9B Unit 4 life on Mars Grammar

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Unit 4 Grammar复合句变简单句( 二 )


一、用介词短语把状语从句换成简单句 when 所引导的时间状语从句1. She started to learn drawing when she was seven. at the age of seven. She started to learn drawing________________ 2.Neil Armstrong received his student pilot 's licence when he was 16. Neil Armstrong received his student pilot 's licence at the age of 16 _______________


because 引导的原因状语从句 3.He could not go to the party because he hadtoo much homework. He could not go to the party because of too

much homework .4.People might float in space because the gravity is low. because of People might float in space __________________________________. the low gravity


if 所引导的条件状语从句5.He could not solve this problem if he has no help.without help . He could not solve this problem _____________ 6.Humans cannot svrvive if there is no food, water or oxygen.without food, water or oxygen. Humans cannot svrvive ______________________


用介词短语把状语从句换成简单句at the age of … 1.“when+从句”转换成___________ because of … 2.“because +从句”转换成 _________without 3.“if 的否定句”转换成 __________


Exercise1.Neil Armstrong took his first flight when he was only six. ( at the age of ) _______________________________________. Neil Armstrong took his first flight at the age of six2.Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into outer space at the age of 27. ( when )Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into outer space _____________________________________ __ he was 27 when



3.People might move to another planet in the future because the population on the earth is increasing rapidly. (because of ) People might move to another planet in the future _______________________________________ because of the rapid increase in population on the Earth _____________________________. 4.It would be funny to play football on Mars because of the low gravity. (because) It would be funny to play football on Mars ______________________________________ because the gravity is low _____________________.


5.If there is no fresh food ,meals will not be as tasty as they are today. ( without) Meals will not be as tasty as they are today _______________________________________ ___________________. without fresh food 6.Without special boots , you cannot walk on Mars. ( if …… not ) You cannot walk on Mars if you do not wear _______________________________________ special boots ____________.


二、用介词把宾语从句换成简单句1. I am sure that the concert tickets will be expensive. I am sure about the high price for the ___________________________________ concert tickets . ______________ 2.Are they sure that space travel will be very fast? Are they sure about the fast speed of space ______________________________________ travel ? ______


3.The smell of the pills reminds them that food on the earth is tasty. The s

mell of the pills reminds them of the tasty _______________________________________ food on the earth ______________________ 4.The photos remind me that I travelled to the UK five years ago. The photos remind me of my trip to the UK _______________________________________ five years ago _______________


5.Are you certain that Tom is satisfied with the plan ? _____________________________________ Are you certain about Tom' s satisfaction with the plan ? ____________be sure that … = be sure about / of

remind sb that … = remind sb of sthbe certain that … = be certain about


1.Are you aware how far Mars is away from the sun ? Are you aware_________________________ of the distance between Mars ____________ and the sun (distance)?be in agreement意见一致be aware of 知道 意识到

agree with

2.Are scientists in agreement that living on Mars would be possible for humans in the future? with the possibility of living Do scientists agree _______________________ on Mars for humans in the future (possibility)? ___________________________


3.Do they think that the low gravity on Mars might be a problem? Have they thought _______________________ about the problem of _______________________ the low gravity on Mars ( problem ) ?think about be aware of 知道 意识到 4.Are you aware what transport could be like on Mars? of the transport on Mars Are you aware _________________________ ( transport )?


5.I wonder how many people would like to move to Mars. about the number of people I wonder ______________________________ who would like to move to Mars .( number ) ___________________________wonder about 想知道 / 对…感到奇怪 wonder at 表示惊讶 wonder about 表示怀疑

6.I think people should know that life on Mars would be different from that on the Earth. the differences I think people should know _______________ ___________________________ differences ). between life on Mars and that on the(Earth


三、用介词把定语从句换成简单句1.I prefer to stay on a hotel room which has a sea view. I prefer to stay on a hotel room with a sea view.2.People might live in houses which have huge comfortable rooms. _______________________________________ People might live in houses with huge comfortable rooms _______________ .


3.On Mars you might see people who wear special boots. On Mars you might see people in special boots. 4.The man who wears a blue shirt is our English teacher. ______________________________________ The man in a blue shirt is our English teacher.



Simon is writing about Mars. Rewrite the defining relative clauses in simple sentences with the preposition with or in. with 1.Mars is a planet that has an environment

similar to that of the Earth. in 2.Astronauts who wear space suits and helmets might stay on Mars for hours. with 3.It is difficult to breathe on a planet that has much thinner air than that on the Earth. with 4.On Mars there might be people who carry air tanks on their backs.



Simon is

interested in stories about aliens. He even writes to aliens. Replace each of th underlined parts in his letter with another expression.

Dear aliens, doubt about / of 怀疑 Humans are thinking about moving to another becausethe of pollution the serious planet ( 1 )because onpollution the Earth on is very )that the serious. Earth Many people do not doubt ( 2 about lifethe on Mars wouldlife be very interesting, but I am interesting on Mars not sure. We could not play football on mars ( 3 ) because gravity is low .Life would be boring becausethe of the low gravity for me ( 4 ) if I couldplaying not playfootball football . without


Maybe this problem could be solved by building indoor playgrounds ( with 5 ) which have football the same the same football fields ason those the Earth. fields as those theon Earth. By the way,would strangers be welcome ? I hope to hear from you soon.

