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a[解释]art.一(个,件,...)[L]He is a rye.(他是个吉卜赛绅士。)
a basin of[解释]一盆 [L]He prepared a basin of hot water to wash his face.(他准备了一盆热水洗脸。)
a bill of fare[解释]菜单;节目单
a bit[解释]有点儿;有一点儿[L]It looks a bit large.(它(衣服)看来有点儿大。)
a bit of[解释]一点
a blanket of...[解释]一片或一页的
a block of[解释]一大块
a bottle of[解释]一瓶
a bowl of...[解释]一碗 [L]He has a bowl of oatmeal porridge for breakfast.(他早餐吃一碗燕麦粥。)
a bridge to knowledge[解释]通向知识的桥梁
a burst of laughter[解释]爆发一阵笑声
a case in point[解释]一个恰当的例子[L]Here is a case in point.(这里有一个很好的例子。) a chemist shop[解释]药店
a chemist's shop[解释]药房
a close game[解释]势均力敌的比赛
a couple of[解释]一对,一双;几个[L]We'll be ready in a couple of ticks.(我们再过一会儿就准备好了。)
a cup of[解释]一杯 ;一(茶)杯[L]He gulped down a cup of tea.(他将一杯茶一饮而尽。) a dolphin trainer[解释]训练海豚的人
a drop of[解释]一滴
a famous singer[解释]著名歌唱家[L]She is a famous singer.(她是位著名的歌星。)
a far cry[解释]遥远的距离
a few[解释]有一些,少数几个;几个,几件;有些,少许,一些[L]Can you spare me a few minutes?(你能为我挪出几分钟时间吗?)
a flower show[解释]花展
a full house[解释]满座
a gas station[解释](汽油)加油站
a glass of[解释]一杯;一(玻璃)杯[L]I'd like a glass of wine.(我想要一杯葡萄酒。)
a good deal[解释]许多,大量; 得多[L]A good deal of adult education is accomplished by the mass media.(成人教育的相当一部分是由大众传播媒介完成的。)
a good deal of[解释]大量的,许多的[L]A good deal of adult education is accomplished by the mass media.(成人教育的相当一部分是由大众传播媒介完成的。)
a good few[解释]相当多,不少
a good many[解释]很多的;相当多的;大量的,许多,大量[L]Mount Vesuvius hasn't erupted for a good many years.(维苏威火山已有许多年没有爆发了。)
a good/great deal of[解释]大量的,许多的
a great amount of[解释]大量的[L]The propulsion of a rocket requires a great amount of energy.(推进火箭需要很大的能量。)
a great deal[解释]大量;非常多地;大量(的),很多,许多[L]We owe a great deal to our parents.(我们深受父母之恩。)
a great deal of[解释]大量的,许多的[L]He has a great deal of money in the bank.(他在银行里有巨额存款。)
a great many[解释]"很多的;相当多的;许多,大量[L]A great many diverse opinions were expressed at the meeting, but none was worthwhile.(许多不同的意见在会议中被提出,却没有一个值得采纳。)"
a great number of[解释]大量
a great/good deal of[解释]大量的,许多的
a great/good many[解释]许多,大量
a group of[解释]一群(组)[L]There appeared a group of aeroplanes in the sky.(天空中出现了机群。)
a hard nut to crack[解释]棘手的问题[L]It's really a hard nut to crack.(这真是一个不易解决的难题。)
a heap of[解释]一大堆
a host of...[解释]许多
a huge quantity of[解释]大量
a jar with a lid[解释]带盖的瓶子
a kind of[解释]一种,某种[L]It's a kind of seaweed.(这是一种海草。)
a large amount of[解释]大量[L]A large amount of amorce was needed.(需要大量的起爆剂。) a large number of[解释]许多的[L]The newspaper has a large number of subscribers.(这份报纸有很多订阅者。)
a little[解释]少许,一点点;一点儿;一点;少量;一些,稍[L]He felt a little better.(他感觉好了点。) a lot[解释]许多,大量,很多[L]He drank a lot of beer.(他喝了大量的啤酒。)
a lot of[解释]大量;许多 ;非常;大量的,很多的[L]He drank a lot of beer.(他喝了大量的啤酒。) a matter of[解释]关于 的问题;大约[L]This is a matter of secondary.(这是件次要的问题。) a moment ago[解释]刚才;不久以前
a moment later[解释]片刻之后
a monument with seagull[解释]海鸥纪念碑
a number of[解释]许多,若干;一些[L]A number of schools of fisheries have been established.(许多渔业技术学校已经建立。)
a pack of[解释]一包[L]He used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.(他过去经常一天抽一包香烟。)
a packet of[解释]一包;一捆[L]He bought a packet of cigarettes.(他买了一包香烟。)
a pair of[解释]一双 ;一对,一双[L]She wore a pair of mittens.(她戴了一副露指长手套。) a pair of trousers[解释]一条裤子
a party of[解释]一伙,一批[L]She showed a party of tourists round the museum.(她引领一个旅游团参观博物馆。)
a phone call[解释]一个电话
a piece of[解释]一片,一张;一张(片,块, )[L]It's a piece of sage advice.(这是个明智的忠告。) a pile of[解释]一堆[L]A pile of dirty clothes lay by the washing machine.(洗衣机旁有一堆脏衣服。)
a place of interest[解释]名胜
a point of view[解释]观点,着眼点
a private bathroom[解释]专用的浴室
a relay race[解释]接力赛跑
a row of[解释]一排
a series of[解释]一系列,一连串[L]A series of wet days spoiled our vacation.(一连串的下雨天把
a series of...[解释]一系列的 [L]A series of wet days spoiled our vacation.(一连串的下雨天把我们的假期弄得一团糟。)
a set of...[解释]一套 [L]We have a set of table glass.(我们有一套玻璃餐具。)
a short cut[解释]近路,捷径
a slip of paper[解释]一个纸条
a sort of[解释]一种;可说是 的东西
a spectrum of[解释]连续的,连串的
a sum of money[解释]一笔钱
a teacher of english[解释]一位英语教师
a telephone call[解释]一个电话
a type of[解释]一种类型的
a variety of[解释]种种,各种[L]He has a variety of interests.(他有多种爱好。)
a waste of[解释]"浪费;白费[L]""""I'm afraid it was a waste of time,"""" Fred said.(“恐怕这是浪费时间,”弗雷德说。)"
a.m[解释] (缩)上午,午前;ad. 上午,由午夜至中午[L]Our classes usually begin at 8 a.m.(我们的课程通常在上午八点开始。)
aback[解释]"ad. 向后地,朝后地[J]前缀:a 表示 in,on,at,by,with,to等义[L]He was taken aback when he saw the big monster.(看到这个巨大的怪物时, 他吓了一跳。)"
abandon[解释]vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃[J]尤其要 * 记住GRE中常考的“放纵”一义(abandoned behaviour)~[L]He should abandon this deadly habit.(他应当戒掉这个恶习。)
abandoned[解释]a. 被抛弃的;无约束的[L]He finally abandoned his reformist ideas.(他终于放弃了自己的改良主义思想。)
abandoned property[解释]废弃财产
abandonment[解释]"n. 放弃,自暴自弃,放纵"
abandonment charges[解释]废弃费用
abandonment clause[解释]委付条费
abase[解释]v. 贬抑,使卑下
abase[解释]"v. 降低;贬抑,使卑下[J]前缀:a 表示加强意义[L]The leader's refusal to abase himself before his followers irritated the king.(这位首领拒绝在他的部下面前低三下四,这使得皇帝很恼火。)"
abasement[解释]"n. 贬抑,屈辱,谦卑"
abash[解释]v. 使局促不安;使羞愧,使窘迫
abashed[解释]"adj.(在人前) 感觉羞愧的,局促不安的"
abate[解释]v. 减轻,降低[J]a+bate(走,打)→走下去→减轻 * 同根词:rebate(回扣)~*前缀:a 表示加强意义[L]The doctor gave him some medicine to abate the pain.(那医生给他一些蕴含以减轻痛苦。)
abate a price[解释]还价
abatement[解释]"n. 减少,减轻,缓和"
abbe[解释]"n. 大修道院院长,僧侣,神父"
abbess[解释]"n. 女修道院院长,女庵主持"
abbey[解释]n. 修道院[L]Monks live in abbeys.(修道士们住在修道院里。)
abbot[解释]"n. 修道院院长,方丈,住持"
abbreviate[解释]"vt. 缩写,使...简略,缩短"
abbreviate[解释]"vt. 缩写,省略[L]""""Post Office"""" is often abbreviated to """"P.O."""".(""""Post Office""""常被缩写成""""P.O.""""。)"
abbreviation[解释]"n.节略,缩写,缩短[J]ab+brev(短)+iation * 同根词:brevity(简短)~.*后缀:ion 构成抽象名词,表示行为,行为的结果[L]""""Mr."""" is the abbreviation of """"Mister"""".(""""Mr.""""是""""Mister""""的缩写。)"
abc code[解释]abc商业密码
abdicate[解释]v. 让位,辞职,放弃[J]ab+dic(说话,命令)+ate→不再命令→退位 * 同根词:dictator(命令者,独裁者)~[L]Did the king abdicate or was he deposed?(那个国王是自己放弃王位还是被废的?)
