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1 先分析括号里所给汉语的考点,然后并一一列出;

2 如果考点中涉及到对动词的翻译,一定要注意动词的时态或形式;

3 注意观察空前空后的词或句子,查看是否有特殊情况出现,比如否定词放在句首等,具体问题具体分析;

4 考虑完所有细节后,从整体上开始翻译句子。


1) 倍数 ‘倍数+as+形容词原级+as’ 表示A是B的几倍.(一倍用once, 二倍用twice, 三倍以上用基数词+times)

如:He can run three times as fast as john

2) “比较级+and+比较级” 意为 “越来越??”

如:It rained more and more heavily.

3) “the+比较级?,the+比较级?”意为“越??就越??”

如:The more I thought, the more puzzled I felt.

定语从句考点:1) 除了一般的结构外,很多次都考到了先行词定语从句中作宾语,省略引导词的情况。如:This is a good book he bought me last week.如果发现要翻译的内容出现“的”,如果确定用定语从句,则“的”后面是先行词,前面是定语从句。

2) 当先行词是way时,关系词常常省略。

如: I like the way(that/in which )you teach us.

3) 当先行词是the reason时,后面的关系副词可省略

如:This is the reason (why) I asked you to come

倒装句考点: (1)“only+状语”位于首时,则从句后的主句主谓语发生倒装。如:only when we finish the task, can we go out to enjoy ourselves

(2) 否定词not until,hardly, hardly when, ,never, hardly ever, few, little, not, neither,no scarcely,nor, nothing, no longer, in no way, seldom, no sooner?.than?, scarcely when等放在句首时,其后的句子发生倒装。如:Hardly had she finished eating when he came in.


1)在主语从句中的应用 It is demanded / necessary / a pity + that?等结构的主语从句,谓语动词用should 加动词原形,should 可省略。可用的词有三类

It is+ (1)suggested, ordered, required, proposed, demanded, requested, insisted等 (2)important, necessary, natural, imperative, strange等

(3)a pity, a shame, no wonder等

+ that(should)do


在表示命令、建议、要求等一类动词后面的从句中,像order, suggest, propose, require, demand, request, insist, command, insist + (should) do等。

例如: I suggest that we (should) hold a meeting next week. 我建议下周召开个会议。 He insisted that he (should ) be sent there.他要求被派到那儿去。 注意:如suggest, insist不表示\建议\或\坚持要某人做某事时\,即它们用于其本意\暗示、表明\、\坚持认为\时,宾语从句用陈述语气。


suggestion, proposal, idea, plan, order, advice等名词后面的表语从句、同位语从句中要用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。

例如: My idea is that we(should)get more people to attend the conference.我的想法是让更多的人来参加会议。 I make a proposal that we(should)hold a meeting next week.我提了个建议,下周我们开个会。


表示对现在的推测,从句谓语动词用V-ed或者were, 主句谓语动词用would/could/should/might/+动词原形;

表示对过去的推测,从句谓语动词用had done, 主句谓语动词用would/could/should/might/+have done;

表示对将来的推测,从句谓语动词用V-ed或者were to do结构,主句谓语动词用would/could/should/might/+动词原形。


当句子中出现without, otherwise或者but for时,该句子需要用虚拟语气,表示对过去的推测,用would/could/should/might/+have done, 表示对现在的推测,谓语动词用would/could/should/might/+动词原形



例如: Had I finished the task earlier yesterday(=If I had finished the task earlier yesterday), I would not have caused many problems


It is (high) time that后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,但should不可省略。

如: It is high time that the children went to school. It is high time that the children should go to school


Model test 1

1. Her energies ________________(集中在孩子们身上)and she seems to have little time for anything else.

2. ________________(没有这座房子的入口)from the main road.

3. The more we learn about Professor Wang, ________________(我们就对他越钦佩)。 4. ________________(环境发生了变化),it is necessary for you to make a new plan. 5. ________________(既然你已经完成这次任务),you should start doing another research project now.

Model test 2

1.________________(这位老人是专家),we ought to believe his words.

2. Although punctual himself, the professor________________(对学生迟到习以为常)for his lecture.

3. the parents assured their children that there was no danger, but they ________________(仍禁不住担心)。

4.I don’t think it advisable that ________________(派他做这项工作)since he has no experience.

