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电大英语(1)形成性考核册答案 学前记录

请自我评估一下你目前的英语基础 .

1. 你是否掌握了本课程作为起点要求的 600基础词汇 : A. 是 . B. 否√ 2. 你现有的词汇量约为 __500___ ,能熟练使用的词汇约为 __300__. 3. 请写出你认为自己已经掌握的英语语法内容 .

人称代词、冠词、一般现在时、词类、 there be的句型等的用法。 学习记录表 1


Parent photo bus life half child woman tooth

Parents photos buses lives haves children women teeth

2、频度副词 often,always,sometimes 等在句中的位置是有规律的,请写出这些规律,并各举一个例句。

1) . 动词 to be之后:

a. I am often ill on planes. b. She is always at home at night. c. They are sometimes keen on playing cards.

2). 实意动词之前:

a. I usually work on Friday. b. Tom sometimes goes to London. 3) 助动词之后,实意动词之前:

a. He does not always work on Tuesday. b. I do not usually go to work by bus.

3. 请写出现在进行时的两种用法,并分别举一个例句。 1)、表示此该正在进行或发生的事情和动作。

a).I am waiting for an important call from my boss in Shanghai. b).He is talking to a customer.

2)现在进行时也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻并没有进行。 a).Li Jun is working on a new database at the moment , but right now he is sleeping .

b).Wang Li is planning a new marketing campaign at the moment , but right now he is visiting New York.

4. 请用学过的功能句型介绍一下你自己的姓名、年龄、所在城市、工作。

My name is JiangHaiYan, I am 27years old. My job is an accountant; I live in shenzhen, I have a family, my husband, my son and I, we have a dog. I like my job, I love my family. 开放英语(1)作业 1 第一部分 交际用语

1.( A ) — How old is the manager? --He is 35 years old. A. Right B.Wrong

2.(A ) — What do they do? — They work in a bank. A. Right B.Wrong

3.( B ) — Would you like some crisps? — --No,I ‘ m sorry. A. Right B.Wrong

4.( B ) — How much does the flat cost a month?

— --It ‘ s on the tenth floor. A. Right B.Wrong

5.( A) — Could you sign the register ,please? — --Of course. A. Right B.Wrong

第二部分 词汇与结构

6. ( B ) He ___ for an IT company. A. work B. works C. working

7. ( A ) I have coffee ___breakfast time. A. at B. in C. on

8. ( C ) ____name is Wanghua. A. He B. He‘ s C. His

9. ( C ) She is ___only accountant in my son‘ s company. A. a B. an C. the

10. ( C ) Maria often has walk with ___ parents in the morning.. A. she B. their C. her

11. (B ) ___ you got any family? A. Do B. Have C. Has

12. (B )He‘ s responsible ___the central computer system. A. in B. for C.of

13. (C ) The Business Banking Department is on___floor. A. second B. the two C. the second

14. (C ) Wang Li is ___ a new marketing campsign at the moment. A. plan B. planing C. planning 15. (C ) Polly enjoys ___ the guitar in a band in her free time. A. play B. to play C. playing

16. (B ) There ___ three plants in the corners of the room. A. is B.are C. have

17. (A ) I work in ___ IT Department of ___large bank. A. the, a B. a, the C. a, a

18. (B ) What ___ ― nr ― mean? A. is B. does C. do

19. (B ) I sometimes go to the pub ___ Friday. A. in B. on C. at

20. (A ) ___people are my friends.____people are my husband‘ s friends. A. There , Those B. This , That C. Here , There

21. (B ) He ___ in Beijing, but I his parents ____in hang zhou. A. live , lives B. lives , live C. live , live

22. (A ) My husband doesn‘ t ___ ,but I like it very much.

A. like shopping B. likes shopping C. likes to shop 23. (C ) -- ___ are you from? --I ‘ m from Nanjing

A. What B. When C. Where

24. (C ) He ___ lunch in the canteen right now. A. has B. have C. is having

25. (A ) ___ children has his brother got?

