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——the top ten attractions in the world


大峡谷是刻在美国亚利桑那州科罗拉多河上的 一个陡峭的双面峡谷。它主要包含在大峡谷国 家公园,美国第一个国家公园之一。总统西奥 多罗斯福是大峡谷保护区的主要支持者一个, 并多次来狩猎和欣赏风景。

The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided gorge carved by the Colorado River in the United States in the state of Arizona. It is largely contained within the Grand Canyon National Park, one of the first national parks in the United States. President Theodore Roosevelt was a major proponent of preservation of the Grand Canyon area, and visited it on numerous occasions to hunt and enjoy the scenery. Gorge:峡谷,峡 Colorado River:科罗拉多河 Proponent:支持者

The Grand Canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long, ranges in width from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 29 km) and attains a depth of over a mile (1.83 km) (6000 feet). Nearly two billion years of the Earth's geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted. While the specific geologic processes and timing that formed the Grand Canyon are the subject of debate by geologists, recent evidence suggests the Colorado River established its course 大峡谷277英里(446公里)长,4到18 英里(6.4至29公里)宽,深度达到1比 through the canyon at least 17 million years ago. Since that time, the Colorado 1英里(1.83公里)(6000英尺)。科 罗拉多河揭露了近二十〇亿年地球的地 River continued to erode and form the 质历史,当科罗拉多高原隆升,其支流 canyon to the point we see it as today. 从岩石层切割到渠道层。虽然地质学家 主体辩论的是具体的地质过程和时间形 Tributaries:之流 成了大峡谷,最近的证据表明,科罗拉 多河在至少17万年前就开始形成。自那 Uplifted:隆升 时以来,科罗拉多河不断侵蚀,形成了 Specific:具体的 我们今天看到的看到峡谷上的一点。 Erode:侵蚀

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world, roughly parallel to the coast of Queensland, Australia, for almost 2,000km. Australia has almost 1/5th of the world's reef area and most is located in the GBR. Washed by the warm waters of the South-West Pacific Ocean the perfect environment is created for the world's largest system of coral reefs. The Great Barrier Reef is of such pristine condition that it was listed by the World Heritage Trust as a protected site and is therefore managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Authority to ensure that its beauty is maintained for many generations to come.

NO.2澳大利亚的大堡礁Great Barrier Reef

Coral reef:珊瑚礁 pristine condition:原


大堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁,大致平行至近2000公里的澳大利亚昆士兰海岸。 澳大利亚几乎有世

界珊瑚礁面积的1/5,大部分都位于大堡礁。 由西南太平洋的海水冲 刷,以及完美环境形成了世界上最大的珊瑚礁。因为这样的原始状态,大堡礁被列入 了世界遗产信托基金以加以保护,由大堡礁海洋管理局管理,以确保它的美丽,能一 直保持下去。

大堡礁水域提供世界上最繁忙和最多样 化的海洋栖息地。海洋生物,种类丰富。 从许多珊瑚物种到寻找布莱克马林,各 种规模和物种的鱼类存在于在两者之间。 该礁的鱼类和其他海洋生物的、艺术家 甚至没有想到过不同颜色将震惊游客。 它是世界552个世界遗产地区规模最大 的,覆盖347000公里,有2800多礁在 该地区编目下。 The waters of the Great Barrier Reef provide the world's busiest and most varied marine habitats. Marine life is in abundance. From the many species of coral to the sought after Black Marlin and all sizes and species of fish in-between. The varied colours of the reef's fish and other marine life will astound the visitor with colour combinations that artists haven't even dreamed of. It is the largest of the world 552 World Heritage Areas, covering 347,000 km There are more than 2800 catalogued reefs in the area. Marine:海洋的; habitats:栖息地; coral:珊瑚; astound:是震惊