abdication[解释]"n. 逊位,弃权,辞职[J]后缀:ion 构成抽象名词,表示行为,行为的结果[L]Do you know the reason of King Edward the 8th's abdication?(你知道英王爱德华八世放弃王位的原因吗?)"
abdomen[解释]n. 腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部份)[L]The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.(那位有身孕的妇人有增大的下腹。)
abdominal[解释]"a. 腹部的,腹式呼吸,开腹手术[L]He is suffering from abdominal pains.(他正受腹痛之苦。)"
abduct[解释]v. 绑架,拐走[J]ab+duct(引导)→把人带走→绑架。 * 同根词:viaduct(高架桥)~[L]He abducted a boy for ransom.(他绑架了个小男孩以勒索赎金。)
abe[解释]艾贝(人名)[L]Abe is very fond of golf; he feels it is his chief raison d' etre.(亚伯非常喜欢打高尔夫球,并认为那是他生存的主要原因。)
abeam[解释]ad. 向着船舷
abed[解释]ad. 在床上
aberrant[解释]adj. 脱离常轨的;越轨的,异常的
aberration[解释]"n. 越轨,光行差,心理失常,色差"
abet[解释]v. 教唆,协助(罪犯)[L]He abetted the thief in robbing the bank.~*He abetted the thief in robbing the bank.(他伙同那个窃贼抢劫银行。)
abettor[解释]n. 唆使者
abeyance[解释]n. 中止,暂搁[L]The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival.~ abhor[解释]v. 憎恨,嫌恶[J]ab+hor(恨,怕)组成。 * 同根词:horrible(可怕的)~[L]Most people abhor the criminal of kidnapping the children.(大部分的人憎恶绑架儿童的罪犯。) abhorrence[解释]n. 痛恨
abhorrence[解释]n. 厌恶;憎恶
abhorrence of[解释]厌恶,痛恨
abhorrent[解释]adj. 可恨的,可厌的[L]He is abhorrent of violence.(他厌恶暴力。)
abide[解释]vt.遵守 vt.忍受[J]abide=tolerate,和词组abide by(遵守)意义不同~*前缀:a 表示加强意义[L]How could they abide each other?(他们两个人怎么能相安无事?)
abide by[解释]遵守(法律等);信守;固定[L]Both parties will abide by the contract.(双方均应遵守契约。)
ability[解释]"n.能力;能耐,本领[J]后缀:ility 表示性质,状态,情况[L]He is a man of great ability.(他是位能力很强的人。)"
ability-to-pay principle[解释]纳税能力原则
abject[解释]adj. 极可怜的,卑屈的[J]ab+ject(抛扔)→抛掉的→可怜的 * 同根词:reject(抛弃,拒绝)~[L]He is an abject coward.(他是个可鄙的懦夫。)
abjure[解释]v. 誓绝,弃绝[J]ab+jure(发誓)→发誓去掉→弃绝 * 同根词:perjury(伪誓,伪证)~[L]He abjured his allegiance to the king.(他发誓不再效忠皇帝。)
ablaze[解释]"a. 着火的,闪亮的,激昂的"
able[解释]adj.有能力的;能干的[L]We hoped that we should be able to do that.(我们希望我们能这样做。)
ablution[解释]n. (宗教的)净礼,沐浴[J]ab+lut(冲,洗)+ion→沐浴 * 同根词:antediluvian(史前的,大洪水以前的,luv=lut)~[L]His daily ablutions were always accompanied by loud noise.(他每天洗澡时总会听到喧杂的噪声。)
ably[解释]"ad. 能干地,巧妙地"
abnegation[解释]n. 克己,自制[J]ab+neg(反对,否认)+ation→反对自己放纵→克制 * 同根词:negative(消极的,否认的)~
abnormal[解释]"a.不正常的;变态的[J]ab+norm(标准)+al→不正常的,注意比较:anomaly(反常)~*后缀:al 表示属于...的,具有...性质的,如...的[L]I could not stand your abnormal amour.(我受不了你的不正常的爱。)"
abnormal depreciation[解释]特别折旧,异常折旧
abnormal profit[解释]超额利润
abnormality[解释]"n. 反常;变态[J]后缀:ity 构成抽象名词,表示情况及其他[L]The girl was scared by the man's abnormality.(这个女孩被这个男人的变态吓坏了。)"
aboard[解释]"adv.上船(飞机、车)[J]前缀:a 表示 in,on,at,by,with,to等义[L]They helicoptered the man aboard the ship.(他们用直升飞机把这人送到船上。)"
abode[解释]n. 住处,住所[J]不要和adobe(土坯)相混~
abolish[解释]vt.废除,取消[J]前缀:a 表示加强意义[L]Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished.(不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。)
abolition[解释]"n. 废除,革除[J]由动词abolish(废除)而来。(the abolition of slavery)~*后缀:ion 构成抽象名词,表示行为,行为的结果[L]Have the slaves really got freedom after the abolition of slavery?(奴隶制废除以后, 奴隶们真的获得了自由吗?)"
