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Unit 1 Stay Healthy (Lessons 1-3)



Ⅴ. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1 分,计20分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )26. The doctor asked the old man to take ______X-ray.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. 不填

( )27. As we all know, the ______ is one of the bestgrains for Vitamin B1.

A. corn

B. bean

C. yogurt

D. fish

( )28. As a team, you have no choice ______ to workhard together.

A. and

B. so

C. or

D. but

( )29. Milk is rich ______ calcium. It can make ourbones strong.

A. with

B. of

C. in

D. for

( )30. I want to go to the dentist. One of my teeth______ rotten.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

( )31. Mike has a terrible stomachache. He regrets______ too much cola.

A. drink

B. to drink

C. drinking

D. drank

( )32. The child is only five years old, but he is ableto get ______.

A. dress

B. to dress

C. dressing

D. dressed

( )33. They have known the news. You ______ tellthem about it.

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. may not

D. needn’t

( )34. You have a high fever now. I think you ______go to the hospital.

A. need

B. can

C. should

D. may

( )35. I tell him ______ afraid of the doctors. They’revery friendly.

A. don’t be

B. doesn’t be

C. not be

D. not to be

( )36. —Need I keep a balanced diet?

—Yes, you ______.

A. need

B. must

C. should

D. can

( )37. I ______ a toothache since I came back homelast night.

A. have

B. was having

C. had

D. have had

( )38. Breakfast cereal ______ different kinds ofgrains. It’s healthy food.

A. makes of

B. is made of

C. made of

D. was made of

( )39. Jim didn’t feel ______ this morning, so hewent to see the doctor.

A. well

B. better

C. best

D. the best

( )40. Mary wants her mother ______ shopping withher this weekend.

A. to go

B. go

C. going

D. goes

( )41. Peter isn’t good at math. He ______ harder at it.

A. need to work

B. needs to work

C. need work

D. needs work

( )42. He drank ______ much yogurt that he has apain in his stomach now.

A. so

B. such

C. too

D. very

( )43. She always keeps a balanced diet. It ______different kinds of foods.

A. include

B. includes

C. including

D. included

( )44. Junk food is bad for your health. You’d better_____ too much.

A. eat

B. to eat

C. not eat

D. not to eat

( )45. —Hi, Jack. What’s wrong with you?

—My tooth ______.

A. is hurt

B. was hurt

C. hurt

D. hurts

Ⅵ. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1 分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

“It is never too late and you are never too old tostart something new!”said Ellen Rema. She began tolearn 46 at the age of fifty. In just a few years, shehas made a lot of progress.

47 no evening classes were offered in the areaEllen lived in, she 48 to study online. She took anEnglish course on the Internet.

Ellen began with easy courses and studied hard.“My son always said,‘Mom, you are a bit 49 '. Hecouldn't understand why I spent so many hours 50,but I love it,”she said.“Maybe I wanted to do toomuch in a short time. I 51all my courses after twoyears, but I found I still had difficulties with grammar.”

Instead of 52 , she chose to continue. Afteranother two years, she's still studying in the onlineclassroom. But now to make her English better, she hasset new goals for herself.

“Studying online is 53boring, so you needself-discipline (自律),”said Ellen.“If you really wantto learn, never give up when you face difficulties andwhen you think you haven't made any 54 .”

Ellen said studying English wasn't all about hardwork.“It was fun. I have learned so much 55 othercultures and traditions,”she said.

Ellen has been able to put her English to useby visiting England five times.“I'm very thankful tothe Internet. My life has changed a lot,”said Ellen.

( )46. A. painting B. EnglishC. dancing D. computer

( )47. A. Although B. Before C. Because D. Until

( )48. A. chose B. volunteeredC. advised D. refused

( )49. A. lazy B. careless C. nervous D. crazy

( )50. A. discussing B. studyingC. traveling D. preparing

( )51. A. started B. forgotC. finished D. remembered

( )52. A. giving up B. putting upC. taking up D. cheering up

( )53. A. even B. also C. ever D. never

( )54. A. reasons B. progressC. business D. decisions

( )55. A. without B. for C. about D. in

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2 分,计30分)

阅读A、B、C 三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。


A. It is the oldest coral reef system in the world.

B. It is made up of millions of reefs.

C.We can see it from outer space.

D. It is as long as the GreatWall.

( )57. What can we learn about the Harbor of Rio deJaneiro according to the material?

①when it was first discovered

②who first discovered it

③what it is famous for

④where it is

A. ①②③

B. ①③④

C. ①②④

D. ②③④

( )58. When did Paricutin erupt last time?

A. In 1502.

B. In 1708.

C. 63 years ago.

D. 100 years ago.

( )59. Which of the following words can describeVictoria Falls?

A. Highest.

B. Oldest.


D. Largest.

( )60. Where is the material probably from?

