完整版工程管理专业外文翻译 项目成本控制剖析

更新时间:2023-04-14 14:49:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载








1.2全面成本控制原则。全面成本管理是全企业、全员和全过程的管理,亦称“三全” 管理。项目成本的全员控制有一个系统的实质性内容,包括各部门、各单位的责任网络和班组经济核算等等,应防止成本控制人人有责,人人不管。项目成本的全过程控制要求成本控制工作要随着项目施工进展的各个阶段连续进行,既不能疏漏,又不能时紧时松,应使施工项目成本自始至终置于有效的控制之下。















3.2 加强项目成本控制是适应市场竞争形势,加强企业内部管理工作的需要。随着铁路企业的快速发展,建筑市场竞争越来越激烈。今后一段时期,铁路施工企业将面临日趋激烈的市场挑战,施工企业的经营环境难有大的改善。增收提效,强化成本控制与索赔将是今后加强经营管理的重点。这就要求铁路施工企业要把各方面的工作统一到降低成本、提高效益的目标上。按照市场经济的要求钻研、调整和完善管理体制,进一步
















施工项目成本控制是一项复杂的系统工程。在适用方面需要灵活运用,实际操作应因地制宜,不同的工程规模,不同的建筑企业,不同的管理体制都有差别,但不管怎样都是建筑企业对生产经营所消耗的人力资源、物质资源和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制。所以“增产节约,增收节支”是每一个建筑企业的共同点,这就需要在实践中不断的总结和提高成本控制的方式和方法,以保证项目成本目标的实现。而作为企业只有不断深化财务管理体制的改革,突出成本管理的中心地位,进一步加强成本管理, 严格成本否决,实行全员、全过程、全方位的成本控制,才能不断适应市场竞争的形势,摆脱困境,实现成本控制的目标。



Project Cost Con trol

1 The prin ciple of cost con trol in con structi on en terprises

Cost con trol of con struct ion en terprises based on the con structi on project cost con trol as the cen tral prin ciple of the con struct ion project cost con trol cost man ageme nt is the foundation and core of the Ministry of construction enterprise project manager in the con struct ion process of the project cost con trol, must follow the followi ng basic prin ciples.

1.1 The prin ciple of the lowest cost. Con structio n of the fun dame ntal purpose of the project cost con trol, cost man ageme nt is through various means, to promote the con struct ion projects continue to reduce costs in order to achieve the lowest possible cost requirements of the target. In the impleme ntati on of the prin ciple of lowest cost, should pay atte ntio n to the possibility of reduc ing costs and reas on able the lowest cost. On the one hand the ability to tap a variety of lower costs, so that possibility into reality; the other hand, proceed from reality, through the subjective efforts to develop the lowest cost possible to achieve a reas on able level.

1.2 The overall cost control principles. Cost management is a comprehensive enterprise-wide, full, and the whole process of management, also known as "three-all" man ageme nt. The full project cost con trol system has a substa ntive con ten t, i ncludi ng all departme nts and un its of the n etwork and shift the resp on sibility of econo mic acco unting, etc., should preve nt the cost con trol is every on e's resp on sibility, every one no matter what. Project cost con trol requireme nts of the whole process of cost con trol con struct ion work to progress with the various stages of the project continuously, we can not imperfect, can not, and sometimes inten sify ing, should be made throughout the con struct ion project cost un der effective con trol.

1.3 The principle of dynamic control. Construction project is a one-time, cost control project in the middle of the control should be emphasized that the dynamic control. Preparati on phase for con struct ion cost con trol in con struct ion desig n is based on the specific content to determine cost targets, preparation of cost plans, development of a cost control program for the future to prepare for cost control. The completion phase of cost control, profit and loss has been basically a foregone conclusion due to cost, even if the error occurred, it was too late to correct.



1.4 The objective of management principles. Management by objectives include: goal sett ing and decompositi on of the target in place and impleme nt the resp on sibility to check the results of implementation of the objectives, evaluation objectives and revised goals, objectives of man ageme ntpla ns for the formatio n, impleme ntatio n, exam in ati on, treatme nt cycle, the PDCA cycle.

1.5 Responsibilities, rights and interests relative to end principle. In the project con struct ion process, the project man ager of various departme nts, the team at the same time shoulder the responsibility cost control, cost control have the power, while the project man ager to the various departme nts, and team performa nee in cost con trol in specti on and evaluation of regular , the implementation of rewards and punishment. Only do a good job responsibilities, rights and interests combined cost control in order to achieve the desired results.

2 The con structi on cost con trol measures

Cost con trol measures. Way to reduce the cost of the con struct ion project should be both ope n source and reduce expe nditure, or both in come and sav in gs. Open source is not only cutti ng, or cutt ing is not only ope n source, they can not achieve the purpose of reduci ng costs, at least there will not be the ideal cost effective.

