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高加索焖鸡排香菜碎末配德式浓酱 (全熟/七分熟/五分熟/四分熟/三分熟): 白斩鸡 boiled tender chicken / plain boiled chicken

法式糖心荷包浇意面:煎蛋面 Fried egg noodles 甜点微烤黄金小甜饼:南瓜饼 pumpkin pie

五分熟神户小牛肉配珍珠甜米饭:牛肉盖浇 stir fried beef with rice 法式卷心菜微甜浓汤:白菜汤 cabbage soup

特调微辣酸甜汁焗猪柳伴长葱:鱼香肉丝 Yu-Shiang pork (meat in fish sauce)

木炭火焦烤微煎法国小填鸭:烤鸭 Roast Duck

蜜糖配白醋焗野猪背脊嫩肉:糖醋里脊 Pork Fillet with sweet and sour sauce

意式秘制浓酱鸡肝烩波尔多酒渍青椒:炒鸡下水 stir fried chicken organs 珍珠蒜蓉微煎白菜:炒大白菜 stir fried cabbage with garlic

墨西哥特辣炖过油精致阿根廷小牛肉配当下时蔬:水煮牛肉 Boiled Beef 芝士浓酱伴意大利面条:热干面 Hot dry noodles

陈年俄罗斯酸汤加小辣椒煮深海鳕鱼:酸菜鱼 fish with pickled mustard-green

墨西哥特辣秘制浓汤杂烩配什锦鲜蔬:火锅 hot pot 鲜香蒜茸浇汁精选各式杂肉:麻辣烫 hot pot

意式蒜蓉微酸浇汁鲜猪嫩柳:凉拌白肉 boiled pork belly with spicy sauce 爆油葱香干煸五花肉:回锅肉 Twice Cooked Pork 麻辣黑胡椒精腌碎肉炖白玉豆腐:麻婆豆腐 mapo tofu

西安精炖小牛肉浇汁配蒜蓉小面饼/美式上选鲜嫩猪肉汉堡:肉夹馍 Dumpling stuffed with Hot Gravy

香油葱花酱汁秘制什锦菜凉拌水晶粉:凉粉 bean jelly

四川辣汁煮小牛胃搭顶级小牛血配杂锦时蔬:毛血旺 Boiled Blood Curd

酥炸黑色发酵豆块佐红辣椒蒜汁/小火御制特香脆墨腐块/特级初炸腌制豆乳凝冻浇酱汁/特选酱香豆腐精炸佐芙蓉蒜醋汁:油炸臭豆腐 deep fried stinky tofu

鲜白玉子配腌制小甜菜黑胡椒浓汤:榨菜蛋汤 salted mustard egg soup 红椒酱爆微型河鲜配姜茸酸汁:小龙虾 spicy crawfish 特制烟熏蜜汁辣味干鸭片:酱板鸭 smoked duck

法式甜酸西红柿片配黄油鸡蛋粒:番茄炒蛋 stir fried egg with tomato 冷翠青葱段配盐渍蒸豆碎:大葱蘸酱 spring onion with soybean sauce 意式番茄鸡蛋浓汤浇通心粉:鸡蛋打卤面 fried egg noodles

铁板特煎外十分熟内七分熟碎牛扒佐青椒段洋葱块:铁板牛肉 Iron Plate Beef

冰镇西贡生虾佐苏格兰威士忌:醉虾 liquor saturated shrimp 百分百原汁澳洲玉子水晶冻:蒸蛋羹 steamed egg 泰式翡翠精焖水晶饭:绿畦香稻粳米饭 Thai ricee 法式闷烧水生蜗牛佐辣椒蒜汁:辣田螺 spicy mudsnail 中式炸面包:油条 deep fried bread stick

特制甜糯米配日式蜜豆沙及八色澳洲香焙干果:八宝饭 Eight Precious Pudding

秘制酱渍猪排泰国香糯米寿司:肉粽子 meat Zongzi 翡翠豆蓉酥皮夹心松饼:绿豆糕 green bean pastry

黄色毒药鸡尾酒:雄黄酒 Wine mixed with arsenic sulphide drunk 吮指蛋香超薄碎蔬铁板Q饼夹销魂麦香脆饼:煎饼果子 wok seared scallops


——滨田酷感黄豆浓汁 soybean sauce ——特调墨西哥辣椒烩酱 Mexico spicy sauce

特浓肉孜酱青葱拌意面:杂酱面 noodle with soybean sauce 特调浓香酱蘸皇家白玉冰珂:凉拌豆腐 tofu salad

明前安溪茶蕊煎怀玉百合:铁观音炒百合 stir fried lily with wulong tea 特制北冰洋鳕鱼汁至鲜布丁:鱼冻 mixed fish in aspic 西班牙热辣风情茴香桂皮油灼鱼排:水煮鱼 boiled fish

法式松脆芝麻小烤饼配墨西哥特制油煎香面卷:烧饼夹油条 Clay oven rolls with Fried bread stick

意式酱汁淋细面饼包裹浓香美国小肥牛:牛肉锅贴 Pan-fried beef dumpling 泰国翡翠珍珠梗卷中式黄金炸脆饼(甜/咸):瓷饭团 rice roll

