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学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

本资料来源于《七彩教育网》http://www.7caiedu.cn 高中学生学科素质训练系列试题 高一英语上学期期中测试


本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分 考试时间120分钟。




听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What will the weather be like this afternoon?

A.Sunny. B.Windy.

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In an office. B.In a restaurant. 3.What does the boy want to be in the future?

A.A businessman.

B.A lawyer. B.Expressing thanks.

4.What is the man doing? A.Offering help. 5.What does the man mean?

A.He’ll deliver the luggage by car. B.He won’t take the luggage with him.

C.Rainy. C.At home. C.A professor.

C.Asking for permission.

C.He doesn’t need any help with the luggage. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至第7题。 6.What is the overcoat made from? A.100% cotton. B.100% wool.

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C.70% new silk.

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7.What could be the reason if the woman does not buy the overcoat? A.The price. B.The size. C.The color. 听第7段材料,回答第8至第9题。

8.What is the woman most likely to be? A.A manager. B.An operator. 9.What is Mr. White’s telephone number? A.1300—621—7865. B.1300—612—7865. 听第8段材料,回答第10至第11题。 10.What is the speaker mainly talking about?



C.Lab rules. C.Visitors.

11.Who is the speaker talking to? A.Students. B.Patients. 听第9段材料,回答第12至第14题。

A.Two sports fans.

B.A foreign tourist and his guide. C.A customer and a shop assistant. A.To talk about his favorite sports. B.To buy a pair of carpet slippers.

C.A nurse.


12.What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

13.Why did the man come to speak to the woman?

C.To invite her to watch games with him. 14.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman didn’t like sports.

B.The man was really a very good sportsman. C.The man was interested in watching games on TV.


15.What product or service is the clerk trying to sell?

A.A free trip to Hawaii.

B.A free ticket to a local park. C.A membership to a sports club.

16.Why does the man turn down the offer? A.He doesn’t need the service being provided. B.He doesn’t have extra money to spend. C.He never buys things over the phone.

17.How does the man feel at the end of the conversation?





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学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

18.What is this news mainly about? A.Different education systems.

B.The German education system.

C.UN research on education systems.

19.Which of the following countries has the best education system? A.America. B.Japan. 20.What is the study based on?

C.South Korea.

A.The number of students. B.The abilities of students. C.The level of education.



从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21.As one of _____ world’s best players, he played in _____ 1990, 1994 and 1998 World Cup. A.the; a B.the; the C.X; the D.X; X 22.----Would you mind if I turn off the TV?

----_______. There will be a football match between Brazil and Australia.

A.Of course B.Not at all C.Yes, please do D.I’m afraid I do 23.It is really great for a radio producer to _______ a show like this. A.admit




24.The cost of houses in Shanghai has _______ dropped by 20%, so he’s lucky enough to pay 523,000 yuan for one apartment. A.by far B.so far C.as far D.far from

25.During the 3-day meeting, teachers and students from different parts of the country ______ their methods and experience.

A.change B.exchange C.express D.turn

26.In order to change ______ towards employing women, the government is bringing in new laws. A.idea B.aim C.manners D.attitude 27.Mona is ______ laughing at my English pronunciation instead of correcting me. A.usually




28.______ is an experiences quite different from ______ TV: there are pictures forming in your mind instead of before your eyes.

A.Reading; watch B.Reading; watching C.To read; watching D.To read; watches 29.______, the less nervous you will feel in job interviews. A.You know yourself more C.The more you know yourself

B.You know yourself most D.The most you know yourself

30.Jay Chou, who has created so many songs, is an able and _____ singer. A.embarrassed B.relaxed C.energetic D.exhausted 31.Molly’s ______ to the birth of her brother was to ask more attention from her


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学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

A.impression B.reaction C.conclusion D.comprehension 32.In many French schools, students have a wide choice of what to learn ______ Chinese students, like Spanish, German, Italian and so on.

A.comparing to B.comparing with C.compared for D.compared with 33.----How do you find the story about ice cream?

----Oh, ______. So is ice cream, which tastes like a dream and feels like a silly cloud melting in

my mouth.

A.that sounds a good idea B.it was finished this morning C.it’s fascinating

D.I’m afraid so

34.A(n) _______ baby was found in a box on the hospital steps.