abolitionist[解释]"n. 废除主义者,废奴主义者"
abominable[解释]"adj. 可厌的,天气极坏的[J]后缀:able 表示可...的,能...的,或有某种性质的
[L]Murder is the most abominable crime.(谋杀是最可恶的犯罪行为。)"
abominate[解释]v. 痛恨;痛恶
abomination[解释]"n. 憎恨,痛恶,可憎的事物"
aboriginal[解释]n. 原始居民,土著
aborigine[解释]n. 土著居民
aborigines[解释]"n. 土人,原住民,土生生物"
abort[解释]v. & n. 中断,故障
abortion[解释]"n. 流产,堕胎,失败,夭折"
abortion[解释]" n. 流产,堕胎;(计划、工程等的)中途失败;中止[J]后缀:ion 构成抽象名词,表示行为,行为的结果[L]Abortion is illegal in some countries.(在某些国家堕胎是违法的。)" abortive[解释]"adj. 无结果的,失败的[J]ab+or=ori(产生)+ive→没有产生→无结果的 * 同根词:oriental(东方的,上升的)~[L]He tried upon the lock, but each attempt proved abortive.(他企图把锁撬开, 但一次一次都失败了。)"
abound[解释]v. 充满,富于[J]注意abundant(富裕的) * [L]Wild animals abound in this park.~*Fish abound in the waters off Newfoundland.(离开芬兰的海水中有很多鱼。)
abound in[解释]盛产,富于,充满;多,富有[L]Fish abound in the waters off Newfoundland.(离开芬兰的海水中有很多鱼。)
abound with[解释]充满,多,富有
about[解释]prep.关于;在 周围[L]What are you gabbing about?(你们在聊什么?)
above[解释]prep.在 上面;高于[L]The sun rose above the horizon.(太阳从地平线升起。) above all[解释]首先;首要;尤其是;最重要的[L]Above all the artillery was the deciding factor in the battle.(在战争中大炮是最重要的决定因素。)
above norm[解释]限额以上
above par[解释]超过票面价值
aboveboard[解释]ad. & a. 照直,公开的
above-mentioned[解释]adj. 上述的;以上提到的
above-the-line expenditure[解释]经常预算支出
abrade[解释]v. 磨损,擦伤[J]ab+rade(磨擦),ras=rad * 同根词:erase(擦掉)~*前缀:a 表示加强意义[L]The skin of her leg was abraded by the sharp rocks.(她腿上的皮肤被锐利的岩石擦伤了。)
abraham lincoln[解释]亚伯拉罕·林肯[L]Abraham Lincoln was a great statesman.(林肯是一位非常伟大的政治家。)
abrasion[解释]n. 表面,磨损
abrasion of coin[解释]铸币磨损
abreast[解释]"ad. 并肩地,相并地"
abridge[解释]v. 删减,缩短[J]a+bri(d)g=brev(短)→弄短→删减联想 * 记忆:a+bridge,一座桥把路缩短了~
Abridgment[解释]n. 删节,节本
abroad[解释]"ad.(在)国外;到处[J]前缀:a 表示 in,on,at,by,with,to等义[L]I'm going to study abroad.(我打算出国留学。)"
abrogate[解释]v. 废止,废除[J]ab+rog(问)+ate→不再问→废除 * 同根词:interogative(审问的)~
abrogation[解释]n. 取消,废除
abrupt[解释]"a. 突然的,唐突的,无礼的,不连贯的[L]The abrupt change of schedule gave me lots of trouble.(日程突然改变给我造成许多麻烦。)"
abruptly[解释]adv. 突然地;突然;粗鲁地
abscess[解释]"n. 脓疮,溃疡"
abscess[解释]n. 脓肿[L]The doctor lances an abscess.(医生用刺血针刺破一脓疮。)
abscond[解释]潜逃,逃亡[J]abs(离开)+cond(藏起来)。 * 同根词:condiment(调味品→把坏味道藏起来)~[L]The criminal absconded to avoid arrest.(这个罪犯为躲避被捕潜逃了。) absence[解释]"n.缺席,不在场;缺乏[L]You can talk with my deputy during my absence.(我不在时, 你可与我的代理人谈。)"
absence debtor[解释]失踪债务人
absent[解释]"a.不在场的;缺乏的[J]前缀:ab 离去,相反,不[L]He is absent because he is ill.(他因病缺席。)"
absent from[解释]不在,缺席
absentee[解释]"n. 缺席者,未上班者,不在者"
absently[解释]ad. 心不在焉地
absent-minded[解释]adj. 心不在焉的[L]He looks at the blackboard absent-minded.(他心不在焉地看着黑板。)
absolute[解释]a.绝对的;纯粹的[L]His story was an absolute lie.(他所述的是十足的谎言。) absolute advantage[解释]绝对优势
absolute assignment[解释]绝对转让
absolute contraband[解释]绝对禁运品
absolute cost advantage[解释]绝对成本优势
absolute liability[解释]绝对赔偿责任
absolute par[解释]绝对平价
absolute par exchange[解释]绝对汇兑平价
absolutely[解释]ad.完全地;绝对地[L]She is absolutely a tigress.(她简直是个母老虎。) absolution[解释]n. 赦免,免除
absolution[解释]"n. 赦免,免除[J]后缀:ion 构成抽象名词,表示行为,行为的结果[L]The priest pronounced his absolution from sin.(神父免除了他的罪。)"
absolve[解释]"vt. 宣告...无罪,赦免,免除[L]The judge absolved the man of the crime .(法官赦免了他的罪。)"
absorb[解释]vt.吸收;使专心[L]Cotton gloves absorb sweat.(棉手套吸汗。)
absorb idle funds[解释]吸收游资
absorb to[解释]不合理,荒唐
absorbent[解释]a. 能吸收的
absorbing[解释]"a. 吸引人的,非常有趣的[L]That was an absorbing book. It held my interest from beginning to end. (这是一本极有趣的书,从头到尾都让我感到兴致勃勃。)"
absorption[解释]n.吸收;专注[L]Complete absorption in sport interfered with his studies.(全心专注于运动妨碍了他的学业。)
absorption capacity[解释]承受损失能力
abstain[解释]"v. 自动戒绝,抑制[J]abs(不)+tain(拿住)→不拿住→放弃 * 同根词:retain(保留)~*前缀:ab 离去,相反,不[L]He was kidnapped after refusing to abstain from politics.(他拒绝退出政界后被人绑架了。)"
abstain from[解释]戒除,弃权,避开[L]He was kidnapped after refusing to abstain from politics.(他拒绝退出政界后被人绑架了。)
abstemious[解释]"adj. 有节制的,节俭的[J]abs+tem(酒)+ious→不喝酒→节制的tem来自拉丁文temetum=mead(蜜酒)~*后缀:ious (形容词词尾)表示属于...的,有...性质的[L]His abstemious habit helps him to lose weight.(他那有节制的饮食习惯有助于他减肥。)" abstinence[解释]"n. 节制,禁欲,戒酒"
abstract[解释]adj.抽象的;深奥的[J]abs+tract(拉)→从文章中拉出→摘要 * 同根词:intractable(倔强的)~[L]Some people say beauty itself is abstract. Do you agree?(有些人认为美本身是抽象的. 你同意吗?)
