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Global Existence for Population Evacuation Model

with Adaptability


In the evacuation of the population, ) population more effectively is a very

important question. Adaptive is defined as follows: population move(migration) toward the place where resource is intensive. The evacuation of population, also can say the diffusion of species evolution. Research on these problems is widely used in biology, sociology.

In this paper we consider two identical population that take different

strategies in the same environment—one taking a random free diffusion strategy, another taking diffusion strategy with adaptability –competition evolution model, and prove that the time interval of the classical solution existence uniqueness. Key words: diffusion, partial differential equations, adaptability, existence of global solution

目 录 1. 引言

1.1 研究背景


该方程基于假定生物向上层局部适应性梯度移动,并且这个适应性随着空间变化、随着拥挤现象下降。我们考虑一个在这个模型中同样包括随机扩散的分布部分的变化。我们将表明随着比率向上层适应性梯度移动变得更大和或扩散比率变小,这个生物的扩散被我们的模型预测接近于期望的理想自由栖息地的选择。其他的生物模型中生物被假设成沿着适应性梯度向上扩散已经在[3] P.R. Armsworth, J.E. Roughgarden, The impact of directed versus random movement on population dynamics and biodiversity patterns, Am. Nat. 165 (2005) 449–465.中研究了。【3,4】中两个种群模型被用来代替反应移流分布模型。在【19】中的分析方法和问题中,通过模型和分析解决问题是两种不同的方法----从以前那些文本中可以看出。


1.2 研究问题






u = _m(x)? F if m(x) > F ;

0 otherwise, 给出。其中F是尽可能符合条件的大。

?x??:u(x)?0??F??x??:u(x)?0)dx?U ?m(x?这些条件的第一只要总人口是守恒的。第二条件是通过,结合以前的密度公式u(x).他能够被用于定义F并且在u(x)>0的部分,通过观察它作为一个约束和最大F约束。在简单情况下,他可能找到F的显示的公式和u(x)>0的部分的U;见【23】。一个动态模型,支持平衡解,与这个在【14】中被引入的构想一致。这个模型有如下形式 on, 与无通量边界条件 on,









in. (1.1)

无通量边界条件 on 这里


方程中u(x,t)表示单一种群的密度,而随机扩散系数是。用来衡量种群向适应性梯度移动的倾向,用f(x,u)表示。我们假设是正常数,是非负常数。Ω是一个上的有界域,边界是?Ω,n表示其上的外向单位法向量。在本文中我们假设m∈,,,且m在Ω上可取正。u(x,0)是连续的,非负的 ,不衡等零的。



ut??????u??u?f(x,u?v)??uf(x,u?v) in. vt??????v??v?g(x,u?v)??vf(x,u?v)




?u?f(x,u?v)?v?g(x,u?v)???u????v?0 on, (1.5)


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Cantrell Chris Cosner Yuan Lou Chao Xie

This work extends previous work (Cantrell et al., 2008 [9]) on fitness-dependent dispersal for a single species to a two-species competition model. Both species dynamics, but one species adopts a combination of random and fitnessdependent dispersal and the other adopts random dispersal. Global existence of smooth solutions to the time-dependent quasilinear parabolic system is studied. When a single species a stable equilibrium that can approximate the spatial distribution predicted by the ideal free distribution (Cantrell et al., 2008 [9]). For the twospecies competition model, if one species analysis

shows that two competing species can coexist when one species intermediate tendency to move up its fitness gradient and the other species

This work extends our previous work [9] on fitness-dependent dispersal for a single species to a two-species competition model, with one species adopting a combination of random and fitnessdependent dispersal and the other adopting random dispersal. The model we considered in [9] u(x, t) represents the density of a single species with random diffusion coefficient μ, and α measures the tendency of the species to move upward along the gradient of the fitness of the species, measured by f (x, u). We assume that μ is a positive constant and α is a non-negative constant. Ω is a bounded region in RN with boundary ?Ω, and n denotes the outward unit normal vector on ?Ω. Throughout this paper we assume that m ∈ C2,γ (Ω) for some γ ∈ (0, 1) and m is positive somewhere in Ω, and u(x, 0) is continuous, non-negative and not identically zero in Ω. We briefly summarize some of the main results in [9] as follows:

? (Global existence in time) Suppose that μ > 0 and α _ 0. Then (1.1) u ∈ C2,1(Ω ×(0,∞)) ∩ C(Ω × [0,∞)).

