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一.英美报刊的基础知识: 美国报刊

1. The Time York Times<纽约时报>同《华盛顿邮报》《洛杉矶时报》一起被列为美

国最有影响力的三家大报,也是美国最高新闻奖普利策奖最多的一家美报 2. The Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》注重报道国会消息,号称国会议员和政府官

员早餐桌上少不了的一份报纸 3. Los Angeles Times<洛杉矶时报>

4. USA Today《今日美国报》是美国唯一的全国性日报 5. The Wall Street Journal《华尔街日报》以经济报道为主

6. International New York Time《国际纽约时报》13年由国际先驱论坛报改为现名 7. The Christian Science Monitor 《基督教科学箴言报》,09年仅出网络版 8. Time《时代》周刊是美国三大新闻周刊最成功的一家 9. Newsweek<新闻周刊>属于华盛顿邮报公司

10. U.S. News&World Report《美国新闻与世界报道》与《时代》《新闻周刊》并称美


11. Reader’s Digest<读者文摘>资本主义界发行量最大的月刊 12. Fortune前译《幸福》,现译《财富》杂志 13. Business Week《商业周刊》美国著名财政企业杂志 14. Far eastern Economic Review<远东经济评论>香港出版 英国报刊

1. The Times《泰晤士报》英国一家历史最悠久的报纸也是西方最有影响力的大报,


2. Financial Times《金融时报》世界上最具有代表性的一家金融商情报,大老板读 3. The Guardian《卫报》 同《泰晤士报》《每日电讯报》《金融时报》构成英国质


4. The Daily Telegraphy <每日电讯报>,有怀念昔日大英帝国时代者读一说

5. The Independent《独立报》资历最浅的日报 6. The Economist 《经济学家》大型综合性周刊 7. The Spectator 《旁观者》,全国性周刊历史最悠久 8. New Statesman<新政治家>周刊 二.标题的翻译

Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered= an Italian ex-mayor is murdered Rail chaos getting worse= the rail chaos is getting worse

No survivors in gulf air crash= there are no survivors in the gulf air crash Alaskan oil for japan= will there be Alaskan oil for japan? Have dollars, will sell=if you have dollars, they will sell

Ballots, not bullets= the Algerians want ballots, do not want bullets 西点军校东山再起 west point makes a comeback 美国怎样看待世界 how America sees the world 邪教教主以上帝之名打开杀戒 killing in the name of god

Tiailand, malaysaia ink sea treaty=Thailand and Malaysia ink a sea treaty Woman kills husband, self=a woman kills her husband and herself

Volunteer,terrorist killed in an ambush=a volunteer and a terrorist are killed in an ambush

Chinese cooks:masters at turning a turnip into a flower=Chinese cooks are masters ... Kaka:brazil’s mr. perfect=kaka is brazil’s mr.perfect

Mao:we should support third world countries=mao says that we should support the third world countries

英吉利海峡隧道工程暂停施工 channel tunnel halt 枪杀事件,扑朔迷离shotgun death riddle drama 动物园猛兽出逃,虚惊一场 zoo escape drama 三.英翻中,中翻英 Lesson 1

Policy reversal 政策转型

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局 R&D research and development 研究与发展 GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值 Competitive edge 优势,领先 Population dividend 人口红利

Performance-oriented culture 以绩效为主的气氛或氛围 Harmonious society 和谐社会 Lesson 3

Talent show 才艺表演 Big picture 重点,主要部分 Backseat drive 指手画脚 Lesson 4 少

Ivy League 常春藤盟校 Default rates 违约率 Required courses必修课程

Networking 计算机网络的设计,网络体系 Lesson 9 少

Material comfort 物质享受

Morgan Stanley 摩根史坦利投资公司 Great depression (美国经济)大萧条 Great recession大衰退 Lesson 23

Hybrid cars混合动力汽车 Disposable income 可支配收入

The techie cafe life指把全部时间都花在工作上的一种生活方式 Pro-materialist 支持物质主义 Yuppie period 雅皮士 A low-carbon life 低碳生活 Carbon footprint 碳排放量 Stock options 股票期权 Lesson 27

Cognitive skills 认知技能 A blessing in disguise 因祸得福 Cognitive muscles 认知能力

Bilingual and monolingual preschoolers 双语和单语儿童 Bilingual advantage双语优势

Alzheimer’s disease 早老性痴呆症,阿尔兹海默病 Lesson 29 没听到 Lesson 30 少

The reality-television 真人秀 Unscripted programmes 无剧本节目

Prime-time entertainment黄金时间的娱乐节目 Intellectual property知识产权,著作权 四.阅读理解 Lesson 1 P1 Questions

1. what is the main reason for china to open its door to talents from other parts of

the world? 2. What is the”thousand foreign talents program”?

3. So far, what has china been doing in welcoming the returnees?

4. What are the favorable conditions offered to attract those overseas talents? 5. What problems have some of the returnees found after coming back to china? 6. Why is there hesitation among those overseas Chinese? Lesson 4 p33

1. why did not mr. schartz enroll at cornel university?

2. What was the general annual cost of top-tier colleges or ivy league such as

cornell university? 3. What is the meaning of the phrase “land jobs”in the seventh paragraph? 4. What is the reason for those students at state schools who are locked out of

required courses and have difficulty completing their degrees in four years? Lesson 23 p261

1. what are the main characteristics of yawns? 2. What is their dream?

3. What social-economic background has given rise to the consumer trends of

yawns? 4. How do you understand post materialism?

5. What does freecycling mean? What’s the most important reson for freecycling? 6. What do you think of the yawns life style? Lesson 27 p303

1. waht practical benefits can you get by being bilingual except conversing with

various people? 2. Some researchers claim that bilingualism can be interference, but in what way

does the interference influence our brain system? 3. According to a study in 2004, bilingual experience improves the brain’s executive

function that directs the attention processes we can use for arduous tasks, what do the processes refer to? 4. What is the major difference between bilinguals and monolinguals? 5. How bilingualism affect people in their old age? Lesson 30 p333文字太多觉得应该不会考。。。

