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准备考试的4个阶段 1. 基础阶段 2. 真题阶段 3. 模拟阶段 4. 冲刺阶段


单词:背句子,背文章。只记真题单词 不做题,只学单词

做题是不能提高实力的,只能检测能力 1. 简单句有5种

主谓:he died(谓语要有时态) They laughed

主谓宾:中的谓,是实意动词,如 jump,bit

主谓表:中的谓,系动词(1)be动词,感官动词(look,smile,taste,sounds,feel) (2)变化的单词(get,become,go,fall)

(3)保持的单词(keep,stay,continue,remain) 主谓双宾:I bought her be a dog 主谓宾+宾补: I make her be happy

在宾语后加个be,如果意思是对的就是宾+宾补,不对就是双宾。 谓语:动词(实意v,系v),其他动词不能做谓语,而且一定要有时态。 谓语只能是动词,动词只能做谓语,不做谓语的动词变成不是动词。 (1)to do 目的的动词,还未发生 (2)ving 主动或者进行 (3)过去分词,被动或完成 He smiling said

He comes to see me

一句话只能一个动词做谓语,把不是谓语的动词变成不是动词 先想主动还是被动,再想完成还是未完成 一句话不能没有谓语 She must be very beauty

需要动词,而又没有动词,就加be动词 主语:分词或动词不定式,带刺,名词 Meaningfulness is living well to be meaningful is living well beings meaningful is living well

一句话不能没主语,没有主语就 (1) 加 we,you,one,I

(2) Be+ved (不及物没有被动,have当有的时候没被动,系动词没有被动) (3) 和天气有关的it

(4) 当一句话没有主语,并且谓语动词没有,就用there be English must be pointed out important 三 宾语 ving ,to do,代词,名词

四 表语:ving,to do,代词,名词,adj,介词短语 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 情人眼里出西施

能做宾语的都能做表语,adj,介词短语只能做表语 I stand on the plat 三,时态 一) 一般:(1)现在:表示一个动作经常发生,或者说明一个客观真理

(2)过去:在过去的某个时间,发生了某个动作 (3)将来:表现一个动作尚未发生will+v

一般过去时和一个确定时间连用,现在完成时也表明一个动作发生过了,但是没有确定的过去时间。 I have been a student ever I was a student 2 year age 二) 进行 (1)现在 be+ving

(2)过去 was/were+ving

I was having class at this time yesterday

(3)将来 will+be+ving

I will be having at this time tomorrow 三) 完成(1)现在 一个动作过去开始,持续到现在,而且还可能持续下去(短暂性


I have/has done

I have been here for three years

His father has been dead for 5 years His father died 5 years ago


(2)过去 had done 过去完成时一定有两个时间比较,时间较久远的用过去完成时

When I got home last night ,my mam had slept

(3)将来 将来完成时有两个将来的时间对比,和一个靠后,就用将来完成时

I will have learned 10000 words by the end of next year If we have decision,we must be success We must be successful We must succed

We are against li yuan,we are in favor of xiaoli He is standing there smiling?

You spare time to relieve your temper Raise v举起,生气 N升职,加薪

Think =believe hold ,argue(认为),maintain ,point out ,presume,assume,be of the opinion that cling to the point to that I love you,you love that dog 逗号不能连接两个并列句子 Against 介词 however 副词

连词:and,but,while,or,so,for,not only···but also ··· ,whether ···or···,not···but···,neither···nor···, either···or··· 并列就会有省略

并列结构考点(1)长难句分析 (2)并列连词 Depend on Rely on Rest on

Lie with 都是取决于

Thus,therefore 只能做副词,不能做连词

1. tom fails to have passion for English,but she is fond of music and dancing be keen on be fond of be carzy about

2. love has gone,yet she is still there 副词前不能有介词

3. here,there,home,overseas,abroad 认为名词但是副词的 4. he not only speaks English very well,but also does French perfectly 5. fluently

