上海版牛津英语2015 2016度第二学期三年级英语下册期末试卷

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_2015学年度第二学期三年级英语期末考查__(满分:100分完成时间:60分钟)_Part I Listening (听力部分)40%

__I. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,并将序号填入括号内)○10% __( ) 1. A. bus B. but C. bud _( ) 2. A. sheep B. ship C. shop __C. head ) 3. A. hand B. hard ( _C. pear ) 4. A. bear B. pair ( __C. cloudy B. rainy ( ) 5. A. sunny _C. mouse ) 6. A. house B. horse ( __C. square B. rectangle ) 7. A. triangle ( ___C. go swimming B. go skiing ( ) 8. A. go fishing ○__C. take off

) 9. A. turn off B. turn on ( ____( )10.A. two feet B. two knees C. ten fingers

__II. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听所到的句子,并将序号填入括号内)8% ___( ) 1. A. What do you do on Children's Day?

_名_B. What do you do on Mother's Day?

姓__( ) 2. A. We can plant flowers in the garden.

_ B. We can ski on the snow.

___○( ) 3. A. Do you like monkeys? Yes, I do. They're clever. __ B. Do you like tigers? Yes, I do. They're strong. ____( ) 4. A. May I have some juice, please? B. May I have a try?

__B. How do those apples feel?

) 5. A. How do these pineapples feel?

( __级_( ) 6. A. Stretch your arms. B. Raise your hands. 班_( ) 7. A. Can you draw yourself, Peter? B. Can Peter draw himself? __( ) 8.

A. How many toy trains are there on the table?

○B. How much are the toy trains? _

_III. Listen and choose(听录音,选择最恰当的应答句,并将序号填入括号内)6% _( )

1. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can. __( )

2. A. They are smooth. B. They are sour.

C. They are green. _C. Yes, of course. B. Very well. 's all right. ( ) 3. A. That__C. Two ships. B. An aeroplane. ( ) 4. A. Some buses. _○C. I need a coat.

) 5. A. I need a blouse.

B. I need a T-shirt.

( _( ) 6. A. They are circles. B. It's a circle. C. They are yummy. _IV. Listen and number ((听录音,给下列句子编号) 6%

__( ) Tony is Kitty's big brother. He likes riding his skateboard. __( ) Kitty is a student of Park School. She is seven years old.


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( ) Her mother is short and thin. She can make apple pies.

( ) There are many yellow stars on the skateboard.

( ) Her father is tall and fat. He can make paper robots.

( ) How happy they are!

V. Listen and write (听一听,写出所听到的单词完成句子) 5%

I have a ________doll. She has a beautiful dress and a pair of ________ on her

_______. It's pink and ___________.She can sing and walk. I like my doll very much. Look! Here is a _________of my doll. So nice!

VI. Listen and judge (听短文判断,相符的用“T”,不相符用“F”表示) 5%

( ) 1. Alice is a short girl.

( ) 2. Elephants are big and short.

( ) 3. My bicycle is blue and black.

( ) 4. The monkey can't ride a bicycle.

( ) 5. Monkeys like eating bananas.

Part II Reading and writing(读写部分) 60%

I. Read and copy(正确抄写句子,注意大小写及标点)6%

can you draw yourself peter yes of course thats easy

_____ _____



II. Read and judge (辨音,用T表示相同,F表示不同)6%

( ) 1. shoulder she ( ) 2. whale who

( ) 3. rock toothpick ) 4. close gloves (

( ) ( ) 5.grass classroom

6. doll tall

III. Read and choose (选出不同类的词,将字母编号填在括号里)5%

( ) 1. A. hand B. head C. hear D. hair

( ) 2. A. touch B. soft C. hard D. rough

( ) 3.A. robot B. kite C. ball D. draw

( ) 4. A. his B. your C. I D. our

( ) 5. A. second B. four C. first D. third

IV. Choose(选出最恰当的答案)10%

( ) 1. ______ can you see? I can see a grey ship.

A. What

B. What colour

C. How

( ) 2. Mary and I _________in the park.



C. are

( ) 3. _____ does the fish smell? It's not nice.

A. What

B. How

C. Who

( ) 4. Do you like robots? Yes, I_________.


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A. am

B. like


How many ________? Only one. ( ) 5.

A. star

B. squares

C. circle

I _______a shape. It's a rectangle. A rectangle ) 6. ________four sides. (

A. have…have

B. has…have

C. have…has

_____ have two eyes. ______ eyes are big and black. ( ) 7.

A. I …My

B. My…I

C. Me…My

--- Can ______ draw ______, Tom? --- Yes. Look! It's ______. ) 8. (

A. you ,yourself , you

B. I , myself , my

C. you, yourself , me

In China, Children ( ) 9. 's Day is ____ the first of June.

A. in

B. on

C. for

---Let's go _______.)10. ( --- Sorry, I'm busy.

A. fish

B. fishing

C. fishes

V. Think and write (根据要求写出句子,每格一词)12%

1. Those are my legs. (一般疑问句)

_______ those _______legs?

2. Summer is hot. (改成否定句,但意思不变)

Summer_________ ___________.

3. The trees are green in spring.(对划线部分提问)

______ _______ are the trees in spring?

4. The biscuit is a circle. (划线提问)

_______ _______ is the biscuit?

5. I like this red scarf. (改成复数句)

We like _________ red _____________.

6. a, has, of, Danny, pair, trousers (.)


VI. Read, think and write(读一读,填入适当的单词,使句子通顺,每格一词)6%

1. Peter is in the zoo. He likes _______________ best.

2. This is our classroom. We can _________ and _________ in it.

3. It's a season. It's warm and rainy. We can plant trees in this season. It's


4. It's a shape. It has no sides. It's like a ball. It's a ___________.

5. Touch the __________. How do they feel? They are hard and smooth.

VII. Read and write (读一读,在横线上填入所缺句子的编号,使对话通顺完整)5%

A. Yes, I do.

B. What colour are the flowers?

C. Good morning,

Alice. D. It's a sunny day. E. Look at the grass. It's green.

____________________ Kitty and Alice are in the park.

Kitty: _______________________


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Alice: Good morning, Kitty.

Kitty: Look, the park is very big. Do you like it?

Alice: ______________ There are so many flowers in it.

Kitty: __________________

Alice: They are yellow, pink and red. I like them.

Kitty: __________________

Alice: The trees are green too. How beautiful!

Kitty: Let's play together.

Alice: Great!

VIII. Read and judge(阅读判断,用T 或F表示正确与错误)5%

My name is Tom. I am a bear. I'm small and lovely. I like honey(蜂蜜). I live in

the cave(洞穴) with my mother. I can run fast. In spring, it is warm. The trees are

green. I like running on the green grass. In summer, I can hear the insects singing in

the trees. In autumn, I can watch the yellow leaves falling on the ground. In winter, the

snow falls from the sky. It's cold outside. But I sleep in my warm cave and dream

about(做梦)the next spring.

( ) 1.Tom is a big and lovely bear.

( ) 2.Tom can run slowly.

( ) 3. Tom lives in a zoo.

( ) 4. In spring, Tom can watch the yellow leaves falling.

( ) 5. Tom sleeps in the cave in winter.

IX. Writing(写作:介绍你喜欢的季节,可以从这个季节天气特点,你能干些什么, 你喜欢干什么等方面来描述。三种以上的句型,不少于25字):5%

My favourite season

________ _________ ________ ________ __________ __________ ________

_________ ________ _________ ________ ________ __________ __________

________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ________ __________

__________ ________ _________ ________★_________ ________ ________

__________ __________ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________

________ __________ __________ _______ ________ ________ ________


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