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中央广播电视大学高级时事英语试题 2002年7月
Instructions to examinees
Answer all questions.
You will have ten minutes at the end of the listening test to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
All answers must be transferred to the answer sheet.
I . LISTENING TEST (30 points)
Approximately 30 minutes ( + 10 minutes transfer time )
Information for examinees
There are two parts to the test and you will hear each part twice.
There will be a pause before each part to allow you to look through the questions and other
pauses to let you think about your answers.
Write your answers in the spaces indicated on the question paper.
You will have 10 minutes at the end of the listening test to transfer your answers to the
answer sheet.
Part 1. Questions 1-14. There are two tasks based on the first recording. Read the following questions in Task 1, then listen to the conversation about unemployment.
Task 1 Questions 1-7. A list of topics is given below. Find the ones that the speaker mentioned and write the letters representing them in the space provided on the Answer Sheet. a. unemployment
b. a hukou
c. buying an apartment
d. family planning
e. factory closures in China
f. down sizing in Western societies
g. economic change
h. the loss of medical benefits, pensions and housing
i. the usefulness of Economics
j. job applications
Task 2. Questions 8-14. Listen again to the recording and choose the best answer among the choices given. It is advisable to look through the questions before you begin to listen so that you know what you are listening for.
8. Jenny has been reading about ____
a) an unemployed teacher.
b) an unemployed doctor.
c) an unemployed economist.
9. The teacher was in Beijing ____
a) to get a residence permit.
b) on a training course.
c) to do some private teaching.
10. The teacher's wife ____
a) is in Beijing.
b) is in Heilongjiang.
c) is in Newcastle.
11. The teacher is ____
a) one of many people laid off.
b) the only professional person to lose his job.
c) able to get some private teaching.
12. Economic change leads to unemployment ____
a) only in China.
b) only in state-owned enterprises.
c) across the world.
13. Down sizing is ____
a) a Western term for laying off workers.
b) a Western term for moving firms further down the river.
c) both a) and b.
14. Unemployment can lead to_____
a) loss of wages and opportunities for some other forms of work.
b) loss of medical, pension and housing benefits.
c) both a) and b).
Part 2. Questions 15-20. Mark the following statements as True (T) or False (F) according to the information you hear on the recording about the media.
15. Dr. Smith enjoys listening to at least one talk show. ____
16. At the beginning of the show Jim thinks that protesters are hooligans. ____
17. Dr. Smith approves of homelessness. ____
18. Dr. Smith was not a Greenpeace demonstrator. ____
19. Protesters can never get political messages across on TV.
20. Greenpeace supporters conveyed a complex message against whaling. ____
Paper 2: READING AND WRITING (50 + 20 = 70 points) Information for candidates:
There are four parts to the reading test.
There is one writing task.
You should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do the tasks.
READING TEST 50 points
Part 1. Read passage 1 and answer Questions 21-30.
Passage 1
FORMS OF INEQUALITY: (Lecture notes for Week I)
In this first lecture I will be outlining the major forms of social inequality we will be investigating week by week in this introductory course on Social Inequality. There are six major topics, the introductory overview of inequality, the four forms of inequality and the final overview and general analysis. We will be spending two weeks on each of these topics.
The four forms of inequality we will be investigating are:
ethnicity and racism
Class inequality concerns the levels of economic, political and cultural power people have. The bases of class position are occupation, wealth, education and….well we expect you to find out more in research.
Gender inequality concerns the social differences between men and women. The bases of gender inequality are a cause for dispute. We expect you to research the different approaches which include biological, psychological, cultural, and political-economic explanations. In addition, the form of family structure is an important basis for gender inequalities.
Ethnicity and racism is not about differences based on 'race'. It is about the way that the concept of 'race' has been used. Like 'gender', 'race' has been used as an excuse to treat people unequally. It has been used to discriminate against people from different ethnic backgrounds. It has also been used to discriminate against people, who look different even if they share the culture of those treating them unequally. The historical bases of social inequalities resulting from 'racism' may be immigration or colonization. These have lead to the development of differences in ethnicity, language or physical characteristics within one society. However it is not these characteristics in themselves that are the bases of racist forms of inequality. Rather it is the psychological, cultural and societal conditions that create the racist attitudes and behaviors that we will be examining. As you can see social inequality is a complex subject.