abstract of account[解释]帐目摘要
abstract of title[解释]产权说明
abstract painting[解释]抽象画
abstracted[解释]adj. 心不在焉的
abstraction[解释]"n. 抽象化,心不在焉,提炼,抽象派作品[J]后缀:ion 构成抽象名词,表示行为,行为的结果[L]Don't lose yourself in abstractions.(不要沉迷在幻想中。)"
abstruse[解释]adj. 难懂的,深奥的
abstruse[解释]adj. 深奥的;难解的;难懂的,[L]This theory is abstruse.(这个理论很难解。) absurd[解释]a.不合理的,荒唐的[L]The absurd story made her giggle.(那个荒谬的故事使她咯咯地笑了起来。)
absurdity[解释]"n. 荒谬[J]后缀:ity 构成抽象名词,表示情况及其他[L]We all laughed at the absurdity in his reasoning.(我们都嘲笑他的推理的荒谬。)"
absurdly[解释]ad. 荒诞地
abu simbel[解释]阿布辛波古庙
abundance[解释]n.丰富,充裕[J]请和abound(丰富)一起 * 记~*后缀:ance 构成抽象名词
[L]There were deer in abundance in these forests.(这些森林中有许多鹿。)
abundant[解释]"a.丰富的;大量的[J]后缀:ant 表示属于...的,具有...性质的[L]Our country is abundant in natural resources.(我国自然资源丰富。)"
abundant in[解释]丰富的,充裕的[L]Our country is abundant in natural resources.(我国自然资源丰富。)
abuse[解释]vt.滥用;虐待 n.滥用[J]注意disabuse(打消 错误念头) * [L]It is easy to abuse ones power~*He abused his power while in office.(他在职时滥用权力。) abusive[解释]"a. 辱骂的,滥用的,陋习的"
abut[解释]v. 接界,毗连[J]注意不要和abet(教唆)相混~
abysmal[解释]adj. 无底的;深渊的;极深的,糟透的
abyss[解释]n. 深渊,深坑[J]a+byss(深)→不知多深→深渊~
acacia[解释]n. 金合花
academic[解释]a.学院的;学术的[J]后缀:ic (形容词字尾)表示...的[L]A good historian must have an academic mind.(出色的历史学家必须有学术头脑。)
academic degree[解释]学位
academically biased[解释]a. 偏向于书本知识的
academy[解释]n.私立中学;专科院校[L]Our professor is an academician of the Science Academy.(我们的教授是科学院的院士。)
accede[解释]v. 应允,同意
accede[解释]"v. 应允,同意[J]前缀:ac 含有at,to之意,或表示加强意义[L]The committee acceded to his proposal.(委员会同意了他的建议。)"
accede to[解释]同意
accelerate[解释]vt.(使)加快;促进[J]ac+celer(速度)+ate→加速 * 同根词:celerity(迅速)~[L]The engineer accelerates a train by turning on more power .(火车司机启动更多的动力,使火车加速运行。)
accelerated depreciation[解释]加速折旧
acceleration[解释]"n.加速;加速度[J]后缀:ion 构成抽象名词,表示行为,行为的结果[L]This is a car with good acceleration.(这是辆加速性能良好的汽车。)"
accelerator[解释]"n. 加速者,加速器,油门"
accent[解释]n.口音,腔调;重音[L]He spoke with an Irish accent.(他说话带爱尔兰口音。) accentuate[解释]v. 着重,强调[J]ac+cent=cant(唱,说)+uate→不断说→强调 * 同根词:cantata(清唱剧)~[L]Three problems are accentuated in the discussion.(讨论中强调了三个问题。)
accept[解释]vt.vi.接受;同意[L]We must accept the biting truth.(我们必须接受这严酷的事实。) acceptable[解释]"a.可接受的,合意的[J]后缀:able 表示可...的,能...的,或有某种性质的[L]I
wonder if this proposal is acceptable to you.(我想知道你是否可以接受这个建议。)"
acceptance[解释]n.接受,验收;承认[J]后缀:ance 构成抽象名词[L]The proposal found general acceptance.(这个建议得到普遍的赞同。)
acceptance bill[解释]承竞票据
acceptation[解释]"n. 公认的意义,词义"
accepted[解释]已经接受的[L]He has accepted our invitation.(他已经接受了我们的邀请。) access[解释]n.接近;通道,入口[J]ac+cess(走)→走过去→通道同根词:procession(行列,队伍)~[L]Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.(只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。)
access activity[解释]存取活动
access road[解释]通路
access to[解释]接近;通向 的入口;进入[L]Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.(只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。)
access to market[解释]进入市场
accessary[解释]n. 同谋,从犯;附件
accessible[解释]"adj. 易达到的,易受影响的[J]后缀:ible 表示可...的,能...的,易...的[L]He is an accessible person.(他是个容易接近的人。)"
accession[解释]"n. 到达,即位,增加,同意[J]后缀:ion 构成抽象名词,表示行为,行为的结果
[L]The Queen's accession to the throne marked the beginning of a new period.(女王的即位标志着新时期的开始。)"
accessory[解释]n.同谋 a.附属的[L]A cigar-lighter is an accessory to a car.(打火机是汽车的一个附件。)
accessory contract[解释]附加合约
accessory factory[解释]附属工厂
accessory substances[解释]副产品
accident[解释]n.意外的;事故[L]The cavern was found by accident.(这个洞穴是偶然发现的。) accidental[解释]adj. 意外的,偶然的[J]ac+cid(落下)+ental→意外的 * 同根词:deciduous(落叶的)~[L]He was delayed by his accidental meeting with a friend in the street.(他被街上偶然碰到的朋友耽误了时间。)
accidentally[解释]"adv. 意外地,偶然地;偶尔,附带[J]后缀:ly 在形容词之后,构成副词,表示状态,方式[L]They met accidentally.(他们意外地相遇了。)"
acclaim[解释]"v. 欢呼,称赞[J]前缀:ac 含有at,to之意,或表示加强意义[L]They acclaimed him as the best actor of the year.(他们称赞他为当年最佳男演员。)"
acclamation[解释]n. 欢呼[J]ac+claim=clam(叫喊)→不断叫喊→欢呼同根词:clamorous(喧哗的)~
acclimate[解释] v.使习惯于新环境;适应于新环境[L]We are becoming acclimated to New York weather .(我们渐渐习惯了纽约的天气。)
acclimate to[解释]适应,习惯于
acclimatize[解释]"vt. 使适应新环境,使服水土"
acclivity[解释]n. 向上的陡坡[J]ac+cliv(斜坡)+ity, * 同根词:proclivity(倾向,癖性) * [L]The car could not go up the acclivity in high gear.~
accolade[解释]"n. 推崇备至,赞扬[J]ac+col(脖子)+ade→把奖品挂上脖子→赞美 * 同根词:collar(领口,项圈) * [L]His new book received accolades from the papers.~*In
Hollywood, an """"Oscar"""" is the highest accolade.(奥斯卡金像奖是好莱坞最高荣誉奖。)" accommodate[解释]vt.容纳;供应,供给[L]The hotel can accommodate 500 tourists.(这家旅馆可住五百名观光客。)
accommodating[解释]adj. 乐于助人的[J]同义词obliging,helpful~
accommodation[解释]n.招待设备;预定铺位[L]We offer help in finding accommodation.(我们提供代客安排住宿的服务。)
accommodation bill[解释]欠单;空头票据;通融票据
accommodation payment[解释]索高价贿赂法
accommodation signature[解释]担保签字,通融签字
accompaniment[解释]"n. 自然的伴随物,陪伴物,伴奏"
accompany[解释]"vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随[J]前缀:ac 含有at,to之意,或表示加强意义[L]He was accompanied to the dinner by his friend.(他由朋友陪同去赴宴。)"
