普陀初中培训机构:第四单元 语言

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新王牌Chapter Four Numbers: Everyone’s Language



两者均可意为“几乎,将近,差不多”,且当与动词、副词、形容词及名词连用时,含义相近,可互换: It’s nearly lunch time. = It’s almost lunchtime.

Almost可与no, none, never以及nothing等不定代词连用,而nearly则不可以。Nearly常在含有not的否定句中,而almost则不可与not单独连用: There is __________ no water left in the bottle. It is _________ nearly so pretty as it was before.

普陀华师大校区:中山北路3620号银城大厦20楼2004 021-62220056 普陀曹杨校区: 白兰路137弄绿洲广场B座22楼新王牌 021-62220056 2,【区分】discover, invent与develop Discover意为“发现”,指客观存在的事物经人类努力后而发现或找到: Columbus discovered the new land----North America. Invent意为“发明”,指原本不存在的事物经科学创造后而诞生: The ancient Chinese people invented the compass. Develop意为“发展,壮大”,指在原有基础上进一步提高或改进:

The Indians invented the number “0”, and developed the 1 to 9 number system. 3,【比较】alive, live与living

Alive通常与be动词连用作表语,而living一般放在名词前作定语: That great man is still alive.

All the living things need air and water.

Live作形容词时可意为“有生命的,活着的”,但多指动物:a live fish; 此外,live作形容词还可意为“现场直播的”:a live show。 4,【辨析】

Calculator n. 计算机,计算器 _____________ v. 计算 ____________ n. 计算

______________ adj. 计算(用)的

Invent v.发明,创造

_____________ n. 发明家

______________ n. 发明,创造

Percent n. 百分之??(无复数)


_____________ n. 百分之?? A percentage of 40=40 percent=40%

In many different ways用许多不同的方法,在许多不同方面 In the same way用同样的方法 In this way用这种方法 _______________挡道 By the way顺便说

On the way to…在去??的路上

Develop v.发展

_______________ adj.发达的 _________________ adj.发展中的 ___________________ n.发展

Consist of由??组成


Near prep. 近,接近

Nearly adv. 几乎,差不多(后面不跟否定词,可跟具体的数次) Almost adv. 几乎,差不多(比nearly更接近)

Rise vi. rose risen Raise vt. raised raised

Last year, the price of water __________.(这里的rose相当于increased或went up)

Last year, the government ______________ the price of water.(这里的raised相当于increased或put up)


1, 四则运算的两种表达方式:

①祈使句发布指令:3加7 add 3 and 7

9减4 subtract 4 from 9 2乘以8 multiply 2 by 8 12除以6 divide 12 by 6

②陈述句描述等式:3加7等于10 3 plus 7 equals/is 10. 9减4等于5 9 minus 4 equals/is 5.

2乘以8等于16 2 multiplied by 8 equals/is 16. 12除以6等于2 12 divided by 6 equals/is 2.

2, 数字的英语表达 注意以下单词的拼写:第九,______;九十,______;十九,_________;十四,_________;四十,_________;第四十,___________。



584 five hundred and eighty-four

十位数与个位数之间要用连字符(-) 百位数和十位数之间要用and “百”前如有数字,词尾不加“s”也不跟“of”短语

英语中没有与汉字对应的“万”:10,000读作ten thousand

321,456,089读作:three hundred and twenty-one million four hundred and fifty-six thousand and eighty-nine(写数字时,从右向左,三位一撇。第一撇念thousand,第二撇念million。它们和hundred一样,前面如有数字,词尾不加“s”,也不跟“of”短语,如:two thousand) 3,分数的构成


13,one-fourth;,4432,three-eights;带分数在整数后用and:2,two and two-thirds。 83

3, In ancient times, people wrote numbers in many different ways, as these pictures of the number six show.

Times与time不同,前者表示“某个时代”,而后者仅表示“时间”: In Shakespeare’s times, not many people could read. Times的近义词是age。

As在本例中作连词,意为“正如,如同”: I love reading, as you love painting.

4, This was a very important invention because it made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate. 本例中两个it用法不同。前者指代文章中提及的数字“0”的发明,而后者在句中作形式宾语,后面的不定式才是其真正的宾语。当不定式等作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,就应该使用形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末:

I find it easy to get on with her.

Make sth+ adj.的结构用于表示“使什么怎么样”:

Heaters and air conditioners make us more comfortable in winter and summer.

5, Shakuntala’s brain took fifty seconds to find the answer, like lighting. Take表示“花费多少时间”时,主要有以下两种表达: A, 事物+take(s)+时间+(动词不定式) The bus takes about half an hour to get there. B, It takes +(某人)+时间+动词不定式

It takes my father about an hour to go to his office by underground.

6, If it is not powerful enough, you will find the answer on page 67. Powerful enough意为“足够强大”,powerful为形容词,enough为副词。Enough在修饰形容词或副词时


一般置于其后。现将enough的常见用法小结如下: ① enough可以作名词或代词,意为“足够,充分”。作代词时,它可以替代可数名词或不可数名词,在


Enough has been said on this subject.

② enough可作形容词,意为“足够的,充分的”: I hope there are enough glasses for the party. Five men will be quite enough.