A.disappointed B.disappointing C.abandoning D.abandoned

35.The United States ______ fifty states, one of which is separated from the others by the Pacific


A.consists of B.is consisted of C.consist of

D.consisting of

Ⅱ.完形填空: (共20分; 20小题, 每题1分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55 各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 This is a cartoon film. It tells a story of the sea gangsters(匪徒). Oscar was a fast-talking little fish who always had big 36 , but his big dreams would always 37 him nothing but big troubles.

In the deep of the sea 38 a gang (帮) of shark gangsters They 39 nothing but rob and steal things. The head of the 40 was called Lino, who had two sons, Frankie and Lenny. He loved his sons, but was also 41 on them. He wished them to be able to 42 his work in the future.

One day, Frankie was 43 by a dropping anchor (锚) of a fishing ship near the sea. Oscar 44 to see this. He decided to make good 45 of this chance to show off his ability of getting rid of the shark. 46 he went, he told others that he killed the 47 with ease. His fellows 48 his story and regarded him as a great hero. Oscar 49 appeared on TV, and soon he became a superstar. He was widely admired and respected. He was surrounded with fame and wealth.

But as you can imagine, his big 50 would bring him disaster again. Having learnt 51 was Oscar who killed his son, Lino made great efforts to catch Oscar and kill him. Oscar could do nothing but run away as fast as he could. But 52 you know, in the sea there is a famous 53 that the big fish usually eat the small ones. In the dangerous game Oscar had little 54 to live on and all this was a 55 of his big lie. 36.A.families B dreams C.progress D.changes 37.A.bring B.take C.help D.find 38.A.was 39.A.owned 40.A.sea 41.A.angry

B.lived B.called B.gang B.hard

C.stayed C.did C.ship C.careful

D.stood D.had D.sailor D.proud

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42.A.go on with B.find C.give in 43.A.caught B.cut C.killed 44.A.hoped B.got C.came 45.A.use B.excuse C.decision 46.A.However B.Whatever C.Wherever 47.A.captain B.shark C.head 48.A.heard B.thought C.accepted 49.A.even B.instead C.especially 50.A.skin B.mouth C.body 51.A.it B.there C.that 52.A.which B.as C.how 53.A.story B.fish C.saying 54.A.time B.money C.food 55.A.result B.cause C.beginning Ⅲ.阅读理解: (共40分; 20小题, 每题2分)

D.afford D.hurt

D.happened D.study

D.Whenever D.fellow D.made D.never D.lie D.this D.what D.game D.chance D.start


Some fish spend all their lives in the place where they were born. Salmon do not. Born in the fresh water of rivers, they migrate (迁徙) to the ocean when young, then go back to the rivers as adults.

When fall comes, it is time for salmon to spawn (产卵). They leave the ocean and travel to the beginning of the river where they were hatched (孵化). Sometimes these trips are more than 2,000 miles. On the long journey they have to fight against the current of the stream. Sometimes they even jump up waterfalls. When they reach the beginning of the river, they are often very tired from their long and difficult journey.

But they cannot rest. The mother fish makes a nest in the sand on the bottom of the river by slapping the sand with her tail. In this nest the mother lays her eggs and the father leaves his sperm. Then the mother covers the nest with sand leaves the baby fish to hatch. The young fish hatch in the winter. Some species(种类) of salmon start the journey down the river to the ocean when they are a few inches long. They seem to be swimming backwards, but they are really carried downstream by the current. Others live in the river for two or three years before going to the ocean. All of these salmon, however, will make the trip back to where they first lived. 56.What’s the passage mainly about?

A.how the mother salmon makes her nest. B.Salmon’s jumping up waterfalls. C.Salmon’s swimming back for spawning. D.How salmon go to the ocean. 57.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Salmon stay in one place all the time.

B.the father fish makes the nest.

C.the current helps salmon in their journey up the river.

D.Salmon always go back to the place they were hatched to lay their eggs. 58.Which of the following is the right order in which they appear in the passage? A.They leave the ocean and travel far up river.

B.Some salmon, when a few inches long, swim down the river.

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C.They jump up waterfalls.

