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按揭贷款mortgage loan

按揭购房to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house 房屋空置率housing vacancy rate

安居工程Comfortable Housing Project

板楼,板式楼slab-type apartment building 搬迁户a relocated unit or household

财产税 property tax; estate(or capital) duty 拆迁补偿费compensation for demolition 拆迁费用removal expense

城镇住房公积金urban housing provident fund 低价住房low-cost housing 二手房second-hand house

房产估价师real estate assessor

房产证property ownership certificate 房屋置换buy or exchange houses 炒房者real estate speculator 房改housing system reform 房管real estate management 房权证property right certificate 房产市场real estate market

房屋空置率housing vacancy rate

福利分房welfare-oriented public housing allocation system 个人购房贷款individual housing loan

公房商品化commercialization of public housing

集资房 houses built with funds collected by the buyers 居民住房建设residential construction 人均住房per-capital housing

现房complete department (or flat) 期房forward delivery housing

商品房commercial residential building

商品房空置the vacancy in commercial housing

政策性住房policy-related house, policy-based house 住房补贴rental allowance; housing allowance

住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation 房地产英语(一)


After China's entry into WTO, foreign estate trade expands rapidly with large sum of dollars often involved, thus a good command of estate English in conformity with international practice becomes more essential, especially to an outstanding real estate agent. Chapter 1. Residential Flat 第一章 住宅物业

1. Residential Flat For Sale 1. 出售住宅物业

Scene: ABC Properties Company, Tai Koo Shing Branch 场景: ABC 地产代理公司太古城分行 A:Agent - James Wilson 物业代理詹姆士·威尔逊 B:Client - Mr Johnson 客户约翰逊先生

A: Good morning, Sir. Have a seat please.


B: I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have an apartment to sell.


A: Sure, here is my business card. I'm James Wilson. Let me explain to you how things are. In recent months, the demand for residential properties has become extremely high. The price for residential property is rising almost twenty percent.


B: Really? Since I have to go back to England within the next few months, I would like to sell my apartment as soon as possible.


A: Don't worry, Sir. I think it's a seller's market now. Let me get down some information about your apartment first. What is your property's address?

先生,不用担心,我相信对卖家而言这是很好的时机。让我先记录一些关于你的住宅的资料,请问你的房子在哪里? B: Flat C, 15/F, Tong House, Tai Koo Shing. 在太古城唐厦十五楼 C 室。

A: What is the square area of your property? How many bedrooms and living rooms? 你的单位面积有多大?有多少间睡房和客厅?

B: Its gross area is approximately nine hundred square feet. There's one living room, one dining room, one master room and two bedrooms.

建筑面积约九百平方英尺,有一个客厅、一个饭厅、一间主人套房和两间睡房。 A: How is your property orientation and view? 你的房子的座向及观景怎样?

B: It is on the south with a hillside view. 它是向南而面对山景的。

A: The market price for Tong House is around five thousand Hong Kong dollars per square foot, but it also depends on the internal layout and condition of the house.

唐厦的市场售价每平方英尺约五千港元,不过要视单位的内部间隔及装修而定。 B: I would like to mark four point five million Hong Kong dollars. 我希望订价为港币四百五十万元。

A: May I have your name and contact number, Sir? 先生,可否告知我你的名字及联络电话号码?

B: Johnson, my contact number is 28765432. My office number is 2134567. 我叫约翰逊,我的联系电话是28765432,而公司电话号码是21234567.

A: Thank you, Mr Johnson. May I ask you one more question? When will your property become available?

谢谢你,约翰逊先生。请问你的单位何时可以交付? B: In about one month. 约一个月之后。

A: Also, Mr Johnson, I would like to remind you my company will charge a commission equivalent to one percent of the transaction price in the event of a successful selling of the property through our introduction. 还有,约翰逊先生,我想提醒你如果我们为你成功介绍买家,本公司会向你收取成交价的百分之一作为佣金。 B: No problem. 没有问题。

A: Thank you very much. I will introduce your property to our clients. When they want to see your property, I will give you a call.

非常感谢,我会把你的物业介绍给我公司的客户,如果客户想看楼,我会通知你的。 B: Thank you. 谢谢。

2. Residential Property for Purchase 购买住宅物业

Scene: ABC Properties Company, Tai Koo Shing Branch 场景: ABC地产代理公司太古城分行 A: Agent- James Wilson 物业代理詹姆士·威尔逊 B: Client- Mrs. Chen 客户陈太太

A: Good morning, Madam, and how do you do? 早晨好,太太,你好!

B: Fine. I would like to check out today's newspaper advertising on Tong House. 早晨好,我想查询你们在今天的报章中刊登有关唐厦的广告。

A: Yes, Madam. Have a seat please. I think you mean the one marked at four point five million Hong Kong dollars. May I have your name, please?