5. The wild land is ________________(太危险而不适合居住)。

Model test 3

1. Our headmaster ________________(一生都奉献给教学工作),we all respected him. 2. ________________(预约被推迟了),the patient had to stay in clinic for another two hours.

3. He is so cute a guy________________(他总是有很多朋友)。 4. You ________________(再小心也不为过) when you drive a car. 5. The little man was ________________(几乎不到30岁)。

Model test 4

1. No sooner had the moved in his new house ________________(就发现周围环境很喧嚣)。

2. ________________(我无法集中精力工作),with my little brother making a lot of noises.

3. Frankly speaking, I’d rather________________(你不要管这件事情) for the time being.

4. ________________(他放弃这次机会) was a great mistake.

5. ________________(空气受到污染),we found it uncomfortable to live in this city. Model test 5

1. He didn’t want to apologize for his mistake, ________________(他的助手也是)。 2. ________________(令我失望的是),the student failed to go though the TOFEL exam though he worked very hard.

3. ________________(如果我记着锁门),the things would not have been stolen. 4. My brother ________________(估计去北京了)last week.

5. ________________(既然我们已准备好所有材料),we should begin the new task at once.

Model test 6

1. Not until the year of 1954________________(这个城市被定为省会)。 2. I don’t mind your delaying making the decision ________________(只要不算太晚)。 3. It is difficult for him to________________(适应这里的生活)。

4. ________________(努力记单词没有用),you need to practice what you have learned more.

5. Jean didn’t go to the party last night because she ________________(忙于准备考试)。

Model test 7

1. Only after I found out the truth ________________(我才意识到他是无辜的). 2. Come and see your teacher ________________(只有你一有空)。

3. The president promised ________________(告知所有成员) how the negotiations were going on.

4. Jim told his colleagues that he had to obey his wife________________(免得她生气)。 5. The sale ________________(通常在室外进行) with the audience seated on benches, chairs or boxes.

Model test 8

1. He got injured because of his brakes. He ________________(本应该检查) if his brakes were working properly.

2. It was you, nor I ________________(太依赖药物) and never did exercises.

3. So little ________________(我对历史的了解) that the lecture was completely beyond me.

4. ________________(他如果昨天来的话),I would have asked him not to do that.

5. No wonder Jack is gaining weight; he seems to ________________(把活动局限于吃和睡上)。

Model test 9

1. ________________(肯定下雨了) last night! The road is still wet.

2. Neither of the two young men ________________(应聘一个职位) in the university was accepted.

3. How close parents are to their children________________(具有很大影响) on the character of the children.

4. It’s necessary that the news ________________(传达到每个人) in the neighborhood. 5. Not only ________________(奉献了一场精彩演出), but they also gave a brief introduction to western music.

Model test 10

1. If the project had not been completed on time, ________________(会损失大量的时间和金钱).

2. Some women could have made a good salary in a job ________________(而不是呆在家里).

3. Not until the game had begun ________________(他才到达运动场).

4. Since the light was out in their room, they ________________(一定上床睡觉了). 5. He ________________(没有参加竞赛); he could have won though.

Model test 11

1._______________(要不是你的帮助), we would not have succeeded in the investigation.

2. The young man was _______________(被指控偷了钱).

3. In fact, Peter _______________(宁愿离开)than stayed at home.

4. All students in this university are requested _______________(遵守学校规章).

5. The room is in a terrible mess; it _______________(不可能打扫过).

Model test 12

1. However mild wine seems it will _______________(对饮酒的人有影响).

2. You may keep the book a further week _______________(倘若没其他人需要用的话). 3. If I _______________(在校时学习刻苦), I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.

4. What we want to know now is _______________(他是否接受邀请). 5. He _______________(向客户妥协了) and halved the price.

Model test 13

1. _______________(不论你是否意识到这一点), you are using his influence in your own favor.

2. The opening between the rocks was very narrow, but the boys _______________(设法挤过去了).

3. I’m sure he will pass this exam _______________(要是他多加注意的话).

4. Everyone should _______________(赋予受教育的权利) and a decent standard of living.

5. It is incorrect that you went to the exhibition _______________(未征得允许).

Model test 14

1. _______________(尽管他被铭记) mainly for inventing the phone, Alexander Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.