D.The mother fish makes a nest. E.Salmon migrate. A.a; e; c; d; b B.e; a; c; d; b C.c; d; a; e; b D.c; d; e; a; b 59.How does the author tell us about salmon?

A.She describes what salmon look like. B.She imagines what salmon like to eat.

C.She compares salmon with other fish. D.She explains how salmon have their young.


Today our knowledge of food and what it does for our bodies is far more advanced than that of the old times. Now we know about vitamins and how each kind of vitamin helps in the growth of a particularly, the food that we eat will take care of our body and so there is no need to take any kinds of vitamins unless our doctor tells us that our bodies are short of something which can be supplied(供给) by them.

Generally speaking, everything we eat does some good to our body. But if we eat too much of one kind of food and pay too little attention to others, we may have too much of one kind and not enough of others. Then we may be in trouble.

We are often told that we must eat some meat at each meal in order to get the necessary proteins(蛋白质). That is only partly true, for proteins are not found only in meat. We can also get them from some vegetables.

The best advice about what to eat is that we should eat all kinds of food but never too much of any.

60.One may take certain vitamins when ______. A.one wants to encourage the growth of a particular part of the body B.one eats all kinds of food

C.one’s health is harmed by lack of certain things which vitamins can provide D.one eats well and properly

61.The main idea of the second paragraph is that ______. A.our health will be harmed if we eat everything. B.all kinds of food should be eaten to keep healthy C.we should eat little of all kinds of food D.we should eat much of some kinds of food 62.Proteins are found _______.

A.only in meat B.in all kinds of food

C.more in vegetables than in meat D.in some vegetables as well as in meal 63.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.All kinds of food are good for our health no matter how much we eat. B.Meat is the best food of all.

C.Too much of any kind of food is bad for one’s health. D.Vitamins are more useful than natural food.

C Tired of your everyday life?

Come to the Morning Post English club and you’ll find great fun! Come and join our English club held on Friday evening every other week. 学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com You can exchange ideas and improve your social skills while meeting new friends. All the foreigners are free for admission (入场费). Free beer and snacks are served. 学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

Maofeng Mountain one-day trip Date: May 27, 2006 Experience a different pleasure in the jungle(丛林) by hiking in a scenic spot in the city of Guangzhou. All the foreigners are welcome and free of charge. Tel for inquiry (询问): 020-81017980 Guangzhou Morning Post is looking for part-time native English teachers for youth training program. About part-time job: Teach primary school pupils oral English 1. One or two periods a week and two hours per period 2. Good payment 3. Required qualifications(资格): Native English teacher from U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia or New 1. Zealand etc., with English as mother tongue Experience in English teaching preferred 2. Interested in oral English training and classroom activities with children 3. Interested applicants please aend resume(简历) with a recent photo to Engchildren @yahoo.com.cn. Tel: 86345622 Fax:86345662

64.Mr. Hansen who is from German ________.

A.can not join the Morning Post English club free of charge

B.will not be accepted to teach primary school pupils spoken English C.has to pay if he wants to join the Maofeng Mountain one-day trip D.will get paid badly if he teaches for Guangzhou Morning Post

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65.If people take part in the activities held by the Morning Post English club, they can do the following EXCEPT _______.

A.make new friends B.go to the English club for free

C.make themselves more fit for society

D.get new ideas from others

66.If Mark, an Australian, wants to teach pupils oral English, he has to ______. A.write a letter about himself and get in touch with Guangzhou Morning Post B.visit the website of Guangzhou Morning Post C.work every other week

D.offer his childhood photo to Guangzhou Morning Post 67.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.All the foreigners will go to the Morning Post English club. B.All the people can take the one-day trip without any pay. C.Any English speaker can apply for the part-time job.

D.the date of Maofeng Mountain one-day trip is May 27, 2006.


May Paxton graduated from the Missouri School for the deaf near the year 1909. Three years later she went to see Dr. Richardson about becoming a nurse. Dr. Richardson had never heard of a deaf nurse. But she was impressed with her, and accepted May as a student nurse.

Dr. Richardson never regretted her decision. In fact, she was so pleased with May’s work that she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses. The first was Miss Marian, who was hard of hearing. The second was Miss Lillie.