好的,太太,请坐。 我想你所指的是订价四百五十万那个楼盘。请问我可以如何称呼你? B: I'm Mrs. Chen. Is the flat still available? 我是陈太太,那个单位是否已售出?

A: Mrs. Chen, here is my name card. I'm James Wilson. The Tong House is about seventeen years old but the internal condition is fine. May I know if you are familiar with the neighbourhood here? Do you know the location of Tong House?



B: No, I don't live around there, but I know the location and environment of Tai Koo Shing. I know the average price of five thousand Hong Kong Dollars per square foot is very attractive. May I know the size, the layout and the view of the house?


A: Sure. The area of this flat is around nine hundred square feet. It is designed as one living room, one dining room, one master bedroom and two bedrooms.

当然可以。房子面积约九百平方英尺,单位设计为一个客厅、一个饭厅、一个主人套房和两个睡房。 B: Do you have the floor plan of the building? 你有没有这大厦的平面图?

A: Yes, Mrs. Chen. Here it is. For this unit, the efficiency rate is very high because the layout is very effective. Also, the owner keeps the house in a good condition. Maybe I can show you the house.


B: Very well. Can we go now? 非常好,是不是现在就去?

A: Give me a minute. Let me call the owner first. 请稍等,让我先通知业主。 Thank you. 谢谢。

Sample of Tenancy Agreement 租赁协议样本

This agreement is made on this thirtieth day of September 1999 by and between Chen Jianmin of 221 Sichuan Road and Zhang Jie of 345 Lintong Road,as follows:


The said Chen Jianmin hereby lets to the said Zhang Jie a dwelling flat of No.404(hereinafter referred to as the said flat), situated in 999 Feiyun Road, for the term of two years followed by each term of two years until one month's notice to quit is given by or to either party, at the monthly rent of H.K.$ 900 payable in advance on the first day of each and every calendar month. The tenancy is to commence on the first day of October, one day after the said agreement is signed.


And the said Chen Jianmin undertakes to pay the land tax and the property tax, and to keep the said flat in all necessary repairs, so long as the said Zhang Jie shall continue therein. And the said Zhang Jie shall undertake to take the said flat of Chen Jianmin for and at the before mentioned term and rent, and pay all taxes except those on land or property, and to abide by the other conditions aforesaid.

陈建民承诺交纳地皮税和财产税,并在张捷租期之内承担涉约套房的各种维修。张捷应承诺愿按上述期限及租金租用该涉约套房,交纳除地皮税及财产税之外的税款,同时遵守上述其他条件。 We get our hands the day and year aforesaid.


In the presence of Zhou Wenqi (Signature) 见证人:周文启

Chen Jianmin(Signature) Zhang Jie(Signature) 立约人:陈建民 张捷 注释:

1. let:此处作“出租”解。

2. notice to quit:搬家的预先通知。quit在此作“搬出”、“迁出”解。 3. each and every:每一个。

4. tenancy:(土地、房屋等的)租赁;租赁期限。 5. continue:在此相当于continue to stay. 6. therein:在那里。

7. abide by:遵守(法律、决定等);信守(诺言等)。 8. get hands (to)= set hands (to):签名。 3. Visiting the flat for Sale 视察出售物业

Scene: After Mrs.Chen signed the inspection record, James Wilson shows Mrs.Chen to Mr.Johnson's house. Bell rings.

场景: 陈太太签署看楼纪录书后,詹姆士·威尔逊带陈太太到约翰逊先生的房子实地视察。门铃响了。 A: Agent- James Wilson 物业代理詹姆士·威尔逊 B: Buyer- Mrs.Chen 买家陈太太

S: Seller- Mr. Johnson 卖家约翰逊先生

A: Hello, Mr.Johnson. I have Mrs.Chen to check out the house. 您好,约翰逊先生。 这是陈太太,她来看你的房子。

S: Please come in and feel free to take a look around the house. 请进来随便参观。

A: Mrs.Chen, as you can see, the decoration is in perfect condition. The kitchen is on your left. Look! It is so big that you can fit five people inside. (They walk to the living room). The layout of the flat is one dining room, and living room, one master bedroom and two bedrooms. The gross area of this unit is nine hundred and thirteen square feet.

陈太太,这个单位装修挺好的,厨房就在左边,看!厨房或以容纳五个人。(他们走进客厅)这间房子的基本设计为三房二厅,包括一个客厅、一个饭厅、一间主人套房连洗手间和两间睡房。建筑面积是九百一十三平方英尺。 房地产英语(三)

B: Does this apartment face south? 这房子是否向南?

A: The living room faces south and the bedrooms face north. Mrs.Chen, what do you think of this unit? It has a beautiful hill view and quiet environment. Also, Tai Koo Shing has many amenities such as a grand shopping mall, wonderful playground, residents club, four standard tennis courts and few supermarkets. Also, it is conveniently located for public transportation like the MTR and buses.


