酒店礼宾部英语新版 - 图文

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Chapter 1: Essential Hotel vocabulary .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Chapter 2: Correctly telling the time ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Chapter 3: Greetings and farewells ................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Chapter 4: Greeting and showing guest to front desk ......................................................... 3 Chapter 5: Introducing the hotel to the guest .................................................................... 11 Chapter 6: Taking guest from front desk to their room .................................................... 14 Chapter 7: Dealing with guest problems ........................................................................... 18 Chapter 8: Arranging taxi for the guest ............................................................................ 20 Chapter 9: Arranging transport for guests ........................................................................ 24 Chapter 10: Guest Q&A.................................................................................................... 26 Additional Information ..................................................................................................... 30



Chapter 1: Essential Hotel vocabulary

1. Numbers 数字

One 一 Three 三 Five 五 Seven 七 Nine 九 Eleven 十一 Thirteen 十三 Fifteen 十五 Seventeen 十七 Nineteen 十九 Thirty 三十 Fifty 五十 Seventy 七十 Ninety 九十 Thousand 千

Billion 十亿

2. Ordinal numbers 序数词

First 第一 Third 第三 Fifth 第五 Seventh 第七 Ninth 第九 Eleventh 第十一 Thirteenth 第十三 Fifteenth 第十五 Seventeenth 第十七 Nineteenth 第十九

3. Hotel floors 酒店楼层

Basement level 1 地下一楼 First floor / Ground floor一楼 Twenty-second floor 二十二楼

4. Days of the week 星期……

Monday 周一

Wednesday 周三 Friday 周五

Two 二 Four 四 Six 六 Eight 八 Ten 十 Twelve 十二 Fourteen 十四 Sixteen 十六 Eighteen 十八 Twenty 二十 Forty 四十 Sixty 六十 Eighty 八十 Hundred 百



Second 第二 Fourth 第四 Sixth 第六 Eighth 第八 Tenth 第十 Twelfth 第十二 Fourteenth 第十四 Sixteenth 第十六 Eighteenth 第十八



Basement level 2 地下二楼 Twelfth floor 十二楼 Twenty-ninth floor


Tuesday 周二 Thursday 周四




Concierge Sunday


5. Months of the year 月份

January 一月 March 三月 May 五月 July 七月 September 九月 November 十一月

6. Dates 日期

Yesterday Today Tomorrow The day before yesterday The day after tomorrow August 2nd, 2002 October 3rd, 2001

January 21st

, 1999

昨天 今天 明天 前天 后天

2002年8月2日 2001年10月3日 1999年1月21日

February April June August October December

二月 四月 六月 八月 十月 十二月



Chapter 2: Correctly telling the time

1. 2. 3. Six o'clock / 6 : 00 Five o'clock / 5 : 00 One o'clock / 1 : 00 4. 5. 6. half past six / 6: 30 half past five / 5 : 30 half past seven / 7 : 30 7. 8. 9. A Quarter past eleven A Quarter to eleven 11 : 45 11 : 15 A Quarter past twelve 12 : 15 10. 11. 12. Twenty past twelve 12 : 20 Ten to twelve 11 : 50 Twenty five to seven 6 : 35 A clock?s “minute” pointer:

From 12 to 6 is known as “past”. From 6 to 12 is known as “to”.

3 on the clock face is known as “a quarter past”. 6 on the clock face is known as “half past”. 9 on the clock face is known as “a quarter to”. 12 on the clock face is known as “o?clock”.





从12到6读“past”。 从6到12度“to”。

指针在3读作“a quarter past”。 指针在6读作“half past”。 指针在9读作“a quarter to”。 指针在12读作“o?clock”。



Chapter 3: Greetings and farewells

1. Vocabulary 生词

morning 早上 evening 晚上 see 看 gentlemen 先生 City Hotel 城市酒店 look forward to……期望/盼望 you 你/您/你们 night 夜晚 same 同样的

2. Sentences 句子

(1) Greetings 问候

Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good to see you again. Welcome to City Hotel! How do you do! Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen.

(2) Farewells 辞别

Good night. Look forward to seeing you again. Have a good day! Look forward to serving you next time.

3. Dialogs 对话部份

(1) Greetings 问候

Waiter/Waitress: Good morning, Sir. Guest: Morning!

服务员/女服务员:早上好,先生。 客人:早!

Waiter/Waitress: Good to see you again! Guest: Thank you!


afternoon 下午

good 好 lady 小姐 again 再一次 next time 下一次 serving 服务

do 做/助动词 day 白天/天



早上好! 下午好! 晚上好! 非常高兴再次见到您。 欢迎来到隐秀山居酒店! 您好! 女士们,先生们,下午好。 晚安。 希望再次见到您。 祝您今天有个好心情! 希望下次再为您服务。 7



Waiter/Waitress: Welcome to City hotel. Guest: Thank you!

服务员/女服务员:欢迎来到城市酒店。 客人:谢谢!

(2) Farewells 辞别

Waiter/Waitress: Goodnight, Sir. Guest: Goodnight!

服务员/女服务员:先生,晚安。 客人:晚安!

Waiter/Waitress: Have a good day, Sir. Guest: Thanks! The same to you .

服务员/女服务员:先生,祝您有个好心情。 客人:谢谢!你也一样。

Waiter/Waitress: Look forward to serving you next time. Guest: Thank you!

服务员/女服务员:希望下次再为您服务。 客人:谢谢!

4. Notes on the text 课文注解

(1) Morning!

在口语中,“Good morning!”可以缩略为“Morning!”,就跟中文中说“早!”代替“早上好!”是同一个道理。

(2) The same to you.


