四年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit2教案(新版)外研版

更新时间:2023-03-15 05:01:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


课题 教学目标 教学重难点 教学过程 教师活动 1.Warmer 1. Revise adjectives Unit 2: It’s very good. 时间 1. Be able to listen and say: This is Hyde Park.It's very beautiful. 2. Be able to describe places or things. Be able to describe places or things. 准备 Pictures、a recorder 学生活动 设计意图 Listen to the teacher To go over some adjectives, the students can remember them. Tell the students that you are carefully. going to say an adjective. The students have to find They have to find something in their something in their books books that the adjective describes. that the adjective First this, the students can improve their listening. Ask two or three students to say describes. which object they close. 2.New teaching Listen to the tape. 1.Listen to the tape,point and say 2. Tell the students close their The students have to say books and explain the first word of the second word of the a two_word place name. two_word name. The pupils are able to describe 3.Have the students contunue the work in pairs activity in pairs. Guess the city or minument places or things. 4. Tell the students I'm going to say in China according to the adjectivies . 课后反思 课题 教学重难点 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 综合 时间 Pictures、a recorder teacher. Be able to describe places or things. 准备 1

I.Warmer 1. sing a song. Try to say the places of To go over some adjectives, the this module. students can remember them. Practise the speaking ability. Sing a song to know more about London 2.go over the famous place in London。 II.New teaching Say the words. 1.teacher say in Chinese,students translate the words into English. 2. try to introduce the place of Go over the dialogue. London in own words, or try to remember the dialogue. 3. read after the recorder . Read dialogue. work in pairs 4.learn to sing the song London listen and learn Bridge. 课后反思