A. A travel magazine.

B. Science fiction.

C. A storybook.

D. A notice.


As a teenager, I had a lot of anger (愤怒) and wasnot good at communicating with my


One day, when I was getting ready for school, mymother handed me a T-shirt. It was my father's, notmine. At that time, I was taller and stronger than myfather, so when I put the T-shirt on, I felt like I wasbeing choked (窒息) in it! I realized that it was a smallmistake by my mother, but the feeling of being chokedmade me very angry. Without thinking, I took out myanger on my mother. I ripped (撕破) the T-shirt!

Later, my mother told my father what hadhappened,“See what your son has done.”Instead ofscolding me, my father asked my mother to repair theT-shirt. He then wore it to work the next day.

Later when my mother told me about what myfather had done, I felt ashamed of my behavior. Hespent the whole day wearing a ripped T-shirt. At thesame time, I was filled with great admiration (钦佩) formy father. His kindness taught me a life lesson I wouldnever forget. On that day, I made a decision that Iwould never let anger beat me.

( )61. Why did the writer feel bad in the T-shirt?

A. Because it smelt terrible.

B. Because he hated the color.

C. Because it was too small for him.

D. Because it was made of cheap material.

( )62. What did the writer do to the T-shirt?

A. He ripped it.

B. He washed it.

C. He threw it away.

D. He gave it to his father.

( )63. What does the underlined word“scolding”inParagraph 3 mean in Chinese?

A. 遗忘

B. 责骂

C. 提醒

D. 同情

( )64. What did the writer think of his father?

A. He was kind.

B. He was strict.

C. He didn't care about him.

D. He was not good at communicating.

( )65. The passage mainly tells us that we should______.

A. control our anger

B. not make mistakes

C. care about our parents

D. not spend much money on clothes


Everyone knows the colorful rocks of the GrandCanyon. But just some people know that this areabecame a national park in 1919 and it is one of the

oldest national parks in the US.

The Grand Canyon is one of the most beautifulnatural parks of North America. It is in the state ofArizona in the US. About 5 million visitors come hereevery year to enjoy this unbelievable creation of nature.But do not worry, there is enough space for all of them.Tourists come here especially for the colorful rocks andthe amazing scene.

The Colorado River flows through the whole park.The river flows from the Rocky Mountains. Overmillions of years the river cut through the rocks andthat's how the Grand Canyon was made. Notsurprisingly, the Grand Canyon is very often regardedas one of the natural wonders of the world.

Most of the visitors arrive on the southern side ofthe canyon. This is a little lower than its northern side,but there are better services. There are roads from bothsides of the canyon to its bottom. But once you decideto go to the bottom on foot, take plenty of drinkingwater with you. If you decide to stay overnight at thebottom of the canyon, it is possible, but you must tellpark workers.

( )66. How long has the Grand Canyon been anational park?

A. For about 40 years.

B. For about 60 years.

C. For about 80 years.

D. For about 100 years.

( )67. Where is the Grand Canyon?

A. In Arizona.

B. In California.

C. In Florida.

D. In Hawaii.

( )68. The underlined word“flows”in Paragraph 3means“______”in Chinese.

A. 飘

B. 浮

C. 流

D. 潜

( )69. From the passage, we know that the GrandCanyon was created by _______.

A. a mountain

B. a river

C. a sea

D. the weather

( )70. Most visitors prefer the southern side of theGrand Canyon because of its _______.

A. colorful rocks

B. amazing scene

C. special history

D. good services


Ⅸ. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2 分,计10分)

阅读短文,并按要求完成76~80 题。

I am learning French and German now, and havealso learnt Italian in the past, so I know how hardlearning a language can be. However, I have found afew things that have really helped me to improvelanguage learning.

Go to the country

Go to the country whose language you arelearning. This allows you to hear the language spokenby native speakers and talk with them in the language.It also encourages you to learn the language. Forexample, when I started learning Italian, I thought Iwasn’t improving fast enough. Then, I got the chanceto go to Italy for a few days and everything changed!Everywhere I went I was surrounded ( 包围) by

delicious Italian food, interesting Roman buildings, andthe beautiful Italian language. It made me really want toimprove my Italian so I could be a part of such awonderful culture.

Read, read, read!

Reading is an important skill in language learning.But I’m not just talking about serious things likedifficult newspaper articles. You may think that readinghardertexts will help you to improve quickly. But Iwould advise you not to choose difficult things to read,because you are more likely to get bored and give up.Instead, why not choose something fun that you want toread, like a children’s book?

TV and films

Another thing that really helps me learn a(n)________ is watching television programs or films inthe language. Again, it doesn’t have to be anythingreally difficult. You can start with a children’s show orsomething that you have already seen in your nativelanguage. That way you will already know what’shappening. And you can write down useful words andsentences or try to

repeat what they say.

76 题完成句子;77 题简略回答问题;78 题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的答题线上;79 题找出并写下全文的主题句;80 题将文中画线句子译成


76. It doesn’t only allow you to hear and talk, but alsoencourages you to ____________________ to go tothe country whose language you are learning.