Florida is a state located in the southeastern region of Peninsula:半岛 the United States. Most of the state is a large peninsula with the Gulf of Mexico on its west and the Humid:潮湿的 Atlantic Ocean on its east. Much of the state has a Subtropical:热带的 humid subtropical climate; southern Florida has a tropical climate.Florida was named by Juan Ponce de Flowery Easter:华 León, who landed on the peninsula on 2 April 1513, 丽复活节 during Pascua Florida (Spanish for "Flowery Easter," referring to the Easter season). Florida is the fourth most populous state in the country. 美国佛罗里达州 Florida 佛罗里达州是位于美国东南部地 区的一个国家。该州大部分是位 于墨西哥湾其西部和大西洋东部 的大半岛。该州大部分地区属于 亚热带潮湿气候;佛罗里达州南部 属热带气候.佛罗里达是由1513年 4月2日降落在佛罗里达州帕斯夸 半岛上的胡安庞塞德莱昂命名的 (西班牙语为“华丽复活节”, 指的是复活节赛季)。佛罗里达 州是第四人口最多的国家。

New Zealand consists of the North Island and the South Island, which are separated by Cook Strait, and several smaller islands. Both main islands are bisected by mountain ranges. New Zealand has a developing market economy based largely on agriculture (dominated by sheep raising), small-scale industries, and services. It is a constitutional monarchy with one legislative house; its chief of state is the British monarch represented by the governor-general, and the head of government is the prime minister. Bisect:一分为二;

dominate:占主要地位; monarchy君主制


新西兰分为北岛和南岛,而远隔库克海峡,和几个较小的岛屿。两个主要岛屿都是 由行政院山脉。新西兰已发展市场经济主要基于农业(主要是养羊) ,小规模工业 和服务业。这是一个君主立宪制的一个立法家;其主要国家是英国女王的代表总督府, 政府首脑是总理。

When Britain joined the European Economic Community in the early 1970s, its influence led New Zealand to expand its export markets and diversify its economy. New Zealand also became more independent in its foreign relations and took a strong stand against nuclear proliferation. The literacy rate is nearly 100%. The cultural milieu is predominantly European, although there has been a revival of traditional Maori culture and art, and Maori social and economic activism have been central to political developments in New Zealand since the late 20th century.

当70年代初期英国加入欧洲 经济共同体,其影响力使得 新西兰扩大其多元化出口市 场的和发展经济。新西兰也 变得更加独立,其对外关系 中采取了强硬立场,反对核 扩散。识字率几乎是百分之 一百。文化氛围以欧洲为主, 虽然出现了复苏的毛利人的 传统文化与艺术,而自20世 纪后期毛利人的社会和经济 活动在新西兰都发展成为中 央政治核心内容。

Diversify:发展 Proliferation:扩散 Predominantly:主要


“好望角”的意思是“美好希望的海角”,但最初却称“风暴角”。是 位于非洲西南端非常著名的岬角。位于34°21′S,18°30′E处。。但从 此通往富庶的东方航道有望,故改称好望角。。 “Cape of Good Hope” means “beautiful cape of hope”, but it was initially referred as "storm corners.“ It is a very famous headland in the southwestern of Africa. It is located in 34 ° 21'S, 18 ° 30'E. But the wealthy from the East waterway leading to expected, it was renamed Cape of Good Hope. Headland:岬角; Cape Town :开普敦

好望角 Cape Town

苏伊士运河通航前,来往于亚 欧之间的船舶都经过好望角。 现特大油轮无法进入苏伊士运 河,仍需取此道航行。好望角 多暴风雨,海浪汹涌,位于来 自印度洋的温暖的莫桑比克厄 加勒斯洋流和来自南极洲水域 的寒冷的本格拉洋流的汇合处。 1939年这里成为自然保护区

Before Suez Canal navigated, all the ships from Asia to Europe passed by Cape of Good Hope. Large tankers are unable to enter the Suez Canal and they still need to take this voyage. Cape of Good Hope often occurs storms and raging waves, and it lies in the confluence of the warmth from the Indian Ocean Terrace currents and the cold Antarctic waters of the confluence of the Benguela Current. It became a nature reserve in 1939.