accomplice[解释]n. 同谋者,帮凶[J]ac+com(共同)+plic(重叠)→一起干→同谋 * 同根词:duplicity(口是心非)~
accomplish[解释]"vt.达到(目的);完成[J]后缀:ish 表示做...,致使...,成为...,及其他[L]Form a union; an unorganized mob can accomplish nothing but chaos.(要组成一个团体,未加组织的群众只会一片混乱而不能成事。)"
accomplished[解释]"a. 完成的,实现的,善社交的,有造诣的[L]They have accomplished their mission successfully.(他们成功地完成了任务。)"
accomplishment[解释]n. 技能;成就
accord[解释]vt.使一致;给予[J]ac+cord(心)→心心相应→一致,同意 * [L]He was accorded permission to use the library.~*His account of the incident accords with yours.(他对这个事件的描述与你的描述一致。)
accord with[解释]一致;给予;符合
accordance[解释]n.一致;和谐;授予[L]I'm in accordance with him in this matter.(在这件事上我和他意见一致。)
according[解释]ad. 根据[L]Eggs are classified according to size.(鸡蛋按大小分等级。) according as[解释]根据 而
according to[解释]根据 所说;按照;根据,[L]Eggs are classified according to size.(鸡蛋按大小分等级。)
accordion[解释]n. 手风琴
accost[解释]"vt. 招呼,搭讪,勾引"
account[解释]"n.记述;解释;帐目[J]前缀:ac 含有at,to之意,或表示加强意义[L]The balance on your account is US$5.(你的帐户上余额为五美金。)"
account code[解释]帐户代号
account credit[解释]赊帐
account day[解释]结算日
account debtor[解释]债务人
account for[解释]说明(原因等);解释;占;打死,打落(敌机)
account manager[解释]帐户经理
account payable[解释]应收帐款
account settled[解释]决算,付乞
account stated[解释]认可帐额,确定帐单
accountable[解释]"a. 有责任的,可说明的,可解释的"
accountant[解释]n. 会计[J]后缀:ant 表示人[L]He is an accountant.(他是会计师。)
accounting[解释]"n. 会计学,清算帐目"
accounting[解释]" n. 会计,会计学[J]后缀:ing (名词词尾)构成抽象名词,表示行为[L]He has taken course of accounting in the university.(他在大学里已经学习了会计学。)"
accounting fiduciary[解释]财产信托
accounting firm[解释]会计事务所
accouter[解释]"vt. 供以服装,供以军用品,装备"
accoutre[解释]"vt. 供以服装,供以军用品,装备"
accoutre[解释]v. 供给服装;装备
accoutrements[解释]n. (军服武器之外的)装备,配备
accra[解释]n. 阿克拉(加纳首都)
accredit[解释]"vt. 信任,授权,归于,委任"
accredited buyer[解释]开信用证申请人,受信买方;授信买主开证申请人
accretion[解释]n. 自然的增加,增加物[J]ac+cret(增加)+ion,见accrue~[L]The dictionary includes the newest accretion to the language.(字典中包括语言中出现的最新词语。) accrual accounting[解释]应收增加帐
accrue[解释]v. (利息等)增大,增多
accrue[解释]v. 产生,发生;自然增加;应计;生效;应计自然增长;(利息等)增大,增多[L]Ability to think clearly will accrue to you from good habits of study.(你的思考能力将因良好的学习习惯而自然增进。)
accrued[解释]adj. 增值的,应计的
accrued expenditure[解释]应付开支
accrued expenses[解释]应付费用
accrued income[解释]应计收入
accrued interest[解释]应计利息
accrued profit[解释]应计利润
acculturation[解释]文化移人,文化适应,文化交流[L]Acculturation to a new life is sometimes a hard process.(对一种新生活的适应有时是个艰难的过程。)
accumulate[解释]"vt.积累 vi.堆积[J]ac+cumul(堆积)+ate→再堆积→积累~*前缀:ac 含有at,to之意,或表示加强意义[L]They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data.(他们开始累积大量的资料。)"
accumulate fund[解释]公积金
accumulated dividends[解释]累计股息
accumulation[解释]n. 积累[L]He is much careful of the accumulation of knowledge.(他非常注意知识的积累。)
accumulation of capital[解释]资本积累
accumulative[解释]adj. 积累的
accuracy[解释]n.准确(性);准确度[L]You shouldn't have any doubt about its accuracy.(你不应怀疑它的正确性。)
accurate[解释]a.准确的,正确无误的[L]His information was accurate.(他的情报是准确的。)
accurate at[解释]对 很正确
accurately[解释]adj. 准确地;ad. 准确地;精密地[L]They accurately predicted solar eclipses.(他们精确地预告了日蚀。)
accursed[解释]adj. 不幸的,倒霉的;被诅咒的;可憎的
accusation[解释]"n. 指控[J]后缀:ation 表示行为,情况,状态[L]He was under an accusation of theft.(他被控盗窃。)"
accuse[解释]"vt.指责;归咎于[J]前缀:ac 含有at,to之意,或表示加强意义[L]He was accused of murder.(有人指控他谋杀。)"
accuse of[解释]控告,谴责
accuse sb. of sth.[解释]控告(某人某事)
accuser[解释]"n. 原告,控诉者,非难者"
accustom[解释]vt.使习惯[L]These people are accustomed to hard work.(这些人惯于艰苦的工作。)
accustom to[解释]使习惯
accustomed[解释]a. 习惯了的[L]These people are accustomed to hard work.(这些人惯于艰苦的工作。)
ace[解释]"n. 幺点,好手,高手,少许[L]Don't worry for him. He has an ace in the hole.(别为他担心. 他留着一手呢。)"
acephalous[解释]"a. 无头的,群龙无首的"
acerbic[解释]a. 尖刻的[J]后缀:ic (形容词字尾)表示...的[L]You shouldn't speak such acerbic words.(你不应该讲如此尖酸的话。)
acerbity[解释]n. 苦涩,刻薄[J]acerb(尖,酸)+ity→尖酸 * 同根词:acerbic(尖刻的)~ acetate[解释]n. 醋酸盐
acetic[解释]"a. 醋的,酸的[L]The salad had an exceedingly acetic flavor.(这沙拉太酸了。)" acetylene[解释]"n. 乙炔,电石气"
acetylsalicylic[解释]adj. 乙酰水杨酸的
ache[解释]"vi.痛;想念 n.疼痛[L]You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.(背着那些沉重的桶, 你的背部会弄痛的。)"
achieve[解释]vt.完成,实现;达到[L]Our goal is to achieve the maximum of efficiency.(我们的目标是取得最大限度的效率。)
achievement[解释]"n.完成;成就,成绩[J]后缀:ment 表示行为,行为的过程或结果[L]He made great achievement last year.(去年他取得了重大成就。)"
achillean[解释]a. 象阿基利斯一样健壮的;勇敢的
aching[解释]adj. 疼痛的[L]Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue.(母亲说她累得浑身疼痛。)
acid[解释]"n.酸;酸的,酸性的[J]后缀:id 表示具有...性质的,如...的[L]John has an acid tongue.(约翰说话尖刻。)"
acid-base[解释]n. 酸-碱
acid-base balance[解释]酸-碱平衡
acidity[解释]"n. 酸味,酸性[L]I don't like the acidity in this dish.(我不喜欢这菜里的酸味。)" acidulous[解释]adj. 有酸味的,刻薄的[J]acid(酸)+ulous(多 的)~
acknowledge[解释]"vt.承认;告知收到[J]前缀:ac 含有at,to之意,或表示加强意义[L]I acknowledge that her criticism is just.(我承认她的批评是公正的。)"
acknowledgment[解释]"n. 承认,承认书,感谢"
acknowledgment of liability[解释]承认债务
acknowledgment of order[解释]确认订单
acme[解释]n. 顶点,极点[L]the acme of perfection(完善的极至)~*This piece of art work has achieved the acme of perfection.(这件工艺品达到了尽善尽美的程度。)