77. What does the writer advise us to read?


78. ___________________________________________________________

79. ___________________________________________________________

80. ___________________________________________________________

Ⅹ. 词语运用(共5小题,每小题1 分,计5分)


82. Everyone __________ to keep a balanced andhealthy diet.

83. He always __________ after brushing his teeth andwashing his face.

84. The nurse took him to a(n) __________ room fiveminutes ago.

85. To be honest, you shouldn’t __________ her help.

Ⅺ. 基础写作(包括A、B 两部分,A 部分5 分,B 部分10 分,共计15分)

A) 连词成句(共5 小题,每小题1分,计5 分)


86. any, he, medicine, need, take


87. you, food, what, do, of, like, kind


88. not, tell, afraid, to, him, be


89. hurt, my, how, now, tooth, much


90. the, Friday, Rose, to, last, dentist, go


B) 书面表达(计10分)

91. 假如你是刘梅,升入九年级后,你的学习和生活都发生了很大的变化。请你根据下表提示给你在美国的笔友玛丽亚(Maria)写一封电子邮件,介绍一下你最

要求:1. 须包括以上所有要点;

2. 60~80 词。邮件的开头、结尾和格式已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Maria,

I’m in Grade 9 this term. My life has changed a lotthese days.

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

What about you? Please e-mail me soon!


Liu Mei


Ⅰ. 1-5 BACCA

Ⅱ. 6-10 BCBCB

Ⅲ. 11-13 BCC 14-15 CA 16-18 CCB

Ⅳ. 19-21 BAC 22-25 ACCB

Ⅴ. 26-30 BADCA 31-35 CDDCD 36-40 BDBAA41-45 BABCD

Ⅵ. 46-50 BCADB 51-55 CADBC

Ⅶ. 56-60 CBCDA 61-65 CABAA 66-70 DACBD

Ⅷ. 71. Pay attention 72. Taking notes

73. test dates 74. plan 75. Ask for help

Ⅸ. 76. learn the language

77. Something fun that we want to read.

78. language

79. However, I have found a few things that havereally helped me to improve


80. 而且你可以写下有用的词语和句子,或者试着复述他们的话。

Ⅹ. 81. Fortunately 82. needs 83. gets dressed

84. examination 85. refuse

Ⅺ. A) 86. Need he take any medicine

87. What kind of food do you like

88. Tell him not to be afraid

89. How much my teeth hurt now / How muchmy tooth hurts now

90. Rose went to the dentist last Friday

B) 91. One possible version:

Dear Maria,

I’m in Grade 9 this term. My life has changed a lotthese days. I used to have less homework and my lifewas easy. But it’s different now. I have a lot ofhomework. I’m very busy. I used to take part inmany activities after school. But now I have to study

all the time and sometimes even stay up late. I havegiven up my hobbies. On weekends, I used to spenda lot of time with my family and friends. I had agreat time. But now I have to take classes


What about you? Please e-mail me soon!


Liu Mei

Unit 1 Stay Healthy (Lessons 4-6)



Ⅴ. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1 分,计20分)


( )26. We should be friendly to ______ disabled.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. 不填

( )27. —Is this Susan’s bike?

—No. ______ is under the tree.

A. She

B. She’s

C. Her

D. Hers

( )28. He gets ______ the habit of reading after supper.

A. to

B. in

C. on

D. into

( )29. I often talk with my parents ______ they canunderstand me better.

A. now that

B. so that

C. once

D. while

( )30. Unfortunately, ______ fishes have died as aresult of pollution.

A. three thousands

B. thousand of

C. three thousand of

D. thousands of

( )31. Your friend and you are in different cities. Youcan talk by ______.

A. telephone

B. headset

C. public

D. law

( )32. I had appendicitis last month. The doctor______ my appendix.

A. took off

B. took away

C. took out

D. took down

( )33. I don’t dare ______ there alone. Could you gowith me?

A. go

B. going

C. to go

D. goes

( )34. Listen! ______ is singing in the next room.

A. Somebody

B. Anybody

C. Everybody

D. Nobody

( )35. The price of the book ______. I don’t knowhow much it is.

A. mentions

B. doesn’t mention

C. is mentioned

D. isn’t mentioned

( )36. I’m thirsty. I’d like some water ______.

A. drink

B. to drink

C. drinking

D. drunk

( )37. Hi, Tom! Go to bed, please! You look so______.

A. sleep

B. sleepy

C. slept

D. sleeping

( )38. There are ______ fresh fruits and vegetables inhis diet. They’re good for his health.

A. plenty of

B. so much

C. few

D. little

( )39. ______ pity it is that he lost his job!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. How a

( )40. If you feel terrible, you ______ right away.

A. need stop running

B. should stop running

C. need stop to run

D. should stop to run

( )41. I’m feeling much ______. This medicine reallyworks.

A. well

B. ill

C. better

D. worse

( )42. His parents often watch their son ______basketball.

A. play

B. to play

C. plays

D. playing

( )43. You ______ a happy life if you think aboutgood things.

A. live

B. are living

C. have lived

D. will live

( )44. —______ can she answer the special telephone?

—Ju st by saying“hello”.

