现代大学英语第二版 unit 7 Key to Exercises
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Unit 7 Inter-lesson (I)
Answers to Exercises
1 Put in the, a/an, or a 0 when no article is needed. 1. A, a 2. a
3. The, the 4. 0,0 5. the, the 6. a
7. 0, the, the, The 8. The, a , 0 9. A, 0
10. The, an, 0, a, the, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 // 0, 0, The, a, a, 0, a, 0, 0, the, 0, 0, 0
2 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets. 1. goes 2. is having, won’t be 3. will stay 4. had 5. has just offered, told, am/was, need/needed
6. arrived, were 7. has happened, have been trying 8. is, find, are 9. arrived, had begun
10. were still sleeping, was, were barking, began
3 Put into these compound sentences a conjunction (and, but, or, so) and a comma.
1. I did not know a single one, and none of them knew me.
2. I clung to my father’s hand, but he gently pushed me from him.
3. One of our daughters is working in a textile factory in Bangkok, and the other has a jib in a store.
4. The harvests were poor at first, but they soon improved. 5. Send them away, or I’ll shoot and take my chances!
6. I opened the account myself, so why can’t I withdraw any money? 7. Our piece of land is small, and it is no longer fertile. 8. No, we two haven’t changed much, but the village has.
9. But there is no more rose in my garden, so I shall sit lonely and my heart will break.
10. I know, times have changed, but certain things should not change. 11. Sometimes, they get bullied, and it is like a knife piercing my heart.
12. “Press closer, little Nightingale, or the Day will come before the rose is finished” cried the Tree.
4 Put into the passage punctuation marks:….
My sister and I are three and a half years apart in age, but a world apart in the way we live our lives. She is conservative and quiet. I take too many risks, and the only time
I’m really quiet is when I’m sleep. I’ve spent most of my adult life apologizing to my sister and the rest of my family for being different, for embarrassing them by something I wear, something I do or something I say.
5 Paraphrase these sentences, paying special attention to the underlined parts. 1. Our path: life at school Not totally sweet: not just fun (not) unclouded: (there were) work to do and unpleasant things to face. Method used for paraphrasing: replacing abstract words with concrete ones
Paraphrase: school wasn’t just fun; there were work to do and unpleasant things to face.
2. suggested: showed Authority: a person in charge Paraphrase: The way the man looked showed he was the man in charge there. Method: finding out the exact meaning of words or phrases in the context 3. it: hearing (that) my children are badly treated Is like a knife piercing my heart: gives me great pain Paraphrase: Whenever I hear (that) my children are badly treated, I feel great pain. Method: replacing similes or specific words with general words.
4. fit the description of any secret agent: was like a secret agent (described in spy novels)
Paraphrase: Ausable wasn’t like any secret agent in spy novels Fowler had read. Method: explaining phrases in everyday language
5. The occasion: the fact that the villager was serious about the rock being the center of the world
Show of recognition: agreeing with them in some way on my part: from me Paraphrase: As the villagers were serious about the rock being the center of the world, I felt I had to show I agree with them for the sake of politeness.
Method: explaining abstract words (occasion, recognition) in concrete everyday expression.
Answers to Test Paper
I. Spelling
1. rivalry 2. variety 3. stretch 4. whisper 5. pierce 6. scarcity 7. scent 8. interfere 9. ridiculous 10. jewelry 11. conscious 12. genius 13. ignorance 14. potential 15. automatic 16. mysterious 17. passable 18. blossom 19. marvelous 20. philosophy
II. Word Formation
1 overcrowded 2 withdrawals 3 Amazingly 4 determination 5 doubtful 6 wordy 7 good-natured 8 telecommunications 9 curiosity 10 disagree
III. Cloze
1 has 2 meeting 3 at 4 hours 5 alone 6 lecture 7 weekends 8 Among 9 way 10 that
IV. Translation Chinese to English
1. He doesn’t seem to have the courage to speak out about what’s happening in the factory.
2. The couple told the reporter that they had nothing to complain about.
3. Compared with their old place, their new apartment/house seems like a palace.
4. It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of this win-win opportunity.
5. The guests told the host that they had spent a very enjoyable evening at the party. 6. I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I had left my purse at home.
7. He stayed (in) home all weekend, trying to reflect on what had happened.
8. When he was young, he believed in freedom so much that he would rather die than live without it.
9. When I visited Beijing for the second time, I found the city’s public amenities had greatly improved.
10. If anything unexpected happened during the conference, the security guards would arrive with in a few seconds.
English to Chinese
1 由于姐姐对我的暑期计划似乎忧虑最少,我就谦卑地求她开车送我去机场。“没问题,”她随口说。“不过千万别告诉老爸!”我笑了笑,同意了,倒不是因为我们的父亲对子女专制,我们都知道他非常爱我们,这点从他为我们做出的牺牲就可以看出。要不是他,我是上不了法学院的。他只是对我这次出行感到忧虑,一时难以将他对我的爱与担心区分开来。
2 那天在一瞬间我姐姐第一次向我显示出她可贵的一面,也可能是我过去对她了解得不够深,而没看到她的那一面。我转身望向窗外的航站楼,泪水滑落面颊,我看到姐姐站在窗外对我微笑,向我挥手。在飞机退离登机口时,我看到她的嘴唇动了,是在说“我爱你。”我朝她微笑,这是我生平第一次体验到,她是真的爱我的。
5 Proofreading
1 this was 2 grasp/been 3 off 4 It’s/ first 5 used to/have no use for 6 which/ ,come 7 was/ concerning 8 Love is/ to be 9 consisted of/ were scattered 10 I was/ they could
6 Reading Comprehension 1 CDCBD
2 fingering: touching with his fingers
Queue: a line of people standing waiting for something
Good: able to be used at the airport; checkbooks were not to be accepted by the airport
Getting nowhere: not achieving anything
Sweep: to spread quickly; to quickly become known by more and more people. 3
I fell in love. I did not have much money. I only ate very cheap food such ad marrow fritters fried in rancid oil; boiled eggs, tea and vodka.
People didn’t respond to my request for help, I understood this because they were not sure if I was cheating them.
I shook my head at the next person who wanted to give me money. I said “Thanks, I’ve got enough money.”
All the people on board of the plane clapped.
“Please wait for me. Don’t take off until I get on board of the plane.” 4
When the girl arrived at the airport, she was told she had to pay $200 for her overdue visa before she could check in. She didn’t have the money. The plane would take off in twenty minutes. In desperation, she began to go from passenger to passenger, asking for help. Though she promised to return the money, people were silent. When someone urged passengers to lend a hand, imagining the girl was their daughter, the cash came. Soon the girl collected $200, and no one would give her an address to return the money. Five minutes later she was on the plane.
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