2017 10 牛津译林英语9B unit4 Life on Mars 中考语法专题4: 状语,定语,宾语从句转变成简单句二

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牛津译林英语9B unit4 Life on Mars 中考语法专题4:复合句变简单句( 二 )


1. 状语从句与简单句之间的转换(To learn to use adverbial clauses or simple sentences) 2. 宾语从句与简单句之间的转换(To learn to use object clauses or simple sentences)

3. 定语从句与简单句之间的转换(To learn to use defining relative clauses or simple sentences)


1. 状语从句与简单句之间的转换:用介词短语把状语从句换成简单句 1) when 所引导的时间状语从句, 如:

She started to learn drawing when she was seven. She started to learn drawing at the age of seven .

2)because 引导的原因状语从句用短语because of可转换成简单句。 如: He could not go to the party because he had too much homework. He could not go to the party because of too much homework .

3) if not/no引导的条件状语从句可借助without短语转化为简单句。 如: He could not solve this problem if he has no help. He could not solve this problem without help. 4) after/before 所引导的时间状语从句, 如: He went home after he finished his work. He went home after finishing his work. Practice: 同义句转换

1 Neil Armstrong took his first flight when he was only six. Neil Armstrong took his first flight___________________. 2 People might float in space because the gravity is low. People might float in space________________________. 3 Humans cannot svrvive if there is no food, water or oxygen. Humans cannot survive _________ food, water or oxygen .

4.It would be funny to play football on Mars because of the low gravity. (because) It would be funny to play football on Mars_________________________.

5.If there is no fresh food ,meals will not be as tasty as they are today. ( without) Meals will not be as tasty as they are today__________________________________. 6.Without special boots , you cannot walk on Mars. ( if …… not ) You cannot walk on Mars ________________________.

7 People might move to another planet in the future because the population on the earth is increasing rapidly. (because of )

People might move to another planet in the future_______________________________________. Keys; at the age of six; because of the low gravity.without;because the gravity is low;without fresh food;if you do not wear special boots; because of the rapid increase in population on the Earth


1. I am sure that the concert tickets will be expensive. I am sure about the high price for the concert tickets.

2.The smell of the pills reminds them that food on the earth is tasty. The smell of the pills reminds them of the tasty food on the earth. 3.Are you certain that Tom is satisfied with the plan ?

Are you certain about Tom' s satisfaction with the plan? 4 Do you understand what I said? Do you understand my words?

5 4.Are you aware what transport could be like on Mars? Are you aware of the transport on Mars?

总结:be sure that … = be sure about / of;remind sb that … = remind sb of sth

be certain that … = be certain about/of; be aware +从句=be aware of... Practice: 同义句转换

1.The photos remind me that I travelled to the UK five years ago. The photos ___________________ the UK five years ago 2.Are they sure that space travel will be very fast? Are they _______________________ space travel? 3 Are you aware how far Mars is away from the sun ?

Are you aware_____________________________________ (distance)? 4 Do they think that the low gravity on Mars might be a problem?

Have they thought ______________________________________________ ( problem ) ?

Keys: 1 remind me of my trip to 2 sure about the fast speed of 3 of the distance between Mars and the sun 4 about the problem of the low gravity on Mars

3 用介词把定语从句换成简单句;如:

1.People might live in houses which have huge comfortable rooms. People might live in houses with huge comfortable rooms 2.On Mars you might see people who wear special boots. On Mars you might see people with special boots. Practice: 同义句转换

1.I prefer to stay on a hotel room which has a sea view. I prefer to stay on a hotel room _______ a sea view. 2.The man who wears a blue shirt is our English teacher. The man_______ a blue shirt is our English teacher.

3. Do you know the girl who is holding two books in her hand? Do you know the girl_________two books in her hand? Keys: 1 with 2 in 3 with

三、综合能力提升 1 同义句转换

1 Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into outer space at the age of 27. (when) Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into outer space ________________. 2 Without special boots, you cannot walk on Mars. (if…not) ________________________, you cannot walk on Mars. 3 He was late for school because of the heavy rain. He was late for school _________________________. 4 I could swim at the age of eight.

I could swim___________________________.

5.I think people should know that life on Mars would be different from that on the Earth.

I think people should know __________________________________________ ( differences ).

Keys: when he was 27; If there are no special boots;because it rained heavily; when I was eight years old the differences between life on Mars and that on the Earth 2 将下列复合句改为简单句。 1 We can’t do it if you don’t help us. We can’t do it ___________________.

2 The pianist began to learn to play the piano when he was four years old. The pianist began to learn to play the piano__________________.

3 Some fish are fast disappearing here because the pollution is serious. Some fish are fast disappearing here__________________________. 4 Are you sure that they are interested in it? Are you sure_______________________ ? 5 I’ve reminded him when we will have the party. I’ve reminded him________________________ .

6 Do you know the woman who has a book under her arm?

Do you know the woman under______________ under her arm? 7 The house that has a big swimming pool must be expensive. The house _________a big swimming pool must be expensive.

Keys: without your help. 2 at the age of four. 3 because of the serious pollution. 4 about their interest in it? 5 of the time of the party. 6 with a book 7 with

3 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1 你们地区人口增长得快吗?

Is the population in your area ________ _________? 2 我家离学校10公里远。

My home is ten kilometers__________ _________school? 3 我们同意他们的决定。

We are ________ ________with their decision.

4 我的包的款式和他的类似。

The style of my bag is_________ _________ _________of his. 5 人类正在考虑移民去别的星球。

Are humans _________ _________ _________to another planet? 6 科学家正努力更多地了解火星。

Scientists are_________ _________ _________learn more about Mars.

7 他没有意识到自己有危险。

He is not_________ _________his danger.

Keys: 1 increasing rapidly 2 away from 3 in agreement 4 similar to that 5 thinking about moving 6 working hard to 7 aware of

