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1. After much deliberation, the bank clerk ----- agreed to offer Ms. Johnson a loan in spite of her poor credit history.
A. steadily
B. reluctantly
C. comfortably
D. inevitably
2. The writing in the article must be as ----- as possible so that all readers can understand the complex issue.
A. clear
B. clearer
C. clearest
D. clearly
3. The ----- of another sudden stock market crash keeps many middle-class citizens from investigating their money.
A. encounter
B. prospect
C. conclusion
D. refusal
4. Ms. McMahon would like to speak with ----- attended the annual accounting seminar in Phoenix last weekend.
A. anyone
B. however
C. everybody
D. whoever
5. The repairperson could not find the specific problem ----- had caused the computer to crash.
A. how
B. whom
C. what
D. that
6. According to the sales director, Ms. Elms is ----- to one of our subsidiaries to collaborate with its sales team.
A. delivering
B. visiting
C. transferring
D. replacing
7. We need to conduct extensive background research on the firms from ----- we received bids.
A. which
B. where
C. that
D. when
8. The director decided to delegate some of the work to a subcontractor after his employees ----- help with the project.
A. inquired
B. requested
C. asked
D. insisted
9. Employees ----- to transfer to the new branch office will receive reimbursements for all moving expense, as well as a bonus.
A. direct
B. directed
C. directing
D. direction
10. Support structure under the Main St Bridge has corroded ----- faster than the bridge’s designer had predicted.
A. a lot
B. so too
C. very
D. real
1. 【答案】B。解析:Johnson女士的信用记录不好,因此包含空格在内的谓语部分表示“不情愿地”。
2. 【答案】A。解析: 此句结构为as+原级+as possible”,在这里,句子表示“字要尽可能的清晰”,空格处应填入充当be动词补语的形容词。
3. 【答案】B。解析: 句子要表示“其他股市也崩盘的可能性”句意才通顺,因此B“可能性,展望”为正确答案。
4. 【答案】D。解析: 解答此题的关键是辨别代词anyone和复合关系词whoever.虽然两者都带有“任何人”的意思,但空格后面接动词attended, 因此能够引导从句的D为正确答案。
5. 【答案】D。解析: 通过分析句子结构,空格前为主语+动词+宾语的结构,因此空格以后的都必须为修饰先行词problem的关系代词从句。
6. 【答案】C。解析: 通过选项可以知道此题为选择符合句意的动词的问题。C表示“调到”符合句意。
7. 【答案】A。解析: 通过选项可以知道此题为选择恰当的关系代词的问题。介词from 之前的结构为“主语+动词+宾语”,从而可以知道,from 后面的部分为修饰先行词firms 的关系代词从句。
8. 【答案】B。解析: 选项中可以直接接宾语的及物动词为正确答案。
9. 【答案】B。解析: 从空格开始到office为修饰Employees的部分,因此B和C都可能为正确答案。句子要表示“被指示做......”的意义,因此B为正确答案。
10. 【答案】A 。解析:句子要表示“快得多”的意思,因此可以修饰比较级的A为正确答案。
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