I was in the middle of the night,and slipped into his home 前后两句如果主语一样后面的可以省略 Consequently=so Likewise=and however=but moreover

grant 准许,答应,给予

adequate 充分的,大量的 many,enough 能胜任的,合格的 Cramming for 临时 Stay up 熬夜 Dawn 黎明

Nevertheless:表示转折 方法比勤奋重要 Intelligence 智商,智慧 Diligence 勤奋

Required lesson 必修课程

Acquire = get 获得,得到= gain Inquire =询问,打听 Enquire =询问

Dismissed 开除,丢弃 Similarly 表并列 Indeed 递进

As well as 跟着前面的变

分析长难句(1)找谓语动词 (2)找并列连句


Private property 私有财产

Ownership 所有权 Resource:能源,资源

Source:来源,源头,历史资料的来源 Contract :合同 Contrast=however

Contact 接触

有并列的,代词的指代 (1) 分析长难句,先分析结构,再开始翻译 (2) 如果一个名词标A,B,. V 搞,做

Adj/adv 删除 Fairness 公平 Evolved 进化 发展 Steam from 起源于 Arise from 起源于 Arise 出现

Spring from 起源于 ,as yet, 插入语

Many computer are available for college student

Automatic credit 自动的信贷额度 Family 家庭 ,不可数 Families 家人 可数 怎么找代词指代内容 (1) 就近原则

(2) 一致原则 ,意思上的一致,语法上的一致

如:it 只能代单数和物

Trustworthy 令人相信的,令人信服的 只要有逗号的时候,就要加连接

先把省略部分补齐,前后两句一一对应,少的补分上,如果没有省略就是代词指代。 一, 名词可以做的成分 1. 主语 the film is attractive 2. 宾语 I appreciate his mother 3. 表语 he is a persistent man

4. 同位语 I enjoy the part ,the end

在写作文时,任何一个名词的后面都可以跟名词作同位语,这个同位语就相当于插入语 二.名词性从句

从句;引导词+句子 从句一定要跟主句 从句:引导词+主语+谓语

名词性从句:一个名词能做什么成分,一个从句就能做什么成分 1. what I saw is attractive

2. he is who we should learn from

3. I enjoy the part that a feather is flying in the sky

(1) 只要一个引导词出现在句首,一定是主语从句,一直到2个谓语动词前结束

(2) 只要实意动词后面有引导词就一定是宾语从句 (3) 只要系动词有一个引导词,就一定表语从句 (4) 一个名词后面有引导词就一定是同位语从句 二, n从句引导词

that English is essential is obvious indispensable

very,rather,pretty,exceedingly,remarkablely,outstandingly 1. that 当从句是个陈述句的时候引导词加that suceess is that you aquire what you want 2. whether you love me is none of my business

if/whether : 如果从句是一个一般疑问句,引导词就用whether +陈述语句 一般疑问局有一个 吗 Whether 和 if 意思一样

区别于:whether 可以用于任何名词性从句 If 只能用于宾语从句

如果从句时陈述疑问句的时候,特殊疑问词就是引导词 Who I will marry isnt decided


(1) that 在名词性从句中不作任何成分,没有任何意义 (2) whether/if 不做任何成分,意思是是否 (3) 特殊疑问句一定做成分,而且有意思

四.主语从句 1. that 2. whether

3. 特殊

That women are always right is common sense

当英语做主语特别长,外国喜欢用it 来代替,把主语放到最后 If is self-evident that

It is widely/commonly/universal/known/accepted/acknowledged/agreed It is common sense that It must be pointed out that It should be noted that

It has been found that 事实证明 It is likely that It happens that

It turns out that 结果证明(表示惊讶) 2whether


如:I bought a dog

I bought am a dog 被买的我是只狗 省略一定是省略后面的类容 Interpretor 口译人员 Interp

(1) it is that 句型写两句到作文里 (2) 如何判断

when 定语从句

状语从句 意识为当···的时候

区别:只需要看when 前面的单词是不是个时间,如果不是就是状语从句 表语:that is why it is called present 四.同位语从句

That he is a poet the truth is right

同位语从句就是一个句子来说明一个名词 The truth that he is a poet is right

Special 特殊的 Particular 特殊的

Peculiar 古怪的,奇怪的 Specific 具体的 用《狮子王》《青蛙王子》练口语,模仿,跟读 Thing=matter ,business,affair

