新目标英语八年级上unit 9section selfcheck

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Unit 9 Can you come to my party?

study for a test 1.复习备考______________ 2. 帮助我的父母干家务 help my parents do housework __________________________ go to the doctor 3. 去看医生________________ have a piano lesson 4. 上钢琴课__________________ visit my aunt 5. 看望我的姑妈_____________ 6. 后天____________________ the day after tomorrow Look after my 7. 照顾我的妹妹_______________ sister 8.太多作业_____________________ too much homework thanks for your invitation 9.谢谢你的邀请______________________

colorful weekend activities

go go shopping skateboarding

play basketball

go to the cinema

climb mountains

surf the Internet go fishing

go to a party

Weekend Activities

go to the concert

study for a test

have a piano lesson

go to the doctor

visit his aunt

go to a baseball game/ have baseball training

A: What are you going to do tomorrow?

B: Pairwork I’m going to ……A: What are you going to do the day after tomorrow? B: Well, I’m ……

Can you come to my party?= Would you like to come to my party?Sure , I’d love to.Sorry, I can’t . I have to… Sorry, I can’t . I have too much homework to do. Sorry, I can’t . I am going to the movies.

Can you watch a basketball match with me? ________________ Sure, I’d love to. Can you come to party tomorrow? Sorry, I can’t. I have to have a piano lesson _____________________. Would you like to go shopping with me tomorrow? Sorry, I can’t. I have to look after my sister _____________________.

Can you come to my party the day after tomorrow?

Sorry ______, I can’t. I’m not feeling well. going to see the doctor I am _________________________ Would you like to go to a movie on Sunday? I can’t Sorry,________. I am going to a concert _____________________.Would you like to go fishing the day after tomorrow?

Sorry, I can’t _____________. have to study for a test. I ___________________________

Can you… with me? (Would you like to … ?)Sure , I’d love to. Sorry, I can’t . I have to… / I’m going…

A:John, can you come to my party ? to come to my party =would you like __________________?study for a test B: _______________. I have to ______________. Sorry, I can’t

C: Can John come to the party? he can’t. D: No,________. He has to study for a test.

A:Can you go fishing with me tomorrow, Tom? go to the doctor. B: Sorry, I can’t . I have to ______________ /I am going to the doctor. C: Can Tom__________________? go fishing tomorrow has to go to the doctor D: No, he can’t He ___________________. _______. /He is going to the doctor.

play tennis A: Jerry, Can you___________with me on Friday? I can’t B: Sorry, ______. I _______________________. have to have a piano lesson /I’m having a piano lesson. play tennis on Friday C: Can Jerry________________________? has to have a piano lesson. D: No,________. He ________________________ he can’t /He is having a piano lesson.

1 Fill in the blanks

in the conversation.

A: Hi, Peter. Can you come to my party_____ on the weekend? B: Sure, I’d love to.A: How about you , Jenny? C: I’m afraid I can’t . I have to look after my little cousin. A: Can you come, Jeff? D: I may be able to, but I’m not sure. I’ll let you know tomorrow.

2 You get these invitations but can’t go. Write

a refusal and a reason.1. Invitation: “Can you come to my party on

Saturday?”Reply: ______________________________ Sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare

______________________________ for math test.2. Invitation: “Let’s go to the movies tomorrow night.” Sorry, I can’t. I must visit my Reply: ______________________________ grandparents _______________________________

3. Invitation: “Let’s go to the concert on the weekend.” Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I will go Reply: ______________________________to the concert with my parents. ______________________________ 4. Invitation: “Do you want to go shopping with me next week?” Reply:________________________________ Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I will go _________________________________ to the summer camp.

5. Invitation: “Can you play soccer with me

after school today?Reply:________________________________ Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I have to _________________________________ go home early to look after my little _________________________________ Brother.

I 选词填空play come have to study visit 1. My American friend is going to ______ me visit next vacation. playing 2. Are you _______ football this weekend? have to 3. I can’t join you because I _______ help my mom on weekdays. study 4. Please keep quiet! I’m trying to ______. come 5. Do you want to _______ to my birthday party?

Ⅱ.首字母填空1. Thanks a lot for your i_________. nvitation 2. I don’t stay out late on w_______. eekday 3. Every morning I spent two hours t________ for the race. raining 4. It’s a p___ that you can’t come to ity the party. 5. I prefer c________ to English. hemistry

6 .Miss Lee t _______ us English this year. eaches

7. S _______ is the seventh day of a week. unday8. If you are ill, you should go to see a d_______. octor

9. Mike c________ come here today because an’the is sick.

10.I’m s_______ he can come here on time. ure

Ⅲ.完成对话A: Hello, Tim, can you _____ to my party? come B: _______ is it? When On A: Next week. ______ Wednesday night. B: Sure, _______ to. But I have to _____ for I’d love study the science test. pity next A: It’s a ______. Maybe ______ time. asking B: Thanks for ________ me.