Project Cost Management Project Manager is primarily responsible for, overall organization of the Ministry of the cost of the project management, and analysis of profit and loss should be to grasp the situation and take prompt and effective measures; engineering departme nt should be to en sure quality, on schedule to complete the task un der the best of the premise adva ncedtech no logy may be take n to reduce the cost of the project; of Econo mic Affairs should focus on stre ngthe ning budget man ageme nt con tract, to create project budget revenue; Head of Finance project finance and be ready to analyze the project's financial bala nee, rati onal man ageme nt of fun ds.

Developme nt of adva need econo mic and reas on able con structi on pla n, in order to achieve shorter duration, improved quality, lower cost of purpose; strict quality control to eliminate rework, reduce inspection time and cost savings; control labor costs, material costs, mach ine costs and other overhead fee.

With the con structi on market competiti on inten sifies, more and more low-priced



projects, site man ageme nt feesi ncreasi ng. This requires project man agers to use more scie ntific and rigorous man ageme nt approach to managing projects. Also reas on able as the man ageme nt of regi onal econo mic differe nces, to preve nt the in puts across the board. The forego ing an alysis, con struct ion project man ageme nt and cost con trol are compleme ntary, only con structi on project man ageme nt in order to con trol project costs; only achieve the purpose of the project cost con trol, con struct ion project man ageme nt makes sen se. Con structio n project cost con trol reflects the esse ntial characteristics of con structi on project man ageme nt,a nd represe ntsthe core of con struct ion project man ageme nt. Con structi on project cost con trol is the performa nee evaluati on of con struct ion project man ageme nt objective and fair ruler.

3 To stre ngthe n the practical sig nifica nee project cost con trol

3.1 Project cost con trol is to stre ngthe n the railway con struct ion en terprises out of difficulties, the n eed to in crease reve nue. Just now the market for railway con structi on enterprise, to participate in market competition, will face a severe test of the market. Now the con struct ion market liberalizati on, the impleme ntatio n of the bidd ing system, and the weight of very low base price, in order to create effective only way out is to strengthen internal man ageme nt,hard skills, the internal pote ntial to be effective. Therefore, the stre ngthe ning project cost con trol is a very realistic way.

3.2 Stren gthe n project cost con trol is to adapt to market competiti on, stre ngthe n in ternal management needs. With the rapid development of railway enterprises, the construction market more competitive. The period ahead, the railway construction companies will face in creas in gly fierce market challe nges, the con struct ion difficult bus in ess en vir onment big improveme nt. I ncome and efficie ncy, and stre ngthe n cost con trol and claims man ageme nt will stre ngthe n the focus of the n ext. This requires the con structi on en terprises should unify the various aspects of the work to reduce costs, improve efficiency targets. Study in accordanee with the requirements of the market economy to adjust and improve the management system, further strengthening the basic management, enterprise management from the physical man ageme nt to value man ageme nt, cost man ageme nt so that the cen ter of the en terprise man ageme nt.



4 The curre nt con structi on project cost con trol an alysis

The curre nt cost of the project and the reas ons for the problem. Tran sformatio n of the curre nt project, after impleme ntati on of the project the Departme nt impleme nted a "lump sum fee of five," "one hundred yuan output value of lump-sum wage levels," and "contracting in dicators upside dow n" and other forms of econo mic con tract resp on sibility system man ageme nt, project departme nt of product ion and the quality of the con struct ion and have take n great strides. But no doubt that just work, regardless of mode of product ion acco unts still exist. Some Zhigu product ion tasks, cost con scious ness,the cost of man ageme nt as dispe nsable. The past two years to upgrade sta ndards in the project departme nt arrested, the Ministry of enterprise indicators assessmentproject, focus on the production tasks are completed, the objectively facilitated this behavior. Specific performa nee:

4.1 The use of the labor force, not by post, not staffed by actual n eeds, the orga ni zatio n of work they can complete three, you can use the types of low labor charge fees for using Engineering labor. In order to take care of relations, feelings, casual leisure is also retained, product ion and man ageme nt staff can be in differe nt, but the mon thly wage, subsidies, bonuses can not go without artificially expand the funding of expenditure.

4.2 In materials man ageme nt, to what exte nt can simplify to simplify to what exte nt, the bus in ess staff only for convenience and save time, not recorded timely withdrawal card, and some engineering materials differ in kind and the book a few million or even tens of million The lack of their nu mber. Recipie nts in engin eeri ng materials, the procedure is not complete, do not follow the fixed-fat feeding. Site material placed chaos, engineering materials have occurred from time stole n; accessories recipie nts not to review, a bad cha nge, very few people to repair; virtual fill in fuel consumption resulting in one secretly selling the oil.

4.3 The mecha ni cal con struct ion efficie ncy is not high (eg: mon thly leas ing mach inery and equipment), condition is poor, usually poor maintenance. With the failure of mechanical equipment is not subjective and objective reasons, did not hold the responsibility of the parties, the bad are expected to cha nge, no material on the other. TWA has not bee n rigorous training and exam in ati on for appo in tme nt of non-no rmal damage caused by mecha ni cal impact the con struct ion schedule.