A. How many B. How much C. How about

第三部分 句型变换 26. He is a manager. Is he a manager?

27. She usually goes to work by bus. Does she usually go to work by bus? 28. There are fifty students in the class. Are there fifty students in the class? 29. They have a large house.

Have they a large house? / Do you have a large house? 30. He‘s currently working on TV advertisements. Is he currently working on TV advertisements?

第四部分 阅读理解 Hi Rob!

You want to know about my new boyfriend.

His name is David Manning .He lives in London and he‘ s British .His parents are from London ,but they live in Oxford, He is 34 years old. He‘ s an IT manager and he works for ABHK Bank. He ‘ s lovely, of course. See you on Thursday. Love , Polly.

31. ( B ) Rob is Polly;s new boyfriend. A. Right B. Wrong

32. ( A ) David is British . A. Right B. Wrong

33. ( A ) David‘ s parents are British. A. Right B. Wrong

34. ( B ) David‘ s parents live in London. A. Right B. Wrong

35. ( B )David works at a university.. A. Right B. Wrong

Xiaoyan: tells David about the people she works with. David :So who do you usually work with in Shanghai?

Xiaoyan: I work in an office with three other people ,Jung, Lee and Liu – they are the Marketing Department and I am their IT expert. David: Do you like it there?

Xiaoyan: Yes, they‘ re great people .Lee is the Sales Manager. He is responsible for 25 sales people in China .He‘ s planning a sales campaign for companies at the moment ,but he‘ s (略 )

36. ( B )How many people does Xiaoyan work with in Shanghai?. A. Two B. Three C. Four

37. ( B )What does xiaoyan do in the Marketing Department in Shanghai?. A. She is a secretary. B. she is an IT expert . C. she is the sales manager. 38. ( B )What is Lee responsible for ?

A. the advertising B. the sales people C. the office

39. ( A )What is liu doing right now ?.

A. he is on holiday B. he is working om TV advertisements C. he is visiting the New York office. 40. ( C )What is Jung‘ s current project?.

A. A sales campaign B. TV advertisements C. New databases 第五部分 翻译 41--45题:将下列英文句子翻译成中文。 41. The Meeting Rooms are on the ground floor. 会议室在一楼。

42. He ‘s talking to a customer right now.


43. David usually have a sandwich in his office at lunchtime. 大卫午餐时间经常在办公室吃三明治。 44. I have a reservation for a single room.


45. I‘m waiting for an important telephone call from my boss in Shanghai.

我在等我的上海老板的一个重要电话。 学习记录表 2

1、 请你归纳一下本课程多次出现的 ― 表达提议 /提出建议 ‖ 这一功能句型, 每种句型要列出其结构并举一个例句, 如果有相 应的答语也要一并列出。 (Unit 2, Unit 3 Unit 5 Unit 7 Unit 10 )

例 :Would you like sth?

Would you like a drink? Yes,please,/No,thanks. Would you like to do sth?

Would you like to have a cooffe ? Yes,please. What

What would you like,Pollly? I would like a glass of wine. What about + v_ing ?

What about going to an estate flat ? How about + ving ?

What about going to an estate agent ? Why don't you…?

Why don't you take the tube ?

2、请用学过的功能句型描述一下你自己的外貌、性格爱好以及所擅长的事情。 (Unit 9, Unit 11) (仅供参考)

Hello, I am Mary. I am tall and I have got long, golden wavy hair with blue eyes. I am very nice and kind. I am quite outgoing and talkative – very friendly. I love London. I like the cafés and the concerts in the parks. I hate shopping and spending money! I love sitting in cafés and reading newspapers. I like reading English newspapers. I prefer watching television. I love surfing the Internet for information. I am interested in visiting other countries. I am good at French. I am keen on learning languages.

开放英语(1)形成性考核作业答案 2