May and Marian did not know each other before Marian was hired by the hospital. Dr. Richardson introduced May to Marian. During the next two days, the two girls wrote notes to each other. Finally, other nurses asked Martian if she knew that May was deaf. Marian ran to the bedroom and asked May in sign if she really was deaf. May answered in sign. Then, the two girls burst into laughter(突然大笑).

May was always careful about following orders. Only once did she disobey Dr. Richardson. It took a lot of time to care for all the sick children, as a result, Dr. Richardson asked the nurses not to hold the new babies when they were crying. However, May heated to see the babies cry. When Dr. Richardson was not around, she found time to hold them. This small change helped the nursery to run much more smoothly. When Dr. Richardson knew that May’s actions had improved the nursery, she decided to overlook (视而不见) May’s breaking the rules. 68.When did May Paxton start working at Dr. Richardson’s hospital? A.In 1009.

B.Before she graduated from the Missouri School.

C.Three years after she graduated from the Missouri School.

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D.Three years after she went to see Dr. Richardson.

69.When May disobeyed Dr. Richardson’s orders about holding babies, ______.

A.Dr. Richardson was very angry.

B.Dr. Richardson didn’t know because she wasn’t there. C.May was fired.

D.Dr. Richardson didn’t say anything about it.

70.May and Marian communicated by writing at first because ______.

A.They didn’t know each other and were shy. B.they were playing a joke on each other

C.neither one of them knew that the other was deaf

D.Marian was a hearing person. 71.What can we infer from this passage? A.May was fond of babies.

B.May hated her job.

C.May enjoyed working in the Emergency Room.

D.May preferred to work with deaf people.


I always hated it when people asked me where I lived。 It was not that I did not like my home town,but just that it was called Panfromifwecanton! Few people believed there was such a place, and even fewer people could say it.

Actually, it is quite easy to pronounce. All you have to do is to break it into syllables Pan-from-if-we-can-ton. A syllable is a small unit of sound built around a single vowel sound.

The vowels are a, e, I, o, u (and y when it sounds like an i).

Most words can be pronounced by breaking them into syllables. That is why Mary Poppins found it so very easy to say the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocius. Can say it? Try!

Breaking a word into smaller parts can also help you to spell the word correctly. You pay attention to each sound, rather than slurring them together.

As well as breaking a word down into its sounds, you can break a word down into its units of meaning. For example, sometimes you will find that a long word is made up of smaller words you already know, such as overcoat, raindrop, handbag.

A word can be broken down into three main parts: a prefix, which comes at the beginning; a root, or base, which is the main part of the word; and a suffix, which comes at the end. The trick here is knowing what they mean because a lot of them come from Latin and Greek.

When you see a long word, don’t worry. Look at it carefully, break it down, and you’ll see it. 72.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.How difficult words are in the English language. B.Learn words by breaking them down. C.How words are made up of syllables.

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D.Why foreigners find the English language difficult. 73.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.To help pronounce a word, first break it into syllables. B.Syllables are not built around a vowel. C.A, e, i, o, u, are the only vowels.

D.A word has four main parts.

74.From the passage, we can know that Panfromifwecanton is a ______. A.sentence




75.What can we infer from the passage?

A.There is no rule in the formation of English words.

B.There are rules in the formation of English words.

C.The meaning of long words is not determined by the short words they are made from. D.You can not understand long words unless you use the dictionary.



第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


Experts are finding your standard first aid response may be the worst thing you can do in an emergency. Here’s how to update your first aid kit.


When the skin isn’t broken, it’s hard to beat iodine (碘酒) for killing bacteria, doctors use it to clean before surgery. But when there’s a cut, full – strength iodine and rubbing alcohol can be harmful to skin cells, preventing healing. Putting iodine on cuts and wounds kills bacteria, but it won’t clean the wound. The most effective way is washing the wound with water.


If you spread some butter on the burn to ease the pain, it isn’t a good idea. Butter was thought to cool the burn, but it can cause infection and create and environment for bacterial growth. Run the burn under cool water immediately to help remove the heat and put an end to the damaging process. Wrap the burn with a bandage, and keep it clean and dry. If blisters (水泡) form, don’t break them.


