
更新时间:2023-08-06 04:42:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





1、Maria: Morley, where are the cookies. Don’t tell me you ate them all!

Morley: Yes, I did. _________ . C、I couldn’t help it.

2、Secretary: Hello,_______ May I help you?

Caller: Yes, this is Albert Kordell. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please. A、Ultimate Computers.

3、Speaker A: I’m so worried about this job interview.

Speaker B: Don’t worry. _______ . D、Just be yourself

4、Adam: Mmm….. This is the best pudding I’ve ever had!

Celia: ________ I know you’d like it. D、What did I say?

5、Speaker A: Sorry about all the inconvenience.

Speaker B: ________ . A、Don’t worry about it

6、Speaker A: Want to come over Thursday for supper?

SpeakerB: _______ . C、Thanks, but I have to work that evening

7、Speaker A: We’ve made an appointment with the students. We’ll meet at 7 in the morning. Can you come on time?

Speaker B: I’m afraid, _________ . It’s too early. C、I can’t make it

8、Receptionist: Can I help you?

Customer: ______. Where do I pay my fees? B、Yes, please

9、Operator: ______, May I help you?

Bill: I’d like to set up a telephone service, please. D、Pacific Bell

10、Gregory: Let's take a coffee break, shall we?

Flora: _______, but I can’t. A、I wish I could

11、Mickey: You look a little pale. Are you OK?

Nancy: _______, I feel terrible. C、To tell you the truth

12、Thad: Gee, Susan. I'd love a cup of coffee.

Susan: ______. Is instant OK? B、No problem

13、Thomas: Hey, you look concerned.______

Jack: The final exam. I'm not fully prepared yet. C、What's on your mind?

14、Jessica: I got home very late last night. I hope I didn’t disturb you.

Landlady:______, D、No. I didn’t hear a thing

15、Jackson: What’s there to do at night?

Clerk: There are clubs, concerts, plays, and so on._______! B、You name it

16、Ida: _______Where was I?

Homer: You were talking about your trip to South Africa. C、Let’s back up.

17、White: How are you?

Harrison: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?White: _______ A、Me, too. .

18、—I’m told Jerry’s mother is ill.—

________. B、


—It’s Sunday A、What day is it today

20、—My watch is not working. ________?

—It’s ten past eleven. C、What time is it by your watch

21、Marilyn: Don’t you like to eat Korean food?

Robbie: ________. C、No, I prefer to have Chinese noodles

22、—It’s very kind of you to help me with my English.—

________. B、Not at all


—I’d like to see a pair of brown shoes. C、What can I do for you

24、—Shall I use your dictionary?

— ________. B、Of course, you can.

25、A: East Bouren 54655.

B: Hello. Terresa here. Can I speak to Jack, please?

A: ________

B: OK. D、Hold the line, please.

26、—How’s your brother these days?—He hasn’t been too well just recently.

—________. What’s the matter?—I think he’s been overworking. C、I’m sorry to hear that 27、Teacher:Where is Mike this morning?

Student:He's got a cold.

Teacher:______ C、Just tell him to take it easy.

28、Melba: It's late. I had to say goodbye.

Mrs. Blank:______ A、Hope you had a good time. See you tomorrow.

29、Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee?

Julia:______ D、That’s very nice of you.


Customer:Yes. What size is that green T-shirt?A、Anything I can do for you?31、Student A:I feel sick.

Student B:______

Student A:I'm not sure,but I have got a bad headache. D、Do you have a temperature?

32、Richard:You’ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu:______ A、I’m glad you enjoyed it.

33、A:Can I do anything for you?

B:______ B、No,it’s alright. I can manage myself.

34、Olivia:Do you mind if I play some music?

Bill:______. I'm writing my assignment. A、Of course I do

35、Desk Clerk:Good afternoon,Holiday Inn.

Customer:Hello,I’d like to book a double room for the nights of 23rd and 24th please.

Desk Clerk:______ B、Just a minute, please.

36、A:I’ve just heard that the tickets for Swan Lake have been sold out!

B:Oh, no!______ A、I was looking forward to it.

37、Newman: I have an appointment with Mr. Brown.