Have an affair with sb 和某人有一腿


一 修饰名词的就叫做定语 二.成分 夜莺的故事

1 adj+n an innocent nightingale A rose fresh and red 2.N1’s+n2 =the n2 of the n1 The singing of the nightingale

3.N+介词短语 the singing nightingale died

The nightingale singing to the rose 4. 分词+n

5. N+动词不定式 the nightingale to sing 6. 定语遵守一个原则,前小后大 I have been found that 事实认证

Self-evident 显而易见的 =beyond dispute Destine out of Manifest Distinct

读长短句的时候,把以下内容划出:谓语动词,引导词,并列词,名词 Finance 资助,拨款 Technique 技术 方法 Drive sb mad

Interpret 解释,口译 v Validate=prove Upon=on

N,n,n+定语,定语修饰前面所有名词 名词后面有一坨,就是修饰名词的

Hooligan 流氓 谁来敢 Stride 大摇大摆 是拽的 Swarm 拥入 是暖和的

Accountant 会计 一个数蚂蚁的的会计 In a sort of sense 在某种程度上 Formulate=explain 解释 介词后面不能跟句子 The war in Iraq

Of 是从属关系 所以不能用the war of Iraq Advance v 前进 n 进步 Some extent 在某种程度上 Fundamental 基本的

最重要的 =very important Parliamentary 议会的 Legal 合法的,法律的 Validity 有效性 Cost 成本

Availability 可用的,可得到的 Ill 生病讲时做表语,adj时做恶毒 一个adj加ity/ness 解释为···性 Long for 渴望 龙湖 Tide 波浪 汰渍

一个可数名词一定不能单独出现,必须加a,an 或者the,that ,this 等 Safeguard 保卫,舒肤佳 Ingredient 成分

Intellectual 智商的,知识的 Panic 慌的

Seek to do 试图做某事

Which 在引导名词从句with 后,一定加名词 Which 单独使用时一定是定语从句

做完形填空时,如果选项全部是名词,只需要看填空后面那一坨 Climate 气候,氛围 Accident-free 没有事故 Stir up 激怒,引起 Interfere 干扰,妨碍 三 定语从句

1. 构成 n+引导词+句子


物:which,that,whose 以上七个都是代词 地点:where 时间:when

原因:why 这三个都是adv 定语从句中没有what 定语是按先行词的种类来分的类 在定语从句中,谁决定引导词的用法

He is the man who dumped me He is the man who/whom I dumped

He is the man whose father excels in making popcorn 擅长 用who的时候都可以用that,但that 基本不用

引导词在从句中所作的成分和先行词的类型共同决定用哪个先行词。 I will never forget the day when I met you

I will never forget the day that we spent together

在从句中必须做主宾表的引导词有who,that,which,whom 在从句中做定语的:whom

什么都不做的 where when why 3 定语从句 与 同位语从句的区别 I can’t believe the fact that is shocking I can’t believe the fact that she is a poet

定语与同位语的区别 1. 引导词是否做成分

2. 定语从句是对先行词的修饰,而同位语是对先行词的解释 3. 同位语的先行词是抽象名词,定语从句先行词可以是任何词 4. 同位语的先行词基本上是that

名词后有一个what ,一定是同位语从句 定语从句的特殊用法

1. 如果引导词的前面有介词,人不用who,物不用that

而用whom 或 which Old fish is a man who we should learn from From whom we should learn I’ll never forget the day when I met you On which I met you 副词钱不能有介词 2. what 不能引导定语从句

3. which 可以引导修饰整个主句的定语从句,as也可以。但是which 只能放在主句的后面,

但是as 也可以放在前面

he is a lady-killer ,which/as widely accepted 作文满分表达之一

4. 引导非限制性定语从句,只能用which 不能用that,限制性与非限制性的区别在于,引

导词前面有个,就是非限制性定语从句。 5. 区别 the same ···as

The same ···that

He is the same as I love 指的是两个人 He is the same that I love 指的是一个人


V分类 实v 系v 情态v 助v


I will die I am going to buy a car 。I don’t love you。I am a student /I have had lunch