B: Great! 很好!

A: May I ask if your interest in the unit is for investment or self-use. 陈太太,你买这单位是投资还是自用呢?

B: The purpose is for investment because I hear from my friend that the rental return for Tai Koo Shing is not bad.


A: Sure. Mrs.Chen, the rent for this unit is around thirty-five thousand Hong Kong dollars. The yield is almost ten percent. There are many Japanese and Westerners love to live here. It's only because Mr.Johnson must go back to England that he has to sell this unit.


B: I understand. The flat is under a good condition and I don't have to redecorate it later. But, I've got to discuss it with my husband first. Mr.wilson, how about I call you to make an appointment again?


A: Sure. Mrs.Chen, anyway, I should remind you that you must be quick because I have other clients requesting to check this unit later.

没有问题。陈太太,不过,我必须提醒你要快点决定,因为还有其他客户要求看这单位的。 B: Okay. I'll call you later. 好的,我稍后再给你找电话。

A: Thank you, Mr Johnson. I'll call you when I get back to the office. 谢谢你,约翰逊先生,我回公司后再与你以电话联络。 S: Thank you. I'll wait for your call. Bye. 谢谢。我等你的电话,再见。 A: Bye. 再见。

4. Residential Property for Lease 租赁住宅物业

Scene: ABC Properties Company, Robinson Road Branch 场景: ABC地产代理公司太古城分行 A: Agent- Chen Lu 物业代理陈路

B: Client- Mr. Roberts 客户罗伯茨先生

A: Hi,Sir. May I help you? 先生,你好,我可以帮你忙吗?

B: Yes, please. I am looking to lease an apartment. 好的,麻烦你。我正在找一个出租住宅。

A: This is my business card. I am Chen Lu. Nice to meet you. 这是我的名片,我叫陈路。很高兴认识你。

B: Thank you. I am Sam Roberts. I am looking for an apartment of around one thousand square feet for my family.

谢谢,我是罗伯茨。我正找一个约一千平方英尺的住宅公寓给我的家人。 A: Mr.Roberts, are you familiar with this area? 罗伯茨先生,你是否熟识这一区呢?

B: Yes, I am living in Rose Garden now, but the lease will expire in two months. The landlord is going to sell his apartment.


A: I see. I guess you prefer remaining in the same neighbourhood. Let me check the computer's property data for you first. (After a few minutes.) Sir, do you know Robinson Garden?


B: No. I'm sorry to say. (Chen Lu points out the location of Robinson Garden from the map.) 对不起,我不知道。(陈路将该区地图给罗伯茨先生看,并指示该大厦位置。)

A: Robison garden is only two years old. The first floor is a prestigious lobby and the entrance of a car park. The second and third floor are for car parking only. The fourth floor is the clubhouse, which includes a fitness centre and one swimming pool. Over the platform are two of thirty level residential buildings. There are four units in each floor. The unit areas are between eight hundred square feet. The mid-level has one vacant unit for lease. The gross area is one thousand three hundred square feet and the net area is almost one thousand square feet. The layout of the unit includes one huge living room, one dining room and three bedrooms. The maid's room is attached to the kitchen.



B: Is it furnished or non-furnished? 单位是否备有家具?

A: It is a furnished apartment with necessary home appliances. 这单位是否备有家具及一般家庭电器。 B: How much is the rent? 租金是多少?

A: The asking rent is forty-five thousand Hong Kong dollars per month. 租金是每月港币四万五千元。


B: Okay. I would like to check the house with my wife tomorrow night after seven. Also, can you show me two more apartments for our comparison at the same time?


A: Sure, Mr.Roberts. I'll arrange things for you tomorrow night. May I have your telephone number in order to confirm the appointment?


B: Yes. My office number is 25242524. In case I am not in my office, you can also contact my mobile phone. The number is 90887766.


A: Thank you, Mr.Roberts. I'll have all the information and get back to you as soon as possible. 谢谢你,罗伯茨先生,当我搜集所有资料后,会尽快回复你。 Sample of Shophouse Unit Lease Contract 商店摊位租赁合同样本

This Agreement is made at _____, on the _____day of_____ 2001, between _____, hereinafter called the \


The parties to the contract agree as follows: 合同双方均同意以下条款:

1. The Lessor agrees to lease and the Lessee agrees to take on lease unit(s)of shophouses, Room Nos _____, situated at _____Road, Tambo______, District of _____, Province of _____, with telephone number _____, for a period of ____ years at a monthly rental of ___ baht.


2. The Lease period aforementioned in Clause 1 shall be effective as of the date the Lessor completes all details as in Clause 3, and notifies the Lessee in writing within 7 days thereof.

