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1.The idea seems good but it needs ______. A.to try out B.being tried out C.to be tried out D.trying on

2.With many eyes _____ on her, she felt a bit nervous. A.depended B.staring C.glaring D.fixed

3. The professor ________ his voice to make himself ______. A.rose; heard B.rose; hearing C.raised; heard D.raised; hear

4. He’s making _________ progress in his lessons that everyone else in his class considers him as a good example to follow.

A.such a great B.so great C.very great D.such great 5. He is _______ young _______ the job. A.too; for B.so; to C.very; for D.too; to 6. We should drink _________ water but not _______water. A.boiled; boiling B.boiling; boiled C.boiled; boiled D.boiling; boiling

7. Would you please ________ me the magazine ________ from Professor Smith? A.borrow; lent B.lend; borrowed C.borrow; borrowed D.lend; lent

8. Is the book you bought yesterday worth ________? A.to read B.being read C.reading D.to be read

9. The new bike _______ me 500 yuan, while he _______ 800 yuan for his. A.cost; cost B.cost; paid C.spend; paid D.took; took 10. My daughter is only three. She is to young to _________. A.dress herself B.wear clothes

C.dress her clothes D.been married with; married 11. Cleaning women in big cities get ______ by the hour. A.pay B.paid C.paying D.to pay

12. If you ______ any problems when you arrive at the airport, give me a ring. A.come up with B.set about C.run into D.put aside

13. I ______have returned your bicycle earlier, you _______ have needed it. A.might; should B.should; might C.must; should D.must; might

14. Such a businessman _______ be honest. He gets his money in a dishonest way. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.may not D.shouldn’t

15. -Could I borrow your dictionary? -Yes, of course you ________. A.might B.will C.can D.could

16. After three years of hard work, they had at last paid ______ all the money they had borrowed. A.for B.out C.in D.back

17. The bike my father bought yesterday ______ him as he got for his work last week. A.spent B.cost C.took D.paid 18. Who do you know Dora is going to ______?

A.get married B.marry to C.marry with D.marry 19. You’d better think of ______ possibilities before doing it. A.such these B.these all C.all such D.such all 20. The couple married their daughter ______ a handsome young man. A.to B.with C.for D.of 21. Mike ______ Rose last year.

A.married to B.married with C.married D.was married with 22. After we moved into the new home, our neighbor came to ______ us. A.call on B.drop in C.drop at D.call at 23. —Thank you very much.

—You are welcome. I was ______ glad to help.

A.too much B.only too C.not so D.very much

24. If you keep on, you’ll succeed ______. Whish you success in the examinations. A.in time B.at one time C.for the same time D.sometimes

25. Charles did what he could ______ the servant, although he himself was in danger. A.rescue B.rescued C.to rescue D.rescuing 26. —Have you got your test result? —Not yet. The papers ______.

A.are still being corrected B.are not correcting C.have already been corrected D.have not corrected 27. The painting was sold at a ______ below its real ______. A.value…price B.price…value C.cost…value D.price…cost 28. ______ of danger you must keep calm.

A.At time B.At times C.In times D.In time 29. The teacher asked us to learn the text ______ heart. A.into B.at C.by D.with 30. ______ the students took part in the meeting. A.Ten of thousand B.Tens of thousands of C.Tens of thousand D.Ten of thousand

31. I still don’t quite understand it. Would you please ______ once more? A.explain me it B.explain it to me C.to explain me it D.explain me it

32. Trees of this kind are so ______ that they can be seen everywhere. A.much B.common C.usual D.few

33. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to ______ the eyes from strong sunlight. A.prevent B.care C.defend D.protect

34. One week after the fighting the 2 policemen were still seriously ______ in hospital, but both of them were ______ of lying in bed.

A.ill; ill B.sick; sick C.ill; sick D.sick; ill 35. ______ said about the matter.

A.A great deal have been B.A great deal has been C.Many have been D.Much have been 36. The wine made ______ China is made ______ corn and wheat. A.by; from B.in; of C.in; from D.by; of 37. There is no doubt ______ John will come on time. A.if B.why C.that D.how

38. Unless ______ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. A.invited B.inviting C.being invited D.having invited 39. It ______ my wishes to leave the country.