2. No matter what forceful arguments against smoking _______________(如今许多人仍坚持吸烟).

3. The soldier had qualified as a doctor, but later he _______________(放弃行医) for full-time training.

4. He asked us _______________(协助他们做试验).

5. The average person _______________(掉头发多达100根) per day from the head.

Model test 15

1. I was advised to arrange for insurance _______________(以备医疗需求).

2. The manager _______________(对他的秘书很生气)who was late again, but he tried to control his temper.

3. _______________(只要他努力工作), I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment. 4. It is _______________(言之过早) whether the new plan will work.

5. The shop assistant was dismissed as she _______________(被指控欺骗顾客)。

Model test 16

1. We’ll visit Europe next year _______________(如果有钱的话).

2. Some plants _______________(对光非常敏感) , they prefer the shade.

3. We were heatedly arguing about the financial matter _______________(当电话响起时) .

4. Not having a good command of English can _______________(阻碍你实现目标). 5. It is very important _______________(明辨是非).

Model test 17

1. Neither his parents nor his sister is _______________(赞同他的建议).

2. The organization had broken no rules, but neither _______________(尽到责任) . 3. _______________(正如可能预料到的), the response to the question was very mixed. 4. My little brothers _______________(很感兴趣) all what I have read in the story books. 5. _______________(不论我们遇到什么困难), we’ll help one another to overcome them.

Model test 18

1. Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature _______________(与地球上其他生物一样).

2. Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will _______________(受益于新的训练设施).

3. We are all for your proposal that _______________(应当推迟讨论).

4. The mayor _______________(做出很多贡献) the development of the old city. 5. Only in this way _______________(我们才能赢得这场比赛).

Model test 19

1. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, _______________(尽管他们没有日程安排) .

2. We located the shops and the post office _______________(我们一搬进城里).

3. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _______________(听见了有人说话).

4. It’s high time that _______________(这种做法予以结束).

5. _______________(由于竞争激烈) among the airlines, travel expenses have been reduced considerably.

Model test 20

1. It is essential that the application forms _______________(尽早发出). 2. Blue-collar works used to _______________(受到歧视) in many countries.

3. We are _______________(调查原因) of the damage and we will get back to you with our reply as soon as possible.

4. Only by running all the way _______________(我们才能)to get there before the day breaks,

5. The more I looked at the picture, _______________(就越喜欢它).

Model test 21

1. The finding of this study failed to _________________(孩子的睡眠质量考虑在内) 2. The prevent and treatment of AIDS is _______________(我们可以合作的领域) 3. Because of the leg injury, the athlete________________(决定退出比赛)

4. To make donations or fro more information, please __________(按以下地址和我们联系)

5. Please come here at ten tomorrow morning________________(如果你方便的话)

Model test 22

1. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to____(适应不同文化中的生活)

2. Since my childhood I have found that______________(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力)

3. The victim____________(本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time.

4. Some psychologists claim that people__________(出门在外时可能会感到孤独) 5. The nation’s population continues to rise_______(以每年1200万人的速度) Model test 23

1. ________(任何国家无论在什么情况下都不可以)have the right to use nuclear weapons.

2. it is essential that________________(他把一切准备好)before the examination. 3. The population of America is not large____________(与中国相比)

4. The beggar accepted the one-dollar note_____________(甚至连一声谢谢都没说) 5. Life is full of risks_________________(无论你是否喜欢) Model test 24

1. In fact, peter would rather have left for San Francisco_________(而不愿呆在纽约) 2. I suggested he____________(适应新环境)as soon as possible.

3. A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,_________(正如预料的一样) 4. If you don’t like to swim,______________(你不妨呆在家里)

四级汉译英专项模拟 练习答案

Model test 1

1. are focused on her children 2. There is no access to the house 3. the more we admire him 4. Circumstances changed

5. Now that you have finished the task

Model test 2

1. The old man being an expert

2. was quite used to students’ being late 3. could not help but worry 4. he be assigned to the job

5. too dangerous for people to settle on

Model test 3

1. devoted all his life to teaching

2. The appointment having been postponed 3. that he always has many friends 4. cannot be too careful

5. hardly more than 30 years old

Model test 4

1. than he found the surroundings very noisy 2. I can’t concentrate on my work 3. you didn’t do anything about it 4. His giving up this chance 5. The air having been polluted

