交通灯控制系统设计 - 图文

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院(系)别: 专 业:

班 级: 指导教师:

摘 要


在车辆通行繁忙的十字路口要实现有条不紊的行车秩序,这就要采用有效的交通信号灯控制系统。交通信号灯控制方式很多。本系统采用 51系列单片机STC89C52和可编程并行I/O接口芯片89C52为中心器件来设计交通灯控制器,实现了十字路口红黄绿灯交替运行,并对放行和禁行时间进行倒计时显示,本系统实用性强、操作简单、扩展功能强。



City traffic control system is a city traffic data monitoring, traffic signal control and traffic management computer system, it is the most important part of the modern city traffic control system. However, with the rapid growth of city traffic and high speed road and control, some roads appear overload situation. Therefore, how to use the appropriate method of traffic control, the maximum utilization of city road construction, ease traffic jams situation with the surrounding area of the main road and the ramp, the city. Therefore, in-depth study.

In vehicle traffic busy crossroads traffic order to achieve everything in good order and well arranged, this will be the traffic signal lamp control system. A lot of traffic signal control. The system adopts 51 Series MCU STC89C51 and programmable parallel I/O interface chip 89C52 centric devices to design the traffic light controller, realized the crossroads red yellow green light alternately, and the release and the forbidden time countdown display, the system practical, simple operation, strong function expansion.

Keyword: MCU; STC89C52; traffic lights

目 录

第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1

1.1交通灯的背景与设计意义 .................................... 1

1.1.1交通灯的背景 ......................................... 1 1.1.2设计意义 ............................................. 1 1.2设计目的 .................................................. 2 1.3交通灯国内外发展现状 ...................................... 2 1.4交通灯的功能与作用 ........................................ 3

第二章 系统总体方案设计 .................................. 5

2.1交通灯控制系统设计方案 .................................... 5 2.2交通灯控制系统的功能描述 .................................. 6

2.2.1倒计时显示 ........................................... 7 2.2.2车流量的检测与调整 ................................... 7 2.3交通灯控制系统的基本构成及原理 ............................ 7

第三章 系统硬件设计 ...................................... 9

3.1单片机简介及其外围电路 .................................... 9

3.1.1单片机型号选择及简介 ................................. 9 3.1.2单片机最小系统电路 .................................. 11 3.2系统硬件电路构成 ......................................... 13 3.3系统工作原理及电路图 ..................................... 13 3.4信号灯显示模块 ........................................... 15 3.5倒计时显示模块 ........................................... 16 3.6车流量检测控制模块 ....................................... 18

第四章 系统软件设计 ..................................... 19

4.1主程序流程图 ............................................. 20 4.2红绿黄灯相互转换流程图 ................................... 23 4.3车流量检测流程图 ......................................... 27

第五章 系统调试及结果分析 ............................... 29

5.1红绿黄交通灯控制调试 ..................................... 29

5.2数码管倒计时显示调试 ..................................... 30 5.3车流量检测调试 ........................................... 30 5.4分析总结 ................................................. 31

结 论 ................................................... 32 参考文献 ................................................. 33 附 录 ................................................... 34 谢 辞 ................................................... 51