The relationship between age and inequality has different characteristics. In traditional societies in which older people are the heads of their families, and are recognized as having valuable experience and wisdom, it is the older people who have most cultural, economic and social power. In the consume stage of our market-economy societies we tend to treat young people with greater respect. They are the people who are willing to adapt to change and dispose of material goods very quickly. They have fewer family commitments and much more disposable income. They are ideal consumers. We will be investigating the concepts of 'consumerism' and 'fashion' as the bases of the privileged cultural position of young
people. However, we want to look at the way that gender, ethnicity and class affect the position of older people. Some older people have great economic and political resources whilst others are amongst the most underprivileged people in society.
Questions 21-30. Complete the following table by filling in the blanks in the separate columns. Each column lists either the nature or the bases of one aspect of social inequality. The first row has been completed for you.
Whilst agreeing with the three points made by anthropologists:
that culture includes norms, values and symbols; that culture, by
providing shared meanings, holds society together; and that none of us
could exist were it not for culture and society, many other theorists see
problems with this perspective. They point out that culture can divide
as well as hold a society together. Whilst a dominant group in society,
for example the factory owners, might hold one set of values, these
values will be damaging for factory employees. The reason the society
does not split apart is that the dominant group use force to make the
majority conform to their rules. They actively manipulate the key sites of
cultural production, religion, education and/or the media so that their
values remain the ruling ideas.
A variation of this view of culture as ideology is that we are not all
'cultural dopes' unknowingly being manipulated by the power.
Although cultural domination is a fact of social life most people
understand that and can even oppose this cultural domination. Female
workers for example are often doubly exploited in the labour market.
However, women workers have protested, using the message 'we want
bread and roses'. They are using these cultural symbols to say that as
women they not only want to have income equality with men workers
but also to be treated with dignity as women.
This view includes many of the ideas of anthropology and of A. and B.
above. However whilst A. and B. view cultural knowledge as the tool of
the powerful, discourse theory argues that knowledge is power.
Foucault, the major writer in this field, writes that in modern societies,
new forms of powerful discourses, or ways of speaking, were
developed not by a few powerful people, but by medical, psychological
and criminological experts in three key sites: research hospitals,
research asylums and prisons. There, knowledge, or discourses,
developed about human personality, human bodies and human failings.
These discourses soon spread. We all took on the medical concepts of
'normal' and 'pathological', applied them to ourselves, and to others, in
every aspect of modern life, work, family, schools even our leisure
activities. Thus, from Foucault's perspective, modern society .became 'a
disciplined' society through the dispersal of a set of modern disciplinary
Questions 31-40. Mark the following statements as True (T) or
False (F) according to the
material in passage 2.
31. There is only one way to define the term 'culture'.
32. Anthropologists emphasize the way that culture holds the society
33. Other theorists have investigated the ideological aspects of culture.
34. The 'ideological' interpretation totally disagrees with the
anthropologists' definition of culture.
35. The 'conflict' approach tends to focus on the cultural divisions
within a society.
36. Because culture can be controlled by a few powerful people,
the powerless are just
'cultural dopes.
37. Women are more likely to be 'cultural dopes' than men.
38. Foucault introduces the idea of culture as 'discourse'.
39. Foucault believed that knowledge, as discourse, was powerful in
40. Foucault argued that only a few powerful people dominate a
society's culture.
Part 3. Read Passage 3 and answer Questions 41-50.