acme code[解释]阿克米商业电码
acolyte[解释]n. (教士的)助手,侍僧
aconite[解释]"n. 乌头,从乌头的根所提炼的强心止痛剂"
acorn[解释]n. 橡实,橡子[L]He finally found it was an acorn.(他最后发现那原来是个橡子。) acoustic[解释]adj. 听觉的,有关声音的[J]后缀:ic (形容词字尾)表示...的[L]You must have an acoustic problem.(你的听觉一定有问题。)
acoustics[解释]n. 声学
acquaint[解释]vt.使认识,使了解[L]Philip became acquainted with Kathy.(菲利普与凯西逐渐熟悉起来。)
acquaint with[解释]熟悉,知道;使认识,使了解
acquaintance[解释]n.认识;了解;熟人[J]ac+quaint(知道)+ance→熟知~[L]We should never forget our old acquaintances.(我们不应该忘了老朋友。)
acquaintant[解释]adj. 熟悉的
acquiesce[解释]"v. 勉强同意,默认[J]前缀:ac 含有at,to之意,或表示加强意义[L]He acquiesced in this plan.(他默认了这个计划。)"
acquiescence[解释]"n. 默许,默认,无可奈何的同意"
acquiescent[解释]adj. 默认的;顺从的
acquire[解释]vt.取得;获得;学到[L]She acquired a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.(她在没有老师指导的情况下掌握了大量字汇。)
acquired[解释]adj. 后天免疫;后天习得的[L]I have acquired a great deal of specialist knowledge.(我已学到很多专业知识。)
acquired right[解释]既得权利
acquirement[解释]"n.取得,获得; 习得 (能力)"
acquisition[解释]n. (有价值的)获得[L]He is a valuable acquisition to the team.(他是个不可多得的新队员。)
acquisitive[解释]adj. 贪得的,物欲重的[J]ac+quisit(得到)+ive→一再要得到→贪婪的同根词:requisite(必需品)~
acquit[解释]"vt. 开释,释放,完成,表现[J]前缀:ac 含有at,to之意,或表示加强意义[L]The man accused of stealing the money was acquitted for lack of witnesses .(那人因偷钱被起诉,但因缺乏目击者被宣告无罪。)"
acquittal[解释]n. 宣告无罪,开释
acquittal[解释]n. 开释;宣判无罪;履行;清还
acre[解释]n.英亩(=6.07亩)[L]He ploughed an acre in six hours.(他六小时犁一英亩地。) acreage[解释]"n. 英亩数,面积"
acreage[解释]n. 英亩数;土地的面积
acrid[解释]"a. 苦味的,辛辣的,尖刻的"
acrimonious[解释]"adj. 尖刻的[J]后缀:ious (形容词词尾)表示属于...的,有...性质的[L]His remarks are very acrimonious.(他话语尖刻。)"
acrimony[解释]"n. 尖刻,刻薄[J]acri(尖,酸)+mony(表示名词)→尖刻~[L]The acrimony
of his remarks alienated his audience.(他说话尖刻, 这使观众和他疏远了。)"
acrobat[解释]n. 特技演员,杂技演员[J]acro(高)+bat(走)→高空走的人→杂技演员 * 同根词:acronym(首字母缩写词)~
acrobatic[解释]"a. 特技表演的,惊险表演的"
acrobatics[解释]n. 杂技
acronym[解释]"n. 首字母简略词,简称[L]The word """"radar"""" is an acronym for Radio Detecting And Range.(雷达是由RAdio Detecting And Range 的字头所组成。)"
acropolis[解释]"n. 城堡,雅典的卫城"
across[解释]prep.横过,穿过[J]前缀:a 表示加强意义[L]I'll row you across.(我把你划到河对面。)
across desert[解释]穿过沙漠
act[解释]vi.行动;做,做事[L]Robbery is a criminal act.(抢劫是犯罪行为。)
act as[解释]担任;充当;做(向导)[L]The wall will act as defence against flooding.(墙能起防洪的作用。)
act for[解释]代理[L]I designate you to act for me while I am away.(我指定你在我不在时代理我。)
act on[解释]作用于;按照 而行动;起作用[L]The book made a great impact on its readers.(这本书对读者有很大的影响。)
act out[解释]表演,演出;比划着表达
act up[解释]调皮
act upon[解释]对 起作用;按照
acting[解释]n. 演技;演戏;表演,a. 代理的[L]He is an acting consul.(他是代理领事。) acting manager[解释]代经理
action[解释]"n.行动;作用;功能[J]后缀:ion 构成抽象名词,表示行为,行为的结果[L]They deprecated hasty action.(他们不赞成匆忙行事。)"
action on[解释]作用
activate[解释]vt. & n. 使激活,驱动;vt.激活;使活动,使加速;起动;使活泼,开动
active[解释]a.活跃的;积极的[J]后缀:ive 表示有...性质的[L]An active volcano may explode at any time.(活火山随时都会爆发。)
active life[解释]职业生活
active securities[解释]热门股票
active stock[解释]买卖活跃的股票
actively[解释]adv. 积极地,活跃地
activist[解释]n. 积极分子
activity[解释]n.活动,能动性[L]Who is the planner of this activity?(谁是这项活动的策划者?) actor[解释]n.男演员;演剧的人[J]后缀:or 表示人[L]He was awarded the best actor.(他被誉为最佳演员。)
actress[解释]n. 女演员[J]后缀:ess 表示女性或雌性(动物)[L]She is an outstanding actress.(她是一个杰出的演员。)
actual[解释]a.实际的;现行的[J]后缀:ual (形容词词尾)表示...的[L]What he told us was an actual happening.(他告诉我们的是一件真实事情。)
actual asset[解释]实际资产
actual budget[解释]决算
actual cash value[解释]实际现金价值
actual cost[解释]实际支出
actual goods[解释]现货
actual investment[解释]实际投资
actual liability[解释]实际负债
actual price[解释]实际价格
actual profit[解释]实际利润
actual quotation[解释]实盘,实际开价
actual reserves[解释]实际准备金
actual risk[解释]实际风险
actual stuff[解释]现货
actual weight[解释]实际重量
actuality[解释]"n. 实际[J]后缀:ity 构成抽象名词,表示情况及其他[L]The young dreamer refused to accept the actuality.(年轻的梦想家不愿接受这个事实。)"
actually[解释]"adv.实际上[J]后缀:ly 在形容词之后,构成副词,表示状态,方式[L]That is actually a cavity in the earth.(那其实是一个地下洞穴。)"
actuarial[解释]"a. 保险统计师的,保险统计的"
actuate[解释]"vt. 开动,促使,激励"
acumen[解释]n. 敏锐,明智
acumen[解释]" n.明智;敏锐;敏锐力,机灵;聪明的[L]His business acumen helped him to succeed where others had failed.(凭着他那善于经营的才能, 别人搞不成的事他搞成了。)" acupressure[解释]n. 针压法
acupuncture[解释]n. 针刺;针刺疗法[L]Acupuncture can work marvels.(针灸能创造奇迹。) acute[解释]a.尖的,锐的;敏锐的[J]前缀:a 表示加强意义[L]He is a man of acute intelligence.(他非常聪颖。)
acute angle[解释]锐角
acuteness[解释]"n. 锐利,敏锐,剧烈"
ad[解释]n. (缩)广告
ad hoc[解释]专门,特设临时,专案
ad valorem duty[解释]从价税
adadon[解释]vt. 抛弃,放弃
adage[解释]"n. 格言,古训[J]分割 * 记忆:adage(年龄)。~[L]There is much truth in the old adage about fools and their money.(在这本关于愚人及其钱财的古老谚语中, 蕴藏着很多真理。)"
adamant[解释]adj. 强硬的,固执的[J]联想 * 记忆:adam(亚当)+ant(蚂蚁)“亚当”和“蚂蚁”都是坚定的人或动物。~
adamantine[解释]"a. 非常坚硬的,坚定不移"
adapt[解释]vt.使适应;改编[L]He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions.(他努力使自己适应新情况。)
adapt to[解释]适应;适合;使适合,使适应[L]Long ago Eskimos learned how to adapt to the cold to live in the Arctic Region. (很久以前爱斯基摩人学习如何去适应严寒,以住在北极地区。) adaptability[解释]n. 适应性
adaptable[解释]" adj. 有适应能力的,能运用的;适应性强的;可改编的[J]后缀:able 表示可...