When a child swallows anything poisonous, parents probably think they’re well prepared if ipecac (催吐剂) is on hand. Wrong. Ipecac was thought to be a good way to treat a child who had swallowed a poisonous substance, but not any more because it doesn’t always remove the toxic substance. That may cause dehydration (脱水) and prevent doctors from giving other treatments.

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Everyone learns how to stop bleeding with a tourniquet (止血带). But studies show this method causes more harm than good. Tourniquets can increase the risk of tissue damage or even the loss of a limb. Apply direct pressure to the wound. Simply place a clean cloth on the wound and press firmly; don’t remove the cloth, event if it gets black. If necessary, add more cloths. If that’s not enough, you can further slow the blood flow by applying pressure to the main artery (动脉) of the upper arm or leg.

76.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)

77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

However, by studying we know this method does more harm instead of doing more good. 78.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 5 words.)

79.What should we do in order to give useful first aids? (Please answer within 30 words.) 80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

第二节 书面表达:(共15分)

假如你是某校学生会主席,组织部分学生就《中小学生守则》中―生活谦虚、简朴‖这一项规定进行讨论。有人赞成,有人反对。请根据下表所提供的信息,写一份总结材料。 注意:


2.参考词汇:谦虚、简朴 modesty and simplicity; 自信心confidence;

犹豫不决hesitate。 赞成的人认为 反对的人认为 学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com 学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

1.学生应该生活简朴,因为要靠父母 1.过分注重谦虚、简朴,你将不会引起别人的注意 2.学习比衣着更重要 2.要学会表现自己,自信和良好的外表会给别人留下好的印象。 3.牢记古训:骄必败



1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C

11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.C 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.B

21—25.BDCBB 26—30.DCBCC 31—35.BDCDA 36—40.BABCB 41—45.BACDA 46—50.CBCAD 51—55.ABCDA 56—60.CDBDC 61—65.BDCBB66—70.ADCDC 71—75. A BACB

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76.Correct First Aid Responses / First Aids You Should never Use 77.But studies show this method causes more harm than good. 78.That’s why

79.We should completely change the traditional and so – called right first aids, and use the scientific and right first aids to save the injured according to the different actual hurts. 80. 你应该立即把烧伤处放在凉水下冲洗以助其降温,终止其进一步损伤。 书面表达

One possible version:

Last week, we held a discussion on modesty and simplicity. Students have different opinions. Some think paying too much attention to modesty and simplicity will mean you will never be noticed by others. You might lose many chances. In modern society, you should learn to show yourself to others. Confidence and a good appearance help you make a good impression.

Some others don’t agree with this. They think students should learn to live a simple life because they depend on their parents. As students, studying is more important than the clothes they wear. As for modesty, an ancient Chinese saying reads: ―Pride goes before a fall.‖ It tells us that if we want to be successful, we must learn to be modest first. 听力录音原文 第一节 Text 1

W: Jimmy, take this umbrella with you. M: Why? It’s a fine day, isn’t it? W: Yes, but the weatherman said it’ going to rain this afternoon. Text 2 M: Here is a menu printed in English. What would you like, Judy? W: Well, I think I’ll have fried oysters first. M: That’s a good choice, since this is the season for oysters. Text 3 M: My father does a lot of business and travels a lot. I like his job. W: Are you going to study International Business at university, then? M: I have not made up my mind yet, but very probably, yes. Text 4

W: Tom. M: Yes?

W: Will you please take this recorder to my office for me?

M: Will pleasure. And let me carry some of the exercise books for you. Text 5

W: I’ll get someone to help you carry your luggage to your car. M: If you don’t mind , I’d like to have it delivered. 第二节 Text 6

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M: Good afternoon, madam. Is anyone taking care of you?

W: No, not yet. Could you show me that overcoat in the middle? M: Certainly. What color, black or silver grey? W: Silver grey, please. I like the color.

M: You’ve got a good eye. Silver grey suits you. W: Is it 100% wool?

M: Of course. It’s 100% new wool. Why not try it on? W: OK! Mm…I think it fits me.

M: It fits you very well. It looks good on you, madam. W: How much it it?

