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雅思写作65分习得:贫富差距拉大的两大原因_雅思写作 The gap between the poor and rich gets large. What cause the phenomenon and how to slove it? 穷人和富人的差距越来越大。这种现象是什么原因,有什么办法可以解决这个问题?
Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy and society, it seems that the rich become richer while the poor get poorer. However, this phenomenon is obviously against the goal of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor in the trend of globalization. Personally, I am convinced that this situation is caused by capital and social relationship, and certain solutions can be proposed. 先说明贫富差距拉大的现象,然后提出这是由于资本和社会关系两大主要原因导致的,以及解决问题的办法。
It is evident that fixed income like salary does not make a persom rich, but investment does. While rich people seperate their extra money and put it into stock market and real estate, poor families are calculating the money spent on food, clothing and transportation. As money breeds money, the affluent become richer. 分析现象的原因:从资本的角度,富人靠投资钱生钱,而穷人却还在精打细算着自己的日常开销。
What's more, a rich person has connections with a host of other wealthy people who may provide him/her chances to earn more money. In order to achieve a win-win situation, rich people do their friends a favor by introducing new business to them. By contrast, needy people are always surrounded by their deprived counterparts who may do nothing help to get rid of poverty. 从社会关系的角度,富人有更多的渠道赚钱,而穷人却鲜有致富的办法。
To tackle this situation, the government should dedicate itself to protecting the rights of the needy. The priority should be given to the tax police. By taxing the affluent more and stopping taxing the poor, deprived family may save more money in spite of their tiny incomes. Furthermore, state enterprises and private companies may provide the needy with jobs and larger opportunities. As is known to all, poor people have nothing but potential. Above all, the impoverished people themselves should establish their self-confidence, learn more skills and do everything they can to change their lives. 提出解决问题办法:政府应该维护好穷人的利益。在税收上应该给穷人特权;穷人需要更加节俭。国企和私企应该给穷人提供更多的就业机会;穷人们也要发挥自己的才智,提高自己的处境。
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