A. How

B. What

C. Why

D. When

( )45. Smoking is bad for your health. You should______ take that risk.

A. always

B. still

C. never

D. even

Ⅵ. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1 分,计10分)


Thanksgiving Day was near. The first gradeteacher asked 46 students to draw a picture ofsomething that they were thankful for. Peoplecelebrated the holiday 47 turkey and othertraditional foods of the season. So, most of herstudents’pictures were about them.

48, Peter drew a different kind of picture. Peterwas a different kind of boy. He always looked sad.When asked to draw a picture of something that he wasthankful for, he drew a 49. Other students were allvery interested in the picture. Whose hand could it be?One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, becausefarmers feed 50. Another thought it was the hand of apoliceman, because the police 51 and care for people.Still others guessed it was the hand of God ... Thediscussion went on until the teacher almost 52 theyoung artist.

During the break, all children ran out of theclassroom except Peter. The teacher came toPeter’s 53, bent (俯身) down, and asked him whosehand it was. The little boy 54 and said in a low voice,“It’s yours, teacher.”

She remembered the times she took his hand andwalked with him here or there. She 55 said,“Takemy hand, Peter. Let’s go outside.”or“Let me showyou how to use your pencil.”

( )46. A. hisB. her C. our D. my

( )47. A. at B. in C. for D. with

( )48. A. Anyway B. ThenC. However D. Instead

( )49. A. head B. farmerC. handD. policeman

( )50. A. sheep B. cows C. pigs D. turkeys

( )51. A. punish B. protectC. catch D. call

( )52. A. admired B. noticedC. forgot D. found

( )53. A. desk B. classroomC. house D. school

( )54. A. gave up B. dressed upC. looked up D. stayed up

( )55. A. stillB. even C. often D. never

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2 分,计30分)

阅读A、B、C 三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Karen, a middle school student, asked herclassmates, “How does your family support

A. Her mom.

B. Her dad.

C. Her sister.

D. Her brother.

( )57. How does Jake's family support each other?

A. By communicating.

B. By giving presents.

C. By going out together.

D. By giving smiles and advice.

( )58. Robert's school life is _______.

A. exciting

B. colorful

C. stressful

D. busy

( )59. How many students' families support eachother by cheering up?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three

D. Four.

( )60.We might read this material in a _______.

A. notice

B. diary

C. magazine

D. dictionary


Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is afantastic city for tourists. During the month of August,the number of tourists always increases quickly. Theycome to enjoy the Edinburgh Festival.

The Edinburgh Festival is an amazing time to visitthe city. For around four weeks, the city has lots of artsand cultural festivals. Artists and performers come toshow their talents. There are shows for children, youngpeople and adults. There are shows for people of alltastes: dance shows, music concerts, photography andart exhibitions (展览), plays and more.

Whatever you like you can find something to see.And at whatever time of day, you can watch what youwant: the first shows start at 9 a.m., and the last finishat around 2 a.m. Some shows at the festival can be alittle expensive but many are very cheap, and lots arecompletely free.

For those who cannot decide what to see, there arelots of shows on the Royal Mile. It's Edinburgh's mainstreet for tourists. There are always singers, actors and

musicians offering free shows to the crowds.

Thousands of tourists from all over the world go tothe Edinburgh Festival. The festival also attracts manyperformers. So you can meet many interesting people.

For many performers, the Edinburgh Festival can be thestart of their career ( 职业生涯). For example, actorRowan Atkinson (most well-known for playingMr. Bean) began his career at the Edinburgh Festival.

Edinburgh is a fantastic and fun city to visit allyear round. However, if you plan to visit it, the city is atits best in August.

( )61. The Edinburgh Festival lasts for about _______.

A. a week

B. a month

C. two weeks

D. two months

( )62. When can we see shows in the EdinburghFestival?

A. At 3 a.m.

B. At 6 a.m.

C. At 8 a.m.

D. At 10 a.m.

( )63. Paragraph 4 mainly talks about _______.

A. the shows on the Royal Mile

B. Edinburgh's main street

C. different performers

D. free shows

( )64. What does the underlined word“attracts” inParagraph 5 mean in Chinese?

A. 资助

B. 保护

C. 培训

D. 吸引

( )65. What's the writer's purpose of writing thispassage?

A. To tell people about places of interest inEdinburgh.

B. To encourage people to go to the EdinburghFestival.

C. To show people how important theEdinburgh Festival is.

D. To ask people to show their talents in theEdinburgh Festival.


Every year on March 17, Irish people all aroundthe world celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day.

The day started as a day to remember Patrick. Hewas born in England in the fourth century but becamethe patron saint (主保圣人) of Ireland. No one really

knows much about Saint Patrick’s life but there aremany stories. One of the stories goes like this:

WhenPatrick was sixteen, he was taken to Ireland and spentsix years there before going back to England. InEngland, he became a Christian (基督徒) and later hewent back to Ireland to help the poor. He set up schoolsand churches, and taught the Irish about the Christianreligion. Over the following centuries, Patrick becameIreland’s patron saint.