在以上第1条款中所规定的租期,从出租人完成第3条款所有规定并在7天内通知承租方后开始生效。 3. The Lessor agrees to complete repair of the shophouse in accordance with the following details: 出租人同意按以下具体规定完成该店房的维修工作。 3.1—— 3.2—— 3.3—— 3.4——

4. On this contract signing date, the Lessor has received a deposit as rent security amounting to_______baht. Should the Lessee be overdue on rent payment for any month, the Lessee agrees for the Lessor to immediately deduct the amount due from the said deposit as rent payment.


5. The Lessee agrees to pay rent to the Lessor by or before the_____th day of every month. Should the Lessee be in default of rent payment within the said period, the Lessee agrees that this contract then becomes extinct without any notification.


6. Payment of all building and land taxes shall be borne solely by the Lessee. 一切房屋、土地税均由承租方承担。

7. Should the shophouse be legally condemned before expiration of the contract, the parties agree that the contract becomes extinct and shall not claim any damages from each other. Provided that the Lessee still resides in the building for which the Lessee shall pay rent to the Lessor until the Lessee moves out of the building and completes handover of the building to the Lessor.


8. The Lessee agrees to pay rent and all telephone bills to the Telephone organization of Thailand from the day of the enforcement of this contract.


9. The Lessor agrees that he shall not increase the rent for a period of 2 years from the date of this contract signing.


10. The Lessor agrees that upon expiration of this contract at the end of the lease period, the Lessor shall allow the Lessee to continue leasing for another period of___years, on condition that the Lessee has not breached this contract in any way.


11. The Lessee agrees to maintain the leased building in good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate. Any modifications or additions carried out on the leased building by the Lessee may be done only with the Lessor's prior written permission. Any new structure resulting from modification, addition or repair to the leased building becomes the property of the Lessor, and the Lessee cannot claim any damages. This lease contract is terminated should the leased building be subject to a fire disaster.


12. The Lessee shall permit the Lessor or his representative to enter the leased building for inspection at appropriate times.


13. The Lessee shall not sub-let the building to any other persons, except with the prior written approval of the Lessor.


14. For whatever reason, if the Lessee leaves the leased building, the Lessee agrees that he shall not claim any damages or removal costs from the Lessor.


15. Breach of contract in any regard on the part of the Lessee shall be grounds for the Lessor to terminate this contract immediately; the Lessee shall then permit the Lessor to have right to repossess the leased building immediately.


This contract is made in duplicate. The parties to the contract having read and understood the entire substance of the contract hereby sign their names in the presence of witnesses.

本合同一式两份,合同双方在阅读完和理解本合同全部内容后,在证人在场的情况下,在下面签了字。 Signed_____Lessor 出租人_____签字 Signed_____Lessee 承租人_____签字 Signed_____Witness 证人______签字 Singed_____Witness 证人______签字


5. Visiting the Flat for Lease 视察出租住宅

Scene: Robinson Garden 场景: 鲁宾逊花园 A: Agent- Chen Lu 物业代理陈路

B: Client- Mr.Roberts 客户罗伯茨先生

A: Good evening, Mr.Roberts. How are you? 罗伯茨先生,晚安,今天好吗?

B: Fine, thanks. My wife is not able to come and I have a dinner party to go at eight, so I think I can only check one apartment tonight.


A: No problem. I'll change appointments for the other flats later on. Mr.Robets, would you please sign an inspection record for me? May I have your identity number for reference?


B: Sure. (After a few minutes, Chen Lu and Mr. Roberts are at the entrance of Robinson Garden with the security guard in the lobby.)

可以。(约数分钟后,陈路和罗伯茨先生到达鲁宾逊花园大厦入口处,保安警卫人员正在大厦大堂值班。) A: (To the security guard )Hello, I'm Chen Lu from ABC Company. Here is my business card.

(Chen Lu signs the visitor list. Then Chen and Mr.Roberts take the elevator to 18/F, Chen has the key and he opens it.)


A: Here it is, Mr.Roberts. On the left is the kitchen. At the back of the living room are the three bedrooms. The largest one is the master bedroom. You see the kitchen has basic appliances including a cooking stove, refrigerator, dryer and washing machine. Also, you'll notice the living room is large. The landlord will also provide furniture if you need it.

罗伯茨先生,这里就是了。左面是厨房,大厅后面是三个睡房,最大的是主人套房。你看,厨房内有基本家庭电器,包括煮食炉、冰箱、干衣机和洗衣机。同时,客厅相当宽敞,如果你需要家具,业主可为你安排。 B: How about the bedroom? 睡房是怎样的?

A: Let me show you. This is the master bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. The view is delightful. The other two bedrooms are for children.


C: It looks great to me. Would I have my wife and kids check it out tomorrow? Also, do you know if there is any discount for the rent?