A.go against B.go over C.go out D.go up 40. In our ______, anyone ______ breaks the law should be punished. A.opinions; that B.opinions; who C.opinion; he D.opinion; who 41. —Can you give me an example to show how useful a computer is? —Sure. ______ people get ______ information from it every day. A.A large number of; plenty of B.The number of; a lot of C.Lots of; a lot D.Many a; a great deal of

42. Jack tried hard to get a gold medal in the winter Olympic Games but he had no ______. A.doubt B.time C.luck D.entrance

43. The money collected from ticket sales could be ______ food and clothes for the people in the flooded areas.

A.charged for B.paid off C.paid back D.spent on 44. I don’t doubt ______ he’ll be present at the meeting tomorrow. A.whether B.that C.how D.why

45. They promised each other that they would ______ their friendship. A.go on with B.last C.hold to D.keep up 46. We must _______ the animals _______ being killed. Which is wrong? A.protect…from B.prevent…/ C.stop…/ D.keep…/ 47. Your idea sounds _______. Which answer is not correct? A.better B.well C.a great one D.like mine 48 Traffic lights _______ the traffic.

A.control B.controls C.controlled D.controlling 49. Electricity _______ important part in our _______ life. A.plays an…everyday B.plays…everyday C.takes an…every day D.makes…every day

50. Japan lies _______ the east of Asia and _______ the east of China. It faces the Pacific _______ the east. A.in…on…to B.to…in…in C.in…to…on D.on…to…in


1.C 某物需要被(做),可用sth. needs doing或needs to be done两种方式表达,但trying on是“试穿”的意思。故选C项。

2.D fixed on作“注视,固定在”解,eyes与fix是被动关系,因此不用现在分词,故选D项。 3. C rise是不及物动词,raise是及物动词。“使自己被听见”,要用过去分词。故选C项。 4. D such…that…表示“如此……以至于”,such后通常接名词或名词性词组。

5. A too…for…表示“太……而不适合(不能)……”介词for后接名词或动名词、代词等。“too…to…”而不能做(某事),to为不定式符号,后接动词原形。

6. A boil原意为“沸腾”,“煮沸”;boiling意为“正在沸腾的”;boiled意为“开过的”。我们应该喝开水,而不是正在开的水。因此A为最佳答案。

7. B borrow表示借入,常与from连用;lend表示借出,常与to连用,也可用lend sb. sth.形式。此句的主语为你,宾语为我,应为借出之意,排除A、C两项。杂志应是由史密斯教授借入的。 8. C worth 后接动名词的主动形式表达被动意义。

9. B cost以“物”作主语,pay以“人”作主语,后接for表示“为(物)付款”。

10. A dress 表示“给(人)穿衣”。 11. B get paid 意为“付给工资”。A项pay前加their。 12.C run into 意为“碰上(困难、问题等)。”

13. B should have done 表示“某事本应该做却未做”, might have done 表示对已发生的事情的可能性进行推测,意为“或许已经……”。

14. A 用不正当的方式赚钱,则“不可能(can’t)诚实。”

15. C 用could 提问是表示请求的一种委婉说法,回答则要用can, 而不能用could. 16. D pay for为……付钱,pay out付出,pay back偿还。

17. B 主物是“bike”指物,spend,pay主语一般都不为物,take主要指花费时间。

18. D 本题意思是,你知道Dora将和谁结婚?疑问句who在句中是宾语,故be going to后应是一个及物动词,D项的marry是及物动词,符合题意,get married相当于一个系表结构,marry是及物动词,后面不能跟介词,除非用在be married to结构中。

19. C such与all连用时,应该用all such意为“所有这些”,不能说such all. such不与指示代词连用,all可与指示代词连用,但应把all放在指示代词之前,据上,本题应选C。 20. A marry sb. to sb.把……嫁给……

21.C 这里的marry是及物动词,故不需要任何介词。

22. A call on sb =drop in on sb拜访某人;call at someplace =drop in at someplace.拜访某地。 23. B too…to前面有only时表示肯定含义,即only too表示very的含义。例如:I’m only too glad to see you. = I’m very glad to see you.