On Saint Patrick’s Day, Iri sh families usually weargreen clothing and go to churches in the morning andcelebrate in the afternoon. They would dance, drink andeat traditional Irish food. And there is usually a SaintPatrick’s Day parade.

The first Saint Patrick’s Day parade didn’t tak eplace in Ireland, but in the United States. Irish soldiersin the United States walked through New York City on

March 17, 1762. The parade helped the Irish soldiers toremember their homes and families, and to meet otherIrish soldiers in the United States.

Today, Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated by peoplein the United States, Canada and Australia. SaintPatrick’s Day is also celebrated in other places far fromIreland, including Japan, Singapore and Russia.

( )66. Where was Patrick born?

A. In Ireland.

B. In England.

C. In the United States.

D. In Canada.

( )67. Patrick became the patron saint of Ireland______.

A. shortly after he was born

B. when he was 16

C. when he was 22

D. after he became a Christian

( )68. What colour clothing do Irish families usuallywe ar on Saint Patrick’s Day?

A. Red.

B. Yellow.

C. Green.

D. Blue.

( )69. When did the first Saint Patrick’s Day paradetake place?

A. In the fourth century.

B. In the fourteenth century.

C. In 1672.

D. In 1762.

( )70. What can we learn about Saint Patrick’s Day?

A. It is celebrated on March 7 every year.

B. It started as a day to remember Irish soldiers.

C. It is popular with people in many countries.

D. It is not celebrated in Asia.



Ⅸ. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2 分,计10分)

阅读短文,并按要求完成76~80 题。

Samantha Hunt wants to make the world a betterplace. She uses her drawings of butterflies to raisemoney to help people.

It all started when Samantha learned that herbrothers have food allergies (过敏反应). They becomereally sick when they eat certain foods, including e ggs.“I decided to raise money for allergy research,”explains Samantha. She asked her momif she could sellsome of her drawings. Her mom thought it was a greatidea and advised to print the artwork on T-shirts.Samantha sold the T-shirts and raised almost $2,000 tohelp kids with food allergies.

A few years later, Samantha drew specialbutterflies for an art competition.“I took part in an

artcompetition with the theme‘Together We Can',”saysSamantha. “The theme made me think about doingsomething for cancer research and I thought butterflieslooked nice for the theme.”

Samantha won the first prize! Samantha says,

“Everyone liked the butterflies so much. I thought thedrawing may raise money for cancer research in someway.”

Samantha had one of her butterflies made into acar magnet (车贴) and started selling the

_______through stores and a website. Soon, she started seeingherbutterfly magnets on cars around town. Samantha'sbutterflies are flying around the country, too. “It'sabout 10 states now,”says Samantha.

Last year, Samantha took part in the Long Island 2Day Walk for cancer research. Once again, she raisedmoney with her butterflies. People who supported herbought her magnets online. All of the money was usedfor cancer research.

Samantha is thinking about creating key chains (链子) to sell now — with butterflies on them, of course!

76 题完成句子;77 题简略回答问题;78 题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的答题线上;79 题找出并写下全文的主题句;80 题将文中画线句子译成


76. Samantha decided to sell her drawings to_____________________ for allergy research.

77. What did Samantha draw for an art competition?


78. ______________________________________________________________

79. ______________________________________________________________

80. ______________________________________________________________

Ⅹ. 词语运用(共5小题,每小题1 分,计5分)

82. Tom always __________ his lessons and he doeswell in them.

83. Second-hand smoke is __________ to other people.

84. We all need __________ ourselves when we’reangry.

85. __________ of students hope to study in foreigncountries.

Ⅺ. 基础写作(包括A、B 两部分,A 部分5 分,B 部分10 分,共计15分)

A) 连词成句(共5 小题,每小题1分,计5 分)


86. wheelchair, is, hers, this


87. did, it, out, when, take, you


88. the, from, bad, all, stay, habits, away


89. law, important, are, what, they


90. a, father, kick, Mike, his, with, is, ball


B) 书面表达(计10分)

91. 假如你是马宁,昨天收到英国朋友Jack 的来信。Jack 在信中说他经常生病,不知道如何才能保持健康。请你根据以下提示给Jack 回一封信,告诉他一些

保持健康的方法。词数: 60~80。


(1) 每天要有充足的睡眠;

(2) 饮食要均衡,多吃水果和蔬菜;

(3) 坚持锻炼;

(4) 多喝水;

(5) 睡觉前喝一杯牛奶。









Ⅰ. 1-5 CCBAC Ⅱ. 6-10 ABBCB

Ⅲ. 11-13 BCA 14-15 AB 16-18 ABA

Ⅳ. 19-21 BCA 22-25 CBCC

Ⅴ. 26-30 CDDBD 31-35 ACCAD 36-40 BBABB

41-45 CADAC

Ⅵ. 46-50 BDCCD 51-55 BCACC

Ⅶ. 56-60 BADBC 61-65 BDADB 66-70 BDCDC

Ⅷ. 71. scary and fun 72. Europe

73. October 31st 74. Black and orange

75. trick-or-treating

Ⅸ. 76. raise money 77. Special butterflies.

