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Unit 1 Traits of Chinese Culture
Warm-up Activity
1.Appreciate the movie clips of different peoples’ talking about Chinese culture.
1) Speakers in the movie may be from the following places: Scotland, China, England, Europe, Russia based on their English speaking dialects and their facial features and even their hair etc. 2) Cultural traditions, the artistic aspects, so lantern making, kite making, Zodiac, New Year celebrations, the wishing tree, a dramatic experience, a musical experience, a historical experience, some aspects of modern studies, some aspects of business education, The Chinese lanterns, chopsticks, Tai Chi, the calligraphy, the art, the Beijing opera masks.
2. Discuss the question after reading the following story. Reference for the discussed questions:
A Chinese would politely tell the waiter that it was immoral to put a fly in the coffee-cup and that it was against the doctrines of Confucius. Such are the expressions of the cultural characters of different nations.
Section A. Cultural Treasures:
Task1. Answer the following questions.
a. The rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the goat, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig.
b. Because the cat got up so early that morning and he became sleepy on their way of swimming across the river by riding on top of the ox’s back. He was pushed into the water when crossing the river. Then the cat arrived dripping wet in 13th.
c. The month, rather than the year, of one's birth (referred to the following reading)
Task2.Complete the following tasks after eading the passage brackets.
1):十天干: 甲jia乙yi丙bing丁ding戊wu乙ji庚geng, 辛xin壬ren癸kui
十二地支:子zi丑chou寅yin卯mao辰chen巳si午wu未wei申shen酉you戌xu亥hai 2):丙戌, 丁亥,汉族, 彝族, 黎族, 傣族,维吾尔,吉尔吉斯, 图腾 3): Rat: 23:00 ~ 1:00 named Zishi, when rats are most active in seeking food.
Ox: 01:00 ~ 03:00 named Choushi, when oxen begin to crush the food, regurgitating to the mouth slowly and comfortably.
Tiger: 03:00 ~ 05:00 named Yinshi, when tigers hurt their prey more and show their ferocity.
Rabbit: 05:00 ~ 07:00 named Maoshi, when the jade rabbit is busy pounding herbal medicine on the Moon according to the tale.
Dragon: 07:00 ~ 09:00 named Chenshi, when dragons are hovering in the sky to give rain.
Snake: 09:00 ~ 11:00 named Sishi, when snakes are leaving their caves.
Horse: 11:00 ~ 13:00 named Wushi, when the sun is high above and other animals are lying down for a rest, while the horses are still standing.
Goat: 13:00 ~ 15:00 named Weishi, when goats urinate frequently. Monkey: 15:00 ~ 17:00 named Shenshi, when the monkeys are lively.
Rooster: 17:00 ~ 19:00 named Youshi, when roosters begin to go back to their coops. Dog: 19:00 ~ 21:00 named Xushi, when dogs begin to carry out their duty of guarding the houses.
Pig: 21:00 ~ 23:00 named Haishi, when pigs are sleeping sweetly
e. The task of filing the appropriate terms in the blank can be of great help to this question. 4)
Section B. Cultural Knowledge Carding
Task 1. Try to guess the Chinese equivalents for the following words or terms underlined
in the passage below.
a. plateau, plain and basin 高原丘陵和盆地 b. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高原 c. the Roof of the World 世界屋脊 d. highlands 高地
e. Sino-Nepalese border 中国-尼泊尔边境
f. the Kunlun and Qilian Ranges 昆仑山和祁连山脉 g. Hengduan Mountains 横断山脉
h. Yuannan-Guizhou, Loess and Inner Mongolian Plateaus云贵高原,黄土高原和内蒙古高原
i. Tarim, Junggar and Sichuan Basins 塔里木盆地,准格尔盆地和四川盆地 j. the Continental Shelf 大陆架
k. unfathomable seas 深不可测的大海
l.impassable valleys and jungle 难以翻越的大山深谷和难以穿越的丛林 m. continental culture 大陆文化
o. subcultures and unintelligent dialects 子文化和难以理解的方言 p. an uneventful life of the simple rhythmical pulse of nature
一种无戏剧性大事的、平和的、自然纯朴的生活,一种顺应大自然节律的生活 q. this self-contained and self-sufficient farming culture 这种自给自足的农耕文化 r. China’s arable land 中国的可耕地
s. god-forsaken 被上帝遗弃的或老天没有惠顾的
Task 2. Questions for thought and discussion based on the passage above. 1) 2) 3) Reference:
Physical environment helps shape culture. Man environment and culture interact in a triangle. Man is conscious, dynamic and intelligent. He is raised above the environment, “dominating the non-human world”. He works on the environment to create culture, but he is never completely free from it. On the contrary, he is just a miserable part of the biosphere, bound up to a certain extent. He has to follow nature and work within its possible limits. The culture he created likewise has to be conditioned by the physical world.