特制西班牙浓香茄汁烩日式香Q小猪肉条:茄汁排条 pork rib with tomato sauce

传统烤茄瓜红烩浓香肉汁:肉沫茄子 eggplant with pork mince 西班牙青椒红烩利大意小牛眼肉片:青椒炒肉 stir fried pork with Green Pepper

精制小麦面饼包裹浓汁肉眼扒:肉包子 Meat bun

中式松花蛋烩特选猪肩肉配水晶香稻浓汤:皮蛋瘦肉粥 Minced Pork Congee with Preserved Egg

海鲜杂烩配时蔬小菜浇中式意面:三鲜面 seafood noodles 中式豆花布丁配特制鸡丝浇汁佐顶级蒜蓉辣酱:Soybean curd 盐渍乳黄瓜色拉配油醋汁及蒜醋汁:cucumber salad 白酒乡村浓酱汁焗鸡胸肉:红烧鸡 stewed chicken

辛辣花椒原生豆酱浓姜红汤土豆米线毛肚香菜小肉球海带白菜鸭舌猪脑生切鱼片猪肉片羊肉片牛肉片老牛肉片嫩牛肉片牛筋黄喉儿笋子…… 豆皮豆干豆腐杂烩炖:重庆火锅 Chongqing stlye hot pot

(1)Sit down, please. Here is the menu. May I take your order, sir? 请坐,给您菜单。先生,您要点菜吗?

(2)What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶?

(3)would you like to have some wine with your dinner?您用餐时要喝点酒吗? (4)It’s our chef’s recommendation.这是我们大厨的拿手菜。 (5) Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您的账单。请签字。 (6)what kind of food would you like to have?您想吃什么菜?

(7)You may sign the bill. The hotel will charge you when you leave.您可以签帐单。离店时会给您结帐。

(8)It never goes to the head.(不管喝多少)它也不冲脑。

(9)Have you anything in mind as to (decided)what to drink?您决定了喝什么吗? (10)we look forward to having with us tonight.我们期待您今晚大驾光临。 (11)I’m sorry , but I didn’t quite catch what you just said.对不起,我没有听明白您刚才的话。

(12)I beg your pardon?/Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍。

(13)Sorry, sir ,but I don’t understand what you mean.很抱歉,先生,我没有听懂您的意思。

(14) Pardon, madam. I am afraid I didn’t follow you.对不起,太太,我没有听明白。 (15)What was that? 你说什么?(此话比较随便,也要用升调) (16) Sorry, but could you say it again? 对不起,您能再说一编吗? (17)would you mind repeating, please?请再说一遍,好吗?

(18)could you please repeat a little more slowly?您能再慢点儿说一遍吗? (19)It’s delicious and worth a try.它鲜美可口,值得一试。

(20)Many guests give high comments on the wine.许多宾客对这种酒赞赏备至。 (21)i suggest that you have a taste of Sichuan dishes.我建议你们尝尝四川菜。 (22)try the green crab if you don’t mind.如果您不介意的话,不妨尝一下这种青蟹。 (23)please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.如果你有什么问题,请随即和我们联系。

(24)you’ll regret if you don’t have a test..如果您不尝一下,您准会后悔的。 (25)I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 很抱歉,让您久等了。

(26)I’m really sorry, but I seem to have misserved a dish..真对不起,我好像上错了一个菜。

(27)I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup.我上错了汤,真抱歉。

(28)I want to apologize. Is there anything I could do?我该道歉,我能想点办法吗? (29)Bottoms up!干杯!

(30)It is a must for every birthday dinner.这对每个生日庆宴都是必不可少。 (31)The great wall is a must for every foreign tourist.长城是每位外国游客必去之处。 (32)I wish you good health.祝您健康。

(33)Let me wish you every success.祝您一切顺利。 (34)I hope you’ll have a good time.祝您玩的痛快。 (35)Bon Voyage!一路顺风。

(36)on consumption to master account根据实际消耗由主人包付。 Open bar on a fixed price. 在预先定时定价范围内酒会客人随便享用。 (37)cash on delivery(C..O.D)来客自负饮料费。

(38)How do you like the fish cooked this way?您觉得鱼这样烧怎么样? (39)What do you think of Chinese food?您认为中国菜怎么样? (40)Do you think the soup is tasty?您认为这个汤可口吗?

(41)Do you think the price is reasonable?您认为这个价格不公道吗? (42) What’s your opinion of their service? 您对他们的服务有什么意见吗? (43)I suggest we (should) go to a Chinese restaurant for a change.我建议到中国餐馆去换换口味。(should可以省略)

(44)Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?你们用餐时想喝点酒吗? (45)what would you like for dinner/dessert?您喜欢吃点什么餐/甜点? (46)How would you like the steak/eggs?您喜欢怎么样做的牛排/鸡蛋? (47) I would suggest Californian red wine for the beef steak.我建议您配牛排喝加利福尼亚红酒。

(48)I What about American breakfast? 吃美式早餐好吗?