78. magnets

79. She uses her drawings of butterflies to raisemoney to help people.

80. 所有的钱都用于癌症研究了。

Ⅹ. 81. unable 82. focuses on 83. harmful

84. to control 85. Millions

Ⅺ. A) 86. Is this wheelchair hers

87. When did you take it out

88. Stay away from all the bad habits

89. What important laws they are

90. Mike is kicking a ball with his father

B) 91. One possible version:

Dear Jack,

I am sorry to hear that you often get sick.Let me give you some advice about how to stayhealthy. First, get enough sleep every day. Second,have a balanced diet. You should eat more fruit andvegetables. Third, get lots of exercise every day, andtry not to be lazy. Fourth, drink more water. Finally,You’d better drink a glass of milk before you go tobed. I hope my advice will be

helpful to you.

Good luck!


Ma Ning

Unit 2 Great People (Lessons 7-9)



Ⅴ. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1 分,计20分)


( )26. Mr. Smith is ______ neighbour of mine. He’sreally friendly.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. 不填

( )27. I’m sure that you’ll succeed ______ solvingthe problem.

A. on

B. with

C. in

D. about

( )28. —What’s the ______ of the word?

—Sorry.You’d better look it up in the dictionary.

A. purpose

B. meaning

C. field

D. dialogue

( )29. In China, people lived a hard life ______.

A. at the 1950

B. in the 1950

C. at the 1950s

D. in the 1950s

( )30. Mo Yan became famous ______ he won the2012 Nobel Prize in Literature.

A. if

B. though

C. after

D. while

( )31. Since then, Peter ______ in the small town as adoctor.

A. works

B. worked

C. will work

D. has worked

( )32. Everyone should try their best ______ theenvironment.

A. protect

B. to protect

C. protecting

D. protects

( )33. If Tom ______ tomorrow, I will drive to pickhim up.

A. comes

B. will come

C. is coming

D. has come

( )34. What do you think of the movie? Is there_____?

A. something interesting

B. anything interesting

C. interesting something

D. interesting anything

( )35. Physics ______ one of the most importantsubjects at school.

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have

( )36. Sugar ______ in the north of China.

A. produces

B. produced

C. is produced

D. was produced

( )37. It’s a pity that the old man ______ thismorning.We all feel so sad.

A. put away

B. took away

C. passed away

D. sent away

( )38. —______ have you done with the food?

—I’ve fed it to the dog.

A. Where

B. Why

C. How

D. What

( )39. It’s said that they ______ two months buildingthe bridge.

A. took

B. cost

C. spent

D. paid

( )40. Look! Mary, together with her classmates,______ on the street now.

A. survey

B. surveys

C. is surveying

D. are surveying

( )41. Good questions! But they are really difficult______.

A. to answer

B. answering

C. answer

D. answered

( )42. Your apple is as ______ as hers.

A. big

B. bigger

C. biggest

D. the biggest

( )43. The success of the show made Mr. Lin ______.

A. was a famous man

B. to be famous

C. being famous

D. a famous man

( )44. Anyone ______ doesn’t work hard won’tsucceed.

A. which

B. what

C. whose

D. that

( )45. My father reads a magazine ______ he goes tosleep.

A. after

B. before

C. because

D. as

Ⅵ. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1 分,计10分)


On a Saturday morning, I went camping in GreenNatural Park with some friends. We were happybecause it was a sunny day. All the way there, we sang

songs and made jokes.

46, in the afternoon, when we finished ourpicnic at one o'clock, it became dark and windy. Soon,it started to rain. Unluckily, none of us brought a(n) 47.We ranabout but couldn't find any places to 48.

Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining.There was a long way to go 49 we reached thecampsite ( 野营地). It was 50 worse because ourcompass (指南针) showed that we went the wrong way.

We had to make a quick 51 because it wasraining heavily. Chris said we could set up a tent to hidein, so Mary and Tom 52 to set up the tent. Chris and Itried to make a fire to keep us warm. But we were notable to light the fire, becauseeverything was 53 . Wedried ourselves, talked and waited inside the tent. At

about five o'clock, it stopped raining. We decided to54the camping trip because all of us were very tired.

This camping trip might not be very 55 but wegot to know each other better. And the most importantthing I've learned from this trip is the importance ofteam spirit.

( )46. A. Instead B. UsuallyC. Luckily D. However

( )47. A. tent B. book C. umbrellaD. coat

( )48. A. live B. eat C. hide D. sleep

( )49. A. afterB. before C. since D. when

( )50. A. nearly B. hardly C. still D. even

( )51. A. decision B. call C. wish D. change

( )52. A. continued B. beganC. forgot D. refused

( )53. A. wet B. dry C. dark D. bright

( )54. A. take upB. get up C. give up D. put up

( )55. A. useful B. successfulC. truthful D. helpful

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2 分,计30分)

阅读A、B、C 三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选



Philip Stead is achildren's book writer andillustrator ( 插图画家) fromAmerica. Here is an interviewwith him.