c. Answers can be referred to the supplementary readings d. open
Task 3. What are the Chinese versions for the following sentences? Do you know the
origination of these sayings? What may be implied in each of them? Are they still practical in today’s life?
1)Rise with the sun to work, retire with the sun to rest. Farm the land for food, sink a well for water. What has heaven got for me?
Chinese version: “日出而作,日落(入)而息。凿井而饮,耕田而食。帝力何有于我哉!” It is from a prehistory rhyme striking a clay musical instrument entitled Ji Fou Ge, the father of Chinese song 《击壤歌》,中国歌曲之祖)
It eulogizes the daily cycle of the farmer, who is indulging in an uneventful life of the simple rhythmical pulse of nature…. 2)At least there are two Chinese versions.
Version 1: 子曰:知者乐,水;仁者乐,山。知者动,仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿。” 2005年 南怀瑾《论语别裁(上下)》上海:复旦大学出版社。
Version 2: 子曰: “ 智者乐水,仁者乐山;智者动,仁者静;智者乐,仁者寿。” 1999年丁往道编译 《孔子语录一百则》北京:中国对外翻译公司 选自《论语.雍也篇》Analects of Confucius
This is a saying by Confucius. It implies that he prefers continental life to maritime live. Actually, he never thinks of going to the sea in spite of the closeness of his home to the seacoast. He only thinks of drifting to the sea if he should feel desperate to bring peace to the troubled and war-torn world (p.6 He Daokuan 2004).
3) All land under heaven belongs to the King, all people within the seas are subjects of the King
Chinese version: “溥天之下,莫非王土;率土之滨莫非王臣。(from《诗·小雅·北山》)
This is a folk song from the Poetry 3,000 years ago. The geographical isolation of China coaxed Chinese into the misbelief of the world: The world is China, China is the world. This implies a misconception, which was later blown into ignorance of self-imposed enclosure and containment in early modern times against all communication with the outside world.
4)The gentleman seeks everything from himself; the samll man seeks everything from others.
Section C Legend Time: Yu the Great, the Flood Tamer
Task1. Task2.
Task3. Reference for the questions 1)to punish man for his evils;
2)Heaven was finally convinced by Yu’s eloquence and ambition and agreed to assign him to tame the flood.
3)Yu the Great, the flood tamer:used the Magic Earth and help from other lesser gods. Yu’s strategies were the most effective and powerful.
Section D:Some traits of Traditional Chinese Culture
Task. Read the following passage and finish the following tasks.
1) Translate the underlined sentences in the passage into Chinese.
(2)在长期的相对独立的发展以及中外文化的冲撞交流中,以我为主,中国文化形成了自己的特色,卓然立于世界民族文化之林,成为东方民族文化的主要代表。 (3)The economic structure
位于北方的游牧或渔猎民族曾多次凭借着强盛的武力大举南下,并先后在黄河中下游地区建立了政权,但都被中原地区的农业文明所驯服同化,融入到华夏族和汉族中去,最终还原于以汉族为主体的,以农业经济为基础的传统社会模式。 (4)The traditional worldview
(5)他们践履的现实生活是“齐家、治国、平天下”。正是中国人清醒理性的生活态度。 (6)Unique collectivism and patriotism
(7)传统社会宗法关系强有力的纽带作用和强调集权统一的观念文化与制度文化,培养出中华民族注重整体利益的价值观念。 (8)Mode of thinking of the Chinese people 中国传统文化长期的相对独立的发展,形成了中国人特有的思维模式。在传统的思维方式中,辩证思维和经学式思维互见,思维的直觉性、整体性和模糊性是其特色。
2) Can you get a summary about the basic characteristics of Chinese culture?
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