的,能...的,或有某种性质的[L]She is an adaptable person.(她是个能适应环境的人。)"
adaptation[解释]"n. 适应[J]后缀:ation 表示行为,情况,状态[L]He made a good adaptation to his new school.(他在新学校中适应得很好。)"
adapter[解释]n. 适配器,转换器
add[解释]vt.加,增加[L]Add two spoons of sugar.(加两匙糖。)
add all numbers together[解释]把所有的数字加到一起
add in[解释]插入,包括
add spice to...[解释]调味;使 增添兴趣[L]The speaker made a few funny jokes to add spice to his speech.(这演说者开了一些有趣的玩笑,以便为演说添加些趣味。)
add to[解释]加,增加[L]Her rosy lips add to her beauty.(她那玫瑰红色的双唇更增添了她的美丽。)
add up[解释]加算,合计
add up to[解释]总计;总计是;导致;意味着;合计
add...to[解释]把 加到
addend[解释]n. 『数学』加数
adder[解释]"n. 欧洲产的小毒蛇,北美产的无毒小蛇,"
addict[解释]"vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾"
addict[解释]vt. 使成瘾,热衷于[L]He is addicted to alcohol and drugs .(他离不开酒和药物。) addicted to[解释]热爱,沉溺于[L]He is addicted to alcohol and drugs.(他离不开酒和药物。) addiction[解释]n. 沉迷;热衷;沈溺,上瘾
addictive[解释]adj. (毒品等)使人上瘾的
adding[解释]"增加的[L]Blend the butter and the sugar before adding other ingredients of the cake.(在加蛋糕的其它成分之前,先把奶油和糖混合一下.)"
adding machine[解释]加法机
addition[解释]n.加,加法;附加物[L]He will be a useful addition to the staff of the school.(他将是该校教员中新增加的有用的一员。)
additional[解释]a.附加的,追加的[L]There will be no additional charges for the service.(此项服务没有附加费用。)
additionally[解释]"ad. 另外,又[J]后缀:ly 在形容词之后,构成副词,表示状态,方式[L]The novel is additionally the history of an area.(那本小说同时也是那个地方的历史。)"
additive[解释]adj. 附加的;n. 添加剂;附加物
addle[解释]v. 使腐坏,使昏乱
addled[解释]adj. 头脑混乱的
add-on fare[解释]加码票价
address[解释]n.地址;演说;谈吐[L]This is my permanent address.(这是我的固定地址。) addressee[解释]收信人
addressing[解释]n. 寻址
adduce[解释]v. 给予(理由),举出
adduce[解释]"v. 引证;举出;给予,(理由)举出[L]When you adduce evidence of this nature, you must be sure of your sources.(在你提供实质性的证据时, 你必须知道这个证据的来源。)" adenoids[解释]"n. 腺状肿大,扁桃腺肥大"
adenosine[解释]n. 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷
adept[解释]adj. 老练的,精通的
adept[解释] adj. 老练的,擅长的;精通的[L]He is adept at computer.(他是个计算机能手。) adept at[解释]熟练于 [L]He is adept at computer.(他是个计算机能手。)
adequacy[解释]n. 能力[L]He often doubts his adequacy as a husband and father.(他常常怀疑自己是否是一个够格的丈夫及父亲。)
adequate[解释]"a.足够的;可以胜任的[J]后缀:ate 表示有...性质的,如...形状的[L]What should be done to assure adequate supplies of energy?(怎样才能保证足够的能源供应?)"