A: I'm afraid not, Sir. The average rent in this area is around forty five thousand Hong Kong dollars per month. Since the landlord is in a hurry to lease the apartment, so he has already lowered the rent. 先生,恐怕不能,这区的单位平均月约港币四万五千元。业主因为急于出租,所以已将调低了。 C: I see. How much deposit should I pay? 我明白,请问我需要支付多少按金。

A: Two months deposit and one month's rent payable in advance. 两个月租金作按金及一个月预付租金。

C: How about the management? 管理费多少呢?

A: I have to check these out with the landlord. 我向业主查询后尽快回复你。

C: Sure. I'll let my family decide after they have looked at the apartment tomorrow. Thank you so much. 好的,我的家人明天看过单位之后便可决定。非常感谢。 A: Don't mention it. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye. 别客气,明天再见。 C: Bye-bye. 再见。

Chapter 2. Property Under Construction 第二章 楼花

1. Visiting Show Flat 1. 参观示范单位

Scene: Sales office of the Nice garden 场景: 丽斯花园售楼处 A1, A2, A3, A4: Agents 物业代理

B1, B2, B3: Clients 客户

A1: Please take some brochures detailing the Nice Garden Phase 1. 请随便拿一份丽斯花园第一期售楼书。

A2: Welcome to the Nice Garden. Please follow the arrows to our show flats A and B. The size of show flat A is one thousand square feet and show flat B is one thousand and five hundred square feet. Please enjoy yourselves. 欢迎光临丽斯花园。请沿箭头批示到本公司展销单位 A 及单位 B.单位 A 面积是一千五百平方英尺,请随便参观! A3: Welcome to show flat A. First, I would like to explain to you that the red tags denote a free gift from our developer to our future vendors.(After a second)On your right hand side is the kitchen. The maid's room and toilet are found inside. All the appliances including refrigerator, microwave oven, dishes-washer are imported from Europe. Please go straight in. There is a huge living room and three bedrooms. The developer will provide air conditioners for all rooms.

欢迎参观示范单位 A.首先,贴有红色标签的用品是由发展商送给未来业主的。(一会儿之后)在右边的是厨房,工人房及洗手间在里面,而所有家庭电器包括雪柜、微波炉、洗碗机都是随楼附送,所有建筑用料均由欧洲进口。直行就是大厅及三个睡房,发展商提供所有厅房的冷气机。


B1: How about the view?


A3: Over the tenth floor, you will see the beautiful river view. 高于十楼的单位可以看到河景,相当不错! C2: How about the direction for this unit? 这单坏淖蛉绾危?SPAN lang=EN-US>

A3: This unit faces southwest. Please make yourselves comfortable. 单位窗户向西南方,请随便看看。 (Scene: Show Flat) (场景:示范单位 B)

A4: Welcome to show flat B. This unit's gross area is one thousand and five hundred square feet, which is the largest unit on this floor. This unit's layout is similar to show flat A except that it has a master bedroom and a balcony outside of the living room. This unit faces south, which is the best direction and view for the whole building.

欢迎光临示范单位B,这单位的建筑面积是一千五百平方英尺,在这楼层是最大的单位。基本设计与单位A相似,不过这单位有主人套房和在客厅有落地玻璃露台。这单位座北朝南,是整幢大厦观景及方向最好的单位。 B3: Excuse me! Miss, what kind of view is it? 小姐,请问这单位有怎样的观景?

A4: Over the tenth floor, you will see the hills and rivers together. Sounds great, right? 十楼以上的单位可看到山和河景,非常美丽,对吗? B3: How about below the tenth floor? 十楼以下的单位又怎样呢?

A4:You will see a few of low-rise town houses and streets. Dear customers, we have already arranged to have the lawyers and bankers meet us on the ground floor. They will answer all the mortgage and legal questions you may have. Thank you for joining us today. I hope you will find your favourite units today.

你会看见一些低层住宅大厦及街道。亲爱的顾客们,本公司已经安排律师及银行顾问在地下售楼处,他们会为阁下解答有关买卖手续及银行按揭贷款的问题。谢谢各位今天的光临,希望各位能够选购心目中最理想的单位。 2. Residential Property Under Construction for Sale 出售楼花物业

Scene: Sales office of the Nice Garden 场景: 丽斯花园售楼处 A: Agents 物业代理 B: Clients 客户

A: Miss, may I help you?


B: Yes, I just wondered why the price between the ninth floor and tenth floor is so different? 是的,我很奇怪为什么九楼与十楼的售价有这么大的差别呢? A: It's because of the view. 这是因为观景不同。

B: Oh! I see. Can you show me the location for Block 1? 噢!我明白了,你能否告诉我第一座的位置呢?

A: Sure. Please take a look of the model of the building. Nice Garden has a total of two blocks which are labelled Block 1 and Block 2. Block 1 has a total of thirty-eight levels. The thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth are penthouses. There are four units in one level. The sizes of the units are one thousand square feet and one thousand and five hundred square feet. The size with one thousand square feet has three bedrooms and the biggest size has four bedrooms.