Navigation:航海 Tankers:油轮 nature reserve:


区Terrace currents:加勒斯


金庙 Golden Temple

India‘s Golden Temple is one of the highest temples in Varanasi, and it lies in the street which is in the north of of Ganges. It was restored in 1776 after being destroyed by a king. This temple is used to dedicate to Shiva, the great God. To those who come to Varanasi to worship, it is a place they must visit. But nonHindus are not admitted. And generally visitors only can see the Golden Temple across the buildings, or seeing it through the temple peep hole in the trail behind the monastery walls.

印度金庙是瓦腊纳西寺庙中地位最高的一座,位于恒河浴场以北的街上,在被莫卧儿王 朝的一位皇帝摧毁后于1776年重建。这座庙宇供奉湿婆大神,对前来瓦腊纳西朝拜的信 徒,它是个必访之地,但非印度教徒是不得入内的,一般的游客只能在金庙对面的楼房 高处俯瞰庙内情景,也可从寺院后面小道的壁洞中窥视庙宇内部。 Dedicate:奉献、供奉;peep:偷窥、偷看; monastery:寺院

Shimmering from the desert haze of Nevada like a latter-day El Dorado, Las Vegas is the most dynamic, spectacular city on earth. At the start of the twentieth century, it didn't even exist; at the start of the twenty-first, it's home to well over one million people, with enough newcomers arriving to need a new school every month.

如天多拉多内华达州沙漠的 阴霾闪烁,拉斯维加斯是地 球上最有活力的、最壮观的 城市。在20世纪初期,它甚 至不存在,在二十一世纪初 期,它是超过百万人的发源 地,足够的新迁来的人数每 个月需要建一个新的学校。


拉斯维加斯 Las Vegas

Shimmer:闪烁 Dynamic:有活力的 Spectacular:壮观的

Las Vegas is not like other cities. No city in history has so explicitly valued the needs of visitors above those of its own population. All its growth has been fueled by tourism, but the tourists haven't spoiled the "real" city; there is no real city. Las Vegas doesn't have fascinating little-known neighborhoods, and it's not a place where visitors can go off the beaten track to have more authentic experiences. Instead, the whole thing is completely self-referential; the reason Las Vegas boasts the vast majority of the world's largest hotels is that around thirty-seven million tourists each year come to see the hotels themselves. Explicitly:明确地; fuel:刺激 Authentic:真实的; self-referential:自我参

照拉斯维加斯是不是像其他城市。历史上没有 任何城市有非常明确的价值高于其人口的游 客的需要。所有的增长已经带动了旅游,但 游客并没有被宠坏的“真实”的城市,有没 有真正的城市。拉斯维加斯没有迷人的鲜为 人知的街区,并且它不是一个地方,游客可 以去人迹罕至的地方有更多的真实体验。相 反,整个事情完全是自我参照

,原因拉斯维 加斯拥有世界上最大的酒店绝大多数是大约 3700.0万游客,每年来看望自己的酒店。


悉尼的最大资产是它的气候及自然 环境,北有碧水及毫克斯贝利河, 环绕着南部城市的有植物港及其他 海口。而黄金海岸及未受破坏的灌 木林更增添了它的美丽.除了优秀 的天赋环境之外,悉尼还有许多显 著的人工添加的特色,其美丽的建 筑物、休闲的生活方式和具有多元 文化的人口都为悉尼带来独有的蓬 勃生机。 Assets:资产; flourishing:蓬勃的

The largest assets of Sydney are its climate and natural environment. There are green water and milligram in Pele rivers then in the north, and there are plant harbours around the southern city and other Gold Coast add beauty of it even more bush forest that are not being destroyed. Besides outstanding talent environment, there are artificial characteristic that adds more remarkable scenes in Sydney. Its beautiful building , recreation life style and population with plural culture all bring the unique flourishing life to Sydney.

