人教版高中英语必修二Unit4wildlifeprotection(跟踪训练2 - reading) - (1)2

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3、Sea water c__________ salt.

4. I would a_________ it if you paid in cash.

5.The rise in the price of bread will _______(影响) all the people in that small town. II. 句型转换

1. A: I hope you will be successful in passing the English exam.

B: I hope you will __________ _________ ________ the English exam. 2. A: The sea turtle is an endangered species.. B: The sea turtle is ________ ________ . 3. A: Karen burst into laughter

B: Karen _______ ______ ________. 4. A: To our relief, he left

B: We sighed_________ ________ when he left.

5. A: The People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949.

B: The People’s Republic of China _______ _______ _________on October 1, 1949. III、阅读填空

Daisy: Hi, monkey, tell me what you use to _________yourself. Monkey: I find a millipede insect which ________ a powerful drug and rub it over my body to ________ me _____ mosquitoes. You see, the drug ________ mosquitoes. Daisy: Really? Very interesting. I didn’t know that

Monkey: You should _____ more _________ to our habitat--the rainforest than before and ______ how the animals live together, because no ________, no animals and no drugs.

Daisy: I got it. Thanks. I will try to learn more and help ___ the WWF suggests B 能力提升

I请完成英语同步阅读训练passage3 Passage 3 _______________

II. 请完成下面的阅读理解。1-4____________

A little over a year ago, I began training to swim the English Channel. This September, I will be 58 years old then.

My friends thought I had lost my mind; my wife didn’t think I was crazy but she


was somewhat worried. The question I was asked over and over was this: why?

A challenge and something of an adventure are welcome whether you are 20 or 58. But why did I decide to swim to swim the Channel at 58?

The Channel has always been the supreme challenge to swimmers: a test of ability, endurance, luck, and even bravery. It is this challenge that is attractive to about 100 swimmers a year who are willing to spend time, effort and money trying it.

One fact that contributes to my interest is that if I succeed, I will be the oldest person ever to swim the Channel.

I don’t think I’m a superman. I do think I have at least three things going for me: First, I am training hard. Second, I am a very goal-oriented person for whom this swim has long been a goal. Third, I have a feeling I will be mentally ready.

1. Most likely, the author of this passage decided to swim the Channel because he _____.

A. enjoys a challenge

B. does not recognize the dangers that exists C. wants to show him off D. he has lost his mind

2. Which of the following statements would the author almost readily agree with ? A. People should limit their self-expectation. B. The old people lose their sense of adventure. C. Life’s challenges can be overcome at any age.

D. People should recognize the dangers of physical stress. 3. Which of the following statement is true? A. His wife supported him.

B. Unlike his friends, his wife thought he had lost his head rather than his mind . C. His wife was not sure whether he was serious. D. His wife is also a bit worried.

4. The author of this passage can best be described as ____. A. determined B. hard-working C. unrealistic D. crazy