Receptionist: Mr. Brown is expecting you now. ____________ A、Come this way, please.

38、Philip: Danny, I got fired this morning. Could you help me?

Danny: How come? Last time I saw you, you told me it was a good job and you would like

to take it as a career.

Philip: ________________ In a word, I didn’t do a good job of it. I messed up a bu

C、It’s a long story.

39、Salina: Dear Jacky, why don’t you come on holiday with us?

Jacky: ______ D、That’s very kind of you. I’d love to.

40、Doctor: _______

Patient: I’ve caught a bad cold and got a sour throat. B、What seems to be the problem? 41、Nicholas: Hello. May I speak to Tom?

Tom: ______ D、Hello. Thank you for calling.

42、A: Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Brown, manager of the company.

B: ______ B、How do you do, Mr. Brown? Very happy to see you.

43、Dad: Could you run over to the store right away? We need a few things.

Son: _____ B、I want to play football.

44、Waiter: Welcome, sir. May I help you?

Customer: ______ D、Yes, please. I’d like a hamburger and a chocolate shake. 45、Pupil: I apologize for being late this morning. My alarm clock didn’t ring.

Teacher: ______ B、That’s all right. These things often happen.

46、Son: Mom, may I play my computer game for an hour or two?

Mom: _______ B、Sorry, Dad’s using the computer now.

47、A: What a surprise! You changed your hair style.

B: Yes, and another surprise. I’m going to get married next Saturday.

A: ______ A、Really? Congratulations!

48、Guest: Oh, it’s ten o’clock. I’d better go now.

Host: ______ D、Won’t you stay for another cup of coffee

49、Paul: Can I help with your luggage?

Lisa: ______. B、No, thanks. I can manage it

50、Guest: Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower? Clerk: We haven’t any rooms with a shower freejust now, but there’s a bathroom available on each floor.

Guest: ______. A、All right. That’ll do



1、It’s very cold outside. You______put on your overcoat. C、had better

2、Make______use of your time in class. A、good

3、Review important points______in class as well as points you remain confused about.


4、There was a house at______. B、the foot of the mountain

5、Tests provide grades, but they also let you know what you need to spend more

time______ and they help make your new knowledge permanent. D、studying

6、There are other techniques that might help you______your studying. A、with

7、A person who talks to______is not necessarily mad. A、himself

8、Can this camera______good photos? C、take

9、Who was the first person______ today? B、whom you spoke to

10、Even students of average_____can be top students without additional work.


11、Processed food and food______contains chemicals and preservatives should be avoided.


12、We expected about 20 girls but there were______people there. D、more

13、Food alone is not the______of energy. A、source

14、They resort______fast food which is fatty and contains high amount of cholesterol.


15、This morning our water supply was______because the pipe burst. C、off

16、Quite a lot of people watch TV only to______time. C、kill

17、Tom’s parents died when he was young, so he was______by his uncle. A、brought up

18、She hardly ever eats______potatoes. B、bread or

19、The health seeking youths can following the______of natural living. A、principles

20、Molly doesn’t eat fish.______. B、Neither does John.

21、______it is from Bristol to Glasgow! D、How far

22、______a single mom made things even more difficult. B、Being

23、The girl______the bicycle is Jane. A、riding on

24、Tom is waiting______the doctor. D、for seeing

25、I’m not sure which restaurant______. C、to eat at

26、Do not express shock for what you hear______matter how shocking it might seem.


27、When you go abroad, do you ______take your passport? A、have to

28、Regardless______hisappearance, he is innocent. C、of

29、It was______that he couldn’t finish it alone. C、such a difficult job

30、As we took our seats on the bus, I noticed a woman____with a young adult close to us.


31、Daddy was in a______for several days. B、coma

32、You must obtain______from the landowner to fish in this river. A、permission

33、Tom is going to a concert tomorrow evening. So______. B、am I

34、I was surprised when the shopkeeper told me that my father had visited the shop, paid for the framing and______them wrapped. C、had

35、Even though we had lost the______of our family, everyone came on Christmas Day—making an effort to be cheerful. B、master

36、I can’t understand______at that poor child. D、your laughing

37、The portraits______look like them, but I was still unsure of my painting techniques.


