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Unit One 汉英翻译对译者素养的要求(陈P8-14) 一. 深厚的语言功底 1. 语法意识(例1、2) 2. 惯用法意识(例3) 3. 连贯意识(例4、5) 二.广博的文化知识 三.高度的责任感

Unit Two汉英翻译与文化(陈P15) 中西思维方式的对比(P18-33) 1.中国人注重伦理,英美人注重认知

2.中国人注重整体,综合性思维;英美人注重个体,分析性思维 3.中国人注重直觉,英美人注重实证


Unit Three汉英语言对比(P24-50) 一..汉英词汇对比(P26) 1.词义相符 2.词义相异 3.词义空缺

二.汉英句法对比(P36) 三.汉英篇章对比(P40)

汉语是主题显著语言。汉语句子强调意义和功能,句首的成分不一定是主语。 英语是主语显著语言。英语句子重形式和功能,句子建构在主谓主轴上,主谓之间存在一种形式上的一致关系,受到语法严格的制约。因此在汉译英时,找准句子的主语和与之匹配的谓语是译好句子的关键。(P41) 练习三

Unit Four 词语的英译(陈P52-85) 一.词语指称意义和蕴含意义 练习四(P58)


三.词语英译与文化语境(P67-71) 练习五(P71-73) 四.“假朋友”的识别(P73 的3.4节) 五.词义空缺与英译策略(P75 的3.5节) 练习六(P77)

六.成语与四字格的英译(P78-85 的3.6节) 练习七(P83 )

Unit Five 句子的英译(P86) 一.主语与谓语P86-90 练习八(P91) 练习九(P98)

练习十(P106) 练习十一(P113)

P122-125练习十二(练习B的第二) Unit Six句群与段落的英译(P126)

P127-132 的例子1-11 P133-138 的例子1-8

P140-142 的练习十三里二的3、4、6

Unit Seven篇章的英译(P143) P218 的练习十九里第二的2、3

汉语属于TP语言(topic-prominent language),思维和语序自然合拍,先话题后评论,先已知信息后新信息.

英语是SP语言(subject-prominent language),虽然英语也有话题评论结构,但总的说来,英语句子比较严格地遵循句法结构,词序受到许多条条框框的限制, 大多数话题都隐藏在句子中.

英语句子结构特点: 主谓搭架,枝叶上挂,叠床架屋,但都有语法,属形合语言(hypotaxis),结构严谨.

汉语句子结构特点: 话题说明,叙述分层,可断可续,意尽为界.属意合语言(parataxis),隐性变显性,增加关联词. 这些特点在翻译中可出现以下现象:


汉语主语和英译主语的确定 一. 主语对比

(一) 汉语主语的特点

1.汉语和英语句子一般都有主语,但汉语的主语句子功能较弱, 主语有时可以省略, 没有主语也能成为句子. 累死我了. 完了吗?

2.汉语主语不需要与谓语在形式上保持一致, 有时一个句子中, 主语可能有多个. 这项实验他做了三年. 电子游戏孩子们都喜欢.

3.汉语无形态变化,也无形式标志, 所以主语可以由任何词类和短语充当. 快乐是他人生的唯一目标.

快乐地工作和生活是他人生的唯一目标. 天天锻炼身体多有益处啊!

要在短期内说一口流利的英语实在是太难了。 (二).英语主语的特点

1.英语的陈述句和疑问句通常必须有主语并要求谓语形式与之一致,因此只有确定主语后,才能确定谓语。汉译英时,找出并确定主语至关重要。 a. 上星期买了一本百科全书, 本来很高兴,但却是膺品(fake),大失所望。 b. 二十年来,我生活费用中至少十分之十至二十是消耗在书上的。

1) I bought an encyclopedia last week. I felt quite pleased then, but it makes me disappointed because it is a fake.

2)The encyclopedia which I bought last week and which originally pleased me makes me disappointed because it was a fake.

Or : The encyclopedia which I had bought the week before and which had originally pleased me disappointed me because it was a fake.


For 20 years past, books have eaten into at least 10-20 percent of my pocket.

2. 英语主语必须是名词性的,如名词,代词,数词,名词性短语,从句,动名词,动词不定式等。 He has to accept the fact. Three is not enough.

To be calm in an emergency is so important. What I saw was incredible.