Passage 3
Dear Mr. Cotton,
Your letter has been received, and here is our reply to the questions
you raised:
First we appreciate very much your concern for the
environment and our work in improving the environment in
As you may know, Chongqing is a city with more than 800
years of history. Its industries took shape in the 1930s and 1940s,
and we have developed rapidly in the last 40 years. Consequently,
the pollution of the air and water has become serious, which is
obviously a reality. The Chinese government has been paying great
attention to protecting the environment in recent years, although we
started the work a bit late. Moreover, we are still lagging behind in
both economic strength and techniques for the control of pollution
as compared with other developing countries and regions.
China is a developing country. Our per capita gross national
income is less than $ 400 while in Britain it is several thousand pounds.
It is obvious that eventually, the solution of environmental problems
needs the back up of economic strength. In fact, we are investing quite a
lot and taking measures to curb pollution.
I firmly believe that so long as we persist in maintaining stability,
carrying out reform and open policies and developing the economy in a
steady and well-proportioned way, we will have much greater economic
strength and can more efficiently improve the city' s environment.
The air and water pollution you mentioned are truly two
outstanding environmental problems in Chongqing. But in fact, we have
already taken many measures to keep them under control. The air
pollution is caused mainly by burning coal and smoke. To improve the
quality of the air, we are readjusting the energy consumption in our city.
Promotion has been carried out to encourage residents to use less
polluting fuel, such as natural gas, to replace coal. Larger scale technical
renovation has been conducted to improve industrial and home boilers,
furnaces and stoves so that they cause less pollution. Districts have been
designated as areas with restricted smoke and dust.
It is true that the Jialing is being polluted by discharges from a
paper factory. But right now we are working on a project against the
pollution. Once the project is completed, the factory will definitely be
prevented from further polluting the river.
By the way, we are cooperating with a British company in working
out 'A programme to control Pollution in the Chongqing Section of the
Changjiang and Jialing rivers' and some progress has been made in this
In general the environmental pollution of Chongqing has been
serious, but it has been kept under control through years of effort. The
quality of the city's environment is now at the level of the beginning of
the 1980s and improvements have been made in some areas. In the light
of China' s realities, environmental protection at this stage is focused on
enforcement of monitoring and management. The environmental
management of our city is bsed upon China ' s environmental
protection laws and regulations, standards of environmental quality
and monitoring of the environment. There are State-set standards
and supplementary local standards for checking discharges of air,
water, noise and other industrial waste.
Departments of environmental protection are in charge of
conducting regular monitoring according to these standards in the
city and districts and counties under their jurisdiction. The results of
these check-ups are collected each month, quarter and year, so that
prompt analysis can be made and responsive policies worked out.
The results are also announced to the public regularly. Facts
concerning the quality of the environment in Chongqing in 1988
were published in the Environmental Protection Herald on February
22nd of that year, a copy of which is enclosed in our letter to you.
Also, to help you get more information on the environmental
situation of this area, we have provided a series of statistics and
figures collected from recent monitoring, as we want you to know
that the environmental situation here is not as dangerous as you
have imagined it to be.
Again, thank you for your concern and opinions on the
environmental protection work of our city. We wish you a happy
and healthy stay in our city. Lin Dinshu Chongqing
Chief of Environmental Protection Bureau
Questions 41-50. Choose the best answer among the choices given (Write
the letter representing your choice in the space provided on the Answer
Sheet) :
41. The Chief of the Environmental protection bureau is ____
a) Mr. Cotton.
b)Lin Dinshu.
c)An American.
42. Mr. Cotton's letter was probably about ____
a) the history of Chongqing.
.b) pollution in China generally.
c) pollution in Chongqing
43, Lin Dinshu is ____
a) responding to Mr. Cotton's concerns.
b) furious with Mr. Cotton's concerns.
c) unheeding of Mr. Cotton's concerns.
44. The Chinese government is ____
a) ahead of other countries in pollution control.
b) uncaring about pollution control. ..
c) lagging behind in pollution control.
45. Lin Dishu's policy focus is based on the principle that____
a) the economy should be developed to improve pollution
b) economic development has to be reduced to reduce pollution.
c)coal provides a better form of fuel than gas.
46. The paper factory is creating ____
a) water pollution.
b) water overflows.
c) unprofitable products.