当然可以,请过来看大厦模型。丽斯花园共有两幢,分别为第一座和第二座,第一座共三十八层,而三十七楼和三十八楼是复式单位。每层有四个单位,单位面积有一千平方英尺和一千五百平方英尺两种,小单位有三房而大单位有四房。 B: How many elevators are there? 共有多少部电梯?

A: There are three elevators between one hundred and forty eight units. 一百四十八个单位共用三部电梯。 B: How about the car-park space? 停车位又怎样呢?

A: There is a total of one hundred and sixty parking lots on the second and third floor, in which twelve are for visitors and the rest are for residents.

停车场在第二层和第三层,共一百六十个车位,其中十二个为访客车位,而其余的是供住客使用的。 B: Any other facilities? 还有其他设施吗?

A: Sure, on the fouth floor is a recreation quarter. There are two swimming pools, one is Olympic standard size and the other one is for children. Also, there is a gymnasium for resident members only.



B: when is the completion date? 请问工程何时才能完成?

A: The completion date will be on July 1st 2001. 预计竣工日期为2001年7月1日。

B: How about the price and the bank mortgage? 售价和银行贷款如何?

A: Please check up the price list. The average unit price is five million Hong Kong dollars. There are eight different banks that will provide a seventy percent mortgage loan. Also, the developer will offer another ten percent mortgage to purchasers.


B: How many payment methods are there? 有多少种付款办法?

A: It's all written on the brochure price list. I believe there will be one right for you. Please hurry up because almost half of units have already gone.

售价表里已经详细列明,我相信其中一定有适合你的。现在认购已经超过五成,你要快些作出决定了。 B: Thank you. I think I have to talk to the bank representatives. Thank you for your help. 谢谢,我想我必须先向银行代表询问,谢谢你的帮忙。 A: You're welcome. 别客气。

Chapter 3. Office Property 第三章 办公室物业 1. Office Unit For Lease 1. 出租办公室物业 Scene: ABC Agency 场景: ABC 代理行 A: Agent - Miss Wang 物业代理王小姐

B: Client - Mr. Ray Cohen 客户高汉先生 R: Receptionist

R: Good morning, sir. May I help you? 先生,早晨好!可否让我帮你?

B: Yes, my name is Ray Cohen. I have an appointment with Miss Wang at eleven. 是的,我的名字叫高汉,我约了王小姐十一时会面。

R: Mr.Cohen, Miss Wang is expecting you. Please have a seat. 高汉先生,王小姐正在等你,请坐。

A: (Miss Wang walks to the front desk.)Hello, Mr.Cohen, nice to meet you. 你好,高汉先生,很高兴与你见面。

(They shake hands. Miss Wang passes a business card to Mr.Cohen.)

(王小姐与高汉先生握手并递名片给他。) Let me take you to the conference room. 请先到会议室。

(In the conference room) (会议室内)

A: Mr.Cohen,would you like something to drink? 高汉先生,想喝点什么? B: No, thanks. 不用客气,谢谢。

A: Mr Cohen, after the telephone conversation with you yesterday, I believe the Gateway Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui will be one of the best choices for your company to rent.

高汉先生,昨日与你在电话中商谈后,我相信尖沙咀港威大厦应是你公司承租物业的其中一个最好选择。 B: Gateway Tower. Is it near the Harbour City? 港威大厦,它是否邻近海港城?

A: Yes, sir. The transportation is very convenient and only a few minutes walking distance to MTR station. Also, a famous shopping mall is connected with the Harbour City. Besides, the management fee and rent are reasonable for your company.

是的,高汉先生。那里交通非常方便,只需步行数分钟使可达地铁站,再者,它有一个著名商场连接海港城。而该大厦的管理费及租金又非常合理,最适合你公司租用。 B: I see. How much is the rent? 我明白的,它的租金是多少?

A: The average rental is twenty-six Hong Kong dollars per square foot, Mr.Cohen. 高汉先生,每平方英尺月租港币二十六元。

B: It sounds very interesting. Is it possible to see it right now? 这令我很感兴趣,能否现在去看该当大厦呢?

A: Sure, Sir. May I ask which floor you prefer? 当然可以,高汉先生。请问有哪些楼层是你较为喜欢的?