③ enough作副词时,意为“十分,充分地,足够地,充足地”置于被修饰的形容词或副词之后,常与介

词for或不定式连用,在句子中作状语,表示程度: Mum, I think I’m well enough for school.

④ enough作感叹词时,意为“够了,停止,住手,不要再继续了”,用以表达不耐烦或恼怒的情感: You’ve been complaining all afternoon. Enough!

7, 祈使句


A, 祈使句的肯定及否定形式如下表所示: 肯定 Walk the dog at 7 a.m. Please look after my goldfish. 否定 Don’t chase the cat. Don’t pull the rabbit’s ears. B, 为表示礼貌,可以在祈使句的开头或结尾加上please

Please open the door for the lady. C, 祈使句的否定形式也可以在动词原形的前面使用否定词never,代替don’t:

Never use your calculator when you take an exam.



Ⅰ. Choose the best answer

1. ______let the children have a barbecue without adults. A. Do B. Don’t C. Not D. No

2. The leaves ______that tree have a beautiful colour. A. in B. on C. at D. above

3. My teacher told me that the sun ______in the east. A. rises B. rose C. is rising D. has risen 4. Peter and his girlfriend ______films on Sundays.

A. see B. sees C. are seeing D. have seen 5. The day after tomorrow they ___________ a tennis match.

A. will watching B. watches C. are watching D. are going to watch 6. I hope that all the people ___________ enough food to eat.

A. have B. will have C. is going to have D. are having 7. Mr. Wang has gone to Japan. He __________ back in a week. A. is B. will be C. has been D. was

8. Peter’s children ____________ to write down their names when they were two years old. A. can B. able C. were able D. could be able


Ⅱ. Complete the sentences with the right words.

1. I prefer to study in an (air-conditioned, air conditioner) room in summer and winter. 2. Our school is going to (organize, organization) a sports meet.

3. My (suggest) is that we cancel our trip to Hangzhou since we are too busy. 4. What will you (possible) be in the future/

5. I think Shanghai is (modern) than any other city in China.

Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentence as required.

1. People held their coats more tightly when there was a strong wind.(改成一般疑问句) people their coats more tightly when there was a strong wind? 2. You can make it move by pouring water into it.(对划线部分提问) you make it move?

3. Players have to obey the same rules.(改成否定句) Players to obey the same rules.

4. I’m going to teach you how I make a water boat.(保持句意不变) I’m going to teach you make a water boat.


Ⅰ. Choose the best answer

1, There are _______ days in a leap year.

A, three hundreds and sixty-six B, three hundred and sixty six C, three hundred and sixty-six D, three hundreds of sity-six 2, In our class ______ of students ______ girls.

A, three-fifths, are B, three-fifth, are C, three-fifths, is D, three-fifth, is 3, If you _______ 10 from 10, how much will you get?

A, add B, subtract C, multiply D, divide 4, When 1200 is expressed as a date, it reads ______.

A, one thousand two hundred B, one two double zero C, one two O O D, twelve hundred

5, It takes only an hour ______ to Xiamen from Shanghai by plane.

A, getting B, got C, get D, to get 6, ______ of the new students should take the examination.

A, Two hundreds B, Hundreds C, Two hundred D, Hundred 7, “10-6=4” can be read as “__________”

A, Ten subtract six is four B, Ten minus six is four

C, Ten minus six equals to four D, Ten subtract six equals four 8, Computers can store ________ information.

A, a lot of B, a lot C, many D, a few

Ⅱ. Complete the sentences with the right words.

9, Our brain is a _______ (live) computer, and it is the most important part of our body. 10, Can you do that ________ (calculate) by yourself?

11, Who first __________ (invention) the system of numbers from 1 to 9?


12, China is still a ___________ (develop) country. We Chinese people must work harder to make our motherland richer and stronger.

13, The motorbike began to move at an ______ (amaze) speed. 14, It’s popular to send and receive _________ (electric) mail.

Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentence as required.

15, I go to play tennis twice a week.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ do you go to play tennis?

16, Both of the sisters are good at taking photos.(改为否定句) ________ of the sisters _________ good at taking photos.

17, Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today.(保持愿意) Abacuses are fast and accurate _________ ________ people to still use today. 18, Now we are studying Book One.(保持原句意思不变) Now we are studying the _________ ________.

19, To walk on the wet road is quite awful for us.(保持原句意思不变) ________ is quite awful for us ________ _______ on the wet road.

Ⅳ. Reading comprehension

One Monday Jack went into a small restaurant and sat down at a table. He waited and when a young waitress came to him, he asked for some vegetable soup. The waitress wrote this down in a notebook and walked off. There were a lot of people in the restaurant and the girl was very busy. But at last she came to Jack with a plate of fish and potatoes.

The girl was turning away when Jack stopped her. “But I didn’t order fish and potatoes. I ordered vegetable soup.” “Oh,” she said. “I thought you asked for fish and potatoes.” “No,” Jack said. “Look at your notebook and you’ll see that I ordered vegetable soup.” The waitress looked verywhere in her little notebook, and at last she found Jack’s order. “Table No. 24.” She read out. “One vegetable soup.” “Yes, I’m sorry. I got mixed up. I’ll change it.” She put the notebook down on Jack’s table, took out a pen, crossed the words “vegetable soup” and wrote in “fish and potatoes”. She shout the notebook and quickly walked away, while Jack sat with his mouth wide open, too surprised to say another word.