38、That’s the hotel______last year. D、where we stayed

39、The good service at the hotel______the poor food to some extent.. A、made up for

40、His long______raised fears about his safety. D、absence

41、As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home or restaurant you will find that______ manners are important to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits! B、table

42、It seemed as if all of a______ the animal had smelt danger in the air. A、sudden

43、When hosts place dishes on the table, they will arrange the main course at the center with the other dishes______placed around them. A、evenly

44、The tradition of using chopsticks was introduced______many other countries. D、to

45、The invention of chopsticks______the wisdom of Chinese ancient people.


46、The little boy put the bird in a cage to______it from flying away. B、prevent

47、______of his wealth, John is not very happy. C、In spite of

48、I have classes______ day: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. B、every other

49、He sent______from Canada. A、her a card

50、Her plane takes______at 3 p.m. B、off

51、My brother is four years older than me and someone I look______to, even though he is shorter than me. A、up

52、My parents told me that my brother had been______with a rare disease. B、diagnosed

53、I______bacon and eggs every morning. C、am used to eating

54、His grandmother______born in France. D、was

55、I walked______the Seventh Avenue to catch a bus. C、as far as

56、My husband lived at home before we were married, and so______. A、did I

57、We haven’t got______furniture like theirs in our home. D、any

58、People say fish and chips is typical______Britain. A、of

59、My mother was relieved that her son would be satisfied with his performance so he wouldn’t

do another one, at least for her______. A、sake

60、His face is______to me, but I can’t remember where I’ve seen her. B、familiar

61、The music that Americans are used to______to might sound strange to someone

from another culture. C、listening

62、What we think of as music depends______where we live. A、on

63、Today, many cultures divide music______art music and music of the people. B、into

64、Our plane______down at 7: 00 p.m. to be exact. C、landed

65、As the ocean water changes to ice, it keeps the temperature______falling too far.


66、You’ll have to pay for the holiday in______, Sir. B、advance

67、Antarctica is the most______continent on the planet. A、isolated

68、“Oh, I’m sorry,” he______her. B、told

69、The cold and dry climate of Antarctica______it one of the toughest places on Earth to live.


70、Sea birds______penguins live on the Antarctic Peninsula, because the weather isn’t quite so terrible there. A、like

71、Niu Lang______his lonely and poor life with an old cow, his only friend. C、lived

72、The Queen of Heaven was so angry______she had Zhi Nu brought back to heaven.


73、A few of______are planning to drive to Beijing during the spring break. B、us


74、I suggested______fishing. C、that we go

75、The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the only Chinese festival

devoted______love in the Lunar calendar. B、to

76、I can’t remember her name. It’s on the______of my tongue. D、tip

77、The outside of our house was ______painted blue. C、originally

78、There’s no doubt that modern people have less and less personal space thanks______beepers,cell phones and e-mail. A、to

79、We’re______to hand in our homework next week. B、supposed

80、According______travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend. C、to

81、When Americans take a break, they often head______their favorite vacation place.


82、Never______, we’ll see the film next week. A、mind

83、After two months, he had______news of what she was doing in Tokyo.


84、______I tell you yesterday not to touch that dog! C、Didn’t

85、Tom was sitting just______ Jack and Jerry. C、beside

86、My I have two______instead of beans, please? D、ears of corn

87、The house______beside the lake. D、stood

88、The convenience of modern freeways, railways and airplanes makes travel in America as

easy as______. A、pie

89、Would you______the stamps on to the envelope for me, please? A、stick

90、Throughout their history, Americans have been people______the move. B、on

91、Detroit owes its rapid growth and one time prosperity______the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford. C、to

92、Henry Ford was himself a____mechanic and could build a car with his own hands.


93、Can you divide 30______6, please? B、by

94、She hasn’t seen her family______ three years ago. A、since

95、Jack never showed______at the cinema, although I waited over an hour.


96、In the 1960s, there was a change in fashion in______of small cars. C、favor

97、I’ve never seen______deer in the park before. C、so many

98、He______to go to the police. B、threatened

99、She used______all her clothes there. D、to buy

100、If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you______much better now. D、would feel