B: I prefer a higher level, preferably the twentieth floor or higher. 我喜欢较高层的,最好是二十楼或以上。

A: Yes, Mr.Cohen. I will show you the twenty-second floor and twenty-fifth floor. We can go anytime. 是的,高汉先生,我会介绍二十二楼及二十五缕给你。我们可以随时出发。 B: Good. 好。 房地产英语(八)

Receipt 收据

Received from Mr. Jerome Kern the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED YUAN Only (Renminbi) on July 2nd, 2001, being the rent for the month of June 2002 for the premises occupied by him at 127 Qingzhu Road, Shenzhen. Liu Ming

兹收到杰罗姆·科恩先生2001年7月2日交纳的捌佰元整(人民币)。该款项是其为居住在深圳青竹路127号所交纳的2002年7月份租金 刘明

Receipt Due Bill 借据

3500.00 May 26, 2001

Six months after date, for value received, I promise to pay to Mr. Li Dong the sum of three thousand and five hundred Yuan(renminbi)with interest at 3% per month. Wu Ming

借款额:叁仟伍佰元 借款日期:2001年5月26日

我承诺在开票后六个月之内归还李冬先生人民币参仟伍佰元整,并付利息 3%。 吴明 IOU 借条

April 2nd, 2001 To Mr.John Bausman,

IOU Dollars three hundred only ($ 300.00). Wang Min

致约翰·包斯曼先生: 本人欠您美元参佰元整。 立据人:王敏 2001年4月2日 Reckoning Tab 帐单 Mr.___,

Bought from______ gallery: 1 Oil Painting U.S. $ 1500.00 1 Frame for the above U.S.$ 200.00

Total: U.S.$ 1700.00 ___ 先生: 您从____画廊购得:

油画一幅 价值:1500.00美元 画框一副 价值:200.00美元 共计:1700.00美元 2. Selling Office Property 2. 出售办公室物业 Scene: Wing Fok Agency 场景:永福代理行 A: Agent - Peter Lee 物业代理李彼得 B: Client - Mrs. Chen 陈太太

A: Good afternoon, Madam. May I help you? 午安,太太,我可以帮你吗?

B: Yes, I'm looking for an office unit for sale. 好的,我正在寻找一个出售写字楼单位。

A: Have a seat please.(Peter Lee passes his business card to the client.)My name is Peter Lee. 请坐。(李彼得将名片交给客户)我叫李彼得。

B: Thank you. I am Mrs.Chen. I would like to buy an office at around two point five million Hong Kong dollars. 谢谢,我是陈太太,我想买一个约值港币二百五十万的写字楼。 A: How about the size? 你想要什么面积的单位?

B: Around five hundred square feet. 约五百平方英尺。

A: Do you prefer any particular location or building? 你有没有特别喜欢的地区或大厦?

B: Yes, I like the office property in Mong Kok because I used to rent an office around there. 有,我较喜欢旺角区的写字楼,因为我曾经租用该区的一个写字楼单位。 A: Where did you work before?


B: Mong Kok Centre Phase 2. 旺角中心第二期。

A: Really? Actually, I have a few vacant offices on the seventh, thirteenth and twenty-first floor in Mong Kok Centre Phase 2. The area is approximately from three hundred and fifty square feet to five hundred square feet. The price range is from two point three to two point eight million Hong Kong dollars. It perfectly fits your price range.


B: Good. I would like to make an appointment to check it out as soon as possible. 好,我想尽快安排一个时间看看这些单位。 A: Let me arrange it for you. 让我替你安排。 B: Thank you. 谢谢。

A: You're welcome. 不用客气。


3. Commercial building for Lease 3. 出租商业大厦

Scene: Gateway Tower, Tsim Sha Tsui 场景:尖沙咀港威大厦 A: Agent - Miss Wang 物业代理王小姐 B: Client - Mr.Cohen 客户高汉

A: Mr.Cohen, please come in and take a look at the full Kowloon Park view. 商汉先生,请进来随便看看,这是九龙公园全景。 B: Sure. What is the area of this unit? 好,这单位面积有多大?

A: The gross raea is approximately one thousand square feet. The net area is about eight hundred square feet. Compared to other office buildings in Tsim Sha Tsui, the Gateway Tower has a higher efficiency rate of up to eighty percent.

单位建筑面积约一千平方英尺,实用面积约八百平方英尺。比较尖沙咀区其他商业大厦,港威大厦实用率高达八成。 B: I see. What is the ceiling height?


A: It is about three point two metres in height. 这里净高约三点二米。

B: How much are the rental fee and the management fee? Are there any other fees I would be responsible for? 这单位每月租金和管理费是多少?还有什么费用须由租客支付?

A: The monthly rental fee is twenty-eight Hong Kong dollars per square foot. The management fee is two point five Hong Kong dollars per square foot including air-conditioning and common area cleaning, security and facilities maintenance. The lease holders are only responsible for their own electricity.

这单位每月租金是每平方英尺港币二十八元,管理费为每平方英尺港币二元五角。室内电费须由租客负责,至于空调、清洁、保安、设施维修等开支已包括在管理费内。 B: How about the internal decoration? 室内装修又怎么样呢?

A: It is fully and newly decorated. The landlord will provide the suspended ceiling, lighting, carpet and glass door.