Making good grades is only one of our goals. 二.主语的确定与翻译转换

因为汉英语言在结构上存在较大差异。汉语的主语不明显,主语的句法功能弱。翻译时,应首先确定主语,方法如下: 1)保留原汉语主语

他有一辆很漂亮的小汽车。 He has a very nice car. 我知道他完全够条件。

I know that he is well qualified.

2)思维差异与强调重心不同进行调整语序,改变汉语主语。 我国各族人民每年都要热烈庆祝十一国庆节。

National Day is enthusiastically celebrated on Oct.1 (by the Chinese people of all nationalities) every year.


In the future, computers would be developed which are small enough to carry in the pocket.


我访问了一些地方, 遇到了不少人, 要谈起来, 奇妙的事儿可多着呢。

There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.

4)汉语的主语译英语的状语,谓语,定语 河畔长着青草绿树。(主译状)

The green grass and trees are grown by the riverside. 水龙头流水了。(主译状) Water ran from the tap.


The product is characterized by unique design, high quality and great capacity. 她对丈夫越来越憎恨。(主译定)

Her hatred for her husband grew more. 5)汉语无主语增译英语主语 很难说。

I can hardly (never) tell. 活到老学到老。 We live and learn.


Man proposes, heaven disposes. 暴雨下了两天两夜。

We’ve had rainstorm for 2 days and nights 地球水的面积比陆地面积大。

We’ve more water than earth on this globe.


Efforts should be made to firmly carry out the basic state policy of family planning. 扩大对外开放程度, 提高对外开放水平。

China plans to open further and expand the its (level of) opening to the outside world. 6)汉语有灵主语(animate subject)译英语无灵主语(inanimate subject) 我见到这个孤儿就会想起他的父母。

The sight of the orphan always reminds me of his parents. 他突然间想起了一个主意。

An idea suddenly struck(occurred to) him. 这时我说不出话来。

Words failed me for the moment. 他开始变得惊恐万状。

Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 一屋人都笑了。

Laughter filled the room. 大厅一片鸦雀无声。 Silence prevailed the hall 我们不发牢骚。

No complaints passed our lips. 他吓得呆若木鸡。

Fear rooted him to the ground. 她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。

A strange peace came over her when she was alone. 我们没有听到任何声音。

Not a sound has reached(greeted) our ears. 我们没有看到任何字。

Not a word has reached our eyes. 我们随时随地受到关怀和照顾。

Care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 主语+谓语VS主题+叙题 这件事情我得保密。

I have to keep quiet about this. Keep this matter secret. Keep this matter secret.


I know nothing about his complaint about you. 你的提议我一定会认真考虑。

I am sure to give serious thought to your suggestion. 他们要来的事从来没人跟我说过。

Nobody has ever told me anything about their arrival. 有灵主语vs无灵主语

The sight of the erythrina in bloom reminded me of my hometown. The overwhelming grief over the bad news left me speechless. 听到这个坏消息时,我悲痛得一句话也说不出来。 英语状语译汉语主语


There are many historical relics of several dynasties in Beijing. 上海有好几年美下雪了。

It hasn’t snowed for years in Shanghai.

小车上只有他一个人,这会儿正打着盹。 He was alone in the car, dosing off. 英语主语译汉语谓语

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the economic benefit in the production of our factory.


Talk of the welfare of the aged has been in the air. 人们都在谈论老年人福利的问题。 英语主语译汉语宾语

Much progress has been made in computer science in the last 20 years. 近20年来,计算机科学领域取得了重大的进展。 A good idea suddenly came to me. 英语主语译汉语状语

The shortage of time prevented me from calling on you earlier. 由于没时间,不能早点拜访你。

The turn of the century witness China the more prosperous development in culture. 在世纪之交,中国文化发展更繁荣。

Before I fell ill, my parents were specially fond of me(had doted on me too much), and I had acted wildly at home, doing whatever I wished. But once separated and confined to a small hillside room in our garden, I couldn’t help feeling coldly treated, which reduced me to utter depression. One spring evening, flowers were in full bloom in the garden where my parents were holding a dinner party. Then and there a swarm of our guests were gathering(in crowd), talking and laughing merrily. When I secretly drew one of the curtains in the small hillside room, a spectacular view(hustling and thrilling scene) came into my sight.

Seeing my brothers and sisters and cousins were gay and happy mingling together with the guests(in the midst of the adult guests), I instantly burst into tears(burst out crying bitterly)at the thought of being abandoned by all.