情态动词:表明说话人一种主观态度。Must、should.can.may.might.could. 情态v表推测1 对现在的推测 2 对过去的推测 Old fish must be a guy

Mustn’t 禁止做某事

情态动词 he must have been a gay at the time You needn’t have shown your love in this way You could have become an exceeding poet

Must have done 一定做过某事

Needn’t haove 本没必要做某事,但是做了

Could have 本能够做某事,但是没有做,表示遗憾 Should have 本应当做某事,但是没做 实意v 及物与不及物 Look at me watch the show

不及物v可以单独使用,及物后必须有宾语。不及物必须加介词。 四部分

虚拟语气与事实相反或者是说话婉转 (1) 一般用法

If 引导的条件句都用虚拟语气

If you were(are) a tear in my eyes,I would(will) never shed it

If I had been (was) a dog last night,I could have slept(sleep) in bed with you 按原意翻译,只要把写好的句子变成过去式。

If couldn’t get together ,we would forget each other。 (2) 特殊用法

以下清空,用should+v原表示虚拟,should 可以省略

口诀:以防,命,贱,特定条件下,要求,用虚拟语气,是必要的 以防:in case that 、for、fear that、lest that 命:order、command、direcct 贱;建议;suggest advice propose


特定条件下:on condition that 在某种条件下 要求:ask、demand、require、desire

必要的;necessary 、important、vital、essential、significant 二.以下情况,从句用过去式表示虚拟 1.、would rather 2、it is hight time that I would rather you were happy than me

It is high time that we paid (paid)attention to it 三、以下情况要区别对现在还是过去的虚拟

对现在虚拟用一般过去式,过去的虚拟用过去完成时 Wish、if only、but、for、or、otherwise 六部分 Adj与adv

一.成分 daj 1做定语修饰n

2 做表语 Adv:

He is very fast 副词修饰形容词 He runs fash 副词修饰实意动词 He runs very fast 副词修饰副词

什么是状语:修饰adj,adv,实意动词的部分就是状语 He runs like a wind 介词短语作状语 He runs as if he is a wind 从句作状语 强调句:

It is/was(除过去式之外,其他都用is···that 作文一定加一句这个句型 I met li at the school yesterday 时间地点和我们中国习惯相反 强调句都是用方框把要强调部分框下,然后放到···处,其他照抄 二.状语从句,按引导词的意思分的类

1. 时间:when、while、as、as soon as、not···until、 he comes 当主句的谓语动词是短暂性v时,用 not···until 当主句的谓语动词是连续性v时,用until

I didn’t realize that mother was great until I grew up

2.Place where 不考

3.原因:as、because、since(从未做过答案)、because=seeing that=considering that =given that=in that

3.For the sack of=owing to= due to =thanks to + n And、for 是并列连词,不能发在句首 4、目的 in order that 、so that

In order that we see farther,we climb higher

Deeply 深刻的 highly 高度的(抽象,不是指实际的高) 5、结果 so adj that ,such n that English is so significant that

6. 让步:although、though、even though、even if、even as、while

要while 两个句子中间就翻译为but、只要while 放在句首就翻译为虽然,尽管 7.条件:if、supposing that、provided that 如果 、as long as 、once=if 8、方法:as、as if、as though He talks as he know me earlier


1. 每个引导词表示的逻辑关系

2. 所有的状语从句都遵守主句和从句动作都没发生,就遵守,主将从现规律 3. 除了2中的这个之外,该用什么时态,就用什么时态。 倒装:把一句话写成一般疑问句的形态

有以下几种形式 1. 否定词位于句首时

2. So、nor=neighter 词位于句首,承前的肯定或否定时用倒装 3. 含有 so···that 结构的句子将so 应道的部分位于句首时 4. Only 引出的状语位于句首时 5. 省略if的虚拟语气用倒装 Were you a tear in my eyes

6. As引导的让步状语从句,从句的表语可以放在句首,构成部分倒装 Ugly as I am