? (Existence of positive steady state) If u = 0 is linearly unstable, then (1.1) Ω, then for large αμ, (1.1) of dispersal, a common approach, initiated by Hastings [24] for reaction– diffusion models, is to consider models of two populations that are ecologically identical but use different dispersal strategies. In general, using such a modeling approach would lead to a system of the form

?ut??????u??uf?x,u?v???uf?x,u?v????v??v?g(x,u,v)??vf(x,u?v) ?vt???????u??u?f?x,u?v???n????u??u?g?x,u,v???n?0? (1.3)

where f is as in (1.2), and g represents part of an alternate dispersal strategy. For example, g = 0

would correspond to unconditional dispersal of organisms by simple diffusion, g = m would correspond to advection up resource gradient without consideration of crowding, while g = ?(u + v) would correspond to avoidance of crowding without reference to resource distribution. We refer to reaction–diffusion models.

In this paper we will focus on system (1.3) with g = 0, i.e.,

?ut??????u??uf?x,u?v???uf?x,u?v?? ?vt???v?vf(x,u?v)????u??u?f?x,u?v???n??v?n?0? (1.4)

where the initial conditions u(x, 0) and v(x, 0) are non-negative and not identically zero in Ω, and μ, ν, α are all positive constants.

Our analysis is partially motivated by an interest in understanding the evolution of dispersal in spatially varying but temporally constant environments. In that context it is useful to follow McPeek and Holt [28] and distinguish between unconditional and conditional dispersal. Unconditional dispersal refers to dispersal without regard to the environment or the presence of other organisms. Pure diffusion and diffusion with physical advection (e.g. due to winds or currents) are examples of unconditional

dispersal. Conditional dispersal refers to dispersal that is influenced by the environment or the presence of other organisms. It shown that in the framework of spatially explicit population models on spatially varying but temporally constant environments with only unconditional dispersal that evolution favors slow leads to a mismatch between the distribution of population and the distribution

of resources. However, for certain types of conditional dispersal, evolution can

sometimes favor faster dispersal if that allows the population to track resources more two competitors that use different dispersal strategies but otherwise are ecologically identical, and examining the evolutionary stability of the strategies in terms

of invasibility. (A strategy is considered evolutionarily stable if a population using that strategy cannot be invaded by a small population using a different strategy.) We plan to consider ideal free dispersal from that viewpoint in future work. To do that, we need to understand well the behavior of a single species using ideal free dispersal; developing that understanding is the goal of this paper. Further it is worth noting that dispersal processes that result in patterns embodying certain features of the ideal free distribution shown to be

evolutionarily stable in discrete diffusion models; see [10,26]. However, it should also be noted that in models with temporal variation in the coefficients or complex dynamics, faster unconditional dispersal may the ecological effects of directed versus random movement and the evolution of dispersal are studied in the context of two-patch models in [3,4].


Let F denote the fitness of organisms in the occupied part of the U the distribution of the population will be given by

u = _m(x)? F if m(x) > F ;

0 otherwise, where F is made as large as possible subject to the conditions

?x??:u(x)?0??F??x??:u(x)?0)dx?U ?m(x?The first of these conditions simply requires the total population to be conserved. The second condition is obtained by integrating the previous formula for the density u(x). It can be used to determine F and the region where u(x) > 0 by viewing it as a constraint and maximizing F subject to that constraint. In simple cases it is possible to find explicit formulas for F and the region where u(x) > 0 in terms of U; see [25]. A dynamic model which

supports equilibrium solutions corresponding to this formulation was introduced in [14]. That model , with the no-flux boundary condition


where the in RN with smooth boundary ?Ω, n is the outward unit normal vector on ?Ω, and α is a positive constant that measures the strength of dispersal up the fitness gradient.

In the present paper we will consider a variation on the model of [14] that incorporates population growth and diffusion along with directed motion up the fitness gradient. It is natural to ask growth interacts with dispersal. It is reasonable to assume that the process of assessing the fitness gradient, imperfect tracking of that gradient, and responses to other aspects of the environment could lead to some amount of random movement. Also, by incorporating diffusion and population dynamics into the model, we can put it into a framework that allows us to compare it with other models that studied in the context of the evolution of dispersal would be expected to result in an

equilibrium distribution of the population in which the fitness of each individual will be zero, so that there will be no further population growth. That would correspond to a population density u(x) = m+(x),

where m+(x) denotes the positive part of m(x). If m(x) is interpreted as describing the distribution of resources, that the population perfectly matches the resource density. We will see that as the tendency of the organisms to move upward along fitness gradients becomes large such a distribution is approximated by the equilibria of the corresponding model with diffusion. This is in contrast with the behavior of models that incorporate movement up the gradient of m(x) but no response to crowding. In those models the distribution of organisms tends to become concentrated near local maxima of m(x) as the rate of movement up the gradient becomes large; see [12,13].

The model we will consider .

With on-flux boundary conditions