47. Chonqing is working on the issue of river pollution ____
a) independently.
b)from 800 years of pollution control experience.
c)with a British company.
48. At the beginning of the 1980s _____
a) pollution was at its worst.
b) the environment was at the same level as today.
c) there was no industrial development in the city.
49. The results of the monitoring of pollution ____
a) are a secret.
b) are not available for Mr. Cotton.
c) are published within a year.
50. Monitoring results are____ a) only made biennially.
b)made at least monthly.
c)published in The Changing Daily.
Part 4. Read Passage 4 and answer Questions 51-60.
Passage 4
Can a Former Drop-Out Save New York's Schools
Fergus Bordewich From Readers Digest
1990:10 (adapted)
There' s a story that tells about Joe Fernandez in Miami. After he became superintendent of the Dade county schools in 1987, he made a surprise visit to a school in a poor neighborhood. Trash filled the schoolyard, and broken windows were everywhere. Inside, the stench of dirty toilets radiated through the school. Fernandez pushed open the principal's door to find him watching a soap opera. 'Pick up and get out of here!' Fernandez barked.
That was Friday. By Saturday afternoon workmen were fixing windows, mowing grass and painting halls. And by Tuesday there was a new principal.
Last January, Fernandez took charge of the biggest and perhaps most troubled school system in the nation. He became New York City's Chancellor of Public Schools. Once New York's public schools were regarded as the best in the nation. But now basic education has sunk so low that the New York Telephone company recently had to test 57,000 people to find just 2100 who were qualified to become operators and repair technicians.
'We're failing to prepare kids. ' Fernandez says.
Can Fernandez beat the odds against him? The sheer size of the New York system is overwhelming: nearly 1000 schools and 937,000 students, of whom 80 percent are black or Hispanic and one third live below the poverty line. Over half the public school students are reading below grade level, in some schools more than 80 percent. At least 30 per cent will never graduate.
Undaunted, Fernandez hit the streets of New York running. Within a few weeks, he had eliminated 14 departments and about 400 jobs at headquarters. In less than two months he had removed two district superintendents and three more principals, in addition to.pushing for a stronger role for himself in the selection of superintendents.
Ironically, Fernandez dropped out of school at 16, and joined a gang, himself. The Air Force was his escape. In it, he earned a high school equivalency diploma. He eventually worked his way through the University of Miami as a postman and a milkman.
He became a high school teacher in 1963, and chairman of the math department. By 1975, he was a principal. In 1985, he became a doctor of education. In 1987 he became superintendent of the nation's fourth largest school system.
Questions 51-60. Use words or short answers to complete the blanks in this summary of the material in passage 4. Your answers should be as brief as possible but they should cover the
relevant points as completely as possible.
A 1990 article in the Readers _____________ (51) focuses on the problem of _______ (52) in New York and the USA generally. It positions one man named _______ (53) as a hero in its description of the issue. This 'hero' did not have __________ (54) past the age of 16, until he joined the Air Force. His own late career in the field of _________ (55) was then characterised by rapid promotion. He was a high school teacher in 1963, and _______ (56) years later he was superintendent of the fourth largest school system in the U. S. He fired both _________ (57) who were not doing their jobs. He ____________(58) departments and jobs in New York. Perhaps these efforts will _______ (59) the New York Public School system which recently has been described as _______(60) in the U. S.
End of Reading Test
WRITING TEST 20 points
Write a short essay about equality and family life. You may write about the different roles within families, whether men, women and children in families share the decision-making and housework or whether just one person makes the decisions, or does the housework. You may want to compare differences between families. You may discuss the causes, problems or effects of the differences within and/or between families. You may draw on your own personal experience or write about equality and family life in general.
(Write about 150 words)
One point for each correct answer (1-10). Two points for each correct answer (11-20) Total1 30 points
One point for each correct answer in Questions 21-50 Total=50 points
Two points for each correct answer in Questions 51-60
Assessment Criteria for the Writing Test
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