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Pep Book5 Unit4 What can you do? Part B教案




1. 能听懂、会说单词和词组set the table, do the dishes, make the bed, play chess, use a computer, housework, robot. 2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型Can you make the bed, do the dishes…?Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

3. 通过阅读了解机器人能做什么,学习如何询问别人的能力并进行谈论。


1. 教会学生在阅读的过程中快速获取关键信息。 2. 引导学生整体阅读课文对话,理解课文细节信息。 3.引导学生借助关键词记住文章主要意思并尝试表达。


1. 培养学生积极用英语表达的情感态度。

2. 引导学生树立正确的人生价值观,培养学生尊重和热爱劳动的态度及乐于助人的品德。


1. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型Can you …? Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 2 通过阅读,学会如何询问别人能做什么并能叙述。 3. 对高年级学生英语学习方法的指导。 三、【教学过程】

Step One: Lead-in 1 . Self-introduction(教师自我介绍)

The teacher introduces herself using a rhyme and chats with the students. I am Nancy. I’m a good teacher. I can sing. I can draw.

I can do everything you can do. I can do better than you. Ss: No, you can’t. Yes, I can. 〔设计说明〕:教师通过自编歌谣介绍自己,师生相互熟悉,活跃气氛,为学习新课做好准备。


2. Learn to describe students’ abilities.(谈论学生能做的家务)

T: I’m a good teacher at school, and I’m a good housewife at home. Look, I can make the bed, I can …

T: I can do lots of housework. What can you do? Can you…? Ss: Yes, I can. / No, I can’ t. 〔设计说明〕: 教师系围裙并画简笔画,板书短语,同时用动作来引导学生学会用句子I can…描述自己能做的家务。 3. Let’s talk: Group work( Chain game) A: Can you do the dishes, B? B: Yes, I can. Can you…,C? C: No, I can’t. Can you…, D? D: … …


Step Two: Presentation

1. Guess the people in the text(猜测我的朋友是谁)

T:I have a good friend. He can do many things. Who is he?


2. Read the text quickly and bring up the topic(快速阅读课文,揭示话题,了解文章大意)

Students turn books to P51 and read quickly, then choose: What’s the text about? A. What’s Robot’s favourite sport? B. What can robot do? C. Who can make the robot?

T:Today let’s talk about robot. 〔设计说明〕:揭示话题引入课文情境,通过快速阅读(skimming)的方式了解文章大意。

3. Read the text in details and fill in the blanks(仔细阅读课文,了解robot能做的事情)

Robot can


Robot can’t

〔设计说明〕:通过仔细阅读(comprehensive reading)课文的方式,指导学生如何读懂课文细节,进一步理解阅读内容, 教授词组use a computer, play chess. 4.Listen and read the text.(听课文内容,尝试跟读,模仿文中语音语调)

The students listen to the text and try to follow, imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 〔设计说明〕:通过边听课文边跟读,模仿地道的语音语调。

Step Three: Consolidation 1. Students show the text in groups.(小组内选择自己喜欢的方式展示课文)

The students read the text in groups and help each other. The teacher helps the students to read better. 〔设计说明〕:学生通过在小组内再次朗读课文或分角色表演课文等自选方式,从整体上再次回顾课文内容,在小组互助中学会合作学习。 2. Fill in the blanks.(根据课文内容填空)

This is a robot, he can’t_____. He can’t______. He can’t______. But he can_______. He can______. He is a _______. I can_______chess with him. I like him. What about you?


3. Enjoy a song.(创编歌曲,总结课文) Students sing a song about the dialogue. 〔设计说明〕:师生同唱通过《小星星》歌曲旋律改编的课文,巩固和总结对话内容,活跃气氛,为后边的学习作一下缓冲。 ? Robot, robot, can you make the bed ? ? No, I can’t. No, I can’t.

? Robot, robot, can you do the dishes ? ? No, I can’t. No, I can’t.

? Robot, robot, can you set the table ? ? No, I can’t. No, I can’t.

? What can you do ? What can you do ? ? I can play chess. I can play chess. ? Can you use a computer ? ? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. ? I - am – a - computer. ? I - am – a - computer.


