacity of reading comprehension by having access to considerable articles written by native speakers.

There is no denying that we will benefit a lot from the new course we can take next term. We would appreciate it very much if our humble suggestions can receive your favorable consideration.

Yours sincerely

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Li Hua

11.浦东新区 近年来,随着科技的迅猛发展,身边的新事物取代旧事物的事例层出不穷,请你简要描述一个具体实例,并说明这一新事物存在的理由。 Sample1

In the past few decades, with the rapid development of modern technology, we have stepped into the digital age. As the population of Internet users, which are called online residents, is going larger, emails are likely to be taking the place of traditional letters.

On one hand, email enables people to deliver their messages more easily and convenient, as well as lowering the expense. People no longer need to go to a post office to send letters, which saves time for issues of more importance.

On the other hand, email narrows the gap between people living in different areas, or even in different countries. Contacts can be more efficient, thanks to the international networks, whereas email can be received instantly.

Convenient as it is, there are still some problems caused by email remain to be solved. Personal privacy, for example, can be threatened by hackers. Generally speaking, however, we can't deny that the emerge of email does more benefit than harm.

Sample 2

With the rapid development and popularity of Internet, many physical stores are being replaced by the online shopping. Although the majority of shop keepers criticize the Internet commerce as a fatal killer, from my point of view, the existing of it must have some dramatic advantages.

For one thing, it goes without saying that the online online shopping brings so much convenience. Compared with going to a far place, and caring a mass of things, so comfortable is it that we can conduct shopping with a click of mouse.

For another, there is no denying that shopping online can avoid embarrassment. Internet provides you with a private room. No doubts that you won't be showed when purchasing bargains anymore.

All in all, the advanced online market is a sign of the country's progress. We ought to regard it as a means of modern life. Only by improving the transportation and electronic devices can our online shopping have a better future.

12. 静安区 你是李华,临近寒假, 你的好朋友刘伟写信像你咨询他的寒假计划, 目前有三个备选方案:①去美国某高中参加冬令营(winter camp);②应征某历史博物馆临时讲解员(docent);③提前学习下学期高中课程。请给刘伟写回信,谈谈你的看法。信中必须包括:

1. 你建议的方案; 2. 你如此建议的理由; 3. 你对于执行此方案的建议。 参考范文: Dear Liu

I’m truly delighted to receive your letter asking for my advice on your plan on winter vacation. It’s no

wonder that all the three plans are not only meaningful but also helpful to you. However, as far as I am concerned,

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