Reporter: How did you getstarted as a writer and illustrator?

Stead: I have always liked to draw. I began drawing atthe age of 3. When I was a kid, I spent all my freetime drawing. In high school art class, I realizedthat Iwanted to be a book illustrator. Reporter: Where do you work?

Stead: My wife, Erin, and I live and work in a100-year-old barn (谷仓) in Michigan. Erin is anillustrator, too. We ask each other for advice all thetime. We help each other.

Sometimes, we makebooks together.

Reporter: How do you get ideas?

Stead: I get ideas from real people, animals and objectsin my life. My dog, Wednesday, will be in a newbook. Most of my stories begin with a drawing,and then I make a story from that. Reporter: What do you like to draw?

Stead: I love to draw animals! Bears are my favoriteanimals to draw. I also love to draw elephants andbirds. I go to zoos to study the animals. I watchhow they move. I am not very good at drawinghorses, so I have never done a story about them.

Reporter: How did you get the idea for your new bookSpecial Delivery?

Stead: One night I dreamed that a friend of mine wentto the post office to mail me an elephant.

When Itold the dream to that friend the next day, Irealized right away that it needed to be

a story.

( )56. Philip Stead hoped to be an illustrator ______.

A. before he started school

B. when he was in primary school

C. when he was in high school

D. when he was in college

( )57.“Wednesday”is the name of a ______.

A. book

B. dog

C. barn

D. drawing

( )58. Why has Philip Stead never done a story abouthorses?

A. He doesn't like them.

B. He can't draw them well.

C. He has never seen real horses.

D. He once fell off a horse and got hurt.

( )59. Philip Stead got the idea for his book SpecialDelivery from ______.

A. a dream

B. his wife

C. a friend

D. a postman

( )60. Which of the following is TRUE about PhilipStead?

A. His wife is a farmer.

B. He makes books all by himself.

C. He loves to draw elephants best.

D. He often gets advice from his wife.


Bissell is a village in West Sahara. Before KenLevin discovered it, people here tried many times towalk out of the desert, but they didn't. He askedeveryone, but got the same answer: no matter whichdirection you walk towards, you will return to thestarting point. However, Ken Levin walked northwardsfrom Bissell, and went out of the desert three days anda half later.

Ken Levin wanted to know why, so he asked avillager to be his guide. He didn'ttake his compass andfollowed with only a stick. They walked about 800miles during 10 days. On the morning of the 11th day,they returned to Bissell.

Ken Levin finally understood: the people ofBissell could not walk out because they didn't knowthe Pole Star (北极星). In the desert, if a man goes onlyby hisfeeling, he will walk in circles of all sizes and thefinal footprint will probably be a shape of tape. Thevillage of Bissell was in the middle of the desertwithout areference. So it was impossible to walk outwithout knowing the Pole Star or taking a compass.

When Ken Levin left Bissell, he took a young mannamed Guterl. He told him hecould walk out of thedesert as long as he walked in the direction of the PoleStar in the night.

Guterl followed Ken Levin's advice andsucceeded.

( )61. How long did it take Ken Levin to walk out ofthe desert?

A. Half a day.

B. Three days and a half.

C. Ten days.

D. Eleven days.

( )62. What did Ken Levin take with him on hissecond try?

A. A compass.

B. A tape.

C. A stick.

D. A map.

( )63. What does the underlined word“reference”inParagraph 3 mean in Chinese?

A. 目的地

B. 说明书

C. 指示牌

D. 参照物

( )64. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Guterl became very rich.

B. Guterl walked out of the desert.

C. Guterl left Bissell with Ken Levin.

D. Guterl knew how to use a compass.

( )65. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to find the Pole Star at night.

B. How Ken Levin discovered Bissell.

C. How to tell direction without a compass.

D. How the Pole Star helped Bissell villagerswalk out.


George Washington Carver was born in Missouriin 1864. He liked to garden and he taught himself aboutplants and animals. He wanted to go to school to learnmore. But he could not go to the school nearby becausehe was black. When he was twelve, he left home to goto another school.

A year later, he left for Kansas. WhenGeorgefinished high school in Kansas, he tried to go tocollege there. How ever, the colleges there told him theydidn’t allow black students.

He didn’t give up, though. Instead, he went tocollege in Iowa. There, George learned all aboutfarming. He was the first black student to finish schooland to become a teacher at his college.

In the 1890s, Carver went to Alabama to help thepoor farmers there. These farmers had a big problem.Their cotton crops (棉花作物) were smaller every year,so the farmers had less and less money. Carver knewthat growing the same crop again and again was bad forthe soil. He taught the farmers to add fallen leaves andplants to the soil to help it. He also taught them to plantsweet potatoes and peanuts ( 花生). Carver eveninvented more than a hundred ways to use sweetpotatoes and peanuts!

In 1921, Carver was asked to speak before the U.S.Congress —the country’s lawmakers. After his speech,Congress passed a law to help the U.S. peanut farmers.