(3) 复数形式

英语中可数名词的复数形式一般是在单数名词后面加上-s,如book – books;如果名词是以-s结尾的,变成复数时要加-es,如dress – dresses;如果名词是以-y结尾的,那么绝大部份情况下,变复数时要去掉-y加上-ies,如课文中的lady – ladies;还有部份名词变复数时不规则,如课文中的gentleman – gentlemen。



Chapter 4: Greeting and showing a guest to the

front desk

1. Vocabulary 生词

Luggage 行李 trunk 车尾箱 Boot 车尾箱/靴子 suitcase行李箱 have 有 Any 一些 Bag 包 Piece 片 will 将 Take 拿

them 他们 For 为了……Are 是 These 这些 Entire 整个 Come 来 This 这个 way 方向 Show 表现 Front 前面 Desk

桌子 check-in登记 Reservation 预订 with 与…一起Us 我们 may 可能 Know 知道 name 名字 Colleague 同事

help 帮助

2. Sentences 句子

Welcome to City hotel. 欢迎到隐秀山居酒店。

Do you have any luggage in the trunk, Sir? 先生,您有行李在车尾箱里吗?

I will take them for you, Sir. Are these the entire luggage you have, Sir? 先生,您全部行李都齐了吗?我帮您拿。

Come this way, Sir. I will show you to the Front Desk to check in. 先生,这边请。我带您去前台办理入住。 Do you have a reservation with us, Sir? 您有没有入住预订? May I know your name? 能告诉我您的名字吗?

This is the Front Desk. My colleague will help you to check in. 这是前台。我的同事会为您办理入住手续。

3. Dialog 对话部份

Concierge: Good morning Sir. Welcome to Castle hotel (smiling). Guest: Good morning!

Concierge: Do you have any luggage in the boot (trunk), Sir?

Guest: Yes, I have three suitcases (bags/pieces of luggage). Concierge: I will take them for you, Sir.



Guest: Thanks!

Concierge: Are these the entire luggage you have, Sir? Guest: Yes.

Concierge: Come this way, Sir. I will show you to the Front Desk to check in. Concierge: Do you have a reservation with us, Sir? Guest: Yes, I have.

Concierge: May I know your name? Guest: My name is Danny. Concierge: Sir, this is the Front Desk. My colleague will help you to check in.

Guest: Thank you!


礼宾员: 早上好先生。欢迎来到隐秀山居酒店(微笑着)。 客人: 早上好。

礼宾员: 您有行李在车尾箱里吗?

客人: 是的,里面有三个行李箱(袋子/行李)。 礼宾员: 我帮您拿。 客人: 谢谢!

礼宾员: 先生,您的行李都齐了吗? 客人: 齐了。

礼宾员: 先生这边请。我带您到前台办理入住。 礼宾员: 先生,您有预订吗? 客人: 有。

礼宾员: 请问您怎么称呼? 客人: 我叫丹尼。

礼宾员: 先生,这是前台。我同事会帮您办理入住。 客人: 谢谢。

4. Notes on the text 课文注解



Do you have any luggage in the trunk?


用I will表示在说话时决定做的动作。课文中的例子: I will take them for you.



Chapter 5: Introducing the hotel to the guest

1. Vocabulary 生词

Excuse me 打搅了 key 钥匙 sure 当然 Time 时间 In 在…里 Introduce 介绍 Main 主要的 over there 在那 center 中心 Greenland lounge绿涧廊 Business 商务 sauna 桑拿 Tennis court 网球场 GYM 健身房 Raining 下雨 Slippery 滑的 Feet 脚(复数) Trip 旅游 Shall 将 Corridor 走廊

Room 房间 Please 请 Here 这儿 stay 留下 allow 允许 facility 设施 building 建筑 concierge 礼宾部 behind 在…之后 Café 咖啡厅 Floor 地板/楼层 swimming pool游泳池 Orchard Chinese restaurant馥轩中餐厅 Signature 签名 outside 外面 Mind 在意 pleasant 令人愉快的 Service 服务 lead 领导 pleasure 荣幸

2. Sentences 句子

May I have your room key, please? 可以把你的房卡给我吗?

May I show you to your room? 我能带你到你的房间吗?

Is this your first time to stay in our hotel? 这是你第一次来我们酒店吗?

Please allow me to introduce our hotel facilities to you. 请让我为您介绍我们的酒店。

This is our hotel lobby. Over there is the concierge, in the center is the Greenland lounge, and behind the Greenland lounge is the Café Pavilion.

这是主楼大堂,那边是礼宾部, 在中间是大堂吧,在大堂吧的后面有我们的咖啡厅。 Our Business Center is on the 3rd floor and our swimming pool, sauna, tennis courts, GYM and Orchard Chinese restaurant are on the 4th floor.

我们的商务中心在三楼,游泳池,桑拿浴,网球场, 体育馆和馥轩在四楼。

3. Dialog 对话部份

Concierge: Excuse me, Sir. May I have your room key, please?



Guest: Sure, here you are.

Concierge: May I show you to your room?

Guest: Ok.

Concierge: Is this your first time to stay in our hotel?

Guest: Yes, it?s my first time.

Concierge: Please allow me to introduce our hotel facilities to you. Guest: Sure.

Concierge: This is the main building lobby. Over there is the concierge, in the center is the Greenland lounge, and behind the Greenland lounge is the Café Pavilion.

Concierge: Our Business Center is on the 3rd floor and our swimming pool, sauna, tennis courts, GYM and Orchard Chinese restaurant are on the 4th floor.


礼宾员: 打搅了,先生。能用一下您的房卡吗? 客人: 可以,给你。

礼宾员: 我能带您带您到您房间吗? 客人: 好的。

礼宾员: 您是第一次到我们酒店吗? 客人: 是的,第一次来。

礼宾员: 请允许我为您介绍一下酒店的设施。 客人: 好的。

礼宾员: 这是主楼大堂。那边是礼宾部,在中间的是绿涧廊,在它后面的是廷韵咖啡厅 礼宾员: 我们商务中心在3楼,4楼有我们的游泳池,桑拿,网球场,健身房和馥轩中餐厅。

4. Extra Info 额外信息

May I have your signature, Sir? 请你在这里签上你的名字

It?s raining outside and the floor is slippery. Please mind your feet. 外面下雨,地板很滑。请注意滑倒 Have a pleasant trip, sir. 祝你旅途愉快! Can I help you? 我什么可以帮你 May I be of service? 我可以为你服务吗?

Shall I show you to your room? 要我带你去房间吗? May I lead the way, Sir? 我可以为你带路吗? It?s my pleasure 这是我的荣幸。

Your room is at the end of the corridor. 你的房间在走廊的尽头



May I have your room key please? 可以把你的房卡给我吗?

This is your room, Sir. May I put your suitcase here? 这是你的房间。我可以放你的行李放在这里吗?



Chapter 6: Taking guest from front desk to their


1. Vocabulary 生词

Just open Keycard Left Control light And so on quickly need before Bedspread Attendant Clean Make Distance dial line country area telephone Internet safety box wardrobe stairs emergency else

仅仅 打开 钥匙卡 左/留(过去时) 控制 灯 以及 快速的 必须 在…之前 床罩 服务员 干净 制造 距离 拨打 线 国家 地区 电话 互联网 保险箱 衣柜 楼梯 紧急的 其他

Moment 瞬间 Door 门 Must 必须 Here 这儿 All 所有 air-conditioner空调 luggage rack 行李架 introduce 介绍 stay 停留 change 改变 pillow 枕头 replace 替换 mini bar 迷你吧 long 长 call 呼叫 outside 外面 follow 跟随 code 代码 finally 最终 number 号码 connection 连接 hairdryer 风筒 fire exit map 走火图 lift 电梯 anything任何事物 extension 分机

2. Sentences 句子

Please follow me. I will show you to your room now. 请跟我走。我带你到你的房间。 This is the 11th floor, after you, Sir. 我们到十一楼。你先请。

Here is your room #1110. Just a moment, please. Let me open the door for you. 这里是1110房。稍等一下。让我打开你的门。

The keycard must be left here to control all of the rooms facilities such as the lights, TV, air-conditioner, and so on. May I put your luggage on the luggage rack for you, Sir? 将房卡放在这里以确保房间设备的运行,我可以将你的行李放在行李架上面吗? May I quickly introduce your room?s facilities to you, Sir?




If you want to change your bedspread then you need to put this sign on your pillow. Our room attendant will then replace your bedspread with a clean one.


The mini-bar is inside here. If you want to make a long distance call then please dial “9” for an outside line, followed by the country code, the area code and finally the person?s telephone number.


Over there is the Internet connection and your safety box and hairdryer are in the wardrobe.


The fire exit map is here and you can see the stairs here. Don?t take the lift in an emergency.


Is there anything else I may do for you? 还有什么可以帮到你吗?

If you need anything, please let us know. Our Concierge extension (EXT) number is: 33. We hope you have a pleasant stay with us. Good-bye.


3. Dialog 对话部份

Concierge: Please follow me. I will show you to your room now. Guest: Ok.

(Enters lift and selects floor 11…)

Concierge: This is the 11th floor, after you, Sir. Guest: Thank you.

Concierge: Here is your room #1110. Just a moment, please. Let me open the door for

you. The keycard must be left here to control all of the room?s facilities such as the lights, TV, air-conditioner, and so on. May I put your luggage on the luggage rack for you, Sir?

Guest: Please!

Concierge: May I quickly introduce your room?s facilities to you, Sir?

Guest: Sure. (No need. I?ve stayed in many hotels before).

Concierge: put this sign on your pillow. Our room attendant will then replace your

bedspread with a clean one. The mini-bar is inside here. If you want to make a long distance call then please dial “9” for an outside line, followed by the country code, the area code and finally the person?s telephone number. Over there is the Internet connection and your safety box and hairdryer are in the wardrobe.

Concierge: The fire exit map is here and you can see the stairs here. Don?t take the lift

in an emergency.

Guest: Ok, thank you very much!

Concierge: Is there anything else I may do for you? Guest: No, thank you!



Concierge: If you need anything, please let us know. Our Concierge extension (EXT)

number is: 66. We hope you have a pleasant stay with us. Good-bye.

Guest: Thank you very much. Good-bye.


礼宾员: 请跟我来,我现在就带您上房间。 客人: 好的。


礼宾员: 这是11楼,先生您先请。 客人: 谢谢。

礼宾员: 这是您的房间1110房。请稍等。我帮您开门。钥匙卡必须放在这儿用以控制房


客人: 谢谢。

礼宾员: 我可以为您简单的介绍房间设施吗先生? 客人: 好的。(不用了,我住过很多酒店了。)

礼宾员: 将这个小蜜蜂放到枕头上。我们的服务员将帮您更换您的床单。迷你吧在这个里


礼宾员: 这是走火图,楼梯在这。在紧急事故中请不要乘坐电梯。 客人: 好,非常感谢。

礼宾员: 还有什么可以帮到您吗? 客人: 不用了,谢谢。

礼宾员: 如果有什么需要,请跟我们说。我们礼宾部的分机号码是66。祝您入住愉快。再


客人: 非常感谢。再见。

4. Notes on the text 课文注解


现在完成时用来表示现在之前已发生过或完成的动作或状态,但其结果却和现在有联系,也就是说,动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在。其基本结构为:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词。课文中的句子为: I?ve stayed in many hotels before. 我之前已经住过很多酒店了。

5. Extra Info 额外信息

Sure. Just put them here. 可以,放在这里吧

Is this the correct number of bags? 包的数量正确吗?



Shall I open the curtains for you? 你要我打开你的窗帘吗?

This is the air conditioner control. 这是空调遥控器

The buttons control the room temperature at high, medium and low. 用它控自空的温度(高,中,低)

Here are the switches for the room lights. 这里是灯的开/关。

Over here is the switch for the bedside lamp. 那里是床头灯的开关

Here is the closet and the mini bar. 这里是你的衣柜和Mini bar.

This is drinking water. This knob is for chilled drinking water. 这是饮用水,按这个开关就可以制冷

There is the socket for the electric shaver. It?s 220 Volts. 这里是剃须刀的电源插座,是220伏特 Hot water is available 24 hours a day. 热水24小时供应

Shall I hang your suit in the closet, Sir? 我可以帮您把衣服挂在衣柜里面吗? All stationary is in the desk drawer, Sir. 所有的办公用品在抽屉里,先生

If you need anything, please call “room service”. 如果你需要什么,请打电话给“客房服务” Is there anything else I can do for you, Sir? 还有什么可以帮到你吗?

The doors automatically lock, so please take your key out when you go out. 房间的门会自动锁上,所以出去时请带上钥匙 Please mind your head. 请注意碰头



Chapter 7: Dealing with guest problems

1. Vocabulary 生词

Everything My Back just now Door Man license plate think cab hurry news bring future

所有事物 我的 后面 刚才 门童 牌照 思考 的士 赶紧 新闻 携带 将来

alright 没问题 mobile phone 手机 Came 来 pull away开始移动 a piece of 一张… written down 写下来 gave give的过去时 taxi firm 出租车公司 great 很好的 situation 情况 careful 小心

2. Sentences 句子

Is everything alright? 一切都还好吗?

Did the Door Man give you a piece of paper with the taxi license plate number written down on?

门童有给您一张写着的士车牌号码的纸吗? I have great news for you, Sir. 先生,我有好消息了。

I contacted the taxi firm and told them your situation. 我联系了的士公司跟他们说了您的情况。

After I gave them the taxi license plate number they contacted the driver and he found your mobile phone on the back seat.


He will bring it back to the hotel now for you. 他将会将它带回酒店。

You are most welcome, Sir. 不用谢,先生。

Please try to be more careful in future. 以后要小心点了。

3. Dialog 对话部份

Concierge: Good morning Sir. Is everything alright?

Guest: No, I left my mobile phone in the back of the taxi! Concierge: Which taxi, Sir?

Guest: The taxi I came to the hotel in just now! It?s just pulled away.



Concierge: Did the Door Man give you a piece of paper with the taxi license plate number written down on, Sir?

Guest: No, I don?t think so. . . Ah, Wait, here, the Door Girl gave me this piece of paper when I got out of the cab.

Concierge: Yes, that?s it. Please wait for a moment while I call the taxi firm for you. Guest: Ok, please hurry!

========================= 3 minutes later =========================== Concierge: I have great news for you, Sir. I contacted the taxi firm and told them your situation. After I gave them the taxi license number they contacted the driver and he

found your mobile phone on the back seat. He will bring it back to the hotel now for you.

Guest: Wow! Great work!! Thank you so much.

Concierge: You are most welcome, Sir. Please try to be more careful in future. Guest: I will. Thanks again!


礼宾员: 早上好,先生。有什么事吗? 客人: 我的手机漏在的士车的后座了。 礼宾员: 哪辆的士,先生?

客人: 就是刚才我坐到酒店的那辆的士,刚刚才开走。

礼宾员: 先生,门童有给您一张写着的士车牌号码的纸吗?

客人: 应该没有…阿!等等,女门童在我下车的时候给了我这张卡片。 礼宾员: 是了,就是这张。请稍等,我帮您打个电话给的士公司。 客人: 好的,麻烦快点。

=============================== 3 分钟后============================= 礼宾员: 先生,有好消息了。我联系了的士公司,跟他们说了您的情况。在我把的士车车牌给他们后,他们联系到了的士车司机,司机在的士后坐上找到了您的手机。 客人: 那太好了。太感谢了。

礼宾员: 不用谢,先生。以后就要小心点了。 客人: 好,再次谢谢你。



Chapter 8: Arranging taxi for the guest

1. Vocabulary 生词

Which Friend From great at about During Better Little Suggest right away sofa driver destination cost helpful card get back number Sure check out underground free

哪个 朋友 来自 非常的 在 大概 当…之时 更好的 小的 建议 立刻 沙发 司机 目的地 费用 有用的 卡 回来 数字 当然 检查 地下 免费

meet 会议/遇见 flight 航班 Taxi 的士 Arrive 到达 Usually经常 minute 分钟

rush hour高峰时刻 leave 离开 earlier 更早的 late 迟了

take a seat 请坐 tell 告诉 your 你的

told tell的过去式 taxi meter计程器 job 工作 unsure 不确定 give 给予 bottom 底部 fine 好

pick up 接车/机 parking停车场 charge 费用

2. Sentences 句子

May I help you? 我可以帮您吗?

I want to go to the Airport. 我想去机场。

Shall I call you a Taxi? 需要我为您叫的士吗?

The limousine to Shen Zhen Airport does not come on a regular schedule. We must reserve it for you.


It usually takes about 40 minutes, but during the rush hour it?s better to leave a little earlier.


I suggest you take a taxi at 4:30 pm. This will ensure you are not late meeting your friend. 我建议您下午4:30打车走。以确保您不会迟到与朋友的约会。 Your taxi has arrived. 您的的士到了。



Shall I tell the driver your destination? 需要我告诉司机到哪里吗?

I told the driver your destination. It will cost around RMB 120 to the airport. The driver will use the taxi meter.


When you are ready to return to the hotel, please show this card to the taxi driver. 如果你想回酒店请出示这张卡给的士司机。

If you?re unsure how to get back, please give us a call. The number is at the bottom of this card. If you call please ask for Johnny.


3. Dialog 对话部份

Concierge: Good, Afternoon, Sir. May I help you?

Guest: Yes, I want to go to the Airport. Concierge: Which airport will you go to?

Guest: I will go to Shenzhen Airport to meet my friend. He has a flight from Beijing. Concierge: Shall I call you a Taxi?

Guest: Yes, please. That would be great.

Concierge: What time will your friend arrive at Shenzhen Airport?

Guest: He will be arriving at 6:00 pm. How long does it take to go to Shenzhen


Concierge: It usually takes about 40 minutes, but during the rush hour it?s better to

leave a little earlier.

Concierge: I suggest you take a taxi at 4:30 pm. This will ensure you are not late

meeting your friend.

Concierge: It?s 4:20 pm now. I will order you a taxi right away. Please take a seat on the

sofa until the taxi arrives.

Guest: Ok. Thanks!

Concierge: (10 minutes later) … Sir, your taxi has arrived.

Guest: Alright!

Concierge: Shall I tell the driver your destination?

Guest: Please.

Concierge: Sir, I told the driver your destination. It will cost around RMB 120 to the

airport. The driver will use the taxi meter.

Guest: Thank you very much. You have been very helpful. Concierge: No, Sir. I am just doing my job.

Concierge: When you are ready to return to the hotel, please show this card to the taxi

driver. (Hands name card to guest)

Guest: Thank you very much!

Concierge: If you?re unsure how to get back, please give us a call. The number is at the

bottom of this card. If you call please ask for Johnny.

Guest: Sure!


礼宾员: 先生下午好。我可以帮您吗?



客人: 我想去机场。

礼宾员: 您要去哪个机场?

客人: 我要去深圳机场见我朋友。他从北京飞过来。 礼宾员: 帮您叫部的士好吗? 客人: 那太好了。

礼宾员: 你们的朋友什么时候到深圳机场?

客人: 他将在下午6点钟到。去深圳机场要多久?

礼宾员: 通常是40分钟,但是在交通高峰期最好提早些出发。 礼宾员: 我建议您下午4:30出来坐车。以确保您不会迟到。 礼宾员: 4:20了,我现在就帮您叫的士。请到沙发那稍等。 客人: 好的,谢谢。

礼宾员: (10分钟后)先生,您的的士到了。 客人: 好的。

礼宾员: 帮您跟司机说目的地好吗? 客人: 可以。

礼宾员: 先生,我跟司机说了您的目的地。到机场大约120元。司机将会用计程表。 客人: 非常感谢。你做得非常好。 礼宾员: 不客气。这是我的职责。

礼宾员: 回来的时候请将这张卡给司机。(将名片递给客人) 客人: 非常感谢。

礼宾员: 如果您不确定如何回来,请致电给我们。电话号码在卡片的下面。到时找Johnny


Guest: 好的。

4. Notes on the text 课文注解


一般过去时指过去某个特定时间发生的动作,它不强调动作对现在的影响,只说明过去。其形式表示为:主语+动词过去式。课文中的句子为: I told the driver your destination. 我把您的目的地告诉了司机。

5. Extra Info 额外信息

Would you like a taxi? 您需要的士吗?

Where are you going, Sir? 先生,你去哪里?

Would you like me to give directions to the driver? 需要我告诉司机指出方向吗?

Could you call a taxi for me? I?ve just checked out. 你可以帮我叫个的士?我刚退房 It takes about 10 minutes by taxi. 坐的士大概十分钟。

It will cost you 50 Yuan or so.




This business card explains how to get back to the Pavilion hotel. 这是我们酒店卡片。上面说明怎么返回圣廷苑酒店。

Just a moment, please. I?m sure a taxi will be available in a few minutes. 请等一下,我确定的士几分钟后会来。

The underground parking is near the entrance to the car park. 地下停车场就在入口的旁边。

Parking is free for guests of the hotel 酒店为客人提供免费停车。

Would you like the driver to pick you up later? 稍后你需要司机去接你吗?

If you?re unsure how to get back, please give us a call. 如果你不知道怎么回来,请打电话给我们。



Chapter 9: Arranging transport for guests

1. Vocabulary 生词

like 喜欢 mean 意思 several 几个 choose 选择 tariff 价格表 Mercedes-Benz奔驰 Nissan 日产 Buick 别克 Executive 高官 their 他们的 rental 租金 different 不同的 pay 付钱

arrange 安排 Has 有 Available 可用的 take a look 看一看 such as 例如 Lexus 陵志 Toyota 丰田 Bentley 宾利 prefer 更愿意 Choice 选择 price 价钱

International Airport国际机场 one way 单程

2. Sentences 句子

What can I do for you? 有什么可以为您效劳?

Would you like me to arrange a car for you, Sir? 需要我帮您安排一辆车吗,先生?

Our concierge has a Limousine service. 我们礼宾部有豪华轿车出租。

We have several cars available for you to choose from. 我们有不同的车型可供您选择。

Please take a look at our Limousine service tariff. 请看看豪华轿车价目表。

As you can see, we have several cars available, such as; Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Nissan, Toyota, Buick and of course the Bentley.

就像您看到的,我们有梅赛德斯奔驰,莱克萨斯,日产,丰田,别克和宾利。 The price is different for each car. 不同的车有不同的价格。 Which car do you prefer, Sir? 您更喜欢哪辆车呢,先生?

Ming Ren Jia Qi is right next to Shenzhen International Airport, so the price you should pay is RMB 1800 / one way.


3. Dialog 对话部份

Concierge: Good morning, Sir. What can I do for you?

Guest: Morning, I?d like to go to Ming Ren Jia Qi in Shenzhen this evening. Concierge: Would you like me to arrange a car for you, Sir?



Guest: Do you mean a Taxi?

Concierge: No, Sir. Our concierge has a Limousine service. We have several cars available for you to choose from.

Guest: Sounds good!

Concierge: Please take a look at our Limousine service tariff…Here you are, Sir. (Hands tariff to guest) Guest: Thanks.

Concierge: As you can see, we have several cars available, such as; Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Nissan, Toyota, Buick and of course the Bentley.

Concierge: Most Executives prefer the Bentley as their choice of car.

Guest: So, what are the rental prices?

Concierge: The price is different for each car. Which car do you prefer, Sir?

Guest: Of course, the Bentley! How much should I pay to Ming Ren Jia Qi?

Concierge: Ming Ren Jia Qi is right next to Shenzhen International Airport, so the price you should pay is RMB 1800 / one way.

Guest: That?s not bad! Please arrange the car for 7pm tonight. Concierge: Certainly, Sir.


礼宾员: 早上好,先生。有什么可以帮到您? 客人: 早,我晚上想去深圳名人假期。 礼宾员: 需要我帮您安排辆车吗,先生? 客人: 你是说的士吗?

礼宾员: 不是的先生。我们礼宾部有豪华轿车服务。我们有不同的车型以供选择。 客人: 好像不错啊。

礼宾员: 请先看看我们的豪华轿车服务价目表。给您,先生。 (将价目表递给客人) 客人: 谢谢。

礼宾员: 就像您看到的,我们有梅赛德斯奔驰,莱克萨斯,日产,丰田,别克和宾利。 礼宾员: 大多数的老总都喜欢选择宾利。 客人: 那,租金是多少?

礼宾员: 不同的车型价格就不一样。您更喜欢哪种车呢,先生? 客人: 当然是宾利了!去名人假期要多少钱?

礼宾员: 名人假期在深圳国际机场旁边,价格应该是1800元一程。 客人: 还行!那就安排今晚7点钟吧。 礼宾员: 没问题,先生。



Chapter 10: Guest Q&A

1. Vocabulary 生词

Restaurant 餐厅 What 什么 Food 食物 Since 自从 Try 尝试 Always 总是 Them 他们 some 一些 our 我们的 bore 无聊 shopping 购物 theater 剧院 near 相邻的 Most of 大多数… Exciting 激动地 Seem 看起来 Beach 海滩 Famous 出名的 far away 遥远的 check 检查 Certainly 当然 Hotel 酒店 surf the Internet网上冲浪 Absolutely 完全地 Of course 当然 nominal 一般的

dinner 晚餐 kind 形式

interested in对…感兴趣 want 想

Pheonix house凤凰楼 choice 选择 Recommend 建议 Place 地方 Kid 孩子 With 与…一起 Movie 电影 Coco Park 福田购物公园 Here 这儿

anything任何(否定/疑问) Lots of 很多 time 时间 was is的过去式 quieter 更安静的 sound 听起来 Internet café 网吧

Business Center商务中心 Internet access网络接口 information 信息 Can 可以 Honest 诚实的

2. Sentences 句子

What kind of food are you interested in? 您对什么食物感兴趣?

The Orchard restaurant, Chun Man Yuan and Pheonix house are always a good choice. 馥轩餐厅,春满园和凤凰楼都是很好的选择。

There?s a movie theater in Coco Park which is very near to here. Most of the movies are in English.

在福田购物公园有一个电影院,离我们非常近。大多数都是英语电影。 Lots of kids seem to have a great time at the Beach. 大多数的孩子都喜欢去沙滩。

There are two famous beaches. They are called Da Mei Sha and Xiao Mei Sha. Xiao Mei Sha is the quieter out of the two beaches.

有两个著名的海滩。他们叫 大梅沙和小梅沙。其中小梅沙比较安静。



It will take 45 minutes or so to get there by car. 坐车到那儿大概45分钟。

The Business Center at the hotel has Internet access. 酒店的商务中心可以上网。 Absolutely sir. 当然可以,先生。

To be honest sir, I don?t really know. But I?m sure it?s a nominal fee. 先生,事实上我不知道。但是我敢保证是正常收费。

3. Dialogs 对话部份


Guest: We?re looking for a good restaurant for dinner. Staff: What kind of food are you interested in?

Guest: Since we are in China, we want to try Chinese food.

Staff: The Orchard restaurant, Chun Man Yuan and Pheonix house are always a good


Guest: Thank you very much. We?ll try one of them. (2)

Guest: Could you recommend some place to take our kids? They?re getting bored with


Staff: Sure, there?s a movie theater in Coco Park which is very near to here. Most of

the movies are in English.

Guest: Is there anything else more exciting?

Staff: Lots of kids seem to have a great time at the Beach.

Guest: The beach? I didn?t know there was a beach here. What?s the name of this


Staff: There are two famous beaches. They are called Da Mei Sha and Xiao Mei Sha.

Xiao Mei Sha is the quieter out of the two beaches but isn?t free of charge. Guest: How far away are the beaches?

Staff: It will take 45 minutes or so to get there by car. Guest: That sounds OK. (3)

Guest: I need to check my e-mails. Is there an Internet café near here? Staff: Certainly, sir. The Business Center at the hotel has Internet access.

Guest: Can I also surf the Internet there? I need to find some information for a meeting. Staff: Absolutely sir.

Guest: Can I also save information to a disk or flash memory? Staff: Of course.

Guest: Do you know how much it costs?

Staff: To be honest sir, I don?t really know. But I?m sure it?s a nominal fee. Guest: Ok, thank you. Staff: My pleasure, sir.



译文部份 (1)

客人: 我们想要找间好的餐厅吃晚饭。 服务员: 你们喜欢什么样的菜式呢?

客人: 既然来到中国,我们想试试中国菜。

服务员: 馥轩餐厅、春满园和凤凰楼都是不错的选择。 客人: 非常感谢。我们会试试的。 (2)

客人: 能推荐些孩子们的好去处吗?我们逛街都逛腻了。

服务员: 没问题,在这附近的福田购物公园有个电影院,大多数电影都是英语的。 客人: 还有更好的地方吗?

服务员: 很多孩子们都喜欢去沙滩。

客人: 海滩?我不知道这还有海滩。海滩叫什么名字?

服务员: 这有两个著名的海滩。叫做大梅沙和小梅沙。其中小梅沙要安静点,但不是免费的。

客人: 海滩离这有多远? 服务员: 坐车大概45分钟。 客人: 还不错。 (3)

客人: 我要查下我的邮件。这附近有网吧吗? 服务员: 有,先生。酒店的商务中心有网络接口。 客人: 那我能在那上网吗?我要为我的会议找些资料。 服务员: 没问题先生。

客人: 那我能将信息存到硬盘或U盘里吗? 服务员: 当然可以。

客人: 你知道怎么收费吗?

服务员: 先生,事实上我不知道。但是我敢保证是正常收费。 客人: 好的,谢谢。

服务员: 为您服务是我的荣幸,先生。

4. Notes on the text 课文注解



在英文中,当我们把一个人或物与另一个人或物进行比较时,就要用形容词的比较级。大多数形容词的比较级是在原级后面加上 -er,如dark – darker,light – lighter,quiet – quieter。

5. Extra Info 额外信息

How long does it take to get to the Airport from the hotel? 从酒店到机场需要多长时间?



Could you describe them please? 你能不能介绍它们这些?

Yes, the name is (person?s name). 是的,名字叫(人的名字)

Thank you. Would you help me with my luggage? 谢谢!你能帮我把行李?

You?re correct / yes, that?s right 你是对的 / 是的,没错 Thank you very much. 非常感谢

Yes, what shall I do now? 是的,你现在要我做什么呢?

How long have you been working here for? 你在这里上班多长时间? I want to go to the Bank 我要去银行

Do the local Banks accept my credit card? 本地的银行能不能接受我的信用卡?

Where are the best shopping centers around here? 最好的购物中心在哪里?

How far is the nearest train station from the hotel? 最近的火车站离酒店多远?

Is it safe to outside alone at night? 晚上去外面安不安全?

No, I don?t have a reservation. 不是,我没有预订

I am going to check-in now. 我现在为你办理入住手续 Yes, those are my bags. 是的,那是我的包

I have 3 large and 2 small suitcases. 我有3件大的和两件小的行李

Yes, you can help me find a good restaurant. 是的,你可以帮我找一家好点的餐厅? Here you are. 给你吧

No need to explain anything to me. I frequently stay in hotels.. 不用介绍了,我经常住酒店

If I need anything then I will contact you. 如果我需要什么我会联系你



Additional Information

Vocabulary 生词

Adjoining rooms邻接的房间 Attraction 吸引人的事物 Luggage 行李 front desk 前台 check in 办理入住手续 store 储存/储存室 card holder 持卡人 hairdryer 吹风器 hotel leisure facility酒店休闲设施 floor 楼 king-size bed 超大的床 remote control 遥控器 pay-per-view movies收费电影 English channel英文频道 Pillow 枕头 Slippers 拖鞋 Towel 毛巾 limousine service租车服务 bellboy 行李生 book 书 curtain 窗帘 business center商务中心 Grand ballroom锦绣厅 lobby bar 大堂吧 Fusion Café 菲苑咖啡厅 concierge 礼宾部 Japanese restaurant日本餐馆 Advice 建议 Brochures 小册子

amenities 便利设施 baggage 行李 suitcase 手提箱 reception 前台 check out 退房 room key 房卡 mini-bar 迷你吧 room facility 房间设施 lift 电梯 double bed 双床

air conditioner 空调 television (TV) 电视 television channel电视频道 housekeeping 客房部 type of pillow 枕头种类 hotel guide酒店向导 bathrobe 浴衣 taxi 出租汽车 reservation 预订 cot 婴儿床 Orchard Restaurant 馥轩餐厅 banquet sales 宴会 meeting room 会议室 Café Pavilion 廷苑咖啡厅 Gold rush bar 淘金吧 Kiosk 小卖店 Korean restaurant 韩国餐馆 entertainment 娱乐

complimentary breakfast赠送的早餐

Limousine Service tariff 租车服务

Benz 奔驰汽车 Lexus 雷克萨斯 Toyota Previa丰田 Bentley宾利 Nissan 日产 Buick别克

Destination 地点

Shenzhen Railway station 深圳火车站 Bao?an International Airport深圳宝安国际机场 Da Mei Sha 大梅沙 Xiao Mei Sha 小梅沙 ZhuHai 珠海 Guangzhou Railway station 广州火车站 Guangzhou Airport 广州机场 Hourly hire (Within Shenzhen) 深圳市区内包车/小时 Hong Kong 香港



Public transport 公共交通

Ride乘坐 Driver司机 Cab/Taxi 出租汽车,的士 Shuttle bus穿梭大巴 Rental Car租车 Metro/MTR/Subway地铁 Train 火车 Fare 费用 Taxi Meter 计程器

Health problems,Emergency Services,Health Care Personnel 健康问题,紧急服务,个人健康

Cold 寒冷 Doctor 医生 fire department消防局 headache 头疼 dentist 牙医 hotel security 酒店保安 clinic 医务室 toothache 牙疼

Directions 方向

this way 这边 turn right 向右转 at the end of the corridor 在这条走廊的尽头处 below 在…下面 right 右边 behind 后面 next to… 在…旁边 around the corner在角落附近 back this way 往回走 towards 在…前面 behind 在…后面 South 南

West 西

SPA 水疗

Sauna 桑拿 Manicure 修指甲 Facial 面部护理 body massage 按摩

Dolphin Sauna大白豚桑拿

ambulance 救护车 flu 流行性感冒 nurse 护士 police 警察 stomach ache 胃痛 diarrhea 腹泻 pharmacist 药剂师 first aid 急救

turn left 向左转 straight ahead 一直走 above 在…上面 Left 左边 In front 在…前面 in front of在…前面 near 在旁边 underneath在…下面 go past 走过 block 街区/堵住 North 北

East 东

hot tub 泡澡 pedicure 修脚 foot massage 洗脚

beauty center 美容中心



Health & Fitness 康体

GYM 健身房 working out 健身 driving range 高尔夫练习场 running machine跑步机 shower 淋浴 shorts 短裤

swimming cap 泳帽

Approaching a stranger 与陌生人交流用语

Hello. May I ask you something? 你好,能问你些问题吗? Excuse me. 打搅了。

Sorry to bother you, Sir.


Laundry 洗衣

Washer 洗衣机 dry clean 干洗 tear 撕开

fade 褪

Basic vocabulary 基础词汇

Service 服务 Tip 小费 Highway 公路 Street 街 Entrance 入口 look for 找 buy 买 average 平均 Availability 有效性 Reconsider 重新考虑 Business travelers 商务旅客 money exchange 换外汇

Exchange currencies / change money货币兑换 enjoy-your-stay祝你来访期间过得愉快!

Fitness training健身锻炼 lifting 举重 swimming pool泳池 weighing scales体重计 towel 毛巾

swimming costume泳衣

dryer 烘干机 rip 裂口 stain

contact 联系 Luxury 华贵、奢侈 road 路 exit 出口 sign 标记 sell 卖 strategy 策略 Registration 登记 Upgrade 升级

Leisure travelers 休闲旅客 Impulse 推动 Exchange rate 汇率



Chinese & English grammar differences

1) There are some major differences in the language structures of English and Chinese.

Chinese has much less grammar than English and, being ideograph-based, cannot alter the ?spelling? of a word to express a change in meaning as we do in English.

Chinese has no prefixes or suffixes as in English, and instead uses auxiliary words to express moods, cases, tenses and voices.

A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning.

Here are some examples of English prefixes: a- (aside, aback, aglow) glow = 光亮 aglow = 发亮的 ab- (abstract, absorb,) sorb = 吸附 absorb = 吸收 anti- (anti-aircraft, anti-climax) aircraft = 航空器 anti-aircraft = 防空用的

Here are some examples of English suffixes:

Inflectional suffixes:

Inflection changes grammatical properties of a word within its syntactic category.

In the example: The weather forecaster said it would clear today, but it hasn't cleared at all. the suffix -ed inflects the root-word clear to indicate past tense.

Here are some inflectional suffixes in present day English: S ed ing en ?s er est n't

e.g. Finish finishing finished finishes finisher -

Derivational suffixes: In the example:

\ the suffix -ly modifies the root-word clear from an adjective into an adverb. Derivation can also form a semantically distinct word within the same syntactic category. In this example:

\like clearish!\

The suffix -ish modifies the root-word clear, changing its meaning to \clear, but not very clear\

Some derivational suffixes in present day English: ize rational (rationalize) fy stuff (stuffy) ly skillful (skillfully) able favor (favorable)



ful color (colorful) less loss (lossless) ment improve (improvement) al recreation (recreational) 2) 2. Chinese has almost no use for small words like prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries: in, at, to, of, for..... e.g. – 我想去淘金吧 (I want go Gold Rush bar.) The correct English is: I want to go to the Gold Rush bar. A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. e.g. - The book is on the table. The book is beneath the table.

The book is leaning against the table. The book is beside the table. She held the book over the table. She read the book during class.

Coordinating Conjunctions:

And but or yet for nor so

(It may help you remember these conjunctions by recalling that they all have fewer than four letters. Also, remember the acronym FANBOYS: For-And-Nor-But-Or-Yet-So. Be careful of the words then and now; neither is a coordinating conjunction, so what we say about coordinating conjunctions' roles in a sentence and punctuation does not apply to those two words.)

And - \But – “This is a useful rule, but difficult to remember.” Or - \or you can fail.\

Yet – “John plays basketball well, yet his favorite sport is football.”

For – “John thought he had a good chance to get the job, for his father was one of the company's board of Directors.”

Nor – “That is neither what I said nor what I meant.”

So – “Martin is not the only Olympic athlete in his family, so are his brother, sister, and his Uncle Smith too.”

? The word 'no' does not exist in Chinese. 'He drink not.' (他喝不?) Correct English should be “Would he like a drink or not”?

? Chinese has no singular and plural. \Using English, we say “One child, two children, three children, etc. ? Chinese has no gender forms, other than words for 'he, she, it' - which have the same pronunciation. There was previously no gender distinction in pronouns in the spoken & written forms of the pronoun 他 (tā) means 'he', 'she' or 'it'.



However, around the time of the May Fourth Movement, a new written form 她 of the pronoun was created to specifically represent 'she', and 他 is now restricted to meaning 'he'. In writing, 他/她 is used to mean 'he'/'she' (respectively), 它 (tā) to mean 'it' (objects), 牠 (tā) to refer to animals and 祂 (tā) to denote gods. These pronouns are pronounced identically; the difference appears only in writing.

? Chinese has no Nominative or Accusative cases. 'I' and 'me' are the same, as are 'he' and 'him', 'she' and 'her'.

? Chinese has no Genitive case in either verbs or nouns: One word (de) is used to indicate possession. 'I = me & I de (的)' is 'my' or 'mine'. Etc. e.g – My best friend is in USA. That money is mine.

? Chinese has no expressions for Dative, Ablative or Locative cases: 'I give she book.' (我给她书) 'I go store.' (我去商店) 'I live Shanghai.??Thank you answer me'. (谢谢回答我)

Using English, we would say:”I gave her a book” “I will go to the store” or “I live in Shanghai.” Or “thank you for answering me”.

? Chinese verbs do not express time, but simply action, so Chinese has no verb tenses.

Time expressions are done with temporal adverbs.

e.g.:- 'He future travel.' (他将来旅行) 'I tomorrow shop.' (我明天购物)

Using English, we would say: “He will travel in the future” or “I will go shopping tomorrow.”

? Our need for the verb 'to be' is a non-existent concept - 'I am going'; Chinese says, 'I go', or ?I will happy?, (我会开心)or ?We will always together?. (我们会永远在一起)

Using English, we would say: “I will be happy” or “We will always be together.”

? Chinese does not have hundreds of words that function as different parts of

speech with minor variations in spelling, like 'hesitate, hesitant, hesitated, hesitation, hesitating ...'. 'Don't be hesitated ...' makes perfect sense in Chinese.

e.g.: - 1. Embarrassment caused me to hesitate. 2. She was hesitant about accepting the invitation. 3. I hesitated before answering the question. 4. She replied without hesitating. 5. Hesitation causes delay.

? Chinese has no negative questions. Never say to a Chinese friend 'You aren't going to the party, are you?' If he?s not going, he will answer, “Yes”. But he should reply “No”.

? There is trouble with large numbers. English has a name for ones, tens, hundreds, thousands and millions.

We have no name for ten thousand or one hundred thousand - we just say 'ten of those back there' or 'one hundred of those back there'.

Chinese has names for ten thousand and one hundred thousand, so translating the cost of a $250,000 house will likely produce either 25 hundred thousands ($2.5 million) or 2.5 ten thousands ($25,000).