M: It is just 299 dollars. But we can take 10% off if you buy it today. W: Well, it’s still very expensive. Text 7

W: NSJ Company. Can I help you?

M: Can you put me through to Mr. Brown in the Sales Department? W: I’m afraid Mr. Brown is at a meeting at the moment. M: Can I leave a message?

W: Certainly.

M: Can you ask Mr. Brown to call me at 1300-621-7865? W: Who is calling, please?

M: Nathan White.

W: OK, Mr. White, can you repeat the phone number?

M: That’s 1300-621-7865.

W: OK. I’ll ask Mr. Brown to call you as soon as the meeting is over. M: Thanks. Bye.

Text 8 I’m glad that you’ve chosen chemistry. I’d like to use a few minutes to talk about lab rules. First, you can’t bring any food or drink into the lab. Second, don’t use the lab without your teacher. Third, please don’t touch anything in the cupboards or on the shelves. Never taste anything in the bottles and the containers. When doing experiments, listen to your teacher attentively. The above should all be of great importance to you. Please obey the rules and enjoy the hours you spend here. Text 9 W: Hello, sir. Can I help you?

M: Yes…Er, have you read about the World Cup in today’s newspaper, miss? W: Yes, I have.

M: Are you interested in football? W: Well, yes.

M: I am. Wonderful game, football.

W: Yes, it is. Now, what shoes can I show you, sir?

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M: I like all sports and games—football, cricket, swimming. Can you swim? W: I’m not a good swimmer, but I go swimming sometimes.

M: Tennis. That’s a good game. I’m interested in tennis. I never miss Wimbledon, you know. I see it every year. W: Oh?

M: Mind you, I like all sports. Games as well.

W: You’re a real sportsman, sir. Perhaps you want some tennis shoes or running shoes? M: Er…no. W: Football shoes?

M: No. I want some carpet slippers-like those.

W: Carpet slippers? M: Yes. I want to be comfortable when I’m watching television. Text 10

M: Hello.

W: Good evening. Sir. Is this Mr. Charles Philips? M: Yes, it is.

W: Well Mr. Philips, this evening I’m calling to offer you a special discount on…

M: Ah, no, let me guess. You want to sell me a new car or a great deal on airfare to Hawaii, right? Or, you want to offer me an unbelievable bargain on dance lessons? W: No, no, actually… Mr. Jones. Oh, sorry. That was the last guy. Uh, we want to offer you a free membership to our sports club downtown at the low price of $ 39.95…

M: Thirty-nine dollars ninety-five cents? I thought that you said free! Uh, listen. I’m not


W: Well, it includes unlimited access to all our equipment, including the gym, weight room, tennis courts, and swimming pool.

M: Again, I’m not interested, I have my own fitness program I do around the house anyway. W: Well, this is a once-in-a-lifetime deal.

M: Nah. Like I said, I’ll pass this time. And please put me on your―don’t call‖list.

W: Okay. It’ll take between four and six months before your name will be removed from our

phone list. You might be called by another clerk during that time. M: Ah, man. Ah, great. W: Have a nice evening, Mr. Williams. Text 11

This is the BBC in London. Here is the news at ten.

South Korea has the most effective education system of the world’s richest countries, with

Japan in second place and the United Sates and Germany near the bottom, a United Nations study said Tuesday. The ranking provides a comparison of the developed world.

The study is based not on how many students reach what level of education, but on testing

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what pupils actually know and what they are able to do, including their abilities in reading, math and science.

Germany, with its strong educational tradition, occupies the 19th place out of 24 nations, Just behind the United States in 18th place. An American government official said,―Our schools are simply not good enough and they don’t compare will with systems in other countries.‖ ―It is clear that educational disadvantage is born not as school but in the home, ‖said the report.―Learning begins at birth and is encouraged by a loving, stimulating environment.‖

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what pupils actually know and what they are able to do, including their abilities in reading, math and science.

Germany, with its strong educational tradition, occupies the 19th place out of 24 nations, Just behind the United States in 18th place. An American government official said,―Our schools are simply not good enough and they don’t compare will with systems in other countries.‖ ―It is clear that educational disadvantage is born not as school but in the home, ‖said the report.―Learning begins at birth and is encouraged by a loving, stimulating environment.‖

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