内 容 3

等级 A B C 课1、 短语我会读 内2、 句型我会用 阅读 3、 课文我理解 B级指标:对自己的表现基本满意。 C级指标:自己正努力做到。


Step Four: Expansion 1.Read more passages about robots family. (读机器人家族文章,回答问题)

Robots Family (机器人家族)

Robots have a big family. They can do many things.

The robot dancers are from Japan. So they can dance Japanese dancing.

Look, this is a robot dog. It is very nice. It can`t drink or eat. But it can help the blind people, It can walk and say “hello”!

Look at the girl. She is pretty. She has two big eyes and long hair. She is a robot TV reporter, she can talk, she likes to ask and answer questions. We all like her. Robots family are very helpful.

①Read quickly and answer: How many robots are there? What are they? (Underline them)

〔设计说明〕:指导学生快速浏览课文,获取自己需要的关键信息。 ②Read and guess the meaning of “TV reporter” 〔设计说明〕:指导学生一种快速阅读技巧:查读(scanning),获取自己需要的关键信息。遇到不认识的单词可根据上下文猜测词义。

③Choose one robot to talk about. (阅读你喜欢的机器人,跟同伴交流) 〔设计说明〕:学生选择自己喜欢的机器人来阅读,小组内交流自己所读部分机器人的特点。

2.Which volunteer is suitable for Asian Games?(为广州亚运招募志愿者) PPT出示招聘启示:Volunteers Wanted(志愿者招聘)

Guangzhou Asian Games is coming. We need volunteers(志 愿者) now. Can you speak English? Can you carry heavy bags? Can you dance? Can you read quickly? Can you set the table? Can you put away the clothes?...

Can you help us?Three departments are waiting for you . A Propaganda Department (宣传部) B Reception Department (接待部) C Cleaning Department (保洁部)

The Asian Games Committee

T: Robots are helpful. Everyone is helpful, too. Now Guangzhou Asian Games is coming, they need volunteers, here are three letters, who is suitable? (PPT展示亚运会招聘部门)


Students read the letters quickly and find the suitable person for each department. Then talk about the reason in groups.(计时阅读) 〔设计说明〕:计时阅读(timed reading)2分钟,可以让学生精力高度集中并运用所学阅



T: Robots can do many things for us. They are helpful and powerful, but human is more powerful, because the human made them.

Maybe a robot teacher will teach you one day in the future, can you imagine that? 〔设计说明〕:想像未来的机器人能做的事情,引发学生思考机器人与人之间的关系,体会人类最伟大。

注:学生对自己本环节的表现作自我评价: 拓展阅内 容 1、大意我理解 等级 A B C 2、阅读策略我掌握 a找关键词 b联系上下文猜测词义 读 c搜集整合信息 Step Five: Homework Homework (①②为自选题,③为必做题)

① Design your robot and make an advertisement for it. (设计三十年后的机器人,为它作一个宣传广告。)

Eg. Hello, this is my robot. It can……

② Write a short letter for taking part in Asian Games. (写一封亚运会志愿者的自荐信推销自己。)

Eg. My name is_____. I’m_____ years old. I’m from______. I can___________ ....

I am helpful.

③ Read the passages and try to retell the contents according to the key words. (读课外阅读材料,并尝试根据自己整理的关键词复述所读篇章内容) 〔设计说明〕:通过作业自选超市和具有层次性的作业设计,兼顾到不同水平学


生阅读、复述、理解、写作等各方面能力的发展,引导学生学以致用。 (A) Future Robot(未来的机器人)

Hello! I’m a future robot. My name is Mini. I have two small eyes, a small nose and a very big mouth. I can read and write. I can speak Chinese and English. I

can play football, basketball and badminton quite well. And I can sing and dance very well! But I can’t run and swim. I always cook breakfast for my master. My master is Sally. She is a pretty girl. She plays hopscotch very well. I love my master very much.

(B) My Robot

I always have a dream to have a robot named Superman. It can do so many things for me, helping me with all of my housework, especially cleaning the floor. It can cook the meals for my family. It can take me to school. It could also be my teachers, teaching me English and Math! What a helpful robot! I think that my dream will come true one day.

注:学生对自己本节课的表现作总评: 我的收获 同伴寄语: 四、【板书设计】(Blackboard design)


make the table?

do the dishes? Can you set the table? Use a computer? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.