adequately[解释]adv. 恰当地;足够地
adhere[解释]"vi.粘附;追随;坚持[J]ad+here(粘连)→粘在一起~*前缀:ad 含有at,to之意,或加强意义[L]They adhere to the traditional custom.(他们固守传统习俗。)"
adhere to[解释]粘附在 上;坚持;依附;执著于;粘附,胶着[L]They adhere to the traditional custom.(他们固守传统习俗。)
adherence[解释]"n. 依附,固执"
adherent[解释]n. 拥护者,党徒[L]The proposal is gaining more and more adherents.(建议正得到越来越多的支持者。)
adhesion[解释]"n. 附着,粘着,固守,支持"
adhesive[解释]"a. 粘着的,有粘性的[J]后缀:ive 表示物[L]He bought some adhesive stamps.(他买了一些背面有胶水的邮票。)"
adieu[解释]"int. 再见,再会[L]On commencement day we shall bid adieu to our alma mater.(毕业典礼那天,我们得跟母校道告别。)"
adipose[解释]adj. 脂肪多的
adjacent[解释]a.毗连的;紧接着的[J]ad+jacent(to lie躺)→躺在附近→接近的~[L]The island of Cuba is adjacent to Florida.(古巴岛接近佛罗里达。)
adjacent to[解释]与 毗连的;邻近,靠近;邻近的[L]The island of Cuba is adjacent to Florida.(古巴岛接近佛罗里达。)
adjective[解释]"n.形容词 a.形容词的[L]The word """"good"""" is an adjective.(""""good""""是形容词。)"
adjoin[解释]"vt.贴近,毗连;靠近[J]前缀:ad 含有at,to之意,或加强意义[L]The two countries adjoin.(这两个国家邻接。)"
adjourn[解释]"vi. 延期,休会,换地方[L]The Senate adjourned for the summer.(参议院夏季休会。)"
adjournment[解释]"n. 延期,休会,休会期间"
adjudge[解释]"vt. 宣判,判决,裁定给与"
adjudicate[解释]v. 充当裁判,判决
adjunct[解释]"n. 附属物,附件,修饰语"
adjuration[解释]"n. 严令,恳请,请愿"
adjure[解释]v. 郑重敦促(恳请)
adjure[解释]v. 命令;恳求;郑重,敦促(恳请)[L]I adjure you to tell the truth.(我恳求你讲实话。) adjust[解释]"vt.调整,调节;校正[J]前缀:ad 含有at,to之意,或加强意义[L]She must learn to adjust herself to the life in England.(她必须学会适应英国的生活。)"
adjustable[解释]adj. 可调整的;可校准的
adjustment[解释]"n. 调节[J]后缀:ment 表示行为,行为的过程或结果[L]They made minor adjustments in oil prices.(他们对石油价格略作了调整。)"
adjustment credit[解释]调整性信贷
adjutant[解释]n. (军队的)副官,助手[J]请和adjust(调整)一起 * 记~
administer[解释]"vt. 实施,掌管[L]In many Japanese homes, the funds are administered by the wife.(在许多日本家庭里, 钱都是由妻子来掌管的。)"
administered price[解释]受控价格
administrate[解释]"vt. 管理,经营,实施[L]In many Japanese homes, the funds are administrated by the wife.(在许多日本家庭, 钱是由妻子掌管的。)"
administration[解释]n.局(或署、处等)[L]He is experienced in city administration.(他在市政方面有经验。)
administrative[解释]"a. 管理的,行政的[L]The mayor is lacking administrative ability.(这个市长缺乏管理能力。)"
administrator[解释]"n. 管理人,行政官[J]后缀:or 表示人[L]He is said to be a born administrator.(他被称为是天生的管理人才。)"
admirable[解释]"a. 可钦佩的,优良的,令人惊奇的[J]后缀:able 表示可...的,能...的,或有某种性质的[L]Your show is admirable.(你的表演真是令人佩服。)"
admirably[解释]ad. 令人钦佩地;极妙地
admiral[解释]"n. 舰队司令,海军上将,旗舰[J]后缀:al 表示人[L]He served as an admiral in the war.(战争中他是海军上将。)"
admiralty[解释]"n. 海军上将的地位或职权,海军部,"
admiration[解释]"n.羡慕,钦佩;赞赏[J]后缀:ation 表示行为,情况,状态[L]She luxuriated in his admiration.(她尽情享受他的爱慕。)"
admiration for[解释]对 赞赏
admire[解释]vt.钦佩;羡慕;赞美[L]No one can admire a deceitful boy.(没人会赏识爱骗人的孩子。)
admire to do sth.[解释](美口)很想做某事
admirer[解释]"n. 钦佩者,仰慕者,求爱者[L]Miss White received a bunch of flowers from her admirer.(怀特小姐收到她的爱慕者所送的一束花。)"
admissible[解释]"允许的,可采纳的[J]后缀:ible 表示可...的,能...的,易...的[L]I wonder whether I am admissible to the program or not.(我想知道我是否能被录取。)"
admissible assets[解释]认可(可征税)资产
admissible error[解释]允许误差
admission[解释]n.允许进入;承认[L]Admission free.(免费入场。)
admit[解释]vt.&vi.承认[L]We have to admit that he's a highly competent man.(我们必须承认他是个非常能干的人。)
admit of[解释]容许有,有 余地;为 留余地
admit to[解释]承认;让 享有
admittance[解释]"n. 入场,入场权,准入"
admittedly[解释]adv. 公认地;明白地
admixture[解释]"n. 混合,混合物"
admonish[解释]"v. 训诫,警告[J]后缀:ish 表示做...,致使...,成为...,及其他[L]He admonished his friend not to be late for his work .(他警告他的朋友工作不可迟到。)"
admonition[解释]"n. 警告,劝告,训诫[L]She received an admonition from the boss for not doing her work properly.(她因没有尽职而受到老板的警告。)"
admonitory[解释]adj. 警告的
ado[解释]n. 忙乱,骚扰[J]前缀:a 表示加强意义[L]much ado about nothing(无事生非)~*My sister always makes much ado about nothing.(我的妹妹老是无事自扰。)
adobe[解释]n. 泥砖,土坯[J]不要和abode(住处)相混。分割 * 记忆:adobe,一次做完的(土坯)。~
adolescence[解释]n. 青春期[L]He was well known in the village in his adolescence.(他在青少年时期就已闻名全村。)
adolescent[解释]n. 青少年(此处是类比)[L]He read many books in the adolescent stage of his life.(他在他的青年时代读了不少书。)
adopt[解释]"vt.收养;采用;采取[J]ad+opt(选择)→通过选择→采用 * 同根词:option(选择)~[L]After much deliberation, the general manager decided to adopt her suggestion.(总经理再三考虑之后决定采纳她的建议。)"
adoption[解释]n.收养;采纳,采取[L]He came to China for the purpose of adoption.(他来中国的目的是想收养个孩子。)
adorable[解释]adj. 迷人的,可爱的
adoration[解释]n. 爱慕,崇拜[L]John doesn't hide his adoration for the girl.(约翰并不掩饰自己对那姑娘的爱慕。)
adore[解释]vt.崇拜;很喜欢[J]ad+ore(讲话)→不断想对某人讲话→热爱(某人) * 同根词:oration(演讲)~[L]People adore him for his noble character.(人们因他人格高贵而敬重他。) adorn[解释]v. 装饰[L]The hall was adorned with flowers.(大厅里装饰着鲜花。)
adornment[解释]n. 装饰,装饰品
adornment[解释]n. 装饰(品);装饰[L]A distinguished judge is an adornment to the bench.(一个杰出的法官会给法官席增添光彩。)
adrenal[解释]a. 肾上腺的;n. 肾上腺
adrenalin[解释]n. 肾上腺素
adrift[解释]ad. 漂流地
adroit[解释]adj. 熟练的,灵巧的[J]a+droit(灵巧)。注意:maladroit(笨拙的)~[L]A good teacher is adroit in posing questions.(一位好老师善于提出问题。)
adulate[解释]v. 谄媚,奉承
adulation[解释]"n. 谄媚,奉承,阿谀[L]He basks in other people's adulation.(他陶醉在别人的奉承中。)"
adult[解释]n.成年人 a.成年的[L]He received adult education in order to get a better job.(他为了能得到更好的工作而接受了成人教育。)
adulterate[解释]v. 掺假
adulterate[解释]v. 掺混;掺假
adulterated[解释]adj. 掺入次级品的
adulterated goods[解释]冒充货,假货
adulteration[解释]"n. 掺杂,掺假的东西,冒充货"
adulterer[解释]n. 奸夫
adulteress[解释]n. 奸妇
adulterous[解释]"a. 通奸的,不贞的"
adultery[解释]n. 通奸
adumbrate[解释]v. (对将来事件)预示
adumbration[解释]"n. 轮廓,预示,阴影"

ABAP语法详解教材 第110章 逻辑数据库的特征和维 护03-29
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- 数据
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