B: Great! I have no problem with the office, but I am concerned about the rent. Is there any discount? 非常好!对这写字楼单位我没问题,但租金方面有没有折扣优惠呢?

A: I will do my best to negotiate the rent and terms with the landlord for you. But I'm afraid it is not easy as the leasing terms are very reasonable. Could you please tell me your expected rent?


B: Okay! Let me discuss it with my boss first and will get back to you as soon as possible. 好的,让我先与上司商量,然后尽快回复你。

A: Thank you very much, Mr.Cohen. I'll be waiting for your reply. 高先生,非常感谢!我等待你的回音。 B: Thank you, Miss Wang. Goodbye. 谢谢你,王小姐,再见。

B: Great! I have no problem with the office, but I am concerned about the rent. Is there any discount? 非常好!对这写字楼单位我没问题,但租金方面有没有折扣优惠呢?

A: I will do my best to negotiate the rent and terms with the landlord for you. But I'm afraid it is not easy as the leasing terms are very reasonable. Could you please tell me your expected rent?


B: Okay! Let me discuss it with my boss first and will get back to you as soon as possible. 好的,让我先与上司商量,然后尽快回复你。

A: Thank you very much, Mr.Cohen. I'll be waiting for your reply.

高先生,非常感谢!我等待你的回音。 B: Thank you, Miss Wang. Goodbye. 谢谢你,王小姐,再见。 房地产英语(十) property 物业,资产 interest 产权

subsidiary 附属机构,子公司 valuation 评估

open market value 公开市场价值

leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产) on a residual basis 剩余法 capital value 资本价值

cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等) professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等) finance costs 融资成本(指利息等) sale proceeds 销售收益

on the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法 floor area 建筑面积 title document 契约文书 plaza 购物中心

land use certificate 土地使用证

commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼

land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用) Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同 plot ratio 容积率 site coverage 建筑密度 land use term 土地使用期 project approval 项目许可 planning approval 规划许可 commission 佣金 permit 许可证

business license 营业执照

strata-title 分层所有权 public utilities 公共设施 urban planning 城市规划 state-owned land 国有土地 fiscal allotment 财政拨款 grant or transfer 出让或转让

the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局 infrastructure 基础设施 financial budget 财政预算 public bidding 公开招标 auction 拍卖

negotiation /agreement协议 land efficiency 土地效益 location classification 地段等级 projecting parameter 规划参数 government assignment 政府划拨


administrative institution 行政事业单位 key zones for development 重点开发区 tract 大片土地

biding document 标书

prerequisitioned land 预征土地 competent authorities 主管部门 construction project 建设项目

planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证 go through the formalities 办手续 comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区 reconstruction of old area 旧区改造 purchasing power 购买力 property trust 物业信托 equity 权益

cash flows 现金流量 appreciation 增值 disposition 处置 hedge 保值措施

income tax shelter 收入税的庇护 downturn (经济)衰退

wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比) forecast 预测

rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法 mortgage lender 抵押放贷者 vacancy 空房

discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型 expectation 期望值 letting 出租

equity reversion 权益回收 bad debts 坏帐

depreciation allowances 折旧费

supplies 日常用品

utilities 公共事业设备

allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费 unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额 stamp duty印花税 recession 衰退

overproduction 生产过剩 glut 供过于求

high-technology 高科技

investment strategy投资策略 circulation 发行量

entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家 coliseum 大体育场,大剧院

chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所 arena 室内运动场

socioeconomic status 社会经济地位 amenities 便利设施

condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权 income bracket 收入档次

tenement 分租合住的经济公寓 area code (电话)地区代码 community 社区 assessment 估价

downzone 降低区划规模 housing residences住宅 按揭贷款mortgage loan

按揭购房to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house 房屋空置率housing vacancy rate

安居工程Comfortable Housing Project

板楼,板式楼slab-type apartment building 搬迁户a relocated unit or household

财产税 property tax; estate(or capital) duty 拆迁补偿费compensation for demolition 拆迁费用removal expense

城镇住房公积金urban housing provident fund 低价住房low-cost housing 二手房second-hand house

房产估价师real estate assessor

房产证property ownership certificate 房屋置换buy or exchange houses 炒房者real estate speculator 房改housing system reform 房管real estate management

房权证property right certificate 房产市场real estate market 房屋空置率housing vacancy rate

福利分房welfare-oriented public housing allocation system 个人购房贷款individual housing loan

公房商品化commercialization of public housing

集资房 houses built with funds collected by the buyers 居民住房建设residential construction 人均住房per-capital housing

现房complete department (or flat) 期房forward delivery housing

商品房commercial residential building

商品房空置the vacancy in commercial housing

政策性住房policy-related house, policy-based house 住房补贴rental allowance; housing allowance

住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation

