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Part I Listening Comprehension(30 minutes,30 points)

Section A Dialogues(10 points)

Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 short

conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. A.Setting the table. B.Polishing silverware.

aaaC.Sewing napkins. aaaD. Stocking a pantry.

2. A.He publishes books. aaa aB.He is a writer.

aaaC.He collects automobiles. D. He works in industry.

3. A.Whether she is in good health.

aaaB.Whether she has corresponded with her relatives


aaaC.Whether she is about to write to her folks.

aaaD.Whether she still receives a lot of letters.

4. A.Don t subscribe to the journal. B.Read a

different journal.

aaaC.Find a better engineer. D.Don t save any money.

5. A.It will probably rain. aaa B.It will probably be


aaaC.It will probably not rain. D. It will probably be


6. A.Get directions to the bus station. B.Get to the

grocery store.

aaaC.Give the man directions to the bus station.

aaaD.Find out where the stoplight is.

7. A.Borrow the typewriter. B.Visit the woman.

aaaC.Go home soon. D.Read the woman s paper.

8. A.Winter is his favorite season for sports.

B.Sports are quite aaaaaimportant to him.

aaaC.He should be more enthusiastic. D.He plays better

than he used to.

9. A.The situation looks better than it is.

aaaB.The phone connection was bad.

aaaC.The two women ought to speak to each other in


aaaD.It s better to be courageous.

10.A.A restaurant. aaB. A hotel.

aaaC.A hospital. aaa D.An airport.

Section B News Items (10 points)

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 pieces

of short news. At the end of each news, a question will

be asked about what was said. After each question there

will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the

four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is

the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on

the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

11.A.On December 31, 2001. B.On January 1,2002.

aaaC.On the day when China won the bid to host the

2008 Olympics.

aaaD.On the day when China entered the WTO.

12.A.For anti-terrorism. B.For peace talk.

aaaC.For exchanging the prisoners of war.

aaaD.For improving the bilateral relationship.

13.A.The talks was held by US President Bush and

United Nations aaaSecretary General Koffi Annan.

aaaB.There are 6 million refugees needed help.

aaaC.The refugees are Afghans.

aaaD.The refugees are in Afghanistan,Pakistan and


14.A.Chinese and Jews. B.Jews and Japanese.

aaaC.Indians and Germany. D.Germany and Indians.

15.A.To improve the relations between Iraq and Iran.

aaaB.To improve the relations between Iraq and Kuwait.

aaaC.To improve the relations between Iran and Jordan.

aaaD.To improve the relations between Iran and Jordan.

16.A.Vitamin C. B.Vitamin E.

aaaC.Both Vitamin C and Vitamin E. D.Neither Vitamin C

nor Vitamin E.

17.A.The Group of Eight Leaders Meeting was held in

Genoa, Italy.

aaaB.The police used tear gas against the

demonstrators who marched aaaaapeacefully.

aaaC.The police used tear gas against 100,000


aaaD.The conflict happened the first day of the Group

of Eight Leaders aaaaaMeeting.

18.A.Forty. B.Three. C.Fortyfour. D.Four.

19.A.The refugees were forced to Canada by Indonesian


aaaB.The refugees were forced to America by Australian


aaaC.The refugees were forced to Australia by

Indonesian police.

aaaD.The refugees were forced to Indonesia by

Australian police.

20.A.24. B.33. C.10. D.14.

Section C Compound Dictation(10 points)

Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage

three times.When the passage is read for the first

time,you should listen carefully for its general

idea.Then listen to the passage again.When the passage

is read for the second time,you are required to fill in

the blanks numbered from 21 to 28 with the exact words

you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 29 to 30

you are required to fill in the missing information.You

can either use the exact words you have just heard

or write down the main points in your own words.

Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you

should check what you have written and rewrite the

correct answers on the Answer Sheet.

aaaThe conflict in Northern Ireland appears to be a

religious war,but many Irish people would argue that it

isn t.Its (21)____are in the English colonization of


In the sixteenth century,England colonized

or“planted”most of Ireland by taking land from the

natives and giving it to British people,so creating a

population (22)____ to England.

Ubster,(23)____of the four Irish provinces,was the

last part to be planted,early in the seventeenth

century.Plantations in other parts of the land had not

been as successful as the English had hoped.They learned

from their mistakes and planted Ubster in a much more

(24)____and organized way.There were also far more

(25)____immigrants from Scotland to Ubster than to other

parts of Ireland.

Religion has been an indication,for nearly 300

years,of whether someone is a (26)____of the colonizers

or the colonized.Throughout this time,certain sectors of

each(27)____have kept separate from each other,growing

up with a mixture of history and emotional (28)____which

helps keep hostility alive.

Acting under pressure from the Protestant

community,who had formed an army to defend their right to remain part of Great Britain,(29)____.

Under this new State,Catholics suffered various

forms of discrimination,(30)____.

The present troubles began in 1968 and 1969 when

peaceful marches for Catholic civil rights were

violently attacked.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 minutes,30


Section A Multiple Choice(20 points)

Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this

section. For each sentence there are four choices marked

A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the

sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the

Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

31. Twenty years ago in an interview,I faced three

men______my age armed with a hundred reasons as to why I

was the woman for the job.

A.two times B.twice C.older than D.as old as

32. I had done my research.Not only that,but having

already worked for the company,I naively believed they

knew me and______I was capable of.

A.which B.it C.that D.what

33. So their first question floored me.“Tell

me,Christa,”said the smug one,“what would you do if one

of the children fell ill and you______at home?”

A.are hoped B.should stay C.were needed D.be wished

34. I remember______something about having a husband

who was very flexible and a nanny,a mother and a

motherinlaw who could step in at short notice—

A.muttering B.said C.answer D.had uttered

35. But from______,you could forget my carefully

prepared speech about the future of the company and my

role in it.

A.the time B.that moment on C.the instant D.that day

36. If the question were asked of me today I

would______the idiot whoaasked it by saying:“Tell me,as

a parent,what would you do if yourachild were ill?

A.be against B.go to ask C.turn it back on D.like to


37. You d explain to what I would hope is a caring

company and be told to leave the office and______for

your family.”

A.be there B.go to C. arrive D.be available

38. But I was______that brave nor that bolshy in those


A.so B.also C.either D.neither

39. ______,I got the job—probably because,as a woman,I

was cheaper.

A.Surprisingly B.Obviously C.As a result D.Therefore

40. Needless to say,none of the other male______was

asked the same question.

A.collegues B.candidates C.workmates D.participants

41. I mention it only because I am______about the

Government s plan to bring in new laws which would give

parents the right to ask for childfriendly working

hours,not because it s not right and proper—

A.worried B.curious C.eager D.uneasy

42. but because______it will give firms the excuse to

discriminate from the word go.

A.it is seemingly B.it is likely C.it seems to me D.it

likes me

43. ______,which was supposed to herald the right to

flexible workingaand childfriendly hours now also gives

bosses the right to say no if they believe it will

damage business.

A.This watereddown new version of a law

B.This new,watereddown version of a law

C.This new version watereddown law

D.This law of new version watereddown

44. So who will win,nine times out of 10?Those paying

the wages,that s who:they re doing the recruiting.Male

and single______female with children—guess wholl get

the job?

A.and B.or C.but D.nor

45. It could set back equality in the

workplace______,and there will be few who will be in a

position to take their complaint to tribunal.

A.by decades B.for tens of years C.in a century D.for

a long time

46. Like parttime policewoman Michelle Chew,awarded

compensation when bosses refused to change her______to

allow the single mother to look after her


A.normal B.everyday C.routine D.shift

47. They lost an officer with______experience,and

taxpayers in Avon and Somerset footed the bill.What kind

of business sense is that?

A.13 years B.13 years C.13 years D.13year

48. But this is not just a male______female

issue,although the danger is that s what it will become.

A.versus B.against C.opposite D.and

49. ______is the British firm which is said to be

refusing to bring home an executive from New York

A.What a pity B.How heartless C.So indifferent D.What

a shame

50. who s worried about his son waking up screaming in

the night after he was at school near the World Trade

Center______the hijackers struck?

A.at the time B.on the day C.in the instant D.by the


Section B Error Correction(10 points)

Directions:The following passage contains 9 errors.In

each case only one word is involved. You should

proofread the passage on the Answer Sheet and correct it

in the following way:

Part III Situational Dialogues (5 minutes,10 points)

Directions:Complete the following dialogues by

choosing the best answer.Then mark the corresponding

letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through

the center.

61. Tom:My team played a series of games.


Tom:We won the first two games,but lost the last


A.Oh,really? B.How did you do?

C.Congratulations! D.You did a good job!

62. Mary:I feel really homesick.I want to go back


David:________________________When you are more

accustomed to aaaaaabeing here,you will feel happier.

A.Don t worry.You ll be better tomorrow.

B.You d better not.

C.You haven t adjusted to this new place yet.

D.OK,you can go now.

63. Ricard:Do you believe that smoking causes cancer?

Dillon:________________________They showed people who

smoke get aaaaaaacancer much more often than people who

don t smoke.

A.Maybe yes.

B.Yes.Doctors have proved it.

C.To tell the truth,I don t believe it.

D.Personally speaking,I doubt it.

64. Kate:John s a real baseball fan!

Tony:________________________He goes to baseball games

all the aaaaatime or watches them on TV.

A.Yes,he really loves baseball.

B.However,he is a bad player.

C.He must cool himself down.

D.Oh,what he does is ridiculous.

65. Tina:A woman stole fifty dollars from me.I gave

her the money aaaaabecause she said it would help a sick

girl in the hospital.

Eve:________________________It s worse than being

robbed by aaaasomeone with a gun!

Tina:Well,it s not as dangerous as being robbed by

someone with aaaaaa gun.


Tina:That s true.I guess fraud is just as bad as other

types of aaaaacrime.

A.How horrible it is!;Id rather be robbed by someone

with a aagun.

B.You are kindhearted.;Be careful next time.

C.I don’t think theres really a sick girl waiting for

your aamoney.;I agree with you.

D.That s a terrible crime.;Yes,but in the future you

will be aaless trusting than before.

66. Jimmy:I think honeybees are very useful

insects.They make honey ffor us.

Amy:________________________They also help the flowers

grow aaaintoafruit.

Jimmy:But I don t like termites.I think they re


Amy:________________________Theyre actually a very

good source of food.People in some countries eat them.

Jimmy:Really?I didn t know that.

A.I love honey very much.;Me too.

B.They never do the least harm to us.;That s wrong.

C.That s a good point.;I m not sure I agree with you.

D.We have different opinions.;On the contrary,they are

not aadisgusting.

67. Beth:Always be honest with your patients.That s

what my advisor aaaaatold me to do.

Ken:________________________I always try to tell my

patients the aaaatruth.

A.Don t believe what he said. B.That s a good rule to

live by.

C.Saying is easier than doing.

D.Yes,I do like to follow,although some patients don t

like it.

68. Sally:Are you going to get a new car?

Dick:________________________If my old car stops

working,I’ll have to buy a new one.

A.It depends on my old car. B.Of course.A new car is


C.No,I won t. D.I d like to have your opinion.

69. Nora:You re late.Now we ll miss the movie.

Alex:________________________I was stuck in traffic.

A.Why are you so impatient?

B.Oh,you should go to the movie by yourself.

C.There s nothing serious,I think.

D.I m sorry,honey.I apologize.

70. Jenny:So Joe,I heard your sister decided to go

into the army. Joe:Well,I don’t know.Most of the people

in the army are men.I aaaadon t think women should be in

the army.It s really a man s aaaajob.You have to be


Jenny:Strong,huh. ________________________ Joe:No,not like a man.

Jenny:Oh,I see.

A.What do you think about that?;Don t you think women

can be strong?

B.That s a good news.;I am strong enough.

C.What are you going to do?;It doesn t matter.

D.I m sorry to hear that.;Don t you think you are


Part IV Reading Comprehension (25 minutes, 40 points)

Section A Multiple Choice(20 points)

Directions:There are 2 reading passages in this

part.Each passage is followed by some questions or

unfinished statements.For each of them there are four

choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:


A few years ago,a query about the health of a

person s hard disk drive would have been met with a

blank stare.Nowadays,almost everyone is aware of this

remarkable electronic storage medium that is part of

every modern computer,even though most users remain

ignorant of the complexity of hard drive technology.

In the early days of computing,an information record of a computer’s memory content was kept on punched cards similar to the way in which an automated piano stores the keynote sequences on a piano ter,magnetic tape was used to store electronic signals,and is still the favoured means of economically backing up the contents of hard drives.However,accessing information sequentially stored on tape is slow since the electronic data must be input through a fixed head in single pass.

Hard disk drives solve this problem by incorporating a spinning platter on which magnetic data can be made accessible via a moving head that reads and writes information across the width of the disk.It is analogous to(相似的)the way in which a person can choose to play a particular track on a CD player by causing the arm to move the head across the disk.The CD player is,in

fact,necessarily similar in design to a hard drive,although there are significant differences in speed of data access.

Most modern hard drives incorporate several

platters(磁盘) to further reduce the time spent seeking

the required information. Also,some newer drives have

two heads;one for reading,and a second head for writing

data to disk.This separation of tasks enables much

higher densities of magnetic information to be written

on the platter,which increases the capacity of the hard


There are three important ways in which the capacity of hard disks has been increased.First,the data code itself has been tightened with express coding

techniques.Second,as previously noted,the head

technology has been improved;and third,the distance

between the heads and the platters has been greatly

reduced.It is hard to believe,but the head can be made

to pass over the magnetised platter at distances of less than 1 microinch(the width of a typical human hair is 5000 microinches).This is achieved by means of a special protective coating applied to the platter.Each of these three improvements enables speedier access to the data.

Hard drives are more commonplace than tape recorders these days,but it must be remembered that they are much more fragile.Treated with respect they may last a number of years,but they are quite easily damaged,often with disastrous consequences for the user,whose precious data can become lost forever.Dropping a drive is almost always fatal,as is passing an incorrect electrical current through one(by faulty connection).Dust and even extremes of temperature can cause failure. Yet,no physical damage can ever result from the input of data via the keyboard or mouse.Of course,over time the magnetised coating on the platters will erode,yet this is almost entirely independent of the amount of use.

There are serious questions being raised about the

direction of the future of electronic storage media.Some researchers claim that it would be wiser to invest more time and money in setting up systems for streaming data across networks of computers from centralised banks of information storage.This would avoid the need for each personal computer user to have his or her own copy of a software program resident on a local hard drive.Personal data files could be kept at a central storage unit,and be suitably protected from disaster by a failsafe(具有自动防止故障特性的) backup system.

As the Internet becomes ever more pervasive(遍布的),and the speed of access to other machines increases across our telephone lines,it might be possible to do away with local storage systems altogether.

71.Magneticallycoated disks are one of many types


aaaA.sequential access information systems

rmation storage solutions

aaaC.tape storage solutions

aaaD.CD players

72.Connecting a hard drive incorrectly


aaaA.results in excess temperature

aaaB.erodes the magnetised material on the platters

aaaC.damages the keyboard or mouse

aaaD.destroys the drive

73.Keyboard or mouse use can easily cause________.

aaaA.incorrect electrical currents

aaaB.the magnetised coating on the platter to wear out

aaaC.physical damage to the hard disk drive

aaaD.none of the above

74.In the future,a computer user might be able to

access personal data aaafiles from________.

aaaA.a central storage unit

aaaB.a local hard drive

aaaC.a software program

aaaD.the local bank

75.Centralised banks of storage information


aaaA.offer better protection of a user s data files

aaaB.stream data across telephone lines

aaaC.mean the end of local storage systems

aa D.all of the above

Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage:


At the turn of the century it is estimated that a

student living alone requires on average A$12,000(Australian dollars)in living expenses for each year of study in Australia.Of course,these costs

increase with time.

Upon arrival,students should have funds in excess of the average to cover the cost of text books and

establishment expenses such as rental bond payment and

basic furniture items.The amount spent on food,

recreation,and entertainment expenses will vary

according to requirements,budget,and location.

Those who are prepared to live in shared

accommodation,which may not be suitable for all,might

manage on A$10,000 per year.It is preferable for

overseas students whose English is in need of practice

to take advantage of live in situations with

nativespeakers whenever possible.However,sharing with

friends who are easy to communicate with is probably

more sensible at first.

The above figures do not include the cost of large

non-essential items such as household equipment or a

car.Owning and maintaining a motorvehicle is expensive

in Australia. Insurance is compulsory and costly,and

parking both on and off campus can be a problem

requiring additional expense.It is not advisable for a

student to own a car unless it is absolutely necessary.A reasonable secondhand car can cost in excess of A$4000.

Educational institutions are almost always serviced

by reliable public transport.The university and college

campuses within the major cities are well served by

public buses.In addition,the larger cities have

extensive train systems.For example,in Sydney,most

college and university campuses are only 10 or 20

minutes from a rail station.

The summer vacation requires special financial

planning.Expenses for this period must be carefully

estimated and added to costs for the academic year in

order to give a realistic total figure for the calendar

year.They are not included in the estimated

A$10,000—A$12,000 previously quoted.University eating

facilities,and some university and college housing

facilities,close during this time.As a general

rule,international students should expect to spend at

least as much on monthly living expenses during the

summer as they do during the academic year.

Under present immigration regulations,international

students are allowed to work up to 20 hours during term

time and fulltime during vacation.It is impossible for students to expect to earn sufficient funds working

parttime to pay for tuition fees and living costs.While some students are able to supplement their funds with money from parttime and/or vacation work,such work is not always regular even when available,and this can contribute to anxiety and study problems.In general,it is unrealistic to start a course with insufficient funds in the hope that“something will turn up”.Students should be aware that vacation work has become more difficult to find over the last few years,but those interested can contact the Commonwealth Employment Service or the

Students Union on campus.

Student Expenses per Annum in Percentages

Warm clothes are necessary in the southern States

during winter months,as night temperatures can drop to

less than 10 degrees Celsius.Students should bring as

much clothing from home as possible,especially if funds

are rmation on where to buy inexpensive

clothes can be obtained from the International Student

Centre of most colleges and universities.

Do not rush into buying expensive text books.It is

advisable to wait until your first lectures and

tutorials,and then ask academic staff which are the

essential purchases.There is usually a secondhand

bookshop on campus,and used texts are also advertised on faculty noticeboards.

The Students’ Union coordinates a number of outlets on the various university campuses that provide

stationery items and other essential study equipment at

reasonable prices.Some courses require specialised

equipment which can be quite costly,and it is wise to

check any additional costs involved with the course of

your choice.

In general,those practically orientated courses tend to incur(招致)higher additional costs.Expenses for

books,stationery,and equipment vary greatly,but you

should allow approximately $500—$1000 a year.

Most university campuses have banks and/or credit

unions.The banks issue drafts,travellers cheques or

foreign currency notes,and accept telex or airmail

transactions.In some colleges and universities the

credit union is the institutions own credit union.In

addition to normal banking and financial services(with

no transaction charges),credit unions usually provide

special services for international students.

Money may be deposited or withdrawn from branches of the credit unions and banks during

business hours from Monday to Friday(but not on public holidays)or 24 hours a day from the many oncampus automatic teller

machines.Business hours for financial institutions

vary,but credit unions are usually open from 9 am to 5

pm weekdays,and,generally,banks are open from 9.30 am to 4 pm(5 pm on Fridays).Some services are available on

Saturday mornings in selected areas.While prices often

compare favourably with prices overseas,because

Australia is a large and exciting country it is very

easy to overspend,especially if on a tight budget.

76.Sharing accommodation is_______.

aaaA.approximately 10,000 per year cheaper than

living alone

aaaB.more expensive than living alone

aaaC.not always suitable for students

aaaD.suitable for most students

77.Students buying a car should take the following

costs into account aaa_______.

aaaA.the purchase price of the car B.insurance costs

aaaC.parking costs D.all of the above

78.Regular parttime work is_______.

aaaA.always available B.not always available

aaaC.sufficient to pay for tuition fees

aa D.20 hours during full-time vacation

79.Courses that are more practical_______.

aaaA.can require specialised equipment B.are usually


aaaC.cost $500—$1000 a year D.are usually more


80.Credit unions on campus_______.

aaaA.are open 24 hours a day

aaaB.provide the usual financial services offered by


aaaC.deduct fees for normal transactions

aaaD.are sometimes open on public holidays

Section B Short Answer Questions(20 points)

Directions:In this part there are 2 short passages

with five questions each. Read the passages

carefully,then answer the questions in the fewest

possible words (not exceeding 10 words).

Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage:

aaaa English Colleges Australasia


EduSeek found 56,040 Web pages for you.

●Institute of LanguagesUNSW(Sydney,Australia)

International and migrant students can learn English

at one of the largest university language centres in


URL(Uniform Resource Locator):ng.unsw.edu.au/ Last modified 3Apr00page size 6Kin English[Translate]

●SELCSydney English Language Centre Intensive English courses:General English(9 levels),English for Academic Purposes, Business English,High School Bridging Program,English for the Internet,Cambridge Test Preparation...

URL:.au/selc/ Last modified 30May00page size 3Kin English[Translate]

●Australian English Colleges English colleges list.New South Wales:A.G.Mate Academy,Alpha Beta Colleges,Access

Language Centre,Aspect International Language



Last modified 30Oct00page size 3Kin


●English Colleges in New Zealand Unique international study destination,how to get there,where and what to study...


Last modified 26Dec00page size 3Kin


●St.Mark’s International CollegesPerth & Sydney

Part of the GEOS(Global Educational Opportunities &

Services) group.Our two Australian colleges...


Last modified 03Jul00page size 3Kin



81.Which search result gives the name of a college

offering computer aaaclasses?

82.Which TWO search results give information about

more than one aaaAustralian college?

83.Which search result gives the names of colleges in

alphabetical aaaorder?

84.Which search result says the country offers a

language learning aaaexperience that is like no other?

85.How many webpages did the search engine find for

the user?

Questions 86 to 90 are based on the following passage:


Instructions for Use:

It is most important that you read this instruction

booklet carefully before first using the QuikFryTM

wok(锅).Until you become familiar with the product,we

advise that you keep the booklet handy and refer to it

when required.


In order to prevent the risk of electric shock,do

not immerse the cord or the probe in water or any other


Whenever the wok is used near children,it is essential

that close supervision takes place.Never leave the

appliance unattended(没人照顾的) if in use.

Before disassembling(分解) the wok for cleaning,switch off and remove the plug from the power source.

Do not use the QuikFryTM wok outdoors.

Avoid touching hot surfaces;instead use the

heatresistant handles on the wok or the heatresistant

plastic knob on top of the glass lid.

Do not cover the QuikFryTM wok with the lid while

using it to deep fry foods.Failure to comply will cause

condensation to drip onto the oil and lead to


Do not operate near hot surfaces such as electric

hotplates,gas burners or in a heated oven.

Do not attempt repair of the QuikFryTM wok.If the

cord becomes damaged,or if the appliance is

malfunctioning,do not operate.Return the appliance to

the nearest authorised service centre for repair.Do not

open the base or touch the electrical components

inside.Tampering with the base will void warranty.

Manufactured for operation only from a standard

domestic power source.

How to Use the QuikFryTM Electronic Wok:

Be sure to season the wok before using it for the

first time.Assemble the wok and heat to the highest

setting(6).Rub the nonstick inner surface of the wok

with 1 tablespoon of e thick paper towelling,being

very careful to avoid contact with the hot surface.

Cooking Methods:

Cooking Method Heat Required Food Preparation Action

Required Time

Stir Frying12 very high cut into uniform dice or small

shreds use tossing motion in a small amount of oil3 2-3


Braising very high as for stir frying add liquid after

stire frying,then simmer until cooked 5-10minutes

Deep Frying456 high7 wipe moisture from food8 cook

only a few pieces at a time9 <5mintues

Shallow Frying high7 pre-cook food as for deep

frying,but use only 2 tbsp of oil <5mintes

1 blot meat dry to avoid stewing of food in excess


2 add ingredients in order of length of time

required for cooking

3 use up to 1 tbsp of oil only

4 never use more than 6 cups of oil(maximum


5 allow oil to cool before removing from wok

6 never cover with the lid

7 enough for the oil to simmer without smoking

8 to avoid splattering

9 to ensure crispness


86.What type of electrical power source is the wok

designed for?

87.What will definitely happen if you open the base?

88.Why should the lid never cover the food when deep

frying in the wok?

89.What makes the QuikFryTM wok ideal for deep


90.Which cooking methods require pieces of food ready

for cooking to be zzzof similar size?

Part V Word Guessing and IQ Test (5 minutes,10 points)

Section A Word Guessing(5 points)

91.Having just returned south from a trip to Glasgow,I

found I still aaahad a couple of Scottish fivers in my

back pocket.

aaaA.hands B.impression C.coins D.fivepound notes

92.In a candid interview President Bush describes how

he and his wife aaaLaura were forced to flee a suspected

midnight attack on the White aaaHouse in their

nightclothes,admitting they felt engulfed in a fog of


aaaA.surrounded by B.indulged in C.fallen in

D.confused by

93.Waves of helicopters ferried commandos to an

airport near aaaKandahar,the Taliban s final stronghold.

aaaA.counterstrike B.underground shelter

aaaC.fort D.frontline

94.Dr. Wilks said cloning tests on animals had caused

a string of aaalaboratory mutations and poor results.

A.experiments B.genetic changes C.disasters


95.I hate to say it but the stark fact is that my

career is in crisis aaaand I nearly lost my current job.

A.dark B.unbelievable C.plain D.amazing

Section B IQ Test(5 points)


The top two scales are in perfect balance. How many

clubs will be aaaaneeded to balance the bottom set?

A.10 clubs. B.9 clubs. C.8 clubs. D.7 clubs.

97.What number should replace the question mark?

A.97. B.135. C.7. D.52.

98. Which arrangement is missing from these sequences?


is to asis to

aaaaAaaaaaaaaaaB aaaaaaaaCaaaaaaaaaD

100. This is a mirror image problem. One of the four

given images has aaaaan error on it.

aaaaWhich of A, B, C or D is the odd one out?


aaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaB aaaaaaaaCaaaaaaaaaD

Part VI Translation (10 minutes,10 points)

Directions:Translate the underlined sentences of the

following passage into Chinese on the Answer Sheet.

Executive Pay

