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- 新编大学德语第二册词汇推荐度:
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用括号内词的正确形式填空 P9 ---3
2. Shouts of protest _______( spring up) from the angry crowd. Shouts of protest _______(ring out) from the angry crowd.
3. Many people have the bad habit of spending money on ___ (impulse) 4. All I can remember when I _____(come to) is my mother’s anxious face.
5. By careful examination, the doctors hope to ______(track down) the source of the infection.
6. The attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 was an _____(expect) event which brought America into world War II.
7. The coat fits the boy perfectly now, but he will ____(outgrow) it in a year’s time. 8. The man’s eyes ____(wide) with fear when he saw the robber’s gun.
9. He resumed his regular working hours _____(short) after he came out of hospital. 10. New problems _____(emerge) when old ones are solved.
12. At the first light of dawn the warships ______(make for) the open sea.
13. The sudden rise in oil prices led to an economic _____(crisis) in that country. 14. The people of Africa have successfully fought against _____(colony) rule.
1. A man of humble _____(origin), Lincoln eventually became President of the United States through his own dffeorts.
2. The floods are _____(threaten) most of the villages in the area.
4. Once he realizes that it is his mistake, Jim never _____(hesitate) to admit and correct it.
5. History shows that the United States as a nation _____(owe) a great deal to the African-Americans.
6. _______(Act on) the advice of his doctor, Mr. Park had hes eye operated on rught after he retired last week.
7. There is no sense in ______(leave) important decisions to inexperienced people. 8. Noticing that my daughter was very shy, out hostess _________________(go out of one’s way) to make her feel at home.
9. Mrs. Brown, who _____________(recently appoint) general manager of our company, is one of the most capable women I have ever worked with.
10. I don’t really want to make any _______(judgment) on the decisions they made.
4. After a sleepless night, during which Joe smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, his eyes were bloodshot and his breath ________(smell of) tobacco.
5. The sad news that her baby had died at birth _________(depress) me all day.
8. All the local farmers _______(protest) against the building of a new airport on their rich farmland.
9. the ________(competent) typist had to retype the letter three times. 11. ______(Have) little in common is a freqrent carse of divorce.
12. The boy’s teachers looked upon his worsening performance with ________(approve)
13. A company may _________(advertisement) its products by means of newspapers, magazines, television or even skywriting.
2. Many educators are giving up traditional methods of teaching in favor of more modern ____________(approach)
3. Both of Mrs. Watson’s daughters __________(pursue) their studies abroad now, … 4. This boy is very intelligent, but his lack of ______(ambition) prevents his success. 5. Bob’s effort to raise money for the desperate and hungry people of Africa brought him worldwide ______(fame)
6. He found it quite difficult to ____________(come) to terms with his parents’ death. 7. I consider it proper to leave it to the committee to ________(work out) the details of the plan.
8. Philip is good at writing. Last week his composition was once again _________(single out) for a special praise.
9. Childhood experiences have a strong influnence on forming _______(personal) 10. This machine is very complicated indeed. Once _________(take apart), it can hardly be put together again.
12. The ability to ______(observe) keenly and in detail is necessary for anyone who wishes to become a scientist.
14. The ______(apply) of scientific reasoning to the study of human behavior is one of the major principles of psychology.
15. He was burning with __________(curious) to know what was happening.
16. Our chief engineer has the ability to work out simple, effective ______(solution) to practical problems.
1. The doctors decided to ________(open up) Tom’s stomach to remove the tumor. 2. The restless young patient ______(relax) after being told there really was nothing seriously wrong with him.
3. It is advisable to place important telephone numbers nest to the phone in case of an ________(emergent)
4. From what I’d heard I _________(conclude) Miss Noble must be very popular with her pupils.
5. I don’t enjoy hot weather in summer, but we have to ______(live with) it, don’t we?
8. The doctor who performed the ________(surgery) gave Bob an 85 percent chance of full recovery by September.
9. I could not tell whether he _______(sweat) from hear of from fear. 10. I think Tom played the role very _________(competent). P171---2
1. The death of 15000 seals last summer is one of several ________(tragedy) that have been linked to North Sea pollution.
2. Our company _________(establish) a close working relationship with a similar firm in France.
3. My mother is a ________(caution) motorist; she never does nay dangerous driving. 4. After her husband died, Lisa became so depressed that she ________(take to) drink. 5. I’d never let a child of mine _______(talk back) to me like that!
7. It is reported that twelve persons were killed and twenty injured when a bomb _________(explode) in a supermarket.
8. The police __________(step up) their efforts to try to recover the stolen items. 10. Aunt Mary was never one to ________(fuss) about unimportant things. 13. The little girl watched the balloons as they ________(drift ) up into the sky.
14. Finding a cure for this disease is one of the greatest _________(challenge) facing scientists.
15. The club does not accept responsibility for loss of or damage to club members’ personal _________(property).
5. The police have had to drop charge against him because they couldn’t find any ______(evidence)
6. She didn’t know who had sent the letter, and the envelope provided no _____(clue) 8. I have come to understand that all rights carry with them ___________(correspond) responsibilities.
10. Mr. Watt’s worst mistake ________(lie in) his belief that he would never make a mistake.
12. The new buildings here are all ________(reinforce) with steel, for the sake of safety in case of an earthquake.
13. Social sciences such as psychology and sociology are concerend with the study of human ________(behavior).
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