24. A in time此处意为“sooner or later”即“早晚”“终究”。in time另外的一个常见意义是“及时”。 25. C 此题中could后省略了do,而不定式to rescue是目的的状语。

26. A 根据题意应选用被动语态的选项,B、D被排除。之所以没有得到结果,因为试卷还没改完,即“正改着呢”。

27.B “以……的价格”,英语说:at a price(of…);below its real value则表示:低于其实际价值。 28. D in time of danger作“临危时,遇险时”解。 29. C learn…by heart“背诵,熟记”解

30. B 成千上万的说法是tens of thousands of。

31. B explain表示向某人解释某事有两种表达方式。(1)explain sth. to sb.(2)explain to sb. sth.一定要注意介词to的用法。

32. B common指常见的,usual常指习惯性的,此句的意思是这种鸟如此常见以致于到处都能见到。 33. D prevent表示阻止;care表示介意;defend表示保护、防卫;protect表示使不受侵犯、保护,也可指防御风雨、寒冷、疾病等。我们有时带墨镜是为了保护眼睛不受太阳光的侵害。

34. C ill为形容词,常作表语表示有病的,有时可作定语,表示不良的。而sick作形容词,既可用作定语,也可作表语,此时表示生病的。另外,sick作表语时,还可表示恶心的、想吐的,后面接of常表示厌烦的、讨厌的,因此C为最佳答案。此句的意思是打架事件发生之后一个星期,两名警察仍病得很重,且都厌倦了躺在床上。

35. B a great deal of修饰不可数名词的,a great deal相当于不可数名词。 36. C be made in…造于某地;be made from…由……制成(看不出原材料) 37. C “no doubt”说明后面是一个肯定信息,故用that引导一个同位语从句。

38. A unless如果……不,invite和主句的关系是动宾关系,因此要用invite的过去式形式。 39. A go against意为“违背”。

40. D in one’s opinion中的opinion用单数。

41. A a large number of修饰可数名词,plenty of二者均可修饰。B项the number作“……数量”解;C项a lot后缺of,D项many a修饰单数名词,均有错。 42. C have no luck意为“运气不佳”。

43. D 该句主语是money,(collected…是过去分词短语作定语),故谓语选spend的被动语态形式,表示“钱花在……上”。

44. B doubt用于否定句,其后接that从句。 45. D keep up是“保持下去,不使低落”之意。 46. A词组protect from意为“保护……免受……”。

47. B sound为联系动词,后面不能跟副词,所以答案B是错误的。 48. A本题考查的是普遍性的原理,用一般现在时。

49. A词组Play an important part意为“起重要作用”,everyday解释为“日常的”,every day意思是“每天”,不能作定语。

50. C在表示位置时,介词in,on,to用法上有很大不同。in表示“在……内部”,on表示“接壤”,to表示“毗邻(不一定接壤)”。

38. A unless如果……不,invite和主句的关系是动宾关系,因此要用invite的过去式形式。 39. A go against意为“违背”。

40. D in one’s opinion中的opinion用单数。

41. A a large number of修饰可数名词,plenty of二者均可修饰。B项the number作“……数量”解;C项a lot后缺of,D项many a修饰单数名词,均有错。 42. C have no luck意为“运气不佳”。

43. D 该句主语是money,(collected…是过去分词短语作定语),故谓语选spend的被动语态形式,表示“钱花在……上”。

44. B doubt用于否定句,其后接that从句。 45. D keep up是“保持下去,不使低落”之意。 46. A词组protect from意为“保护……免受……”。

47. B sound为联系动词,后面不能跟副词,所以答案B是错误的。 48. A本题考查的是普遍性的原理,用一般现在时。

49. A词组Play an important part意为“起重要作用”,everyday解释为“日常的”,every day意思是“每天”,不能作定语。

50. C在表示位置时,介词in,on,to用法上有很大不同。in表示“在……内部”,on表示“接壤”,to表示“毗邻(不一定接壤)”。