( ) 1 Jack ordered his vegetable soup______. A as soon as he sat down at a table B after the waitress brought him some food C after he had sat at a table for some time D when he was walking into the restaurant ( )2. The waitress brought to Jack ______. A what he ordered B the food he didn’t order C some vegetable soup D the right food ( ) 3. The waitress ______ Jack’s order in her notebook. A found B didn’t find C remembered D forgot to write down ( ) 4. The waitress changed ______. A Jack’s food B her mind C Jack’s mind D Jack’s order ( )5. Jack was ______ what the waitress did. A very happy with B angry with C interested in D very surprised at


( ) 6. “I got mixed up” in the passage means “______”. A I put them together B I did wrong C I got so busy D I got the mixture ( ) 7. Jack sat with his mouth wide open, because ______. A there was something wrong with his mouth B he ate too much fish C he did not get the vegetable soup D the young waitress did something wrong


Ⅰ. Choose the best answer

1. Little Tom got up late and went to school in ______ hurry this morning. A) a B) an C) the D) / 2. Junior 3 students are going to have the entrance exams ______ June.

A) in B) on C) at D) with 3. Alice won’t go to the cinema with us. She is busy with ______ homework now. A) she B) her C) hers D) herself 4. There’s little ______ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some for breakfast. A) potato B) egg

C) bread

D) tomato 5. Tom likes stamps very much. He has collected about five ______ stamps so far. A) hundreds B) hundreds of C) hundred D) hundred of 6. We all know that the World Financial Center is ______ building in Shanghai at present. A) tall B) taller C) tallest D) the tallest 7. ______ exciting event the World Expo 2010 will be !

A) What

B) What a

C) What an D) How 8. The two boys like playing basketball, but ______ of them likes playing football. A) both B) neither C) all

D) none

Ⅱ. Complete the sentences with the right words.

1. Last week I went on a trip to Sichuan and I took many there. (photo) 2. Ben thinks the lesson of this book is very interesting. (twelve) 3. The boy seemed to be enjoying in the computer room. ( he )

4. If your child shows any signs of , take him to the doctor immediately. ( ill ) 5. Newspapers provide readers with and local news every day. (nation)

Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentence as required.

1. Jack’s father bought a new television set yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

Jack’s father a new television set yesterday?

2. 70 million visitors will come to Shanghai for the World Expo 2010. (对划线部分提问) visitors will come to Shanghai for the World Expo 2010 ? 3. There was a cycling race in Chongming last month. (改为反意疑问句)

There was a cycling race in Chongming last month, ?

4. They will build many new houses for the homeless people in that area.(改为被动语态)

Many new houses will ________ ________ for the homeless people in that area.

5. Paul likes playing basketball better than watching old movies on TV. (保持句意基本不变)


Paul ________ playing basketball ________ watching old movies on TV. Ⅳ. Reading comprehension

Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia (栀子花) was delivered to my house. No card ever came with it. Calls to the flower-shop were not helpful at all. After a while I stopped trying to find out the sender’s name and was just pleased with the beautiful white flower, in soft pink paper.

Some of I never stopped imagining (想象) who the giver might be, though.

my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about the sender. My mother encouraged these daydreams. She’d ask me if I had been especially kind to someone. Perhaps it was one of my classmates. Perhaps it was the old man. He lived across the street. I’d delivered his mail during the winter. As a girl, though, I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy that I had met.

One month before my high school graduation, my father died. I was so sad that I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation dance, and I didn’t care whether I had a new dress or not. My mother, in her own sadness, however, would not let me miss any of those things. She wanted her children to feel loved. In fact, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia: lovely, strong and perfect, with perhaps a bit of mystery (神秘).

I got married at the age of 22. My mother died ten years after I was married. That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.

1. The writer got a white gardenia as a present on her birthday. A) seventh B) tenth C) eleventh D) fifteenth 2. When the writer first received the present, she . A) didn’t know who sent her the flower B) found a card together with the flower C) called the sender and thanked him a lot D) didn’t make any calls to the flower-shop 3. From the passage we know that . A) the writer was not pleased with the flower B) the white gardenia was in soft pink paper C) the gardenia was sent to the writer’s mother D) the father helped the writer find out the sender

4. Why did the writer think the old man might be the sender of the gardenia? A) Because he lived just across the street. B) Because the writer once delivered his mail. C) Because the old man was very kind to the writer. D) Because the old man often encouraged the writer. 5. The writer was very sad because . A) she missed her high school graduation dance B) she didn’t know who sent her the white flower C) her father died one month before her graduation D) she didn’t have a new dress for the graduation dance 6. Who was the real giver of the white gardenia? A) Her mother. B) Her classmate. C) The old man. D) A boy. 7. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A) A Childhood Dream. B) A Graduation Party. C) A Mother’s Love. D) A Special Birthday.