Sydney is London of Australia. The Hyde Parks of city center and the Queen Victorial Building of the George street can let people experience the highest imperial atmosphere at sea mansion.The ornament of Sydney is the peculiar beauty in the city of Australia. Brick house , street that chimney stand in great numbers, especially in Luo Fu special street, and all sorts of ornaments , resident of balcony , backer of area, like the combination of lace weaves.

Imperial:皇家的; peculiar:独具的、 独特的; ornaments:装饰

悉尼是澳洲的伦敦.乔治街的维克多利亚皇后大厦、市中心的海德公园都可以让人 感受到在海一边的皇家优雅至上的气氛。 悉尼的装饰美,是澳大利亚特有的城市美。砖砌的房屋、烟囱林立的街道,尤其在 罗福特街,以及靠山地区的长屋居民阳台上的种种装饰,像花边织网似的典雅的组合。

纽约 New York

Modernized:现代化; metropolitan 首要城市的;

纽约是世界上最现代化的商业城市。而它也是 整个联合国人口最多的城市. 而纽约的首要城市 地区也排在世界人口最多的城市地区之中。作 为一个全球领先的城市,它对全球商业,金融, 文化,时尚和娱乐功能具有着潜移默化地强大 的影响力。作为联合国总部的东道主,纽约也 是国际事务中的重要中心。

New York is the world's most modernized and business city. And it's the most populated city it the entire United States.while the New York metropolitan area ranks among the most populous urban areas in the world. A leading global city, it exerts a powerful influence over worldwide commerce, finance, culture, fashion and entertainment. As host of United Nations headquarters, New York is also an important center for international affairs.


北部大西洋沿岸新建的一个大港 口,五个区包括:布朗克斯,布鲁克林,曼 哈顿,皇后区和史坦顿岛。城市的人口超过 820万,在不到305平方英里的生活,使纽约 市人口最稠密的美国主要城市。在纽约大都 会地区的人口,也是全国最大的,在1880万 以上6720(平方英里的估计17400平方公 里)。

With a large harbor located on the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United States, the city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. The city's estimated population exceeds 8.2 million people living in just under 305 square miles, making New York City the most densely populated major city in the United States. The New York metropolitan area's population is also the nation's largest, estimated at 18.8 million people over 6,720 square miles (17,400 km2). Borough:区 Densely:稠密的 Metropolitan:大都会

泰姬玛哈陵(Taj Mahal Mausoleum), 习惯上简称为泰姬陵, 系莫卧儿帝国的沙杰汗 王爱妃泰姬玛哈的陵墓。 建于公元1631年,动 用2万人费时22年才建 造完成。莫卧儿帝国也 因如此庞大的开支(耗 资4000多万卢比)而 走向败亡之路。


印度泰姬陵 Taj Mahal


Taj Mahal (Taj Mahal Mausoleum), usually referred to as listed. Mughal Empire between the SHA Jie Wang coalition Tajmahal Khan's tomb. Built in 1631, 20,000 people spent time 22 years to complete the construction. Mughal empire because of the huge costs (cost of over 4,000 million rupees), and take the road of decline.

泰姬陵是世界建筑奇迹之一,位于阿格拉城 郊的亚穆纳河右岸,西北距首都近新德里 200千米。1631年国王最喜欢的妃子泰姬在 途中生第15个孩子时难产去世。国王问她有 什么话要留下来,她说:“我有三个要求, 就是你好好抚养孩子,终身不再娶,并为我 建造一座美丽的陵墓。”沙杰汗为实现泰姬 的生前要求,就为她修建了这座举世无双、 规模宏大、印度最美丽的建筑。

Mahal is one of the world's architectural miracle, the right bank of Yamuna in Agra suburbs. New Delhi, nearly 200 km from the capital of the Northwest. 1631 King's favorite books in the way Thai JI their first 15 children died when dystocia. King asked what she would stay, she said : "I have three, you take care of the child, life is no longer married. and I build a beautiful tomb. "SHA Jie Khan to the former Thai JI, She built this for the unparalleled scale of the event, India's most beautiful building. Miracle:奇迹 Unparalleled:举世

The end

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