Carver became very famous. He could have madelots of money, but he thought helping people was moreimportant, so he spent his life helping others.

( )66. How old was Carver when he left for Kansas?

A. 11.

B. 12

C. 13.

D. 14.

( )67. What did Carver do at his college afterfinishing school?

A. A cleaner.

B. A gardener.

C. A doctor.

D. A teacher.

( )68. What does the underlined word“it”refer to?

A. Alabama.

B. The big problem.

C. Growing the same crop.

D. The soil.

( )69. Who did the law passed after Carver’s speechhelp?

A. The U.S. cotton crop farmers.

B. The U.S. potato farmers.

C. The U.S. peanut farmers.

D. The U.S. tomato farmers.

( )70. Which is the correct order of Carver’s life?

① He studied in a college in Iowa.

② He helped the farmers in Alabama.

③ He studied about plants and animals byhimself.

④ He made a speech before the U.S. Congress.

A. ①②④③

B. ③①②④

C. ①③②④

D. ③④②①



Ⅸ. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2 分,计10分)

阅读短文,并按要求完成76~80 题。

People often shake hands in the United States.American men shake hands with other men.

Americanwomen often shake hands with men, and sometimesthey shake hands with other women. Adults shakehands with children. And some people even teach theirdogs to shake hands! What's the correct way to shakehands? How longshould you shake hands? How hard isjust hard enough? Here are four rules toremember.

▲ Use your right hand.

▲ Use good eye contact ( 交流). Look at the personin the eye while you are shaking hands.

▲ Don't shake hands too long. Shake hands for nomore than three seconds. Then let go and take yourhand back.

▲ Don't shake hands too strongly or too weakly. Whena handshake is weak,Americans think the personmay not be a hard worker or a good leader. When ahandshake is too ________,

Americans think theperson is not polite.

When do people in the United States shakehands? They shake hands when they meet for the firsttime. They shake hands to say congratulations (恭喜).They shake hands when they meet after not seeing eachother for a while. And they often shakehands whenthey say goodbye. In business, shaking hands showsagreement.

Handshakes are good everywhere. It is not politeto refuse a person's hand. So make sure to shake lots ofhands.

76 题完成句子;77 题简略回答问题;78 题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填在下面的答题线上;79 题找出并写下全文的主题句;80题将文中画线句子译成汉语。

76. We can learn from the first paragraph that shakinghands is very_________________ in the


77. How many pieces of advice does the passage giveon how to shake hands correctly?


78. ___________________________________________________________

79. ___________________________________________________________

80. ____________________________________________________________

Ⅹ. 词语运用(共5小题,每小题1 分,计5分)


Think lead go on success introduction

81. Last Friday, Mr. Wang gave us a talk about how tobe __________.

82. Look! Jack is standing there, deep in __________.

83. He __________ to do his homework after he readfor half an hour.

84. This new type of machine was __________ toChina last year.

85. He was one of the greatest __________ in thehistory of China.

Ⅺ. 基础写作(包括A、B 两部分,A 部分5 分,B 部分10 分,共计15分)

A) 连词成句(共5 小题,每小题1分,计5 分)


86. up, have, idea, come, you, with, an


87. the, what, of, is, life, meaning


88. something, it, missing, like, is, seems


89. friendly, are, what, they, neighbour


90. time, then, spent, exercise, since, she, much, has


B) 书面表达(计10分)

91. 请根据以下提示信息以My favourite movie star 为题,用英语写一篇60~80词的短文,可适当发挥。提示信息:

☆ Who is your favourite movie star?

☆ What does he or she look like?

☆ What do you think is his or her best movie?

☆ Why do you like him or her?

My favourite movie star







Ⅰ. 1-5 BACAB Ⅱ. 6-10 CACAA

Ⅲ. 11-13 ABB 14-15 BC 16-18 ACB

Ⅳ. 19-21 ACB 22-25 ABBB

Ⅴ. 26-30 ACBDC 31-35 DBABA 36-40 CCDCC

41-45 AADDB

Ⅵ. 46-50 DCCBD 51-55 ABACB

Ⅶ. 56-60 CBBAD 61-65 BCDBD 66-70 CDDCB

Ⅷ. 71. August 72. family 73. 1991 74. 1875. five

Ⅸ. 76. popular / common 77. 4 / Four.78. strong

79. People often shake hands in the United States.

80. 在生意场上,握手代表达成一致。

Ⅹ. 81. successful 82. thought 83. went on

84. introduced 85. leaders

Ⅺ. A) 86. Have you come up with an idea

87. What is the meaning of life

88. It seems like something is missing

89. What friendly neighbours they are

90. She has spent much time exercising sincethen

B) 91. One possible version:

My favourite movie star

My favourite movie star is Jackie Chan. He haswon many prizes. He is famous not only in China,but also in other countries.Jackie Chan is not very tall. He has black hairand a big nose. His eyes are not big but bright. Healways smiles, especially after he beats bad men.Most of his movies are exciting. I think his bestmovie is Police Story. He often gives money to helppoor people, so I like him very much.