Model test 5

1. neither did his assistant 2. To my great disappointment

3. If I had remembered to lock the door 4. is supposed to have left for Beijing

5. Now that we have all the materials ready

Model test 6

1. was the city made the capital of the province 2. as long as it is not too late 3. get used to the life here

4. It’s no good trying to remember words 5. was busy preparing for her examination

Model test 7

1. did I realize he was innocent 2. whenever you are convenient

3. to keep all the members informed of 4. lest she should be angry

5. usually takes place outside the house

Model test 8

1. should have checked to see

2. who depended on medicine too much 3. did I know about history 4. If he had come yesterday

5. restrict his activities to eating and sleeping

Model test 9

1. must have been raining

2. who had applied for a position 3. has a strong influence 4. be passed on to everyone

5. did they present a wonderful performance

Model test 10

1. a great deal of time and money would have been lost 2. instead of staying home

3. did he arrive at the sports ground

4. must have gone to bed

5. didn’t take part in the competition

Model test 11

1. But for your help

2. accused of stealing the money 3. would rather have left

4. to comply with the regulations 5. can’t have been cleaned

Model test 12

1. have an effect on the drinker 2. if no one else requires it 3. worked hard at school

4. whether he will accept the invitation 5. yielded to his customers

Model test 13

1. Whether you are conscious of it or not 2. managed to squeeze through

3. if only he would pay more attention to it 4. be entitled to an opportunity to be educated 5. without asking for permission

Model test 14

1. Though he was remembered

2. many people still persist in smoking today 3. gave up the practice of medicine

4. to assist them in doing the experiment 5. loses as many as one hundred hairs

Model test 15

1. in case I needed medical treatment 2. was very angry with his secretary

3. So long as he works hard 4. too early to say

5. was accused of cheating customers

Model test 16

1. provided we have enough money 2. are very sensitive to light 3. when the telephone rang

4. prevent you from achieving your goals 5. to distinguish between right and wrong

Model test 17

1. in favor of his suggestion 2. had it acted responsibly 3. As might be expected 4. are very interested in

5. Whatever difficulties we may come across

Model test 18

1. as are all other animals on earth

2. benefit from the new training facilities 3. the discussion be put off 4. contributed a lot to 5. will we win the game

Model test 19

1. even though they have no schedules to keep 2. as soon as we moved into the town 3. when I heard voices

4. such practices were ended 5. Owing to fierce competition

Model test 20

1. (should) be sent as early as possible

2. be looked down upon

3. investigating into the cause 4. are we able

5. the more I liked it Model test 21

1. take people’s sleep quality into account 2. the field where (in which)we can cooperate 3. decided to quit the match

4. contact us at the following address

5. if it is convenient for you/ at your convenience Model test 22

1. adapt to lives in different cultures/adapt (oneself)to living in different cultures 2. nothing is more attractive(appealing)to me than reading 3. would have a chance to survive

4. might feel lonely when they are away from home

5. at the rate of 12 million people per year / at the speed of 12million people every year Model test 23

1. under no circumstances should any nation 2. get everything ready

3. as compared with that of china 4. without so much as saying thanks 5. whether you like it or not Model test 24

1. than stayed in New York

2. should adapt himself to new environment 3. as was to be expected 4. may as well stay at home


1. He made full preparation for the experiment------------------------------------------------------------ (以便实验能顺利进行)

2. She ---------------------------------------------------------------(对我们的警告充耳不闻)and got lost.

3. -----------------------------------------------------(听到他告诉我的消息),I could not help laughing.

4. Only after I found out the truth------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我才意识到他是无辜的).

5. It ---------------------------------------------------------- (肯定下雨了)last night! The road is still wet.

6. I --------------------------------------------------- (不介意你迟作决定)as long as it is not too late.

7. The room is in a terrible mess; it ------------------------------------------------------(不可能打扫过).

8. Not until the game had begun -------------------------------------------------------(他才到达运动场).

9. It is very important ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (明辨是非).

10. ---------------------------------(只要他努力工作),I do not mind when he finishes the experiment.

11. ----------------------------------------------------(无论我们遇到什么困难),we will help one another to overcome them.


so that it could be conducted smoothly turned a deaf ear to our warnings

on/upon hearing the news (that)he told me did I realize that he was innocent it must have been raining

didn’t mind your delaying making the decision can’t have been cleaned

did he arrive at the sports ground

to distinguish between right and wrong only if he could work hard whatever difficulties we meet

